In this lab, you will be creating various application backend resources. You will create and deploy an Ubuntu VM for hosting Docker containers. You will install Docker, and a demo application will be deployed with Docker-compose. You will also deploy a Windows VM. These containers and VMs will be your backend applications running in Azure. You will configure and test Nginx for Azure to proxy and load balance these resources.
Your completed Ubuntu and Windows VM deployment will look like this:
NGINX aaS | Ubuntu | Docker | Windows |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
By the end of the lab you will be able to:
- Deploy Ubuntu VM with Docker and Docker-Compose preinstalled and Nginx Demo containers running using Azure CLI
- Configure Nginx for Azure to Load Balance Docker containers
- Deploy Windows VM with Azure CLI
- Configure Nginx for Azure to proxy to the Windows VM
This lab focuses on various backend application creation in your Azure environment using Docker. If you are familiar with those concepts then you can build this lab by running the below command which would automate all the build steps within this lab.
Note: Make sure your Terminal is the
directory before running below command
./ -l 2
Once the script has completed its execution, you can skip rest of this lab guide and move to the next lab. The testing of all the resources that the script automatically creates will be done in later labs. If you want to see what the script is doing, the individual build steps are provided in below sections.
For additional information on the script you can run the same command with -h
flag as shown below
./ -h
- You must have Azure Networking configured for this Workshop
- You must have proper access to create Azure VMs
- You must have Azure CLI tool installed on your local system
- You must have an SSH client software installed on your local system
- You must have your Nginx for Azure instance deployed and running
- Familiarity with basic Linux commands and commandline tools
- Familiarity with basic Docker concepts and commands
- Familiarity with basic HTTP protocol
- See
for instructions on setting up your system for this Workshop
Deploy Ubuntu VM with Docker and Docker-Compose preinstalled and Nginx Demo containers running using Azure CLI
In your local machine open terminal and make sure you are logged onto your Azure tenant. Set the following Environment variable which points to your Resource Group:
## Set environment variables export MY_RESOURCEGROUP=s.dutta-workshop
Make sure your Terminal is the
directory for all commands during this labs
Create the Ubuntu VM that would be acting as your backend application server using below command:
az vm create \ --resource-group $MY_RESOURCEGROUP \ --name n4a-ubuntuvm \ --image Ubuntu2204 \ --admin-username azureuser \ --vnet-name n4a-vnet \ --subnet vm-subnet \ --assign-identity \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --public-ip-sku Standard \ --custom-data lab2/
##Sample Output## { "fqdns": "", "id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/s.dutta-workshop/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/n4a-ubuntuvm", "identity": { "systemAssignedIdentity": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx", "userAssignedIdentities": {} }, "location": "centralus", "macAddress": "00-22-48-4A-3B-1E", "powerState": "VM running", "privateIpAddress": "", "publicIpAddress": "<AZURE_ASSIGNED_PUBLICIP>", "resourceGroup": "s.dutta-workshop", "zones": "" }
Make a Note of the
, this IP would be needed later on to access your VM remotely, with SSH.The above command would create below resources within your resource group:
- n4a-ubuntuvm: This is your virtual machine(vm) resource.
- n4a-ubuntuvm_OsDisk_1_<Random_HEX_String>: This is your OS Disk resource tied to your vm.
- n4a-ubuntuvmVMNic: This is your network interface resource tied to your vm.
- n4a-ubuntuvmNSG: This is your network security group resource tied to the network interface of your vm.
- n4a-ubuntuvmPublicIP: This is your public IP resource tied to your vm.
script will perform several task as listed below:- install docker and docker compose within the vm
- download the workshop docker-compose file that would build the backend containers
- Run the downloaded docker-compose file to build all the backend containers.
This command will also generate a SSH key file named
folder if you don't have one already.SECURITY WARNING: This new VM has SSH/port22 open to the entire Internet, and is only using an SSH Key file for security. Take appropriate steps to secure your VM if you will be using it for more than a couple hours!
(Optional Step): You can lock down your Network Security Group by allowing SSH/port22 access only to your publicIP using below command.
##Set environment variable export MY_PUBLICIP=$(curl
az network nsg rule update \ --resource-group $MY_RESOURCEGROUP \ --nsg-name n4a-ubuntuvmNSG \ --name default-allow-ssh \ --source-address-prefix $MY_PUBLICIP
Success! You have an Ubuntu VM with Docker that is running Nginx Demo containers needed for future Lab exercises. Reminder: Don't forget to shutdown this VM when you are finished with it later, or set an Auto Shutdown policy using Azure Portal.
In this section, you will ssh into the Ubuntu VM that you created in previous section. You will then inspect the docker containers and look into the three Nginx ingress-demo
containers. These containers will be your first group of backends
that will be used for load balancing with Nginx for Azure.
