By spr
See ZIB internal nog-sup
CQRS event sourcing could be useful with MongoDB and Meteor. Commands create
events that are first atomically stored to an event journal, before they are
then applied to update the usual Meteor collections, like Meteor.users
, in an
eventually consistent way.
The event journal could be also used to implement event streams that other services can watch. Polling might initially be sufficient.
A proof-of-concept is on attic
The design is described in NOE-4 and NOE-5. The proof of concept is on attic
branch p/noggitstore-spike@d4912e34668bd0dac6dfad53c99e7d4ab7c9e5e2
The general idea how to gracefully shutdown a Nodejs server behind a load balancer without dropping connections is nicely explained in the blog post 'Graceful shutdown with Node.js and Kubernetes', code
A spike implementation is on attic
'shutdown SPIKE:
/healthz, startup -> ok -> shutdown on SIGTERM'. It demonstrates how a Meteor
application can listen on SIGTERM to start a coordinated shutdown.
Another blob post
Knifecycle could be helpful to managed application components during shutdown.
Termination of pods in Kubernetes
Ingress with Kubernetes:, HAProxy service loadbalancer
HAProxy health checking in the commercial doc, should apply similarly to the open-source version,, L7 HTTP, L4 HTTP
A first implementation of protocol workflows was not merged. It is available
on attic
, see p/protocol@6a8ed9006c517827b538752ca32918d32333f05d
p/protocol: Initial code for adding protocols to data'.
Reducing the upload part size did not increase reliability:
diff --git a/packages/nog-blob/ b/packages/nog-blob/
index 93f201c..3201e22 100644
--- a/packages/nog-blob/
+++ b/packages/nog-blob/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ partParamsForSize = (size) ->
MB = 1024 * 1024
minPartSize = 5 * MB
maxNParts = 10000
- usualMaxPartSize = 100 * MB
+ usualMaxPartSize = 8 * MB
usualNParts = 10
maxSize = maxNParts * 5 * 1000 * MB
Rusha is broken for files >= 2 GiB.
Confirmed with:
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=$(( 3 * 1024 * 1024 )) of=zero-3GiB
$ sha1sum zero-3GiB
6e7f6dca8def40df0b21f58e11c1a41c3e000285 zero-3GiB
## Sha1 during upload with Safari:
## -> mismatch.
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=$(( 2 * 1024 * 1024 )) of=zero-2GiB
$ sha1sum zero-2GiB
91d50642dd930e9542c39d36f0516d45f4e1af0d zero-2GiB
## Sha1 during upload with Safari:
## -> mismatch.
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=$(( 2 * 1024 * 1024 - 1)) of=zero-sub2GiB
$ sha1sum zero-sub2GiB
63544aa729351c769d7d15d8fd85a0ed9ba5d3fd zero-sub2GiB
## Sha1 during upload with Safari:
## -> ok.
Using Npm directly via package.json
and indirectly via package.js
may cause
problems during package loading. Specifically, I used package.json
to manage
Eslint and package.js
to require the AWS SDK. Meteor seems to have problems
with managing the node_modules
folder. It tried to require AWS from a folder
, because node_modules
was already taken by the direct use of
Npm. The require failed:
Error: Cannot find module 'xmlbuilder'
at Object.<anonymous> (.../.meteor/local/isopacks/nog-multi-bucket/npm/node_modules1/aws-sdk/lib/xml/builder.js:2:15)
at Module.Mp.load (.../.meteor/packages/babel-compiler/.
There are a few potential solutions:
NPM-DEPS: Install aws-sdk via normal Npm without declaring it in package.js
npm install
would need to be executed before the Meteor build.
NO-NPM: Avoid the direct node_modules
folder, either by not using it at all
or by removing it for Meteor builds. The primary reason for node_modules
the package level currently is ESLint. But ESLint could be handled at the root
level, which seems to be a more sensible approach anyway.
NPM-PEER: Use Meteor package peer dependencies. The package would not declare
a dependency on aws-sdk at all but only check its existence during runtime; see
'Peer npm dependencies' in the Meteor guide
cannot be used anymore. A full app is instead required with
the expected Npm dependencies; see 'Testing with peer npm dependencies' in the
Meteor guide
This seems to be feasible: We run tests through apps already. Handling Npm dependencies at the app level might be a good idea anyway, since it forces us to agree on a single version of a Npm package per app, which seems to be a good idea anyway.
NPM: Start writing Npm packages instead of Meteor packages. This choice is not obvious. It is unclear how to keep the convenience of Meteor's build system.
NO-NPM and NPM-PEER both seem reasonable.
I've moved ESLint out of the Meteor packages. It is now managed in the toplevel instead.
Npm peer dependencies seem to work. Package test must access the package
functions through the public import. Tests can be provided in a subdirectory
that is symlinked to nog-app/packagetests
. Then test with; see
## UI
meteor test --driver-package=practicalmeteor:mocha --settings _private/settings-localhost-test.json
## Consol, server tests only.
meteor --once test --driver-package=dispatch:mocha --settings _private/settings-localhost-test.json
Blob post comparing hosted Mongo options, Jul 2016, Compose seems to be the best options for small deployments. It starts at 18 USD / month for MongoDB Classic and 32 USD / month for MongoDB 3.2, which is not yet an options; see below. MongoDB Atlas seems to be a better option for slightly larger data sizes (starts at 60 USD / month). It seems reasonable to try Atlas and maybe switch to it. But for now, Compose Classic seems to be the more conservative choice.
Meteor seems to have some issues with Compose 3.2 deployments. Meteor can only connect to a single mongos, since failover is not supported with the node driver; see Compose explicitly advises against running Meteor with 3.2 deployments Meteor GitHub issues that seem related: meteor/meteor#6258, meteor/meteor#5773. It is not entirely clear whether this is resolved with Meteor 1.4, which claims to fully support MongoDB 3.2. For now, it seems safest to use Compose MongoDB Classic deployments.
Altas seems to use standard replica set URLs; see Although Altas only provides MongoDB 3.2, it may work with Meteor due to the direct replica set access.
If two app instances share a database but run on different URLs, for example
with meteor-run2sharedb
, a Meteor login token, in principle, is valid for
both. But Meteor cannot automatically detect this, because the browser local
storage is scoped to the URL.
As a workaround, display the token in the JavaScript console of the first URL:
Copy paste the value and set it in the JavaScript console of the second URL:
localStorage.setItem('Meteor.loginToken', '...');
The page will automatically login immediately after you set the token.
Talk 'MongoDB and the Oplog' at Strip, slides, video
Stripe's Mongodriver to write oplog tailers; see also 'Using the MongoDB Oplog to trigger asynchronous work'
'MoSQL: a MongoDB to SQL streaming translator' It uses oplog tailing to receive all updates from the oplog and put it into PostgreSQL. The source might be useful to understand the details of oplog tailing.
'ZeroWing' Copying from MongoDB into HBase.
Mongo Connector is a Python
implementation to tail the oplog and pipe data into different backends. It can
be extended through doc handlers. Mongo Connector handles rollbacks; see Mongo
Connector wiki 'Writing Your Own DocManager', method search()
,, and grep for 'def rollback' in the source code.
Compose blog 'The MongoDB Oplog & Node.js' describes how to tail the oplog in node. 'Oplog: Tools & Libraries for All' lists links to oplog libraries for various languages.
The Go tooling seems particularly interesting. Compose used it to create 'seed', a tool for syncing Mongo replica sets. It does more than we need, such as syncing the indexes.
Some npm packages may be useful: 'mongo-oplog' 'mongo-tail' 'mongo-watch', although deprecated, may be interesting to understand some details; for example the cursor options The higher-level package 'particle' might be interesting, too.
I was not immediately convinced that we should use any of the existing packages. Code that uses the driver API directly might be easier to understand.
See 'Tailing the MongoDB Oplog on Sharded Clusters' and 'Pitfalls and Workarounds for Tailing the Oplog on a MongoDB Sharded Cluster' as a warning that the details of oplog tailing can become tricky when using a sharded setup.
DynamoDB Cross-region Replication Uses a similar idea as the MongoDB oplog to replicate DynamoDB across regions.
The blog post 'Using MongoDB as Publish Subscribe middleware' gives an idea what can be done with capped collection tailing.
The SO answer to 'Using Meteor Accounts package to link multiple services' describes how to link multiple OAuth accounts to a single Meteor account. It could be relevant at some point.
The SO answer to 'Can I use the same DB for multiple Meteor apps?' describes options how to share the user collection between Meteor apps.
Another SO answer 'How to create Meteor collection in different database?' with details on multiple MongoDBs.
A good blog post that summarized alternative approaches to transactions in MongoDB: How to implement robust and scalable transactions across documents with MongoDB,
We update, since it seems to be a good idea to use the latest version. We did not observe any issues with 1.3.4.
The main reason for us to update is that 1.3.4 reduces build times with large
1.3.4 seems to reduce the build time problem a bit. But it is not a real
solution: a test build of a package with eslint and flowtype as devDependencies
in node_modules
took 40s, compared to 7s without node_modules
. It still
seems advisable to move node_modules
temporarily if possible, so that Meteor
does not see it. fixes the problem related to backticks in CoffeeScript and require. Since we want to transition to modules anyway, we keep the dependency on modules for the nog packages.
The update to Meteor 1.3.3 required some changes related to module imports and testing:
Packages that use CoffeeScript now use
to avoid a spurious undefined symbol if a CoffeeScript file contains backticks. -
Some packages now use minimal module exports to avoid undefined symbols. For unknown reasons, only some packages were affected by the problem. Since should refactor better sooner than later towards full use of modules import, the minimal amount of changes seems sufficient for now.
Small workarounds for tree view Nightwatch tests were added.
The update to Meteor required minor changes related to package tests:
- Explicit dependency on
. - Workaround for AWS SDK.
Keycloak seems to be an interesting option for identity management; presentation It support MongoDB backend with replication (see Keycloak reference guide).
The meteor package silveirado:keycloak-auth could be useful; forked to
DDP monitor in Chrome seems very useful.
Why JS2015 import / export?
Best practices JS2015-style npm package
Meteor 1.3 and React example, blog with good links to other sources.
Swift all in one dev setup:
Swift onlyone Docker container:
Swift middleware to emulate S3 API:
Oracle Cloud Storage with Swift API: Google for 'oracle swift HSM' for links about Swift with SAMFS tape storage.
Open question: Is 'finding out the status of objects in an archive container'
/ HTTP header X-Archive-Restore-Status
implemented when we install locally?
Faker might be useful to create testing data It has an image mode, which might be interesting for blobber.
Meteor dev Docker images from Practical Meteor might be worth a look.
Practical Meteor's isup We
should either use it directly or do something similar to implement a /_health
or /healthz
practicalmeteor:easy-meteor-settings seems useful.
It could replace some foo?.bar?.
chains in nog.
Mantra describes Kadira's opinionated recommendation for Meteor 1.3 apps. No immediately usable, but interesting. No universal apps
JavaScript module in Meteor 1.3
Meteor meets GraphQL
Spacejam uses a relatively old version of PhantomJS, which has issues with modern HTML5 concepts. GitHub issue practicalmeteor/spacejam#23.
Spacejam presentation, YouTube, Slides Plans to support running tests in real browser instead of PhatomJS Interesting thoughts: CI services, docker container could be interesting; deploy every pull request as a separate app instance
My thoughts: go open source, then use CI services like Travis-CI for free. Maybe try Docker container. Survice with Spacejam PhantomJS; wait for support for other browsers.
Chimp seems to be Xolvio's replacement for Velocity Cucumber
Meteor 1.3 probably gets a application test mode. Preview text for guide Forum announcement
Gagarin on CircleCI Chromedriver and Selenium are available via Brew.
Gagarin tests specs seem to be a good source for ideas what Gagarin can do Gagarin context to pass state through the promise chain Gagarin account helpers
Nightwatch could probably be used with Gagarin tests anticoders/gagarin#141. The following code inside a Gagarin test file opened the URL in a browser. So it seems to work in principle.
nightwatch = require 'nightwatch'
describe 'nightwatch', ->
nwclient = nightwatch.initClient({silent: true})
nwbrowser = nwclient.api()
it 'nightwatch', (done) ->
.waitForElementVisible('body', 5000)
React + Coffeescript: I like the Lisp style (ul, {}, [...])
as described here
I think it could be a reasonable (maybe even better) replacement of Jade
template files.
Some links and thoughts about testing.
tl;dr: I think it makes sense to try StarryNight with the test frameworks tinytest-ci (+ smithy:describe), gagarin and nightwatch. If it looks good after trying a bit, we should consider it a candidate for our new testing environment.
I think we should not spend to much time now on a perfect solution, because things might change soon again with Meteor 1.3, when JavaScript modules become available. The beta of 1.3 is already available.
The meteor package clinical:nightwatch and nightwatch itself are two separate things. clinical:nightwatch never worked for me, but nightwatch always did (see LOG-2015).
StarryNight seems to be a replacement for clinical:nightwatch. But StarryNight also brings a lot more tooling. The run-test part might be exactly what we want: it seems to support tinytest and nightwatch.
But I'm still undecided: tinytest + nightwatch (maybe through StarryNight) seems the more conservative choice. tinytest + gagarin seems to be the riskier, however maybe more powerful, approach.
arunoda's recommendation seems to be definitely gagarin:,
The StarryNight folks seem to also use Gagarin for some parts
They also experiment with spacejam for chai assertions with TinyTest. First look: I'm not convinced of spacejam. I'd try TinyTest + smithy:describe first.
Blog post about Gagarin
smithy:describe seems to a reasonable package to ease the transition. It is a thin wrapper around tinytest to provide syntax. The package source fits on 4 screens. It also packages sinon and chai. stopped maintaining Velocity It's unclear whether MDG picked it up (quick googling was inconclusive). I had issues with package tests during the migration to 1.2; some are still unresolved. => maybe better stop using Velocity. Use tinytest instead for package tests, since it is officially supported by MDG.
The cookbook's recommendation is TinyTest for packages and Nightwatch for UI.
ui harness: The video only explains a concept in my opinion. The meteor-ui-harness package is not very active and relatively undocumented. My feeling is: "don't use it". I think we could instead follow the meteor guide and implement our own solution to use specific routes for testing that display the dumb components in isolation. The components can then be tested either manually or using Gagarin or Nightwatch.
See LOG-2015 for older entries.