copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-04-15 |
kubernetes, iks |
containers |
{:new_window: target="blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:download: .download}
{: #access_reference}
When you assign cluster permissions, it can be hard to judge which role you need to assign to a user. Use the tables in the following sections to determine the minimum level of permissions that are required to perform common tasks in {{}}. {: shortdesc}
As of 30 January 2019, {{}} has a new way of authorizing users with {{}} IAM: service access roles. These service roles are used to grant access to resources within the cluster, such as Kubernetes namespaces. For more information, check out the blog, Introducing service roles and namespaces in IAM for more granular control of cluster access .
{: note}
{: #iam_platform}
{{}} is configured to use {{}} Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. {{}} IAM platform roles determine the actions that users can perform on {{}} resources such as clusters, worker nodes, and Ingress application load balancers (ALBs). {{}} IAM platform roles also automatically set basic infrastructure permissions for users. To set platform roles, see Assigning {{}} IAM platform permissions. {: shortdesc}
Do not assign {{}} IAM platform roles at the same time as a service role. You must assign platform and service roles separately.
In each of the following sections, the tables show cluster management, logging, and Ingress permissions granted by each {{}} IAM platform role. The tables are organized alphabetically by CLI command name.
- Actions requiring no permissions
- Viewer actions
- Editor actions
- Operator actions
- Administrator actions
{: #none-actions}
Any user in your account who runs the CLI command or makes the API call for the action in the following table sees the result, even if the user has no assigned permissions. {: shortdesc}
Cluster management action | CLI command | API call |
View a list of supported versions for managed add-ons in {{}}. | [ibmcloud ks addon-versions](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_addon_versions) |
[GET /v1/kube-versions](!/util/GetAddons) |
Target or view the API endpoint for {{}}. | [ibmcloud ks api](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cli_api) |
- |
View a list of supported commands and parameters. | [ibmcloud ks help](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_help) |
- |
Initialize the {{}} plug-in or specify the region where you want to create or access Kubernetes clusters. | [ibmcloud ks init](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_init) |
- |
View a list of Kubernetes versions supported in {{}}. | [ibmcloud ks kube-versions](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_kube_versions) |
[GET /v1/kube-versions](!/util/GetKubeVersions) |
View a list of available machine types for your worker nodes. | [ibmcloud ks machine-types](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_machine_types) |
[GET /v1/datacenters/{datacenter}/machine-types](!/util/GetDatacenterMachineTypes) |
View current messages for the IBMid user. | [ibmcloud ks messages](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_messages) |
[GET /v1/messages](!/util/GetMessages) |
Find the {{}} region that you are currently in. | [ibmcloud ks region](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_region) |
- |
Set the region for {{}}. | [ibmcloud ks region-set](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_region-set) |
- |
Lists the available regions. | [ibmcloud ks regions](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_regions) |
[GET /v1/regions](!/util/GetRegions) |
View a list of available zones that you can create a cluster in. | [ibmcloud ks zones](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_datacenters) |
[GET /v1/zones](!/util/GetZones) |
{: #view-actions}
The Viewer platform role includes the actions that require no permissions, plus the permissions that are shown in the following table. With the Viewer role, users such as auditors or billing can see cluster details but not modify the infrastructure. {: shortdesc}
Cluster management action | CLI command | API call |
View the name and email address for the owner of the {{}} IAM API key for a resource group and region. | [ibmcloud ks api-key-info](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_api_key_info) |
[GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/clusterkeyowner](!/logging/GetClusterKeyOwner) |
Download Kubernetes configuration data and certificates to connect to your cluster and run `kubectl` commands. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-config](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_config) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/config](!/clusters/GetClusterConfig) |
View information for a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_get) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}](!/clusters/GetCluster) |
List all services in all namespaces that are bound to a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-services](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_services) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/services](!/clusters/ListServicesForAllNamespaces) |
List all clusters. | [ibmcloud ks clusters](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_clusters) |
[GET /v1/clusters](!/clusters/GetClusters) |
Get the infrastructure credentials that are set for the {{}} account to access a different IBM Cloud infrastructure (SoftLayer) portfolio. | [ibmcloud ks credential-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_credential_get) | [GET /v1/credentials](!/accounts/GetUserCredentials) |
List all services bound to a specific namespace. | - | [GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/services/{namespace}](!/clusters/ListServicesInNamespace) |
List all user-managed subnets that are bound to a cluster. | - | [GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/usersubnets](!/clusters/GetClusterUserSubnet) |