Verify you have SSH access to the Ubuntu VM that you deployed in previous section. Open a Terminal, and use your public IP tied to ubuntu vm, to start a new ssh session.
ssh azureuser@<UBUNTU_VM_PUBLICIP> #eg ssh [email protected]
- is the local command to start an SSH session, or use another applcation of your choosing.azureuser
is the local user for Azure VM that you created.@
is the Public IP Address assigned to your Ubuntu VM.
Note: If you cannot connect using your local machine, you likely having ssh client issues. You can make use of Azure CloudShell to access your VM which would create an
ssh key file within the~/.ssh
directory of your Azure cloud shell. -
Within the Ubuntu VM, run below commands to validate docker and docker compose are installed as part of the
script.docker version docker-compose version
Checkout a few Docker things:
sudo docker images
You should find the
image was pulled. -
Inspect the
file. This file was pulled as part of
script. This docker compose file creates the three containers based onnginxinc/ingress-demo
image, that you see running. The three containers are configured as follows:Container Name Name:port docker-web1 ubuntuvm:81 docker-web2 ubuntuvm:82 docker-web3 ubuntuvm:83 -
Check the containers are running:
sudo docker ps
##Sample Output## CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 33ca8329cece nginxinc/ingress-demo "/docker-entrypoint.…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, :::82->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::4432->443/tcp docker-web2 d3bf38f7b575 nginxinc/ingress-demo "/docker-entrypoint.…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, :::83->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::4433->443/tcp docker-web3 1982b1a4356d nginxinc/ingress-demo "/docker-entrypoint.…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, :::81->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::4431->443/tcp docker-web1
Notice that each container is listening on a unique TCP port on the Docker host - Ports 81, 82, and 83 for docker-web1, docker-web2 and docker-web3, respectively.
Verify that all THREE containers have their TCP ports exposed on the Ubuntu VM host:
netstat -tnl
#Sample output Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::81 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::83 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::82 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::4433 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::4432 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::4431 :::* LISTEN
Yes, looks like ports 81, 82, and 83 are Listening. Note: If you used a different VM, you may need to update the VM Host Firewall rules to allow traffic to the containers.
Test all three containers by running curl command within the Ubuntu VM:
curl -s localhost:81 |grep Server
Gives you the 1st Container Name as
Server Name
, and Container's IP address asServer Address
:##Sample Output## <p class="smaller"><span>Server Name:</span> <span>docker-web1</span></p> <p class="smaller"><span>Server Address:</span> <span><font color="green"></font></span></p>
curl -s localhost:82 |grep Server
Gives you the 2nd Container Name as
Server Name
, and Container's IP address asServer Address
:##Sample Output## <p class="smaller"><span>Server Name:</span> <span>docker-web2</span></p> <p class="smaller"><span>Server Address:</span> <span><font color="green"></font></span></p>
curl -s localhost:83 |grep Server
Gives you the 3rd Container Name as
Server Name
, and Container's IP address asServer Address
:##Sample Output## <p class="smaller"><span>Server Name:</span> <span>docker-web3</span></p> <p class="smaller"><span>Server Address:</span> <span><font color="green"></font></span></p>
In this exercise, you will create your first Nginx config files, for the Nginx Server, Location, and Upstream blocks, to load balance your three Docker containers running on the Ubuntu VM.
NGINX aaS | Docker | Cafe Demo |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Open Azure portal within your browser and then open your Resource Group. Click on your NGINX for Azure resource (nginx4a) which should open the Overview section of your resource. From the left pane click on
NGINX Configuration
under Settings. -
Click on
+ New File
, to create a new Nginx config file. Name the new file/etc/nginx/conf.d/cafe-docker-upstreams.conf
.Important: You must use the full Linux /directory/filename path for every Nginx config file, for it to be properly created and placed in the correct directory. If you forget, you can delete it and must re-create it. The Azure Portal Text Edit panels do not let you move, or drag-n-drop files or directories. You can
a file by clicking the Pencil icon, anddelete
a file by clicking the Trashcan icon at the top. -
Copy and paste the contents from the matching file present in
directory from Github, into the Configuration Edit window, shown here:# Nginx 4 Azure, Cafe Nginx Demo Upstreams # Chris Akker, Shouvik Dutta, Adam Currier - Mar 2024 # # cafe-nginx servers # upstream cafe_nginx { zone cafe_nginx 256k; # from docker compose server n4a-ubuntuvm:81; server n4a-ubuntuvm:82; server n4a-ubuntuvm:83; keepalive 32; }
This creates an Nginx Upstream Block, which defines the backend server group that Nginx will load balance traffic to.
to save your Nginx configuration. -
Click the
+ New File
again, and create a second Nginx config file, using the same Nginx for Azure Configuration editor tool. Name the second file/etc/nginx/conf.d/
. -
Copy and paste the contents of the matching file present in
directory from Github, into the Configuration Edit window, shown here:# Nginx 4 Azure - Cafe Nginx HTTP # Chris Akker, Shouvik Dutta, Adam Currier - Mar 2024 # server { listen 80; # Listening on port 80 on all IP addresses on this machine server_name; # Set hostname to match in request status_zone; # Metrics zone name access_log /var/log/nginx/ main; error_log /var/log/nginx/cafe.example.com_error.log info; location / { # # return 200 "You have reached, location /\n"; proxy_pass http://cafe_nginx; # Proxy AND load balance to a list of servers add_header X-Proxy-Pass cafe_nginx; # Custom Header # proxy_pass http://windowsvm; # Proxy AND load balance to a list of servers # add_header X-Proxy-Pass windowsvm; # Custom Header } }
to save your Nginx configuration. -
Now you need to include these new files into your main
file within yournginx4a
resource. Copy and paste the contents of thenginx.conf
file present inlab2
directory from Github, into thenginx.conf
file using Configuration Edit window, shown here:# Nginx 4 Azure - Default - Updated Nginx.conf # Chris Akker, Shouvik Dutta, Adam Currier - Mar 2024 # user nginx; worker_processes auto; worker_rlimit_nofile 8192; pid /run/nginx/; events { worker_connections 4000; } error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log error; http { log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log off; server_tokens ""; server { listen 80 default_server; server_name localhost; location / { # Points to a directory with a basic html index file with # a "Welcome to NGINX as a Service for Azure!" page root /var/www; index index.html; } } include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; # include /etc/nginx/includes/*.conf; # shared files } # stream { # include /etc/nginx/stream/*.conf; # Stream TCP nginx files # }
Notice that the Nginx standard / Best Practice of placing the HTTP Context config files in the
folder is being followed, and theinclude
directive is being used to read these files at Nginx configuration load time. -
Click the
Button above the Editor. Nginx will validate your configurations, and if successful, will reload Nginx with your new configurations. If you receive an error, you will need to fix it before you proceed.
For easy access your new website, update your local system's DNS
file. You will add the
and the Nginx for Azure Public IP address, to your local system DNS hosts file for name resolution. Your Nginx for Azure Public IP address can be found in your Azure Portal, undern4a-publicIP
. Use vi tool or any other text editor to add an entry to/etc/hosts
as shown below:cat /etc/hosts localhost ... # Nginx for Azure testing ...
replace with yourn4a-publicIP
resource IP address.
Once you have updated the host your /etc/hosts file, save it and quit vi tool.
Using a new Terminal, send a curl command to
, what do you see ?curl -I
##Sample Output## HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 21:36:30 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Expires: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 21:36:29 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache X-Proxy-Pass: cafe_nginx
Try the coffee and tea URLs, at and
You should see a 200 OK Response. Did you see the
header - set to the Upstream block name? -
Now try access to your cafe application with a Browser. Open Chrome, and nagivate to
. You should see anOut of Stock
image, with a gray metadata panel, filled with names, IP addresses, URLs, etc. This panel comes from the Docker container, using Nginx $variables to populate the gray panel fields. If you Right+Click, and Inspect to open Chrome Developer Tools, and look at the Response Headers, you should be able to see theServer and X-Proxy-Pass Headers
set respectively.
Click Refresh serveral times. You will notice the Server Name
and Server Ip
fields changing, as N4A is round-robin load balancing the three Docker containers - docker-web1, 2, and 3 respectively. If you open Chrome Developer Tools, and look at the Response Headers, you should be able to see the Server and X-Proxy-Pass Headers set respectively.
Try and in Chrome, refreshing several times. You should find Nginx for Azure is load balancing these Docker web containers as expected.
Congratulations!! You have just completed launching a simple web application with Nginx for Azure, running on the Internet, with just a VM, Docker, and 2 config files for Nginx for Azure. That pretty easy, not so hard now, was it?
Similar to how you deployed an Ubuntu VM, you will now deploy a Windows VM.
In your local machine open terminal and make sure you are logged onto your Azure tenant. Set the following Environment variables:
export MY_RESOURCEGROUP=s.dutta-workshop export MY_VM_IMAGE=cognosys:iis-on-windows-server-2016:iis-on-windows-server-2016:1.2019.1009
Create the Windows VM (This will take some time to deploy):
az vm create \ --resource-group $MY_RESOURCEGROUP \ --name n4a-windowsvm \ --image $MY_VM_IMAGE \ --vnet-name n4a-vnet \ --subnet vm-subnet \ --admin-username azureuser \ --public-ip-sku Standard
##Sample Output## Admin Password: Confirm Admin Password: Consider upgrading security for your workloads using Azure Trusted Launch VMs. To know more about Trusted Launch, please visit { "fqdns": "", "id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/s.dutta-workshop/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/n4a-windowsvm", "location": "centralus", "macAddress": "00-0D-3A-96-C5-F1", "powerState": "VM running", "privateIpAddress": "", "publicIpAddress": "<AZURE_ASSIGNED_PUBLICIP>", "resourceGroup": "s.dutta-workshop", "zones": "" }
The above command would create below resources within your resource group:
- n4a-windowsvm: This is your virtual machine(vm) resource.
