The project uses sbt-ci-release to automate deployment to Sonatype.
In order to publish, do the following:
- Merge master into publish
- Go to publish
- create a tag with the new version (e.g.,
git tag -a v0.4.5 -m "v0.4.5"
) - push the tag with
git push origin v0.4.5
Tags must follow along the version of the SAP UI5 library, except for the correction that will be incremented when we fix things within the same UI5 version.
In order to re-deploy the demo website, follow these steps:
# Go to demo repo
cd demo
# Build the demo website
npm run build
# Clone the demo website repo
git clone
# Remove the assets folder to not keep old stuff
rm -r laminar-ui5-demo/*
# Copy the whole dist folder to the laminar-ui5-demo repo
cp -r dist/* laminar-ui5-demo/.
# Go to the repo and commit, push the changes
cd laminar-ui5-demo
git add .
git commit -m "New version"
git push