XCharts Homepage
XCharts Configuration
XCharts FAQ
- AnimationStyleHelper
- AxisContext
- AxisHandler
- AxisHelper
- BarChart
- BaseChart
- BaseGraph
- CandlestickChart
- ChartCached
- ChartConst
- ChartDrawer
- ChartHelper
- ChartLabel
- ChartObject
- CheckHelper
- ColorUtil
- ComponentHandlerAttribute
- ComponentHelper
- CoordOptionsAttribute
- DataZoomContext
- DataZoomHelper
- DateTimeUtil
- DefaultAnimationAttribute
- DefineSymbolsUtil
- FormatterHelper
- GridCoordContext
- HeatmapChart
- InteractData
- LayerHelper
- LegendContext
- LegendHelper
- LegendItem
- LineChart
- ListFor
- ListForComponent
- ListForSerie
- MainComponentContext
- MainComponentHandler
- MainComponentHandler
- MathUtil
- [ObjectPool where T](#ObjectPool where T)
- Painter
- ParallelChart
- ParallelCoordContext
- PieChart
- PolarChart
- PolarCoordContext
- ProgressBar
- PropertyUtil
- RadarChart
- RadarCoordContext
- ReflectionUtil
- RequireChartComponentAttribute
- RingChart
- RuntimeUtil
- ScatterChart
- SerieContext
- SerieConvertAttribute
- SerieDataContext
- SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute
- SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute
- SerieExtraComponentAttribute
- SerieHandler
- SerieHandler
- SerieHandlerAttribute
- SerieHelper
- SerieLabelHelper
- SerieLabelPool
- SerieParams
- SeriesHelper
- SimplifiedBarChart
- SimplifiedCandlestickChart
- SimplifiedLineChart
- SVGImage
- SVGPath
- SVGPathSeg
- TooltipContext
- TooltipData
- TooltipHelper
- TooltipView
- TooltipViewItem
- UGLExample
- UGLHelper
- VisualMapContext
- VisualMapHelper
- XChartsMgr
- XCResourceImporterWindow
- XCThemeMgr
public method | description |
CheckDataAnimation() |
public static float CheckDataAnimation(BaseChart chart, Serie serie, int dataIndex, float destProgress, float startPorgress = 0) |
GetAnimationPosition() |
public static bool GetAnimationPosition(AnimationStyle animation, bool isY, Vector3 lp, Vector3 cp, float progress, ref Vector3 ip) |
UpdateAnimationType() |
public static void UpdateAnimationType(AnimationStyle animation, AnimationType defaultType) |
UpdateSerieAnimation() |
public static void UpdateSerieAnimation(Serie serie) |
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentHandler
public method | description |
AdjustCircleLabelPos() |
public static void AdjustCircleLabelPos(ChartLabel txt, Vector3 pos, Vector3 cenPos, float txtHig, Vector3 offset) |
AdjustMinMaxValue() |
public static void AdjustMinMaxValue(Axis axis, ref double minValue, ref double maxValue, bool needFormat, int ceilRate = 0) 调整最大最小值 |
AdjustRadiusAxisLabelPos() |
public static void AdjustRadiusAxisLabelPos(ChartLabel txt, Vector3 pos, Vector3 cenPos, float txtHig, Vector3 offset) |
GetAxisLineArrowOffset() |
public static float GetAxisLineArrowOffset(Axis axis) 包含箭头偏移的轴线长度 |
GetAxisPosition() |
public static float GetAxisPosition(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, double value, int dataCount = 0, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetAxisPositionValue() |
public static double GetAxisPositionValue(float xy, float axisLength, double axisRange, float axisStart, float axisOffset) |
GetAxisPositionValue() |
public static double GetAxisPositionValue(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, Vector3 pos) |
GetAxisValueDistance() |
public static float GetAxisValueDistance(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, float scaleWidth, double value) 获得数值value在坐标轴上相对起点的距离 |
GetAxisValueLength() |
public static float GetAxisValueLength(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, float scaleWidth, double value) 获得数值value在坐标轴上对应的长度 |
GetAxisValuePosition() |
public static float GetAxisValuePosition(GridCoord grid, Axis axis, float scaleWidth, double value) 获得数值value在坐标轴上的坐标位置 |
GetDataWidth() |
public static float GetDataWidth(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, int dataCount, DataZoom dataZoom) 获得一个类目数据在坐标系中代表的宽度 |
GetEachWidth() |
public static float GetEachWidth(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetScaleNumber() |
public static int GetScaleNumber(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得分割线条数 |
GetScaleWidth() |
public static float GetScaleWidth(Axis axis, float coordinateWidth, int index, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得分割段宽度 |
GetSplitNumber() |
public static int GetSplitNumber(Axis axis, float coordinateWid, DataZoom dataZoom) 获得分割段数 |
NeedShowSplit() |
public static bool NeedShowSplit(Axis axis) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: BaseGraph,ISerializationCallbackReceiver
public method | description |
AddChartComponent() |
public MainComponent AddChartComponent(Type type) |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, DateTime time, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add a (time,y) data to serie. |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, double data, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add a data to serie. |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, double open, double close, double lowest, double heighest, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, double xValue, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add a (x,y) data to serie. |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(int serieIndex, List multidimensionalData, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add an arbitray dimension data to serie,such as (x,y,z,...). |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(string serieName, DateTime time, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add a (time,y) data to serie. |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(string serieName, double data, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add a data to serie. |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(string serieName, double open, double close, double lowest, double heighest, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(string serieName, double xValue, double yValue, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add a (x,y) data to serie. |
AddData() |
public SerieData AddData(string serieName, List multidimensionalData, string dataName = null, string dataId = null) Add an arbitray dimension data to serie,such as (x,y,z,...). |
AddXAxisData() |
public void AddXAxisData(string category, int xAxisIndex = 0) Add a category data to xAxis. |
AddXAxisIcon() |
public void AddXAxisIcon(Sprite icon, int xAxisIndex = 0) Add an icon to xAxis. |
