diff --git a/src/Jitter2/Dynamics/RigidBody.cs b/src/Jitter2/Dynamics/RigidBody.cs
index 08742c38..8ba16449 100644
--- a/src/Jitter2/Dynamics/RigidBody.cs
+++ b/src/Jitter2/Dynamics/RigidBody.cs
@@ -430,10 +430,12 @@ public void AddForce(in JVector force)
- /// Applies a force to the rigid body, altering its velocity. This force is applied for a single frame only and is reset to zero with the subsequent call to .
+ /// Applies a force to the rigid body, altering its velocity. This force is applied for a single frame only and is
+ /// reset to zero with the subsequent call to .
/// The force to be applied.
/// The position where the force will be applied.
+ [ReferenceFrame(ReferenceFrame.World)]
public void AddForce(in JVector force, in JVector position)
ref RigidBodyData data = ref Data;
diff --git a/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Demo22.cs b/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Demo22.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3d152b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Demo22.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+using System;
+using Jitter2;
+using Jitter2.Collision.Shapes;
+using Jitter2.Dynamics;
+using Jitter2.Dynamics.Constraints;
+using Jitter2.LinearMath;
+using JitterDemo.Renderer;
+using JitterDemo.Renderer.OpenGL;
+namespace JitterDemo;
+public class Demo22 : IDemo
+ private static class Curve
+ {
+ public static JVector Path(float time)
+ {
+ return new JVector(8.5f * MathF.Sin((float)time * 0.5f),
+ 14 + MathF.Cos(time * 0.5f) * 5.0f, 0);
+ }
+ public static JVector Derivative(float time)
+ {
+ return new JVector(4.25f * MathF.Cos((float)time * 0.5f),
+ -2.5f * MathF.Sin(time * 0.5f), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ public string Name => "Kinematic bodies";
+ private Playground pg = null!;
+ private World world = null!;
+ private Player player = null!;
+ private RigidBody platform = null!;
+ public void Build()
+ {
+ pg = (Playground)RenderWindow.Instance;
+ world = pg.World;
+ pg.ResetScene(true);
+ var leftPlank = world.CreateRigidBody();
+ leftPlank.AddShape(new BoxShape(20,0.1f,6));
+ leftPlank.IsStatic = true;
+ var rightPlank = world.CreateRigidBody();
+ rightPlank.AddShape(new BoxShape(20,0.1f,6));
+ rightPlank.IsStatic = true;
+ leftPlank.Position = new JVector(-21, 13, 0);
+ rightPlank.Position = new JVector(21, 16, 0);
+ // (*) The mass is specified as the inverse mass, so an inverse mass of 0.01 corresponds to a mass of 100.
+ // Lower the inverse mass (i.e., increase the mass) to make the body behave more kinematically,
+ // akin to an unstoppable object. However, be cautious when setting the inverse mass to zero (infinite mass),
+ // as it can cause the solver to fail if a collision occurs between an unstoppable object (e.g., a platform)
+ // and an immovable object (e.g., a static object).
+ platform = world.CreateRigidBody();
+ platform.AddShape(new BoxShape(4,0.1f,6));
+ platform.AddShape(new SphereShape(0.2f)); // guide to the eye
+ platform.SetMassInertia(JMatrix.Zero, 0.01f, true); // (*)
+ platform.AffectedByGravity = false;
+ platform.Position = new JVector(0, 12, 0);
+ player = new Player(world, new JVector(-20, 15, 0));
+ player.Body.Orientation = JQuaternion.CreateRotationY(-MathF.PI / 2.0f);
+ }
+ public void Draw()
+ {
+ // What is happening in the following *two* lines of code?
+ //
+ // We want to platform to follow a path p(t). We can not set the position
+ // directly, as it will just teleport the body in tiny steps, which
+ // does not produce the kinematic physics we are after.
+ //
+ // We introduce k(t) and manually set the velocity of the platform to be
+ //
+ // v(t) = alpha(k(t) - x(t))
+ // <=> x'(t) = alpha(k(t) - x(t))
+ // <=> 1/alpha x'(t) + x(t) = k(t)
+ //
+ // where alpha is a constant.