List available subnets in the infrastructure account. | [ibmcloud ks subnets](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_subnets) |
[GET /v1/subnets](!/properties/ListSubnets) |
View the VLAN spanning status for the infrastructure account. | [ibmcloud ks vlan-spanning-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_vlan_spanning_get) |
[GET /v1/subnets/vlan-spanning](!/accounts/GetVlanSpanning) |
When set for one cluster: List VLANs that the cluster is connected to in a zone. When set for all clusters in the account: List all available VLANs in a zone. |
[ibmcloud ks vlans](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_vlans) |
[GET /v1/datacenters/{datacenter}/vlans](!/properties/GetDatacenterVLANs) |
List all webhooks for a cluster. | - | [GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/webhooks](!/clusters/GetClusterWebhooks) |
View information for a worker node. | [ibmcloud ks worker-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_get) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers/{workerId}](!/clusters/GetWorkers) |
View information for a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks worker-pool-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_pool_get) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}](!/clusters/GetWorkerPool) |
List all worker pools in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks worker-pools](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_pools) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools](!/clusters/GetWorkerPools) |
List all worker nodes in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks workers](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_workers) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers](!/clusters/GetClusterWorkers) |
Ingress action | CLI command | API call |
View information for an Ingress ALB. | [ibmcloud ks alb-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_get) |
[GET /albs/{albId}](!/alb/GetClusterALB) |
View ALB types that are supported in the region. | [ibmcloud ks alb-types](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_types) |
[GET /albtypes](!/util/GetAvailableALBTypes) |
List all Ingress ALBs in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks albs](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_albs) |
[GET /clusters/{idOrName}](!/alb/GetClusterALBs) |
Logging action | CLI command | API call |
View the status for automatic updates of the Fluentd add-on. | [ibmcloud ks logging-autoupdate-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_autoupdate_get) |
[GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/updatepolicy](!/logging/GetUpdatePolicy) |
View the default logging endpoint for the target region. | - | [GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/default](!/logging/GetDefaultLoggingEndpoint) |
List all log forwarding configurations in the cluster or for a specific log source in the cluster. | [ibmcloud ks logging-config-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_get) |
[GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig](!/logging/FetchLoggingConfigs) and [GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig/{logSource}](!/logging/FetchLoggingConfigsForSource) |
View information for a log filtering configuration. | [ibmcloud ks logging-filter-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_filter_view) |
[GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/filterconfigs/{id}](!/filter/FetchFilterConfig) |
List all logging filter configurations in the cluster. | [ibmcloud ks logging-filter-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_filter_view) |
[GET /v1/logging/{idOrName}/filterconfigs](!/filter/FetchFilterConfigs) |
{: #editor-actions}
The Editor platform role includes the permissions that are granted by Viewer, plus the following. With the Editor role, users such as developers can bind services, work with Ingress resources, and set up log forwarding for their apps but cannot modify the infrastructure. Tip: Use this role for app developers, and assign the Cloud Foundry Developer role. {: shortdesc}
Cluster management action | CLI command | API call |
Bind a service to a cluster. **Note**: The Developer Cloud Foundry role in the space that the service is in is also required. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-service-bind](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_service_bind) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/services](!/clusters/BindServiceToNamespace) |
Unbind a service from a cluster. **Note**: The Developer Cloud Foundry role in the space that the service is in is also required. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-service-unbind](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_service_unbind) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/services/{namespace}/{serviceInstanceId}](!/clusters/UnbindServiceFromNamespace) |
Create a webhook in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks webhook-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_webhook_create) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/webhooks](!/clusters/AddClusterWebhooks) |
Ingress action | CLI command | API call |
Disable automatic updates for the Ingress ALB add-on. | [ibmcloud ks alb-autoupdate-disable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_autoupdate_disable) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/updatepolicy](!/alb/ChangeUpdatePolicy) |
Enable automatic updates for the Ingress ALB add-on. | [ibmcloud ks alb-autoupdate-enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_autoupdate_enable) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/updatepolicy](!/alb/ChangeUpdatePolicy) |
Check if automatic updates for the Ingress ALB add-on are enabled. | [ibmcloud ks alb-autoupdate-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_autoupdate_get) |
[GET /clusters/{idOrName}/updatepolicy](!/alb/GetUpdatePolicy) |