AddYAxisData() |
public void AddYAxisData(string category, int yAxisIndex = 0) Add a category data to yAxis. |
AddYAxisIcon() |
public void AddYAxisIcon(Sprite icon, int yAxisIndex = 0) Add an icon to yAxis. |
AnimationEnable() |
public void AnimationEnable(bool flag) Whether series animation enabel. |
AnimationFadeIn() |
public void AnimationFadeIn() fadeIn animation. |
AnimationFadeOut() |
public void AnimationFadeOut() fadeIn animation. |
AnimationPause() |
public void AnimationPause() Pause animation. |
AnimationReset() |
public void AnimationReset() Reset animation. |
AnimationResume() |
public void AnimationResume() Stop play animation. |
CanAddChartComponent() |
public bool CanAddChartComponent(Type type) |
CanAddSerie() |
public bool CanAddSerie(Type type) |
CanMultipleComponent() |
public bool CanMultipleComponent(Type type) |
ClampInChart() |
public void ClampInChart(ref Vector3 pos) |
ClampInGrid() |
public Vector3 ClampInGrid(GridCoord grid, Vector3 pos) |
ClearData() |
public virtual void ClearData() Remove all series and legend data. |
ClickLegendButton() |
public void ClickLegendButton(int legendIndex, string legendName, bool show) 点击图例按钮 |
CovertSerie() |
public bool CovertSerie(Serie serie, Type type) |
CovertXYAxis() |
public void CovertXYAxis(int index) 转换X轴和Y轴的配置 |
GenerateDefaultSerieName() |
public string GenerateDefaultSerieName() |
GetAllSerieDataCount() |
public int GetAllSerieDataCount() |
GetChartBackgroundColor() |
public Color32 GetChartBackgroundColor() |
GetChartComponentNum() |
public int GetChartComponentNum(Type type) |
GetData() |
public double GetData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, int dimension = 1) |
GetData() |
public double GetData(string serieName, int dataIndex, int dimension = 1) |
GetDataZoomOfAxis() |
public DataZoom GetDataZoomOfAxis(Axis axis) |
GetDataZoomOfSerie() |
public void GetDataZoomOfSerie(Serie serie, out DataZoom xDataZoom, out DataZoom yDataZoom) |
GetGrid() |
public GridCoord GetGrid(Vector2 local) |
GetGridOfDataZoom() |
public GridCoord GetGridOfDataZoom(DataZoom dataZoom) |
GetItemColor() |
public Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie, bool highlight = false) |
GetItemColor() |
public Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, bool highlight = false) |
GetLegendRealShowNameColor() |
public Color32 GetLegendRealShowNameColor(string name) |
GetLegendRealShowNameIndex() |
public int GetLegendRealShowNameIndex(string name) |
GetPainter() |
public Painter GetPainter(int index) |
GetSerie() |
public Serie GetSerie(int serieIndex) |
GetSerie() |
public Serie GetSerie(string serieName) |
GetSeriesMinMaxValue() |
public virtual void GetSeriesMinMaxValue(Axis axis, int axisIndex, out double tempMinValue, out double tempMaxValue) |
GetTitlePosition() |
public Vector3 GetTitlePosition(Title title) |
GetVisualMapOfSerie() |
public VisualMap GetVisualMapOfSerie(Serie serie) |
GetXLerpColor() |
public Color32 GetXLerpColor(Color32 areaColor, Color32 areaToColor, Vector3 pos, GridCoord grid) |
GetYLerpColor() |
public Color32 GetYLerpColor(Color32 areaColor, Color32 areaToColor, Vector3 pos, GridCoord grid) |
HasChartComponent() |
public bool HasChartComponent(Type type) |
HasChartComponent<T>() |
public bool HasChartComponent() |
HasSerie() |
public bool HasSerie(Type type) |
Init() |
public void Init(bool defaultChart = true) |
InitAxisRuntimeData() |
public virtual void InitAxisRuntimeData(Axis axis) |
InsertSerie() |
public void InsertSerie(Serie serie, int index = -1, bool addToHead = false) |
Internal_CheckAnimation() |
public void Internal_CheckAnimation() |
IsActiveByLegend() |
public virtual bool IsActiveByLegend(string legendName) Whether serie is activated. |
IsAllAxisCategory() |
public bool IsAllAxisCategory() 纯类目轴。 |
IsAllAxisValue() |
public bool IsAllAxisValue() reutrn true when all the show axis is Value type. |
IsInAnyGrid() |
public bool IsInAnyGrid(Vector2 local) |
IsInChart() |
public bool IsInChart(float x, float y) |
IsInChart() |
public bool IsInChart(Vector2 local) 坐标是否在图表范围内 |
IsSerieName() |
public bool IsSerieName(string name) |
MoveDownSerie() |
public bool MoveDownSerie(int serieIndex) |
MoveUpSerie() |
public bool MoveUpSerie(int serieIndex) |
OnAfterDeserialize() |
public void OnAfterDeserialize() |
OnBeforeSerialize() |
public void OnBeforeSerialize() |
OnBeginDrag() |
public override void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnDataZoomRangeChanged() |
public virtual void OnDataZoomRangeChanged(DataZoom dataZoom) |
OnDrag() |
public override void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnEndDrag() |
public override void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnLegendButtonClick() |
public virtual void OnLegendButtonClick(int index, string legendName, bool show) |
OnLegendButtonEnter() |
public virtual void OnLegendButtonEnter(int index, string legendName) |
OnLegendButtonExit() |
public virtual void OnLegendButtonExit(int index, string legendName) |
OnPointerClick() |
public override void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerDown() |
public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerEnter() |
public override void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerExit() |
public override void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerUp() |
public override void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnScroll() |
public override void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) |
RefreshBasePainter() |
public void RefreshBasePainter() |
RefreshChart() |
public void RefreshChart() Redraw chart in next frame. |
RefreshChart() |
public void RefreshChart(int serieIndex) Redraw chart serie in next frame. |
RefreshChart() |
public void RefreshChart(Serie serie) Redraw chart serie in next frame. |
RefreshDataZoom() |
public void RefreshDataZoom() 在下一帧刷新DataZoom |
RefreshPainter() |
public void RefreshPainter(int index) |
RefreshPainter() |
public void RefreshPainter(Serie serie) |
RefreshTopPainter() |
public void RefreshTopPainter() |
RemoveAllChartComponent() |
public void RemoveAllChartComponent() |
RemoveChartComponent() |
public bool RemoveChartComponent(MainComponent component) |
RemoveChartComponent() |
public bool RemoveChartComponent(Type type, int index = 0) |
RemoveChartComponent<T>() |
public bool RemoveChartComponent(int index = 0) |
RemoveChartComponents() |
