What research approaches and types of data require which tools? This session will examine the planning phase of qualitative data research methods and how to develop processes which guide ethical data collection, analysis, and dissemination.
Week 1: Jamboard
- The Research Data Lifecycle ~00:05:21
- QDA 101 Tutorial ~00:25:25
- Qualitative Data Collection ~00:10:30
- Syllabus and Community Practices
- Learning as colleagues
- Bloom's Taxonomy
- It's still a pandemic
- Communicatio is key
- Slack?
- GitHub
- Jamboards
- Why qualitative data and analysis?
- What research scenarios does QDA lend to?
- Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods
- Qualitative data methods and data types
- Critical ethics in qualitative research data choice-making
- Planning and reflecting
- Good and just practices
- Data humanism and humanitarianism - Ex. Data visualization: Mona Chalabi
- Qualitative data collection tool or methods you are interested in or might use in a project, or
- An example, reading, or tutorial of the method or tool with URL or link.