Enable or disable an Ingress ALB. | [ibmcloud ks alb-configure](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_configure) |
[POST /albs](!/alb/EnableALB) and [DELETE /albs/{albId}]( |
Roll back the an Ingress ALB add-on update to the build that your ALB pods were previously running. | [ibmcloud ks alb-rollback](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_rollback) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/updaterollback](!/alb/RollbackUpdate) |
Force a one-time update of your ALB pods by manually updating the Ingress ALB add-on. | [ibmcloud ks alb-update](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_update) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/update](!/alb/UpdateALBs) |
Network load balancer (NLB) DNS action | CLI command | API call |
Add one NLB IP to an existing NLB host name. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-add](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-add) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/add](!/nlb45dns/UpdateDNSWithIP) |
Create a DNS host name to register one or more NLB IPs. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-create) |
[POST /clusters/{idOrName}/register](!/nlb45dns/RegisterDNSWithIP) |
List the NLB host names and IP addresses that are registered in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dnss](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-ls) |
[GET /clusters/{idOrName}/list](!/nlb45dns/ListNLBIPsForSubdomain) |
Remove an NLB IP address from a host name. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-rm) |
[DELETE /clusters/{idOrName}/host/{nlbHost}/ip/{nlbIP}/remove](!/nlb45dns/UnregisterDNSWithIP) |
Configure and optionally enable a health check monitor for an existing NLB host name in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-monitor-configure](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-configure) |
[POST /health/clusters/{idOrName}/config](!/nlb45health45monitor/AddNlbDNSHealthMonitor) |
View the settings for an existing health check monitor. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-monitor-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-get) |
[GET /health/clusters/{idOrName}/host/{nlbHost}/config](!/nlb45health45monitor/GetNlbDNSHealthMonitor) |
Disable an existing health check monitor for a host name in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-monitor-disable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-disable) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/health](!/nlb45health45monitor/UpdateNlbDNSHealthMonitor) |
Enable a health check monitor that you configured. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-monitor-enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-enable) |
[PUT /clusters/{idOrName}/health](!/nlb45health45monitor/UpdateNlbDNSHealthMonitor) |
List the health check monitor settings for each NLB host name in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-monitor-ls](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-ls) |
[GET /health/clusters/{idOrName}/list](!/nlb45health45monitor/ListNlbDNSHealthMonitors) |
List the health check status for the IPs behind NLB host names in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks nlb-dns-monitor-status](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_nlb-dns-monitor-status) |
[GET /health/clusters/{idOrName}/status](!/nlb45health45monitor/ListNlbDNSHealthMonitorStatus) |
Logging action | CLI command | API call |
Create an API server audit webhook. | [ibmcloud ks apiserver-config-set](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_apiserver_config_set) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/apiserverconfigs/auditwebhook](!/clusters/apiserverconfigs/UpdateAuditWebhook) |
Delete an API server audit webhook. | [ibmcloud ks apiserver-config-unset](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_apiserver_config_unset) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/apiserverconfigs/auditwebhook](!/apiserverconfigs/DeleteAuditWebhook) |
Create a log forwarding configuration for all log sources except kube-audit . |
[ibmcloud ks logging-config-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_create) |
[POST /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig/{logSource}](!/logging/CreateLoggingConfig) |
Refresh a log forwarding configuration. | [ibmcloud ks logging-config-refresh](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_refresh) |
[PUT /v1/logging/{idOrName}/refresh](!/logging/RefreshLoggingConfig) |
Delete a log forwarding configuration for all log sources except kube-audit . |
[ibmcloud ks logging-config-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig/{logSource}/{id}](!/logging/DeleteLoggingConfig) |
Delete all log forwarding configurations for a cluster. | - | [DELETE /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig](!/logging/DeleteLoggingConfigs) |
Update a log forwarding configuration. | [ibmcloud ks logging-config-update](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_update) |
[PUT /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig/{logSource}/{id}](!/logging/UpdateLoggingConfig) |
Create a log filtering configuration. | [ibmcloud ks logging-filter-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_filter_create) |
[POST /v1/logging/{idOrName}/filterconfigs](!/filter/CreateFilterConfig) |
Delete a log filtering configuration. | [ibmcloud ks logging-filter-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_filter_delete) |
[DELETE /v1/logging/{idOrName}/filterconfigs/{id}](!/filter/DeleteFilterConfig) |
Delete all logging filter configurations for the Kubernetes cluster. | - | [DELETE /v1/logging/{idOrName}/filterconfigs](!/filter/DeleteFilterConfigs) |
Update a log filtering configuration. | [ibmcloud ks logging-filter-update](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_filter_update) |
[PUT /v1/logging/{idOrName}/filterconfigs/{id}](!/filter/UpdateFilterConfig) |
{: #operator-actions}
