From fb4c818a045f96c8ce6db20be2962bd79415ff0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Donghyeon Jeong <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 10:05:15 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] [CharTensor] QINT8 addition feature

This pull request addresses the activation of the QINT8 element-wise addition feature in CharTensor.
It allows the addition of two tensors of the same dimensions, returning a matrix that contains the sums of the corresponding elements.
Please note that the functionality for automatically determining the new scale factor will be implemented in a future update.

1. Build test: [X]Passed [ ]Failed [ ]Skipped
2. Run test:   [X]Passed [ ]Failed [ ]Skipped

Signed-off-by: Donghyeon Jeong <>
 nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.cpp            | 48 +++++++++++++
 nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.h              |  7 ++
 test/unittest/unittest_nntrainer_tensor.cpp | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 132 insertions(+)

diff --git a/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.cpp b/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.cpp
index 29a67e9b9..37dd53158 100644
--- a/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.cpp
+++ b/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.cpp
@@ -268,6 +268,54 @@ void CharTensor::initialize(Initializer init) {
+Tensor &CharTensor::add(Tensor const &input, Tensor &output,
+                        float const scale) const {
+  CREATE_IF_EMPTY_DIMS(output, dim, nullptr, qscheme);
+  NNTR_THROW_IF(q_scheme() != input.q_scheme(), std::invalid_argument)
+    << "[Tensor] Cannot multiply tensors with different quantization schemes.";
+  /// @note remove after vector scale multiply is implemented
+  NNTR_THROW_IF(q_scheme() != QScheme::PER_TENSOR_AFFINE, std::invalid_argument)
+    << "Tensor addition other than per tensor affine quantization scheme is "
+       "NYI.";
+  float lhs_scale = *(float *)getScale();
+  float rhs_scale = *input.getScale<float>();
+  /// @note current impl assumes pre-established quantization parameters are set
+  /// @todo 1. verify result_scale is valid 2. calculate qparams if not given
+  ///       3. check qscheme is per tensor affine
+  NNTR_THROW_IF(std::fpclassify(lhs_scale) == FP_ZERO ||
+                  std::fpclassify(rhs_scale) == FP_ZERO ||
+                  std::fpclassify(scale) == FP_ZERO,
+                std::invalid_argument)
+    << "scale factors not set, cannot multiply";
+  /// @todo check whether the following method has faster execution speed.
+  /// 1. clone input A and B to A_fp32 and B_fp32
+  /// 2. dequantize A_fp32 and B_fp32
+  /// 3. perform addition: A_fp32.add(B_fp32, output_fp32)
+  /// 4. quantize output_fp32
+  for (unsigned int b = 0; b < batch(); ++b) {
+    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < channel(); ++c) {
+      for (unsigned int h = 0; h < height(); ++h) {
+        for (unsigned int w = 0; w < width(); ++w) {
+          float val = getValue(b, c, h, w) * lhs_scale +
+                      input.getValue<int8_t>(b, c, h, w) * rhs_scale;
+          output.setValue(
+            b, c, h, w,
+            std::max(-128, std::min((int)std::lround(val / scale), 127)));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  *output.getScale<float>() = scale;
+  return output;
 void CharTensor::copy(const Tensor &from) {
diff --git a/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.h b/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.h
index cfa7b0589..33138b767 100644
--- a/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.h
+++ b/nntrainer/tensor/char_tensor.h
@@ -195,6 +195,13 @@ class CharTensor : public TensorBase {
   void initialize(Initializer init) override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Tensor::add(Tensor const &m, Tensor &output, float const
+   * alpha)
+   */
+  Tensor &add(Tensor const &m, Tensor &output,
+              float const scale) const override;
    * @copydoc Tensor::copy(const Tensor &from)
diff --git a/test/unittest/unittest_nntrainer_tensor.cpp b/test/unittest/unittest_nntrainer_tensor.cpp
index 4202d164a..7e7cc4e50 100644
--- a/test/unittest/unittest_nntrainer_tensor.cpp
+++ b/test/unittest/unittest_nntrainer_tensor.cpp
@@ -2013,6 +2013,83 @@ TEST(nntrainer_Tensor, add_08_n) {
   EXPECT_THROW(input.add(test, output), std::invalid_argument);
+ * @brief Test elementwise addition of qint8
+ * @note Compare quantized int 8 addition result with float addition
+ */
+TEST(nntrainer_Quantizer, add_09_p) {
+  size_t batch = 1;
+  size_t channel = 1;
+  size_t height = 4;
+  size_t width = 4;
+  // float tensor A and B (original data)
+  float dataA[] = {0.29764187,  0.03480661, 0.23380315,  -0.12472117,
+                   -0.31381518, 0.17460883, 0.22656035,  0.40918356,
+                   -0.18949383, 0.13317966, -0.18087250, -0.28150725,
+                   -0.37915850, 0.45573741, -0.31624895, -0.36885685};
+  nntrainer::Tensor A({batch, channel, height, width}, dataA);
+  float dataB[] = {0.35672212,  -0.03879440, -0.29017872, -0.29774767,
+                   -0.03309470, -0.42983186, 0.05469221,  -0.08551443,
+                   0.29058170,  -0.13359779, -0.06470931, -0.44647706,
+                   0.20454758,  0.47189242,  0.26254445,  0.10401177};
+  nntrainer::Tensor B({batch, channel, height, width}, dataB);
+  // quantized tensor qA and qB (quantized data - per tensor affine)
+  std::vector<int8_t> qdataA = {83,  10, 65,  -35, -88,  49,  63,  114,
+                                -53, 37, -51, -79, -106, 127, -88, -103};
+  float scaleA = 0.00357441115193f;
+  int8_t *arrayA = reinterpret_cast<int8_t *>(&scaleA);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+    qdataA.push_back(arrayA[i]);
+  }
+  nntrainer::Tensor qA({batch, channel, height, width, nntrainer::Tformat::NCHW,
+                        nntrainer::Tdatatype::QINT8},
+             ;
+  std::vector<int8_t> qdataB = {96, -10, -78, -80,  -9, -116, 15, -23,
+                                79, -36, -17, -121, 55, 127,  71, 28};
+  float scaleB = 0.0037011168897152f;
+  int8_t *arrayB = reinterpret_cast<int8_t *>(&scaleB);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+    qdataB.push_back(arrayB[i]);
+  }
+  nntrainer::Tensor qB({batch, channel, height, width, nntrainer::Tformat::NCHW,
+                        nntrainer::Tdatatype::QINT8},
+             ;
+  // output tensors to store result
+  nntrainer::Tensor C(batch, channel, height, width);
+  nntrainer::Tensor qC(batch, channel, height, width, nntrainer::Tformat::NCHW,
+                       nntrainer::Tdatatype::QINT8);
+  float output_scale = 0.00828241f;
+  // perform addition
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW(A.add(B, C));
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW(qA.add(qB, qC, output_scale));
+  // compare addition result
+  nntrainer::Tensor dequantizedC = qC.clone(nntrainer::Tdatatype::FP32);
+  // dequantize
+  dequantizedC.multiply_i(output_scale);
+  const float eps = 1e-2;
+  for (unsigned int b = 0; b < batch; b++) {
+    for (unsigned c = 0; c < channel; c++) {
+      for (unsigned h = 0; h < height; h++) {
+        for (unsigned w = 0; w < width; w++) {
+          EXPECT_NEAR(C.getValue(b, c, h, w), dequantizedC.getValue(b, c, h, w),
+                      eps);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
 TEST(nntrainer_Tensor, pow_01_p) {
   nntrainer::Tensor input = constant(4.0, 3, 2, 4, 5);