public int RemoveChartComponents(Type type) |
RemoveChartComponents<T>() |
public int RemoveChartComponents() |
RemoveData() |
public virtual void RemoveData() Remove all data from series and legend. |
RemoveData() |
public virtual void RemoveData(string serieName) Remove legend and serie by name. |
RemoveSerie() |
public void RemoveSerie(int serieIndex) |
RemoveSerie() |
public void RemoveSerie(Serie serie) |
RemoveSerie() |
public void RemoveSerie(string serieName) |
ReplaceSerie() |
public bool ReplaceSerie(Serie oldSerie, Serie newSerie) |
SetBasePainterMaterial() |
public void SetBasePainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Base Painter的材质球 |
SetMaxCache() |
public void SetMaxCache(int maxCache) 设置可缓存的最大数据量。当数据量超过该值时,会自动删除第一个值再加入最新值。 |
SetPainterActive() |
public void SetPainterActive(int index, bool flag) |
SetSerieActive() |
public void SetSerieActive(int serieIndex, bool active) Whether to show serie. |
SetSerieActive() |
public void SetSerieActive(Serie serie, bool active) |
SetSerieActive() |
public void SetSerieActive(string serieName, bool active) Whether to show serie. |
SetSeriePainterMaterial() |
public void SetSeriePainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Serie Painter的材质球 |
SetTopPainterMaterial() |
public void SetTopPainterMaterial(Material material) 设置Top Painter的材质球 |
TryAddChartComponent() |
public bool TryAddChartComponent(Type type) |
TryGetChartComponent<T>() |
public bool TryGetChartComponent(out T component, int index = 0) |
UdpateXAxisIcon() |
public void UdpateXAxisIcon(int index, Sprite icon, int xAxisIndex = 0) Update xAxis icon. |
UpdateData() |
public bool UpdateData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, double value) Update serie data by serie index. |
UpdateData() |
public bool UpdateData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, int dimension, double value) 更新指定系列指定索引指定维数的数据。维数从0开始。 |
UpdateData() |
public bool UpdateData(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, List multidimensionalData) 更新指定系列指定索引的数据项的多维数据。 |
UpdateData() |
public bool UpdateData(string serieName, int dataIndex, double value) Update serie data by serie name. |
UpdateData() |
public bool UpdateData(string serieName, int dataIndex, int dimension, double value) 更新指定系列指定索引指定维数的数据。维数从0开始。 |
UpdateData() |
public bool UpdateData(string serieName, int dataIndex, List multidimensionalData) 更新指定系列指定索引的数据项的多维数据。 |
UpdateDataName() |
public bool UpdateDataName(int serieIndex, int dataIndex, string dataName) Update serie data name. |
UpdateDataName() |
public bool UpdateDataName(string serieName, int dataIndex, string dataName) Update serie data name. |
UpdateLegendColor() |
public virtual void UpdateLegendColor(string legendName, bool active) |
UpdateTheme() |
public bool UpdateTheme(ThemeType theme) Update chart theme. |
UpdateTheme() |
public void UpdateTheme(Theme theme) Update chart theme info. |
UpdateXAxisData() |
public void UpdateXAxisData(int index, string category, int xAxisIndex = 0) Update category data. |
UpdateYAxisData() |
public void UpdateYAxisData(int index, string category, int yAxisIndex = 0) Update category data. |
UpdateYAxisIcon() |
public void UpdateYAxisIcon(int index, Sprite icon, int yAxisIndex = 0) 更新Y轴图标。 |
Inherits or Implemented: MaskableGraphic,IPointerDownHandler,IPointerUpHandler,
public method | description |
CheckWarning() |
public string CheckWarning() 检测警告信息。 |
OnBeginDrag() |
public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnDrag() |
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnEndDrag() |
public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerClick() |
public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerDown() |
public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerEnter() |
public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerExit() |
public virtual void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnPointerUp() |
public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) |
OnScroll() |
public virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) |
RebuildChartObject() |
public void RebuildChartObject() 移除并重新创建所有图表的Object。 |
RefreshAllComponent() |
public void RefreshAllComponent() |
RefreshGraph() |
public void RefreshGraph() Redraw graph in next frame. |
ScreenPointToChartPoint() |
public bool ScreenPointToChartPoint(Vector2 screenPoint, out Vector2 chartPoint) |
SetPainterDirty() |
public void SetPainterDirty() 重新初始化Painter |
SetSize() |
public virtual void SetSize(float width, float height) 设置图形的宽高(在非stretch pivot下才有效,其他情况需要自己调整RectTransform) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
public method | description |
ColorToDotStr() |
public static string ColorToDotStr(Color color) |
ColorToStr() |
public static string ColorToStr(Color color) |
FloatToStr() |
public static string FloatToStr(double value, string numericFormatter = "F", int precision = 0) |
GetSerieLabelName() |
public static string GetSerieLabelName(string prefix, int i, int j) |
IntToStr() |
public static string IntToStr(int value, string numericFormatter = "") |
NumberToStr() |
public static string NumberToStr(double value, string formatter) |
public method | description |
ActiveAllObject() |
public static void ActiveAllObject(Transform parent, bool active, string match = null) |
AddIcon() |
public static Image AddIcon(string name, Transform parent, IconStyle iconStyle) |
Cancat() |
public static string Cancat(string str1, int i) |
Cancat() |
public static string Cancat(string str1, string str2) |
ClearEventListener() |
public static void ClearEventListener(GameObject obj) |
CopyArray<T>() |
public static bool CopyArray(T[] toList, T[] fromList) |
CopyList<T>() |
public static bool CopyList(List toList, List fromList) |
DestoryGameObject() |
public static void DestoryGameObject(GameObject go) |
DestoryGameObject() |
public static void DestoryGameObject(Transform parent, string childName) |
DestoryGameObjectByMatch() |
public static void DestoryGameObjectByMatch(Transform parent, string match) |
DestroyAllChildren() |
public static void DestroyAllChildren(Transform parent) |
GetActualValue() |
public static float GetActualValue(float valueOrRate, float total, float maxRate = 1.5f) |
GetAngle360() |
public static float GetAngle360(Vector2 from, Vector2 to) 获得0-360的角度(12点钟方向为0度) |
GetColor() |
public static Color32 GetColor(string hexColorStr) |
GetDire() |
public static Vector3 GetDire(float angle, bool isDegree = false) |
