Dockerized Pure FTP with anonymous access.
Anonymous users will see the contents of whatever is within /data/shared
and can upload.
Other users created will work as usual, and anonymous users won't have access to the contents.
If starting for the first time:
- bind a volume from a non-existent directory on the host to the container (e.g. /tmp/pure-ftpd)
- exec into the container then copy the contents of /etc/pure-ftpd/ to the temporary directory
- rebind the volume from the now populated directory on the host to the container at /etc/pure-ftpd/
To create a "super user" who can CRUD files across the shared and virtualusers:
host $ docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
container $ pure-pw useradd <username> -u 101 -g 91 -D /data -m
To create a "standard user" who can only CRUD files into their own folder:
host $ docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
container $ export username=<username> \
&& pure-pw useradd $username -u 101 -g 91 -d /data/virtualusers/$username -m \
&& mkdir -p /data/virtualusers/$username \
&& chown 101 /data/virtualusers/$username \
&& chgrp 91 /data/virtualusers/$username
I've also added a script to the container to set the appropriate permissions on the /data/shared and /data/virtualusers directories.
This is so that when a host folder is bind mounted to the container, it overwrites the host permissions and ownership.