The API uses a digital signature for authentication that is appended to the URL as a query string.
The following CoffeeScript code implements the signature process:
# Encode without ':' and strip milliseconds, since they are irrelevant.
toISOStringUrlsafe = (date) -> date.toISOString().replace(/:|\.[^Z]*/g, '')
NogAuth.signRequest = (key, req) ->
authalgorithm = 'nog-v1'
authkeyid = key.keyid
now = new Date()
authdate = toISOStringUrlsafe(now)
authexpires = config.defaultExpires
authnonce = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex')
if urlparse(req.url).query?
req.url += '&'
req.url += '?'
req.url += "authalgorithm=#{authalgorithm}"
req.url += '&' + "authkeyid=#{authkeyid}"
req.url += '&' + "authdate=#{authdate}"
req.url += '&' + "authexpires=#{authexpires}"
req.url += '&' + "authnonce=#{authnonce}"
stringToSign = req.method + "\n" + req.url + "\n"
hmac = crypto.createHmac 'sha256', key.secretkey
hmac.update stringToSign
authsignature = hmac.digest 'hex'
req.url += '&' + "authsignature=#{authsignature}"
The method and the whole URL path are signed. The authsignature
must be
appended as the last query parameter.
is specified in seconds.
The authnonce
is optional. If it is present, the request will be accepted
only once. The authnonce
needs to be unique only per authdate
, so a small
nonce is usually sufficient.
, available from the
can be used to sign requests for curl:
export NOG_KEYID=<copied>
export NOG_SECRETKEY=<copied>
curl $(
./tools/bin/sign-req GET \
) | python -m json.tool
The following code implements the signature process in Python:
def sign_req(method, url):
authkeyid = os.environ['NOG_KEYID']
secretkey = os.environ['NOG_SECRETKEY'].encode()
authalgorithm = 'nog-v1'
authdate = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%SZ')
authexpires = '600'
authnonce = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(5))
parsed = urlparse(url)
if parsed.query == '':
path = parsed.path
suffix = '?'
path = parsed.path + '?' + parsed.query
suffix = '&'
suffix = suffix + 'authalgorithm=' + authalgorithm
suffix = suffix + '&authkeyid=' + authkeyid
suffix = suffix + '&authdate=' + authdate
suffix = suffix + '&authexpires=' + authexpires
suffix = suffix + '&authnonce=' + authnonce
stringToSign = (method + '\n' + path + suffix + '\n').encode()
authsignature = hexlify(
secretkey, stringToSign, digestmod=hashlib.sha256
suffix = suffix + '&authsignature=' + authsignature
return url + suffix