GetFloatAccuracy() |
public static int GetFloatAccuracy(double value) |
GetFullName() |
public static string GetFullName(Transform transform) |
GetHighlightColor() |
public static Color32 GetHighlightColor(Color32 color, float rate = 0.8f) |
GetLastValue() |
public static Vector3 GetLastValue(List list) |
GetMaxDivisibleValue() |
public static double GetMaxDivisibleValue(double max, int ceilRate) |
GetMaxLogValue() |
public static double GetMaxLogValue(double value, float logBase, bool isLogBaseE, out int splitNumber) |
GetMinDivisibleValue() |
public static double GetMinDivisibleValue(double min, int ceilRate) |
GetMinLogValue() |
public static double GetMinLogValue(double value, float logBase, bool isLogBaseE, out int splitNumber) |
GetPointList() |
public static void GetPointList(ref List posList, Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep, float k = 30f) |
GetPos() |
public static Vector3 GetPos(Vector3 center, float radius, float angle, bool isDegree = false) |
GetPosition() |
public static Vector3 GetPosition(Vector3 center, float angle, float radius) |
GetVertialDire() |
public static Vector3 GetVertialDire(Vector3 dire) |
HideAllObject() |
public static void HideAllObject(GameObject obj, string match = null) |
HideAllObject() |
public static void HideAllObject(Transform parent, string match = null) |
IsClearColor() |
public static bool IsClearColor(Color color) |
IsClearColor() |
public static bool IsClearColor(Color32 color) |
IsColorAlphaZero() |
public static bool IsColorAlphaZero(Color color) |
IsEquals() |
public static bool IsEquals(double d1, double d2) |
IsEquals() |
public static bool IsEquals(float d1, float d2) |
IsIngore() |
public static bool IsIngore(Vector3 pos) |
IsInRect() |
public static bool IsInRect(Vector3 pos, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax) |
IsPointInQuadrilateral() |
public static bool IsPointInQuadrilateral(Vector3 P, Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Vector3 C, Vector3 D) |
IsValueEqualsColor() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color color1, Color color2) |
IsValueEqualsColor() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color32 color1, Color32 color2) |
IsValueEqualsList<T>() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsList(List list1, List list2) |
IsValueEqualsString() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsString(string str1, string str2) |
IsValueEqualsVector2() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsVector2(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
IsValueEqualsVector3() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsVector3(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
IsZeroVector() |
public static bool IsZeroVector(Vector3 pos) |
ParseFloatFromString() |
public static List ParseFloatFromString(string jsonData) |
ParseStringFromString() |
public static List ParseStringFromString(string jsonData) |
RemoveComponent<T>() |
public static void RemoveComponent(GameObject gameObject) |
RotateRound() |
public static Vector3 RotateRound(Vector3 position, Vector3 center, Vector3 axis, float angle) |
SetActive() |
public static void SetActive(GameObject gameObject, bool active) |
SetActive() |
public static void SetActive(Image image, bool active) |
SetActive() |
public static void SetActive(Text text, bool active) |
SetActive() |
public static void SetActive(Transform transform, bool active) 通过设置scale实现是否显示,优化性能,减少GC |
SetColorOpacity() |
public static void SetColorOpacity(ref Color32 color, float opacity) |
Inherits or Implemented: Image
public method | description |
GetHeight() |
public float GetHeight() |
GetPosition() |
public Vector3 GetPosition() |
GetTextHeight() |
public float GetTextHeight() |
GetTextWidth() |
public float GetTextWidth() |
GetWidth() |
public float GetWidth() |
SetActive() |
public void SetActive(bool flag) |
SetIcon() |
public void SetIcon(Image image) |
SetIconActive() |
public void SetIconActive(bool flag) |
SetIconSize() |
public void SetIconSize(float width, float height) |
SetIconSprite() |
public void SetIconSprite(Sprite sprite) |
SetPadding() |
public void SetPadding(float[] padding) |
SetPosition() |
public void SetPosition(Vector3 position) |
SetRectPosition() |
public void SetRectPosition(Vector3 position) |
SetSize() |
public void SetSize(float width, float height) |
SetText() |
public bool SetText(string text) |
SetTextActive() |
public void SetTextActive(bool flag) |
SetTextColor() |
public void SetTextColor(Color color) |
SetTextPadding() |
public void SetTextPadding(TextPadding padding) |
SetTextRotate() |
public void SetTextRotate(float rotate) |
UpdateIcon() |
public void UpdateIcon(IconStyle iconStyle, Sprite sprite = null) |
public method | description |
Destroy() |
public virtual void Destroy() |
public method | description |
CheckChart() |
public static string CheckChart(BaseChart chart) |
CheckChart() |
public static string CheckChart(BaseGraph chart) |
public method | description |
GetColor() |
public static Color32 GetColor(string hexColorStr) Convert the html string to color. |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
ComponentHandlerAttribute() |
public ComponentHandlerAttribute(Type handler) |
ComponentHandlerAttribute() |
public ComponentHandlerAttribute(Type handler, bool allowMultiple) |
public method | description |
GetAngleAxis() |
public static AngleAxis GetAngleAxis(List components, int polarIndex) |
GetRadiusAxis() |
public static RadiusAxis GetRadiusAxis(List components, int polarIndex) |
GetXAxisOnZeroOffset() |
public static float GetXAxisOnZeroOffset(List components, XAxis axis) |
GetYAxisOnZeroOffset() |
public static float GetYAxisOnZeroOffset(List components, YAxis axis) |
IsAnyCategoryOfYAxis() |
public static bool IsAnyCategoryOfYAxis(List components) |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
CoordOptionsAttribute() |
public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord) |
CoordOptionsAttribute() |
public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord, Type coord2) |
CoordOptionsAttribute() |
public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord, Type coord2, Type coord3) |
CoordOptionsAttribute() |
public CoordOptionsAttribute(Type coord, Type coord2, Type coord3, Type coord4) |
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
public method | description |
UpdateDataZoomRuntimeStartEndValue() |
public static void UpdateDataZoomRuntimeStartEndValue(DataZoom dataZoom, Serie serie) |