The Operator platform role includes the permissions that are granted by Viewer, plus the permissions that are shown in the following table. With the Operator role, users such as site reliability engineers, DevOps engineers, or cluster administrators can add worker nodes and troubleshoot infrastructure such as by reloading a worker node, but cannot create or delete the cluster, change the credentials, or set up cluster-wide features like service endpoints or managed add-ons. {: shortdesc}
Cluster management action | CLI command | API call |
Refresh the Kubernetes master. | [ibmcloud ks apiserver-refresh](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_apiserver_refresh) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/masters](!/clusters/HandleMasterAPIServer) |
Make an {{}} IAM service ID for the cluster, create a policy for the service ID that assigns the **Reader** service access role in {{}}, and then create an API key for the service ID. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-pull-secret-apply](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_pull_secret_apply) |
- |
Restart the cluster master nodes to apply new Kubernetes API configuration changes. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-refresh](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_refresh) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/masters](!/clusters/HandleMasterAPIServer) |
Add a subnet to a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-subnet-add](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_subnet_add) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/subnets/{subnetId}](!/clusters/AddClusterSubnet) |
Create a subnet. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-subnet-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_subnet_create) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/vlans/{vlanId}](!/clusters/CreateClusterSubnet) |
Update a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-update](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_update) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}](!/clusters/UpdateCluster) |
Add a user-managed subnet to a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-user-subnet-add](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_user_subnet_add) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/usersubnets](!/clusters/AddClusterUserSubnet) |
Remove a user-managed subnet from a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-user-subnet-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_user_subnet_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/usersubnets/{subnetId}/vlans/{vlanId}](!/clusters/RemoveClusterUserSubnet) |
Add worker nodes. | [ibmcloud ks worker-add (deprecated)](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_add) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers](!/clusters/AddClusterWorkers) |
Create a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks worker-pool-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_pool_create) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools](!/clusters/CreateWorkerPool) |
Rebalance a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks worker-pool-rebalance](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_rebalance) |
[PATCH /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}](!/clusters/PatchWorkerPool) |
Resize a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks worker-pool-resize](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_pool_resize) |
[PATCH /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}](!/clusters/PatchWorkerPool) |
Delete a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks worker-pool-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_pool_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}](!/clusters/RemoveWorkerPool) |
Reboot a worker node. | [ibmcloud ks worker-reboot](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_reboot) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers/{workerId}](!/clusters/UpdateClusterWorker) |
Reload a worker node. | [ibmcloud ks worker-reload](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_reload) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers/{workerId}](!/clusters/UpdateClusterWorker) |
Remove a worker node. | [ibmcloud ks worker-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers/{workerId}](!/clusters/RemoveClusterWorker) |
Update a worker node. | [ibmcloud ks worker-update](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_worker_update) |
[PUT /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workers/{workerId}](!/clusters/UpdateClusterWorker) |
Add a zones to a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks zone-add](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_zone_add) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}/zones](!/clusters/AddWorkerPoolZone) |
Update the network configuration for a given zone in a worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks zone-network-set](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_zone_network_set) |
[PATCH /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}/zones/{zoneid}](!/clusters/AddWorkerPoolZoneNetwork) |
Remove a zone a from worker pool. | [ibmcloud ks zone-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_zone_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/workerpools/{poolidOrName}/zones/{zoneid}](!/clusters/RemoveWorkerPoolZone) |
{: #admin-actions}
The Administrator platform role includes all permissions that are granted by the Viewer, Editor, and Operator roles, plus the following. With the Administrator role, users such as cluster or account administrators can create and delete clusters or set up cluster-wide features like service endpoints or managed add-ons. To create order such infrastructure resources such as worker node machines, VLANs, and subnets, Administrator users need the Super user infrastructure role or the API key for the region must be set with the appropriate permissions. {: shortdesc}