- n4a-windowsvm_OsDisk_1_<Random_HEX_String>: This is your OS Disk resource tied to your vm.
- n4a-windowsvmVMNic: This is your network interface resource tied to your vm.
- n4a-windowsvmNSG: This is your network security group resource tied to the network interface of your vm.
- n4a-windowsvmPublicIP: This is your public IP resource tied to your vm.
SECURITY WARNING: This new VM has rdp/port3389 open to the entire Internet. Take appropriate steps to secure your VM if you will be using it for more than a couple hours!
(Optional Step): You can lock down your Network Security Group by allowing rdp/port3389 access only to your publicIP using below command.
##Set environment variable export MY_PUBLICIP=$(curl
az network nsg rule update \ --resource-group $MY_RESOURCEGROUP \ --nsg-name n4a-windowsvmNSG \ --name rdp \ --source-address-prefix $MY_PUBLICIP
In this exercise, you will create another Nginx config file, for the Windows VM Upstream block, to proxy your IIS Server running on the Windows VM.
NGINX aaS | Windows VM / IIS |
![]() |
![]() |
Open Azure portal within your browser and then open your Resource Group. Click on your NGINX for Azure resource (nginx4a) which should open the Overview section of your resource. From the left pane click on
NGINX Configuration
under settings. -
Click on
+ New File
, to create a new Nginx config file. Name the new file/etc/nginx/conf.d/windows-upstreams.conf
.Important: You must use the full Linux /folder/filename path for every Nginx config file, for it to be properly created and placed in the correct folder. If you forget, you can delete it and must re-create it. The Azure Portal Text Edit panels do not let you move, or drag-n-drop files or folders. You can
a file by clicking the Pencil icon, anddelete
a file by clicking the Trashcan icon at the top. -
Copy and paste the contents from the matching file present in
directory from Github, into the Configuration Edit window, shown here:# Nginx 4 Azure, Windows IIS Upstreams # Chris Akker, Shouvik Dutta, Adam Currier - Mar 2024 # # windows IIS server # upstream windowsvm { zone windowsvm 256k; server n4a-windowsvm:80; # IIS Server keepalive 32; }
to save your Nginx configuration.This creates a new Nginx Upstream Block, which defines the Windows IIS backend server group that Nginx will load balance traffic to.
Edit the comment characters in
, to enable theproxy_pass
to thewindowsvm
, and disable it for thecafe-nginx
, as follows:# Nginx 4 Azure - Cafe Nginx and Windows IIS HTTP # Chris Akker, Shouvik Dutta, Adam Currier - Mar 2024 # server { listen 80; # Listening on port 80 on all IP addresses on this machine server_name; # Set hostname to match in request status_zone; # Metrics zone name access_log /var/log/nginx/ main; error_log /var/log/nginx/cafe.example.com_error.log info; location / { # # return 200 "You have reached, location /\n"; # proxy_pass http://cafe_nginx; # Proxy AND load balance to a list of servers # add_header X-Proxy-Pass cafe_nginx; # Custom Header proxy_pass http://windowsvm; # Proxy AND load balance to a list of servers add_header X-Proxy-Pass windowsvm; # Custom Header } }
Click the
Button above the Editor. Nginx will validate your configuration, and if successfull, will reload Nginx with your new configuration. If you receive an error, you will need to fix it before you proceed.
Test access again to You will now see the IIS default server page, instead of the Cafe Out of Stock page. If you check Chrome Dev Tools, the X-Proxy-Pass Header should now show
.Notice how easy it was, to create a new backend server, and then tell Nginx to
to a different Upstream. You used the same Hostname, DNS record, and Nginx Server block, but you just told Nginx to switch backends with a differentproxy_pass
directive. -
Edit the
file again, and change the comments to disablewindowsvm
, and re-enable theproxy_pass
, as you will use it again in a future lab exercise. -
Submit your Nginx changes, and re-test to verify that works again for Cafe Nginx. Don't forget to change the custom Header as well.
This completes Lab2.
- Chris Akker - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.
- Shouvik Dutta - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.
- Adam Currier - Solutions Architect - Community and Alliances @ F5, Inc.