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chart types map

강지웅/FE개발팀/NE edited this page May 26, 2016 · 18 revisions

Map chart

  • This section describes how to create a map chart and register map data.
  • You can refer to the Getting started for base installation of Toast UI Chart.

How to include map data

Map chart should include the map data, unlike other charts.
Map data provided by default are stored in a 'dist / maps' folder.
You should include map data(ex: dist/maps/world.js) after include libraries and chart.min.js.

If you want register custom map, refer to the bottom.

<!-- include libraries -->
<script src="bower_components/tui-code-snippet/code-snippet.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/tui-component-effects/effects.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/raphael/raphael-min.js"></script>
<!-- include chart.min.js -->
<script src="bower_components/tui-chart/dist/chart.min.js"></script>
<!-- include map data (only map chart) -->
<script src="bower_components/tui-chart/dist/maps/world.js"></script>

Data type

Data type of map chart has been affected in map data.

var rawData = {
    series: [
            code: 'KR',
            data: 80,
            name: 'South Korea'
            code: 'JP',
            data: 70,
            labelCoordinate: {
                x: 0.6,
                y: 0.7
  • code: This is key for match with map data.
  • name: This is label property, and overrides the attributes of map data.
  • labelCoordinate: This is the coordinate property of the label, and overrides the attributes of map data.

Code table for map data

Map Name File Name Code Table Link Sample Link
world world.js Code table of World map Sample
south-korea south-korea.js Code table of South Korea map Sample
usa usa.js Code table of USA map Sample
china china.js Code table of China map Sample
japan japan.js Code table of Japan map Sample
singapore singapore.js Code table of Singapore map Sample
thailand thailand.js Code table of Thailand map Sample
taiwan taiwan.js Code table of Taiwan map Sample

Creating a basic chart

var rawData = {
    series: [
            code: 'KR',
            data: 80,
            name: 'South Korea'
var options = {
    map: 'world'
tui.chart.mapChart(container, rawData, options);

Map Chart

Custom map registration and use

Custom map registration

You can register the custom map by using the tui.chart.registerMap

var mapData = [
        code: 'MAP_CODE',
        name: 'map name',
        path: 'M835.13,346.53L837.55,350.71...', // svg path
        labelCoordinate: {
            x: 0.6,
            y: 0.7
tui.chart.registerMap('customMap', mapData);
  • code: This is key for match with map data.
  • name: This is label property, and overrides the attributes of map data.
  • path: This is svg path for drawing map.
  • labelCoordinate: This is the coordinate property of the label, and overrides the attributes of map data.

Using the custom map

You can use the custom map by setting the map option.

var rawData = {
    series: [
            code: 'MAP_CODE',
            data: 100
var options = {
    map: 'customMap'
tui.chart.mapChart(container, rawData, options);
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