public method | description |
GetDateTime() |
public static DateTime GetDateTime(int timestamp) |
GetTimestamp() |
public static int GetTimestamp() |
GetTimestamp() |
public static int GetTimestamp(DateTime time) |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
DefaultAnimationAttribute() |
public DefaultAnimationAttribute(AnimationType handler) |
public method | description |
AddGlobalDefine() |
public static void AddGlobalDefine(string symbol) |
RemoveGlobalDefine() |
public static void RemoveGlobalDefine(string symbol) |
public method | description |
NeedFormat() |
public static bool NeedFormat(string content) |
ReplaceAxisLabelContent() |
public static void ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref string content, string numericFormatter, double value) |
ReplaceAxisLabelContent() |
public static void ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref string content, string value) |
TrimAndReplaceLine() |
public static string TrimAndReplaceLine(string content) |
TrimAndReplaceLine() |
public static string TrimAndReplaceLine(StringBuilder sb) |
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
public method | description |
Reset() |
public void Reset() |
SetColor() |
public void SetColor(ref bool needInteract, Color32 color) |
SetColor() |
public void SetColor(ref bool needInteract, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) |
SetValue() |
public void SetValue(ref bool needInteract, float size) |
SetValue() |
public void SetValue(ref bool needInteract, float size, bool highlight, float rate = 1.3f) |
SetValueAndColor() |
public void SetValueAndColor(ref bool needInteract, float value, Color32 color) |
SetValueAndColor() |
public void SetValueAndColor(ref bool needInteract, float value, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) |
TryGetColor() |
public bool TryGetColor(ref Color32 color, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) |
TryGetColor() |
public bool TryGetColor(ref Color32 color, ref Color32 toColor, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) |
TryGetValue() |
public bool TryGetValue(ref float value, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) |
TryGetValueAndColor() |
public bool TryGetValueAndColor(ref float value, ref Color32 color, ref Color32 toColor, ref bool interacting, float animationDuration = 250) |
public method | description |
IsFixedWidthHeight() |
public static bool IsFixedWidthHeight(RectTransform rt) |
IsStretchPivot() |
public static bool IsStretchPivot(RectTransform rt) |
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
public method | description |
CheckDataHighlighted() |
public static bool CheckDataHighlighted(Serie serie, string legendName, bool heighlight) |
CheckDataShow() |
public static bool CheckDataShow(Serie serie, string legendName, bool show) |
GetContentColor() |
public static Color GetContentColor(int legendIndex, Legend legend, ThemeStyle theme, bool active) |
GetIconColor() |
public static Color GetIconColor(BaseChart chart, Legend legend, int readIndex, string legendName, bool active) |
ResetItemPosition() |
public static void ResetItemPosition(Legend legend, Vector3 chartPos, float chartWidth, float chartHeight) |
public method | description |
GetIconColor() |
public Color GetIconColor() |
GetIconRect() |
public Rect GetIconRect() |
SetActive() |
public void SetActive(bool active) |
SetButton() |
public void SetButton(Button button) |
SetContent() |
public bool SetContent(string content) |
SetContentBackgroundColor() |
public void SetContentBackgroundColor(Color color) |
SetContentColor() |
public void SetContentColor(Color color) |
SetContentPosition() |
public void SetContentPosition(Vector3 offset) |
SetIcon() |
public void SetIcon(Image icon) |
SetIconActive() |
public void SetIconActive(bool active) |
SetIconColor() |
public void SetIconColor(Color color) |
SetIconImage() |
public void SetIconImage(Sprite image) |
SetIconSize() |
public void SetIconSize(float width, float height) |
SetObject() |
public void SetObject(GameObject obj) |
SetPosition() |
public void SetPosition(Vector3 position) |
SetText() |
public void SetText(ChartText text) |
SetTextBackground() |
public void SetTextBackground(Image image) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
ListFor() |
public ListFor(Type type) |
Inherits or Implemented: ListFor
public method | description |
ListForComponent() |
public ListForComponent(Type type) : base(type) |
Inherits or Implemented: ListFor
public method | description |
ListForSerie() |
public ListForSerie(Type type) : base(type) |
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentHandler
public method | description |
Abs() |
public static double Abs(double d) |
Approximately() |
public static bool Approximately(double a, double b) |
Clamp() |
public static double Clamp(double d, double min, double max) |
Clamp01() |
public static double Clamp01(double value) |
Lerp() |
public static double Lerp(double a, double b, double t) |
Inherits or Implemented: new()
public method | description |
ClearAll() |
public void ClearAll() |
Get() |
public T Get() |
new() |
public class ObjectPool where T : new() |
ObjectPool() |
public ObjectPool(UnityAction actionOnGet, UnityAction actionOnRelease, bool newIfEmpty = true) |
Release() |
public void Release(T element) |
Inherits or Implemented: MaskableGraphic
public method | description |
Init() |
public void Init() |
Refresh() |
public void Refresh() |
SetActive() |
public void SetActive(bool flag, bool isDebugMode = false) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
public method | description |
SetColor() |
public static bool SetColor(ref Color currentValue, Color newValue) |
SetColor() |
public static bool SetColor(ref Color32 currentValue, Color32 newValue) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
public method | description |
DeepCloneSerializeField() |
public static object DeepCloneSerializeField(object obj) |
InvokeListAdd() |
public static void InvokeListAdd(object obj, FieldInfo field, object item) |
InvokeListAddTo<T>() |
public static void InvokeListAddTo(object obj, FieldInfo field, Action callback) |
InvokeListClear() |
public static void InvokeListClear(object obj, FieldInfo field) |
InvokeListCount() |
public static int InvokeListCount(object obj, FieldInfo field) |
InvokeListGet<T>() |
public static T InvokeListGet(object obj, FieldInfo field, int i) |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
