bash-my-aws assists Infrastructure Jockeys using Amazon Web Services from the command line.
This project provides short, memorable commands for realtime control of resources in Amazon AWS. The goal is to reduce the time between intention and effect.
These functions make extensive use of the incredibly powerful AWSCLI.
As shown below, you may simply clone the GitHub repo and source the files required. (You should probably fork it instead to keep your customisations)
$ git clone ~/.bash-my-aws
Put the following in your shell's startup file:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.bash-my-aws/bin"
source ~/.bash-my-aws/aliases
# For ZSH users, uncomment the following two lines:
# autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
# autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
source ~/.bash-my-aws/
began as a collection of bash functions, sourced into your shell.
More recently, the default suggestion has been to load aliases that execute a
small wrapper script that loads the functions and executes the desired function.
After years of zsh
users asking for support, one stepped up and identified
a changes that would eliminate any shell compatibility problems without compromising
the functionaility, simplicity and discoverability of the project. Massive thanks
to @ninth-dev for this.
Bash users can still source the functions instead of loading the aliases:
# bash users may source the functions instead of loading the aliases
if [ -d ${HOME}/.bash-my-aws ]; then
for f in ~/.bash-my-aws/lib/*-functions; do source $f; done
Authenticate to AWS in a terminal that has bash-my-aws
You should now be able to explore the commands.
We'll start off with stack
commands as an example but there are many
other resource types supported. Checkout the full list in ~/.bash-my-aws/functions
With aliases (or sourced functions) :
$ stacks
Using the bma
$ bma stacks
Typing stack[TAB][TAB] will list available functions for CloudFormation:
$ stacks # lists CloudFormation stacks
$ stack-[TAB][TAB]
stack-arn stack-elbs stack-recreate stack-tags-text
stack-asg-instances stack-events stack-resources stack-tail
stack-asgs stack-exports stack-status stack-template
stack-cancel-update stack-failure stack-tag stack-update
stack-create stack-instances stack-tag-apply stack-validate
stack-delete stack-outputs stack-tag-delete
stack-diff stack-parameters stack-tags
$ aws-[TAB][TAB]
aws-account-alias aws-account-cost-recommendations aws-account-id
aws-account-cost-explorer aws-account-each aws-panopticon
$ asgs # lists Autoscaling groups
$ asg-[TAB][TAB]
asg-capacity asg-min-size-set asg-stack
asg-desired-size-set asg-processes_suspended asg-suspend
asg-instances asg-resume
asg-max-size-set asg-scaling-activities
$ buckets # lists S3 buckets
$ elbs # lists Elastic Load Balancers (classic)
$ elb-[TAB][TAB]
elb-dnsname elb-instances
$ instances # lists EC2 instances
$ instance-[TAB][TAB]
instance-asg instance-stop
instance-az instance-tags
instance-console instance-terminate
instance-dns instance-termination-protection
instance-iam-profile instance-termination-protection-disable
instance-ip instance-termination-protection-enable
instance-ssh instance-type
instance-ssh-details instance-userdata
instance-stack instance-volumes
instance-start instance-vpc
$ keypairs # lists EC2 SSH KeyPairs
$ keypair-[TAB][TAB]
keypair-create keypair-delete
$ vpcs # lists VPCs
$ vpc-[TAB][TAB]
vpc-default-delete vpc-lambda-functions vpc-rds
vpc-dhcp-options-ntp vpc-nat-gateways vpc-route-tables
vpc-igw vpc-network-acls vpc-subnets
For more info on the query syntax used by AWSCLI, check out
Piping output between functions
We're very excited to announce this functionality.
Most bash-my-aws functions will accept AWS Resource Ids from STDIN. This means you can pipe output from many functions into other functions.
$ instances | grep splunk | instance-stack | stack-status
splunk-forwarder UPDATE_COMPLETE
splunk-forwarder-role CREATE_COMPLETE
This function gives you tab completion for filenames (missing from AWSCLI).
$ stack-create
USAGE: stack-create stack
$ stack-create example # creates stack called example using example.json
It's also one of the functions that allows you to omit the template name if it exists in the current directory and matches the stack name with '.json' appended.
It's even smart enough to detect that you've added '-blah' to the stack name.
$ stack-create example-test # creates stack called example-test using example.json
This is basically 'ls' with the ability to filter by a search string
$ stacks # call without filter argument to return all stacks
$ stacks example # Or filter out the relevant stacks
$ stack-diff
USAGE: stack-diff stack [template-file]
$ stack-diff example-dev
template for stack (example) and contents of file (example-dev.json) are the same
e--- params
+++ example-params-dev.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"ParameterKey": "slipGeneratorRolePath"
- "ParameterValue": "something",
+ "ParameterValue": "something-else",
"ParameterKey": "storageBucketName"
$ stack-update
USAGE: stack-update stack [template-file] [params-file]
$ stack-update example # creates stack called example using example.json
$ stack-delete
USAGE: stack-delete stack
$ stack-delete example # deletes stack called example
The create/update tasks call this one but it can also be called directly. It watches events for a stack until it sees them complete or fail.
$ stack-tail my-stack
| DescribeStackEvents |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:21.628Z| MyStack | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:27.221Z| AppServerSSHSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:27.235Z| DeploymentSQSQueue | AWS::SQS::Queue | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:27.291Z| InternalELBSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:27.537Z| AppServerRole | AWS::IAM::Role | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:28.244Z| DeploymentSQSQueue | AWS::SQS::Queue | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS |
| 2015-07-25T23:13:28.769Z| DeploymentSQSQueue | AWS::SQS::Queue | CREATE_COMPLETE |