tags |
ggg, ggg2023, ggg298 |
We're using slightly different commands today -
So, ssh into farm and do an srun:
srun -p high2 --time=3:00:00 --nodes=1 \
--cpus-per-task 4 --mem 10GB --pty /bin/bash
Activate the RStudio server module:
module load spack/R/4.1.1
module load rstudio-server/2022.12.0
Run rstudio-launch
and follow the instructions to set up your ssh tunneling connection and log in to the RStudio Server.
Your first mission, should you choose to accept it:
Go to this repository and click "fork" (upper right).
Once that is completed, you will have a copy in your GitHub account!
Clone your copy of the repository into your farm account and run it.
Questions to be answered:
- what "human-readable" output files are created?
- what code/file creates compare.mat.png?
- what code/file/program creates compare.rstats.png?
Please do the following, in whatever order you like:
- change the color palette for the R script & pheatmap to use the 'inferno' palette;
- change output from png to pdf in R script;
- change output from png to pdf in the sourmash shell;
- add this genome and this genome into the workflow.
Run your new workflow, make sure it all works.
And now commit and push back to your fork.
- add a few genomes