Completed Labs for TDD with React and ES6 by Chris Minnick
You can clone the entire repository by running the command:
git clone
This will create a new directory called tdd-react-es6-labs. Changing into this directory with this command:
cd tdd-react-es6-labs
Each lab in the course (starting with Lab 6) is in its own branch. The branches are named in labxx format. To see the finished files for Lab 6, for example, run this command:
git checkout lab06
- Install Node
- Install git
- In the console, type: npm install
- gulp build
To Lint:
Use 'gulp jshint' for JSHint Use 'gulp eslint' for ESLint
Run unit tests in Karma
- Start Karma server: gulp karma
- Open some browsers and go to http://localhost:9876 in each
- gulp test
Run unit tests in the console:
- gulp jasmine
written by Chris Minnick, copyright 2016, WatzThis?