A tool to download all videos and convert to mp3 inside a video set of bilibili (also works for single video, of course).
You will need node.js installed and ffmpeg in system path first.
npx bilibili-video2mp3 --url=https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yZ4y1X7v3
output sample:
downloading [================ ] 52% 36.3s 海蓝色-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [=============== ] 48% 43.0s 元气女孩-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [=============== ] 51% 38.5s 安稳最好啦-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [=========== ] 37% 66.4s 小小-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [=========== ] 37% 68.3s 北戴河之歌-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [=========== ] 37% 68.5s 口袋的天空-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [============ ] 41% 57.4s 日出日落-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
downloading [========== ] 34% 78.3s 知否知否-yousa-2021-12-26.flv
options, see help.js or:
npx bilibili-video2mp3 --help