+ //
+ // If we now set k(t) to be
+ // ______________________________
+ // | k(t) = 1/alpha p'(t) + p(t) |
+ // -------------------------------
+ // , we arrive at
+ //
+ // x(t) = C*exp(-alpha*t) + p(t)
+ //
+ // where the first term describes the offset of the target path p(t)
+ // and the position of the platform x(t). This term vanishes with larger t.
+ JVector k = Curve.Derivative((float)pg.Time) + Curve.Path((float)pg.Time);
+ platform.Velocity = k - platform.Position;
+ // Draw the curve
+ const int stepMax = 100;
+ const float maxTime = 4.0f * MathF.PI;
+ for (int step = 0; step < stepMax; step++)
+ {
+ float ta = maxTime / stepMax * step;
+ float tb = maxTime / stepMax * (step + 1);
+ pg.DebugRenderer.PushLine(DebugRenderer.Color.Green,
+ Conversion.FromJitter(Curve.Path(ta)),
+ Conversion.FromJitter(Curve.Path(tb)));
+ }
+ // Player handling with keyboard
+ Keyboard kb = Keyboard.Instance;
+ if (kb.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.Key.Left)) player.SetAngularInput(-1.0f);
+ else if (kb.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.Key.Right)) player.SetAngularInput(1.0f);
+ else player.SetAngularInput(0.0f);
+ if (kb.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.Key.Up)) player.SetLinearInput(-JVector.UnitZ);
+ else if (kb.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.Key.Down)) player.SetLinearInput(JVector.UnitZ);
+ else player.SetLinearInput(JVector.Zero);
+ if (kb.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.Key.LeftControl)) player.Jump();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Player/Player.cs b/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Player/Player.cs
index b90c2de6..8de31c77 100644
--- a/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Player/Player.cs
+++ b/src/JitterDemo/Demos/Player/Player.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ namespace JitterDemo;
public class Player
public RigidBody Body { get; }
- public LinearMotor FrictionMotor { get; }
public AngularMotor AngularMovement { get; }
private readonly float capsuleHalfHeight;
@@ -48,11 +47,8 @@ public Player(World world, JVector position)
var ur = world.CreateConstraint(Body, world.NullBody);
ur.Initialize(JVector.UnitY, AngularLimit.Full);
- // Add a "motor" to the body. The motor target velocity is zero.
- // This acts like friction and stops the player.
- FrictionMotor = world.CreateConstraint(Body, world.NullBody);
- FrictionMotor.Initialize(JVector.UnitZ, JVector.UnitX);
- FrictionMotor.MaximumForce = 10;
+ // Add some friction
+ Body.Friction = 0.8f;
// An angular motor for turning.
AngularMovement = world.CreateConstraint(Body, world.NullBody);
@@ -203,9 +199,8 @@ public void Jump()
public void SetLinearInput(JVector deltaMove)
- if (!CanJump(out _, out _))
+ if (!CanJump(out var floor, out JVector hitpoint))
- FrictionMotor.IsEnabled = false;
@@ -222,19 +217,15 @@ public void SetLinearInput(JVector deltaMove)
if (bodyVelLen < 5f)
- Body.AddForce(JVector.Transform(deltaMove, Body.Orientation) * 10);
+ var force = JVector.Transform(deltaMove, Body.Orientation) * 10.0f;
+ Body.AddForce(force);
+ // follow Newton's law (for once) and add a force
+ // with equal magnitude in the opposite direction.
+ floor!.AddForce(-force, Body.Position + hitpoint);
- if (bodyVelLen > 0.01f)
- {
- FrictionMotor.LocalAxis1 = JVector.TransposedTransform(bodyVel * (1.0f / bodyVelLen), Body.Orientation);
- FrictionMotor.TargetVelocity = 0;
- FrictionMotor.IsEnabled = true;
- }
- else
- {
- FrictionMotor.IsEnabled = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/JitterDemo/Playground.cs b/src/JitterDemo/Playground.cs
index 7a00185f..8102fa2c 100644
--- a/src/JitterDemo/Playground.cs
+++ b/src/JitterDemo/Playground.cs
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ public partial class Playground : RenderWindow
// new Demo18(), // point test
// new Demo19(), // ray cast test
new Demo20(),
- new Demo21()
+ new Demo21(),
+ new Demo22()
private IDemo? currentDemo;