Cluster management action | CLI command | API call |
Set the API key for the {{}} account to access the linked IBM Cloud infrastructure (SoftLayer) portfolio. | [ibmcloud ks api-key-reset](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_api_key_reset) |
[POST /v1/keys](!/accounts/ResetUserAPIKey) |
Disable a managed add-on, such Istio or Knative, in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-addon-disable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_addon_disable) |
[PATCH /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/addons](!/clusters/ManageClusterAddons) |
Enable a managed add-on, such Istio or Knative, in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-addon-enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_addon_enable) |
[PATCH /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/addons](!/clusters/ManageClusterAddons) |
List managed add-on, such Istio or Knative, that are enabled in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-addons](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_addons) |
[GET /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/addons](!/clusters/GetClusterAddons) |
Create a free or standard cluster. **Note**: The Administrator platform role for {{}} and the Super User infrastructure role are also required. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_create) |
[POST /v1/clusters](!/clusters/CreateCluster) |
Disable a specified feature for a cluster, such as the public service endpoint for the cluster master. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-feature-disable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_feature_disable) |
- |
Enable a specified feature for a cluster, such as the private service endpoint for the cluster master. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-feature-enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_feature_enable) |
- |
Delete a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks cluster-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_cluster_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/clusters/{idOrName}](!/clusters/RemoveCluster) |
Set infrastructure credentials for the {{}} account to access a different IBM Cloud infrastructure (SoftLayer) portfolio. | [ibmcloud ks credential-set](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_credentials_set) |
[POST /v1/credentials](!/clusters/accounts/StoreUserCredentials) |
Remove infrastructure credentials for the {{}} account to access a different IBM Cloud infrastructure (SoftLayer) portfolio. | [ibmcloud ks credential-unset](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_credentials_unset) |
[DELETE /v1/credentials](!/clusters/accounts/RemoveUserCredentials) |
Encrypt Kubernetes secrets by using {{}}. | [ibmcloud ks key-protect-enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_messages) |
[POST /v1/clusters/{idOrName}/kms](!/clusters/CreateKMSConfig) |
Ingress action | CLI command | API call |
Deploy or update a certificate from your {{}} instance to an ALB. | [ibmcloud ks alb-cert-deploy](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_cert_deploy) |
[POST /albsecrets](!/alb/CreateALBSecret) or [PUT /albsecrets](!/alb/UpdateALBSecret) |
View details for an ALB secret in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks alb-cert-get](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_cert_get) |
[GET /clusters/{idOrName}/albsecrets](!/alb/ViewClusterALBSecrets) |
Remove an ALB secret from a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks alb-cert-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_cert_rm) |
[DELETE /clusters/{idOrName}/albsecrets](!/alb/DeleteClusterALBSecrets) |
List all ALB secrets in a cluster. | [ibmcloud ks alb-certs](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_alb_certs) |
- |
Logging action | CLI command | API call |
Disable automatic updates for the Fluentd cluster add-on. | [ibmcloud ks logging-autoupdate-disable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_autoupdate_disable) |
[PUT /v1/logging/{idOrName}/updatepolicy](!/logging/ChangeUpdatePolicy) |
Enable automatic updates for the Fluentd cluster add-on. | [ibmcloud ks logging-autoupdate-enable](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_autoupdate_enable) |
[PUT /v1/logging/{idOrName}/updatepolicy](!/logging/ChangeUpdatePolicy) |
Collect a snapshot of API server logs in an {{}} bucket. | [ibmcloud ks logging-collect](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_collect) |
- |
See the status of the API server logs snapshot request. | [ibmcloud ks logging-collect-status](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_log_collect_status) |
- |
Create a log forwarding configuration for the kube-audit log source. |
[ibmcloud ks logging-config-create](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_create) |
[POST /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig/{logSource}](!/logging/CreateLoggingConfig) |
Delete a log forwarding configuration for the kube-audit log source. |
[ibmcloud ks logging-config-rm](/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_cli_reference#cs_logging_rm) |
[DELETE /v1/logging/{idOrName}/loggingconfig/{logSource}/{id}](!/logging/DeleteLoggingConfig) |
{: #service}
Every user who is assigned an {{}} IAM service access role is also automatically assigned a corresponding Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) role in a specific namespace. To learn more about service access roles, see {{}} IAM service roles. Do not assign {{}} IAM platform roles at the same time as a service role. You must assign platform and service roles separately. {: shortdesc}
Looking for which Kubernetes actions each service role grants through RBAC? See Kubernetes resource permissions per RBAC role. To learn more about RBAC roles, see Assigning RBAC permissions. {: tip}
The following table shows the Kubernetes resource permissions granted by each service role and its corresponding RBAC role.