RequireChartComponentAttribute() |
public RequireChartComponentAttribute(Type requiredComponent) |
RequireChartComponentAttribute() |
public RequireChartComponentAttribute(Type requiredComponent, Type requiredComponent2) |
RequireChartComponentAttribute() |
public RequireChartComponentAttribute(Type requiredComponent, Type requiredComponent2, Type requiredComponent3) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
public method | description |
GetAllAssemblyTypes() |
public static IEnumerable GetAllAssemblyTypes() |
GetAllTypesDerivedFrom() |
public static IEnumerable GetAllTypesDerivedFrom(Type type) |
GetAllTypesDerivedFrom<T>() |
public static IEnumerable GetAllTypesDerivedFrom() |
HasSubclass() |
public static bool HasSubclass(Type type) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
Contains() |
public bool Contains(Type type) |
SerieConvertAttribute() |
public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie) |
SerieConvertAttribute() |
public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie, Type serie2) |
SerieConvertAttribute() |
public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie, Type serie2, Type serie3) |
SerieConvertAttribute() |
public SerieConvertAttribute(Type serie, Type serie2, Type serie3, Type serie4) |
public method | description |
Reset() |
public void Reset() |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
Contains() |
public bool Contains(Type type) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6) |
SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6, Type type7) |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
Contains() |
public bool Contains(string field) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4, string field5) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4, string field5, string field6) |
SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute() |
public SerieDataExtraFieldAttribute(string field1, string field2, string field3, string field4, string field5, string field6, string field7) |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
Contains() |
public bool Contains(Type type) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6) |
SerieExtraComponentAttribute() |
public SerieExtraComponentAttribute(Type type1, Type type2, Type type3, Type type4, Type type5, Type type6, Type type7) |
Inherits or Implemented: [SerieHandler where T](#SerieHandler where T),Serie
public method | description |
GetSerieDataAutoColor() |
public virtual Color GetSerieDataAutoColor(SerieData serieData) |
GetSerieDataLabelOffset() |
public virtual Vector3 GetSerieDataLabelOffset(SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label) |
GetSerieDataLabelPosition() |
public virtual Vector3 GetSerieDataLabelPosition(SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label) |
GetSerieDataTitlePosition() |
public virtual Vector3 GetSerieDataTitlePosition(SerieData serieData, TitleStyle titleStyle) |
InitComponent() |
public override void InitComponent() |
OnLegendButtonClick() |
public override void OnLegendButtonClick(int index, string legendName, bool show) |
OnLegendButtonEnter() |
public override void OnLegendButtonEnter(int index, string legendName) |
OnLegendButtonExit() |
public override void OnLegendButtonExit(int index, string legendName) |
RefreshEndLabelInternal() |
public virtual void RefreshEndLabelInternal() |
RefreshLabelInternal() |
public override void RefreshLabelInternal() |
RefreshLabelNextFrame() |
public override void RefreshLabelNextFrame() |
RemoveComponent() |
public override void RemoveComponent() |
Update() |
public override void Update() |
Inherits or Implemented: Attribute
public method | description |
SerieHandlerAttribute() |
public SerieHandlerAttribute(Type handler) |
SerieHandlerAttribute() |
public SerieHandlerAttribute(Type handler, bool allowMultiple) |
public method | description |
CopySerie() |
public static void CopySerie(Serie oldSerie, Serie newSerie) |
GetAllMinMaxData() |
public static void GetAllMinMaxData(Serie serie, int ceilRate = 0, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetAreaColor() |
public static Color32 GetAreaColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, bool highlight) |
GetAreaStyle() |
public static AreaStyle GetAreaStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
GetAreaToColor() |
public static Color32 GetAreaToColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, bool highlight) |
GetAverageData() |
public static double GetAverageData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetItemColor() |
public static Color32 GetItemColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, bool highlight, bool opacity = true) |
GetItemColor0() |
public static Color32 GetItemColor0(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, bool highlight, Color32 defaultColor) |
GetItemFormatter() |
public static string GetItemFormatter(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, string defaultFormatter = null) |
GetItemMarker() |
public static string GetItemMarker(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, string defaultMarker = null) |
GetItemStyle() |
public static ItemStyle GetItemStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, bool highlight = false) |
GetItemStyleEmphasis() |
public static ItemStyle GetItemStyleEmphasis(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
GetItemToColor() |
public static Color32 GetItemToColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, bool highlight, bool opacity = true) |
GetLineColor() |
public static Color32 GetLineColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, int index, bool highlight) |
GetLineStyle() |
public static LineStyle GetLineStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
GetMaxData() |
public static double GetMaxData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetMaxSerieData() |
public static SerieData GetMaxSerieData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetMedianData() |
public static double GetMedianData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetMinData() |
public static double GetMinData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetMinMaxData() |
public static void GetMinMaxData(Serie serie, out double min, out double max, DataZoom dataZoom = null, int dimension = 0) Gets the maximum and minimum values of all data in the serie. |
GetMinSerieData() |
public static SerieData GetMinSerieData(Serie serie, int dimension = 1, DataZoom dataZoom = null) |
GetNumericFormatter() |
public static string GetNumericFormatter(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, string defaultFormatter = null) |
GetSerieEmphasisLabel() |
public static LabelStyle GetSerieEmphasisLabel(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
GetSerieLabel() |
public static LabelStyle GetSerieLabel(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, bool highlight = false) |
GetSerieLabelLine() |
public static LabelLine GetSerieLabelLine(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, bool highlight = false) |
GetSerieSymbol() |
public static SerieSymbol GetSerieSymbol(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
GetSymbolBorder() |
public static float GetSymbolBorder(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, bool highlight) |
GetSymbolBorder() |
public static float GetSymbolBorder(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, bool highlight, float defaultWidth) |
GetSymbolBorderColor() |
public static Color32 GetSymbolBorderColor(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, ThemeStyle theme, bool highlight) |
GetSymbolCornerRadius() |
public static float[] GetSymbolCornerRadius(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, bool highlight) |
GetTitleStyle() |
public static TitleStyle GetTitleStyle(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
IsAllZeroValue() |
public static bool IsAllZeroValue(Serie serie, int dimension = 1) Whether the data for the specified dimension of serie are all 0. |
IsDownPoint() |
public static bool IsDownPoint(Serie serie, int index) |
UpdateCenter() |
public static void UpdateCenter(Serie serie, Vector3 chartPosition, float chartWidth, float chartHeight) 更新运行时中心点和半径 |
UpdateFilterData() |
public static void UpdateFilterData(Serie serie, DataZoom dataZoom) 根据dataZoom更新数据列表缓存 |
UpdateMinMaxData() |
public static void UpdateMinMaxData(Serie serie, int dimension, int ceilRate = 0, DataZoom dataZoom = null) 获得指定维数的最大最小值 |
UpdateRect() |
public static void UpdateRect(Serie serie, Vector3 chartPosition, float chartWidth, float chartHeight) |
UpdateSerieRuntimeFilterData() |
public static void UpdateSerieRuntimeFilterData(Serie serie, bool filterInvisible = true) |
public method | description |
AvoidLabelOverlap() |
public static void AvoidLabelOverlap(Serie serie, ComponentTheme theme) |
CanShowLabel() |
public static bool CanShowLabel(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label, int dimesion) |
GetLabelColor() |
public static Color GetLabelColor(Serie serie, ThemeStyle theme, int index) |
GetRealLabelPosition() |
public static Vector3 GetRealLabelPosition(Serie serie, SerieData serieData, LabelStyle label, LabelLine labelLine) |
SetGaugeLabelText() |
public static void SetGaugeLabelText(Serie serie) |
UpdatePieLabelPosition() |
public static void UpdatePieLabelPosition(Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
public method | description |
ClearAll() |
public static void ClearAll() |
Release() |
public static void Release(GameObject element) |
ReleaseAll() |
public static void ReleaseAll(Transform parent) |
public method | description |
GetLastStackSerie() |
public static Serie GetLastStackSerie(List series, Serie serie) 获得上一个同堆叠且显示的serie。 |
GetLegalSerieNameList() |
public static List GetLegalSerieNameList(List series) |
GetMaxSerieDataCount() |
public static int GetMaxSerieDataCount(List series) |
GetNameColor() |
public static Color GetNameColor(BaseChart chart, int index, string name) |
GetSerieByVesselIndex() |
public static Serie GetSerieByVesselIndex(List series, int vesselIndex) |
GetStackSeries() |
public static void GetStackSeries(List series, ref Dictionary<int, List> stackSeries) 获得堆叠系列列表 |
IsAnyClipSerie() |
public static bool IsAnyClipSerie(List series) 是否有需裁剪的serie。 |
IsLegalLegendName() |
public static bool IsLegalLegendName(string name) |
IsStack() |
public static bool IsStack(List series) 是否由数据堆叠 |
UpdateSerieNameList() |
public static void UpdateSerieNameList(BaseChart chart, ref List serieNameList) 获得所有系列名,不包含空名字。 |
UpdateStackDataList() |
public static void UpdateStackDataList(List series, Serie currSerie, DataZoom dataZoom, List<List> dataList) |
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
Inherits or Implemented: BaseChart
public method | description |
DrawPath() |
public static void DrawPath(VertexHelper vh, string path) |
DrawPath() |
public static void DrawPath(VertexHelper vh, SVGPath path) |
Test() |
public static void Test(VertexHelper vh) |
Inherits or Implemented: MaskableGraphic
public method | description |
AddSegment() |
public void AddSegment(SVGPathSeg seg) |
Draw() |
public void Draw(VertexHelper vh) |
Parse() |
public static SVGPath Parse(string path) |
public method | description |
SVGPathSeg() |
public SVGPathSeg(SVGPathSegType type) |
public method | description |
GetItemNumericFormatter() |
public static string GetItemNumericFormatter(Tooltip tooltip, Serie serie, SerieData serieData) |
GetLineColor() |
public static Color32 GetLineColor(Tooltip tooltip, ThemeStyle theme) |
IsIgnoreItemFormatter() |
public static bool IsIgnoreItemFormatter(string itemFormatter) |
LimitInRect() |
public static void LimitInRect(Tooltip tooltip, Rect chartRect) |
public method | description |
CreateView() |
public static TooltipView CreateView(Tooltip tooltip, ThemeStyle theme, Transform parent) |
GetCurrentPos() |
public Vector3 GetCurrentPos() |
GetTargetPos() |
public Vector3 GetTargetPos() |
Refresh() |
public void Refresh() |
SetActive() |
public void SetActive(bool flag) |
Update() |
public void Update() |
UpdatePosition() |
public void UpdatePosition(Vector3 pos) |
public method | description |
DrawDiamond() |
public static void DrawDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float size, Color32 color) Draw a diamond. 画菱形(钻石形状) |
DrawDiamond() |
public static void DrawDiamond(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float size, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) Draw a diamond. 画菱形(钻石形状) |
DrawEllipse() |
public static void DrawEllipse(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float w, float h, Color32 color, float smoothness = 1) |
DrawLine() |
public static void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh, List points, float width, Color32 color, bool smooth, bool closepath = false) |
DrawLine() |
public static void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, float width, Color32 color) Draw a line. 画直线 |
DrawLine() |
public static void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, float width, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) Draw a line. 画直线 |
DrawRectangle() |
public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, Color32 color) |
DrawRectangle() |
public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) |
DrawRectangle() |
public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, float border, Color32 color) |
DrawRectangle() |
public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Rect rect, float border, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) |
DrawRectangle() |
public static void DrawRectangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius, Color32 color) Draw a rectangle. 画带长方形 |
DrawSquare() |
public static void DrawSquare(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 center, float radius, Color32 color) Draw a square. 画正方形 |
DrawSvgPath() |
public static void DrawSvgPath(VertexHelper vh, string path) |
DrawTriangle() |
public static void DrawTriangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 pos, float size, Color32 color) |
DrawTriangle() |
public static void DrawTriangle(VertexHelper vh, Vector3 pos, float size, Color32 color, Color32 toColor) |
Inherits or Implemented: MaskableGraphic
public method | description |
GetAngle360() |
public static float GetAngle360(Vector2 from, Vector2 to) 获得0-360的角度(12点钟方向为0度) |
GetBezier() |
public static Vector3 GetBezier(float t, Vector3 sp, Vector3 cp, Vector3 ep) |
GetBezier2() |
public static Vector3 GetBezier2(float t, Vector3 sp, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 ep) |
GetBezierList() |
public static List GetBezierList(Vector3 sp, Vector3 ep, int segment, Vector3 cp) |
GetDire() |
public static Vector3 GetDire(float angle, bool isDegree = false) |
GetIntersection() |
public static bool GetIntersection(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4, ref Vector3 intersection) 获得两直线的交点 |
GetPos() |
public static Vector3 GetPos(Vector3 center, float radius, float angle, bool isDegree = false) |
GetVertialDire() |
public static Vector3 GetVertialDire(Vector3 dire) |
IsClearColor() |
public static bool IsClearColor(Color color) |
IsClearColor() |
public static bool IsClearColor(Color32 color) |
IsPointInPolygon() |
public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector3 p, List polyons) |
IsPointInPolygon() |
public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector3 p, List polyons) |
IsPointInTriangle() |
public static bool IsPointInTriangle(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 check) |
IsValueEqualsColor() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color color1, Color color2) |
IsValueEqualsColor() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsColor(Color32 color1, Color32 color2) |
IsValueEqualsList<T>() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsList(List list1, List list2) |
IsValueEqualsString() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsString(string str1, string str2) |
IsValueEqualsVector2() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsVector2(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
IsValueEqualsVector3() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsVector3(Vector3 v1, Vector2 v2) |
IsValueEqualsVector3() |
public static bool IsValueEqualsVector3(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
IsZeroVector() |
public static bool IsZeroVector(Vector3 pos) |
RotateRound() |
public static Vector3 RotateRound(Vector3 position, Vector3 center, Vector3 axis, float angle) |
Inherits or Implemented: MainComponentContext
public method | description |
AutoSetLineMinMax() |
public static void AutoSetLineMinMax(VisualMap visualMap, Serie serie, bool isY, Axis axis, Axis relativedAxis) |
GetDimension() |
public static int GetDimension(VisualMap visualMap, int serieDataCount) |
IsNeedAreaGradient() |
public static bool IsNeedAreaGradient(VisualMap visualMap) |
IsNeedGradient() |
public static bool IsNeedGradient(VisualMap visualMap) |
IsNeedLineGradient() |
public static bool IsNeedLineGradient(VisualMap visualMap) |
SetMinMax() |
public static void SetMinMax(VisualMap visualMap, double min, double max) |
public method | description |
AddChart() |
public static void AddChart(BaseChart chart) |
ContainsChart() |
public static bool ContainsChart(BaseChart chart) |
ContainsChart() |
public static bool ContainsChart(string chartName) |
DisableTextMeshPro() |
public static void DisableTextMeshPro() |
EnableTextMeshPro() |
public static void EnableTextMeshPro() |
GetChart() |
public static BaseChart GetChart(string chartName) |
GetCharts() |
public static List GetCharts(string chartName) |
GetPackageFullPath() |
public static string GetPackageFullPath() |
GetRepeatChartNameInfo() |
public static string GetRepeatChartNameInfo(BaseChart chart, string chartName) |
IsExistTMPAssembly() |
public static bool IsExistTMPAssembly() |
IsRepeatChartName() |
public static bool IsRepeatChartName(BaseChart chart, string chartName = null) |
ModifyTMPRefence() |
public static bool ModifyTMPRefence(bool removeTMP = false) |
RemoveAllChartObject() |
public static void RemoveAllChartObject() |
RemoveChart() |
public static void RemoveChart(string chartName) |
Inherits or Implemented: UnityEditor.EditorWindow
public method | description |
ShowPackageImporterWindow() |
public static void ShowPackageImporterWindow() |
public method | description |
AddTheme() |
public static void AddTheme(Theme theme) |
CheckReloadTheme() |
public static void CheckReloadTheme() |
ContainsTheme() |
public static bool ContainsTheme(string themeName) |
ExportTheme() |
public static bool ExportTheme(Theme theme) |
ExportTheme() |
public static bool ExportTheme(Theme theme, string themeNewName) |
GetAllThemeNames() |
public static List GetAllThemeNames() |
GetTheme() |
public static Theme GetTheme(string themeName) |
GetTheme() |
public static Theme GetTheme(ThemeType type) |
GetThemeAssetPath() |
public static string GetThemeAssetPath(string themeName) |
GetThemeList() |
public static List GetThemeList() |
LoadTheme() |
public static Theme LoadTheme(string themeName) |
LoadTheme() |
public static Theme LoadTheme(ThemeType type) |
ReloadThemeList() |
public static void ReloadThemeList() 重新加载主题列表 |
SwitchTheme() |
public static void SwitchTheme(BaseChart chart, string themeName) |