This release fixes bug on roles, remove support for ansible-core < 2.14 and introduces new features.
- Remove support for ansible-core < 2.14
- playbooks/webapp/deploy_flask_app - convert playbook to role (redhat-cop#85).
- playbooks/webapp/migrate_webapp - replace variable name do_not_delete_source with delete_source to make intent clearer and fix reversed default value logic (redhat-cop#86).
- playbooks/webapp/webapp - Rename the playbook vars with role name prefix. 'sshkey_pair_name' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_sshkey_pair_name' 'bastion_host_name' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_bastion_host_name' 'bastion_host_username' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_bastion_host_username' 'bastion_host_required_packages' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_bastion_host_required_packages' 'app_listening_port' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_listening_port' 'rds_master_user' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_rds_master_username' 'rds_master_password' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_rds_master_password' 'app_git_repository' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_git_repository' 'number_of_workers' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_number_of_workers' 'workers_instance_type' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_workers_instance_type' 'local_registry_user' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_local_registry_user' 'local_registry_pwd' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_local_registry_pwd' 'local_registry_port' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_local_registry_port' 'app_config' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_config' 'app_force_init' changed to 'deploy_flask_app_force_init' (redhat-cop#85).
- role/aws_setup_credentials - Due to ansible-lint issue, the AWS generated credentials are now stored into variable aws_setup_credentials__output instead of aws_role_credentials (redhat-cop#39).
- roles/awsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail -
option has been renamed toawsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail_bucket_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/awsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail -
option has been renamed toawsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail_key_prefix
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/awsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail -
option has been renamed toawsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail_operation
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/awsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail -
option has been renamed toawsconfig_multiregion_cloudtrail_trail_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_plan_plan_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_plan_plan_rules
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_plan_plan_tags
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_plan_plan_windows_vss_settings
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_plan_vault_encryption_key_arn
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_plan_vault_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_create_plan -
option has been renamed tobackup_create_planvault_tags
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_select_resources -
option has been renamed tobackup_select_resources_backup_role_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_select_resources -
option has been renamed tobackup_select_resources_plan_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_select_resources -
option has been renamed tobackup_select_resources_selection_conditions
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_select_resources -
option has been renamed tobackup_select_resources_selection_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/backup_select_resources -
option has been renamed tobackup_select_resources_selection_tags
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_operation
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_packages
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_recreate_if_exists
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_source_ami_filters
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_source_ami_image_id
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/customized_ami -
option has been renamed tocustomized_ami_source_ami_user_name
(redhat-cop#84). - roles/ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag -
option has been renamed to `` ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag_tag_key_to_terminate_instances`` (redhat-cop#84). - roles/ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag -
option has been renamed to `` ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag_tag_value_to_terminate_instances`` (redhat-cop#84). - roles/ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag -
option has been renamed to `` ec2_instance_terminate_by_tag_terminate_protected_instances`` (redhat-cop#84). - roles/manage_transit_gateway -
option has been renamed to `` manage_transit_gateway_action`` (redhat-cop#84). - roles/manage_transit_gateway -
option has been renamed to `` manage_transit_gateway_transit_gateway`` (redhat-cop#84). - roles/manage_transit_gateway -
option has been renamed to `` manage_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment`` (redhat-cop#84). - roles/manage_transit_gateway -
option has been renamed to `` manage_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment`` (redhat-cop#84).
- Add a playbook to deploy a simple flask web app into high availability architecture (redhat-cop#97).
- awsconfig_apigateway_with_lambda_integration - new role to create API gateway with Lambda integration
- create_rds_global_cluster - new role to create aurora global cluster with a primary and a replica cluster in different regions.
- playbooks/upload_file_to_s3 - A playbook to upload file from local filesystem into S3 bucket (redhat-cop#88).
- fix and update integration tests target test_manage_vpc_peering (redhat-cop#61).
- playbooks/webapp/webapp - Update playbooks that include credentials to be able to be used with Automation Controller (not just the command line) (redhat-cop#64).
- playbooks/webapp/webapp - update RDS engine from deprecated version (redhat-cop#86).
- playbooks/webapp/webapp - update webapp create task to use provided variables instead of hard-coding values in some places (redhat-cop#86).
- roles/aws_manage_cloudtrail_encryption - fix condition logic to match expected Cloudtrail events and add extra_vars to pass rulebook variables to playbooks called in actions (redhat-cop#86).
- roles/aws_restore_cloudtrail - provide key_prefix default so it doesn't error if not present (redhat-cop#86).
- roles/aws_restore_kms_key - fix conditional value to properly retrieve KMS key ARN from ansible-rulebook event variable (redhat-cop#86).
- roles/aws_setup_credentials - add no_log to prevent credentials leak (redhat-cop#92).
- roles/backup_select_resources - Add all necessary IAM service role policies for backup when creating a new IAM role (redhat-cop#81).
- roles/enable_cloudtrail_encryption_with_kms - fix incorrect fact name for retrieved trail info and provide s3_key_prefix default so it doesn't error if not present (redhat-cop#86).
- awsconfig_apigateway_with_lambda_integration - A role to create/delete an API gateway with lambda function integration.
- backup_create_plan - A role to create a backup plan and optionally a vault.
- backup_select_resources - A role to configure backups for selected resources.
- clone_on_prem_vm - A role to clone an existing on prem VM using the KVM hypervisor.
- create_rds_global_cluster - A role to create an Amazon Aurora global cluster with two different region rds clusters.
- deploy_flask_app - Deploy flask app in AWS.
- import_image_and_run_aws_instance - A role that imports a local .raw image into an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and run an AWS EC2 instance.
- manage_transit_gateway - Creation/Deletion of transit gateway with vpc/vpn attachment
- manage_vpc_peering - A role to create, delete and accept existing VPC peering connections.
- move_objects_between_buckets - A role to move objects from one S3 Bucket to another.
This release updates the documentation for the collection.
- various playbooks - minor linting fixes (redhat-cop#21).
- various plugins - formating using black (redhat-cop#21).
- various roles - minor linting fixes (redhat-cop#21).
- various tests - minor linting fixes (redhat-cop#21).
Re-release 1.0.0 with updated README and generated CHNAGELOG, initial release of the collection