that applies to all namespacesService role | Corresponding RBAC role, binding, and scope | Kubernetes resource permissions |
Reader role | When scoped to one namespace: view cluster role applied by the ibm-view role binding in that namespaceWhen scoped to all namespaces: view cluster role applied by the ibm-view role binding in each namespace of the cluster |
Writer role | When scoped to one namespace: edit cluster role applied by the ibm-edit role binding in that namespaceWhen scoped to all namespaces: edit cluster role applied by the ibm-edit role binding in each namespace of the cluster |
Manager role | When scoped to one namespace: admin cluster role applied by the ibm-operate role binding in that namespaceWhen scoped to all namespaces: cluster-admin cluster role applied by the ibm-admin cluster role binding | When scoped to one namespace:
When scoped to all namespaces:
{: #rbac_ref}
Every user who is assigned an {{}} IAM service access role is also automatically assigned a corresponding, predefined Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) role. If you plan to manage your own custom Kubernetes RBAC roles, see Creating custom RBAC permissions for users, groups, or service accounts. {: shortdesc}
Wondering if you have the correct permissions to run a certain kubectl
command on a resource in a namespace? Try the kubectl auth can-i
command .
{: tip}
The following table shows the permissions that are granted by each RBAC role to individual Kubernetes resources. Permissions are shown as which verbs a user with that role can complete against the resource, such as "get", "list", "describe", "create", or "delete".
Kubernetes resource | view |
edit |
admin and cluster-admin |
bindings |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
configmaps |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
cronjobs.batch |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
daemonsets.apps |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
daemonsets.extensions |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
deployments.apps |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
deployments.apps/rollback |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
deployments.apps/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
deployments.extensions |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
deployments.extensions/rollback |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
deployments.extensions/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
endpoints |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
events |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
ingresses.extensions |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
jobs.batch |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
limitranges |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
localsubjectaccessreviews |
- | - | create |
namespaces |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch **cluster-admin only:** create , delete |
namespaces/status |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
networkpolicies |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
networkpolicies.extensions |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
persistentvolumeclaims |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
poddisruptionbudgets.policy |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
pods |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , top , patch , update , watch |
pods/attach |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
pods/exec |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
pods/log |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
pods/portforward |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
pods/proxy |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
pods/status |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
replicasets.apps |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
replicasets.apps/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
replicasets.extensions |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
replicasets.extensions/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
replicationcontrollers |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
replicationcontrollers/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
replicationcontrollers/status |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
replicationcontrollers.extensions/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
resourcequotas |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
resourcequotas/status |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
get , list , watch |
rolebindings |
- | - | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
roles |
- | - | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
secrets |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
serviceaccounts |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch , impersonate |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch , impersonate |
services |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
services/proxy |
- | create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
statefulsets.apps |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
statefulsets.apps/scale |
get , list , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
create , delete , deletecollection , get , list , patch , update , watch |
{: #cloud-foundry}
Cloud Foundry roles grant access to organizations and spaces within the account. To see the list of Cloud Foundry-based services in {{}}, run ibmcloud service list
. To learn more, see all available org and space roles or the steps for managing Cloud Foundry access in the {{}} IAM documentation.
{: shortdesc}
The following table shows the Cloud Foundry roles required for cluster action permissions.
Cloud Foundry role | Cluster management permissions |
Space role: Manager | Manage user access to an {{}} space |
Space role: Developer |
{: #infra}
When a user with the Super User infrastructure access role sets the API key for a region and resource group, infrastructure permissions for the other users in the account are set by {{}} IAM platform roles. You do not need to edit the other users' IBM Cloud infrastructure (SoftLayer) permissions. Only use the following table to customize users' IBM Cloud infrastructure (SoftLayer) permissions when you can't assign Super User to the user who sets the API key. For more information, see Customizing infrastructure permissions. {: shortdesc}
The following table shows the infrastructure permissions required to complete groups of common tasks.
Common tasks in {{}} | Required infrastructure permissions by category |
Minimum permissions:
Cluster Administration:
Private Networking:
Public Networking: