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features axes

강지웅/FE개발팀/NE edited this page Aug 26, 2016 · 9 revisions

Axes Feature

  • This section introduces about feature of axes.

Setting about each title of axes

Using title options(yAxis.title, xAxis.title), you can set about each title of axes.


var options = {
    xAxis: {
        title: 'X Axis Title'
    yAxis: {
        title: 'Y Axis Title'
tui.chart.barChart(container, data, options);

Title positioning

If you want moving title position, you can use object type xAxis.title(yAxis.title) option. In this case, title text is using xAxis.title.text option. xAxis.title.offsetX, xAxis.title.offsetY options are using for moving a title to four direction like top, bottom, left and right.

var options = {
    xAxis: {
        title: {
            text: 'X Axis Title',
            offsetX: 50,
            offsetY: 10
    yAxis: {
        title: {
            text: 'Y Axis Title',
            offsetX: -30,
            offsetY: 20

Setting min, max

Setting min, max at X axis

Using xAxis.min, xAxis.max options, you can set about minimum or maximum value of X axis. These options are available in bar and heatmap charts.

var options = {
    xAxis: {
        min: 0,
        max: 1000
tui.chart.barChart(container, data, options);

Setting min, max at Y axis

Using yAxis.min, yAxis.max options, you can set about minimum or maximum value of Y axis. These options are available in column, line, area, heatmap and combo charts.

var options = {
    yAxis: {
        min: 0,
        max: 1000
tui.chart.columnChart(container, data, options);

How to display the axis label sparsely in the X axis?

Using xAxis.labelInterval option, you can display the axis label sparsely.
This option is available in column, line, area and combo charts.

var options = {
    xAxis: {
        labelInterval: 2
tui.chart.columnChart(container, data, options);

How to not rotated label of x axis?

Label of x axis is rotated, when a width for label is wider than the width of the rendering area.
If you do not want rotating label of x axis, you can use xAxis.rotateLabel option.

var options = {
    xAxis: {
        rotateLabel: false
tui.chart.columnChart(container, data, options);

rotateLabel option

How to not rotated title of y axis?

Title of y axis is rotated, when rendering.
If you do not want rotating title of y axis, you can use yAxis.rotateTitle option.

var options = {
    yAxis: {
        rotateTitle: false
tui.chart.columnChart(container, data, options);

rotateTitle option

How to formatting label to date format

If you want formatting label to date format, you can use type='datetime' and dateFormat options.

var rawData = {
    categories: ['01/01/2016', '02/01/2016',...],

var options = {
    xAxis: {
        type: 'datetime',
        dateFormat: 'YYYY.MM'
formatting guide
Represent type format string
years YY / YYYY / yy / yyyy
months(n) M / MM
months(str) MMM / MMMM
days D / DD / d / dd
hours H / HH / h / hh
minutes m / mm
meridiem(AM,PM) A / a

a. before using format option image

b. dateFormat='MMM' image

c. dateFormat='YYYY.MM image

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