diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7ac6f8d..7c8e165 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -305,236 +305,6 @@ module.exports = {
-## How it works?
-The Scalawind CLI reads your `tailwind.config.js` and using some utilities from the `tailwind` package to parse the config into a list of unititly classes. After that, we use a handlebar template to generate the actual scala code that you will use in your scala project.
-This is the handlebar template:
-package {{package}}
-import scala.quoted.*
-import scala.annotation.unused
-case class Tailwind() {
- {{#each modifiers}}
- def {{this.name}}(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
- {{/each}}
- def important(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
- def i(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
-object tw {
- def apply(): Tailwind = Tailwind()
- {{#each standard}}
- def {{this.prop}}: Tailwind = Tailwind()
- {{/each}}
- {{#each modifiers}}
- def {{this.name}}(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
- {{/each}}
- def important(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
- def i(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
-extension (tailwind: Tailwind)
- {{#each standard}}
- def {{this.prop}}: Tailwind = Tailwind()
- {{/each}}
-inline def sw(inline tailwind: Tailwind): String =
- ${ swImpl('tailwind) }
-def swImpl(twStyleExpr: Expr[Tailwind])(using Quotes): Expr[String] = {
- import quotes.reflect.*
- def extractClassNames(term: Term): List[String] = term match {
- {{#each modifiers}}
- case Apply(Select(inner, "{{this.name}}"), List(styles)) =>
- val classes = extractClassNames(styles).map(clx => s"{{this.value}}:$clx")
- extractClassNames(inner) ++ classes
- {{/each}}
- case Apply(Select(inner, "important"), List(styles)) =>
- val classes = extractClassNames(styles).map(clx => s"!$clx")
- extractClassNames(inner) ++ classes
- case Apply(Select(inner, "i"), List(styles)) =>
- val classes = extractClassNames(styles).map(clx => s"!$clx")
- extractClassNames(inner) ++ classes
- case Apply(Ident(name), List(inner)) =>
- extractClassNames(inner) :+ name.replace("_", "-")
- case Inlined(_, _, inner) =>
- extractClassNames(inner)
- case Select(inner, name) =>
- extractClassNames(inner) :+ name.replace("_", "-")
- case Ident("tailwind") =>
- Nil
- case Ident("tw") =>
- Nil
- case _ =>
- report.errorAndAbort(s"Unexpected term: $term")
- }
- val term = twStyleExpr.asTerm
- val classNames = extractClassNames(term)
- val combinedClasses = classNames.mkString(" ")
- report.info(s"Compiled: $combinedClasses")
- Expr(combinedClasses)
-Now, let's take a look at this minimal `scalawind.scala` file that you can copy and paste into your source code.
-package scalawind
-import scala.quoted.*
-import scala.annotation.unused
-case class Tailwind() {
- def hover(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
-object tw {
- def apply(): Tailwind = Tailwind()
- def text_blue_500: Tailwind = Tailwind()
- def text_red_500: Tailwind = Tailwind()
- def hover(@unused styles: Tailwind): Tailwind = Tailwind()
-extension (tailwind: Tailwind)
- def text_blue_500: Tailwind = Tailwind()
- def text_red_500: Tailwind = Tailwind()
-inline def sw(inline tailwind: Tailwind): String =
- ${ swImpl('tailwind) }
-def swImpl(twStyleExpr: Expr[Tailwind])(using Quotes): Expr[String] = {
- import quotes.reflect.*
- def extractClassNames(term: Term): List[String] = term match {
- case Apply(Select(inner, "hover"), List(styles)) =>
- val classes = extractClassNames(styles).map(clx => s"hover:$clx")
- extractClassNames(inner) ++ classes
- case Apply(Ident(name), List(inner)) =>
- extractClassNames(inner) :+ name.replace("_", "-")
- case Inlined(_, _, inner) =>
- extractClassNames(inner)
- case Select(inner, name) =>
- extractClassNames(inner) :+ name.replace("_", "-")
- case Ident("tailwind") =>
- Nil
- case Ident("tw") =>
- Nil
- case _ =>
- report.errorAndAbort(s"Unexpected term: $term")
- }
- val term = twStyleExpr.asTerm
- val classNames = extractClassNames(term)
- val combinedClasses = classNames.mkString(" ")
- report.info(s"Compiled: $combinedClasses")
- Expr(combinedClasses)
-Then use it:
-val styles: String = sw(tw.text_red_500.hover(tw.text_blue_500))
-// ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
-val styles: String = "text-red-500 hover:text-blue-500"
-As you can see, the whole scalawind thing includes two parts:
-- The `case class Tailwind`, the `object tw` and the `extension (tailwind: Tailwind):` is just there for the Fluent Syntax.
-- The `sw` and `swImpl` is the macro that will compile all those fluent thing into a string
-### Alternative Implementation
- Approach 1
- ```scala
- inline def sw(inline tailwind: Tailwind): String =
- ${ swImpl('tailwind) }
- def swImpl(tailwindExpr: Expr[Tailwind])(using Quotes): Expr[String] = {
- import quotes.reflect.*
- def extractClassNames(term: Term): List[String] = {
- var stack = List(term)
- var classNames = List.empty[String]
- while (stack.nonEmpty) {
- stack.head match {
- case Inlined(_, _, inner) =>
- stack = inner :: stack.tail
- case Select(inner, name) =>
- classNames = name.replace("_", "-") :: classNames
- stack = inner :: stack.tail
- case Ident("tw") =>
- stack = stack.tail
- case unexpectedTerm =>
- report.errorAndAbort(s"Unexpected term: $unexpectedTerm")
- }
- }
- classNames.reverse
- }
- val term = tailwindExpr.asTerm
- val classNames = extractClassNames(term)
- val combinedClasses = classNames.reverse.mkString(" ")
- report.info(s"$term")
- Expr(combinedClasses)
- }
- ```
-Approach 2
- ```scala
- def swImpl(twStyleExpr: Expr[Tailwind])(using Quotes): Expr[String] = {
- import quotes.reflect.*
- def extractClassNames(term: Term): List[String] = {
- var currentTerm: Option[Term] = Some(term)
- var classNames = List.empty[String]
- while (currentTerm.isDefined) {
- currentTerm match {
- case Some(Inlined(_, _, inner)) =>
- currentTerm = Some(inner)
- case Some(Select(inner, name)) =>
- classNames = classNames :+ name.replace("_", "-")
- currentTerm = Some(inner)
- case Some(Ident("tw")) =>
- currentTerm = None
- case Some(unexpectedTerm) =>
- report.errorAndAbort(s"Unexpected term: $unexpectedTerm")
- case None =>
- // This should never happen
- report.errorAndAbort("Unexpected None in currentTerm")
- }
- }
- classNames.reverse
- }
- val term = twStyleExpr.asTerm
- val classNames = extractClassNames(term)
- val combinedClasses = classNames.mkString(" ")
- report.info(s"Extracted term: $term, combined classes: $combinedClasses")
- Expr(combinedClasses)
- }
- ```
## Acknowledgement
This project is inspired by https://github.com/mokshit06/typewind. Thank you a lot for making the library.