- Fix oauth2 token refresh (#109) ([@ianmetcalf][])
- Remove unused dependencies and upgrade remaining dependencies. (#112) (@jmdobry)
- Add yarn.lock file. (#113) (@jmdobry)
- Improve dev scripts. (#114) (@jmdobry)
- Improve repo licensing. (#115) (@jmdobry)
- Detect project ID from default application credentials (@jmdobry)
- Handle symlinks to default application credentials (@JonathanPorta)
- Add support for detecting project ID. (@jmdobry)
- Add support for array of valid audiences (@gameleon-dev)
- Fix devconsole links (@mortonfox)
- Update request (@tbetbetbe)
- Update README.md (@tbetbetbe)
- Check that pem exists before verifying it (@murgatroid99)
- Fix User-Agent header (@matthewloring)
- Fix some lint errors (@murgatroid99)
- Added test for OAuth2Client#request retry, fixed implementation (@murgatroid99)
- Fixed returned toString encoding of OAuth2Client.prototype.decodeBase64 method. (@yamafaktory)
- Use full compute metadata DNS name (@jonparrot)
- Accept either "accounts.google.com" or "https://accounts.google.com" as the issuer of the ID token issued by Google. (@mcduan)
- Update to prevent status code 200 messages from being flagged as errors. (@ryan-devrel)
- Update async & request (@josephpage)
- Update oauthclient2.js (@riblee)
- Update README.md (@ofrobots)
- Corrects return value in getRequestMetadata (@tbetbetbe)
- Fixed error code not being parsed correctly (@fiznool)
- Corrects usage of refresh token in jwtclient (@tbetbetbe)
- Adds an implementation of JWT Access authorization (@tbetbetbe)
- Adds getRequestMetadata() to the API surface (@tbetbetbe)
- Adds an implementation of IAM authorization (@tbetbetbe)
- Obtains the instance email and key from gtoken (@stephenplusplus)
- Switches from GAPIToken to gtoken (@stephenplusplus)
- Updates the sample (@jasonall)