diff --git a/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml b/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fb3ef20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml b/.idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79ee123c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4db521f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml b/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml
index 3c03a690..03acf3f1 100644
--- a/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml
+++ b/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/webgcode.iml b/.idea/webgcode.iml
index 9d4d4c2c..31d599a2 100644
--- a/.idea/webgcode.iml
+++ b/.idea/webgcode.iml
@@ -1,15 +1,497 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/controller.js b/webapp/cnc/app/controller.js
index a2d8b4af..4cbc402e 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/controller.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/controller.js
@@ -3,30 +3,6 @@
define(['Ember', 'cnc/cam/operations', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cad/wabble', 'cnc/cam/text', 'cnc/app/job/jobController'],
function (Ember, Operations, util, Wabble, text, JobController) {
var wabble = new Wabble(13, 15, 1, 1, 5, 8, 3);
- var LoginController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
- actions: {
- loginWithToken: function (authData) {
- var _this = this;
- var service = this.get('model');
- var payload;
- if (service == 'twitter')
- payload = {
- user_id: authData.twitter.id,
- oauth_token: authData.twitter.accessToken,
- oauth_token_secret: authData.twitter.accessTokenSecret
- };
- else
- payload = authData[service].accessToken;
- this.get('firebase.firebase').authWithOAuthToken(service, payload, function () {
- console.log(arguments);
- _this.transitionToRoute('index').then(function () {
- Visucam.reset();
- });
- });
- }
- }
- });
var IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['application'],
actions: {
@@ -74,28 +50,14 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/cam/operations', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cad/wabble', 'cnc/cam/te
createJob: function () {
var job = this.store.createRecord('job');
- job.saveAll();
- this.transitionToRoute('job', job);
+ var _this = this;
+ return job.saveAll().then(function () {
+ _this.transitionToRoute('job', job);
+ });
- var ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
- authProviderIcon: function () {
- var icons = {
- facebook: 'fa fa-facebook',
- twitter: 'fa fa-twitter',
- github: 'fa fa-github',
- google: 'fa fa-google-plus',
- anonymous: 'fa fa-eye-slash'
- };
- return icons[this.get('firebase.auth.provider')];
- }.property('firebase.auth.provider'),
- authTitle: function () {
- return 'Authenticated with ' + this.get('firebase.auth.provider');
- }.property('firebase.auth.provider')
- });
var ShapeController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
init: function () {
var _this = this;
@@ -105,22 +67,22 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/cam/operations', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cad/wabble', 'cnc/cam/te
shapeTypes: ['rectangle', 'circle', 'text', 'point', 'slice'],
isManual: function () {
- return this.get('type') == 'manual';
+ return this.get('type') === 'manual';
isRectangle: function () {
- return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') == 'rectangle';
+ return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') === 'rectangle';
}.property('isManual', 'manualDefinition.type'),
isCircle: function () {
- return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') == 'circle';
+ return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') === 'circle';
}.property('isManual', 'manualDefinition.type'),
isText: function () {
- return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') == 'text';
+ return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') === 'text';
}.property('isManual', 'manualDefinition.type'),
isPoint: function () {
- return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') == 'point';
+ return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') === 'point';
}.property('isManual', 'manualDefinition.type'),
isSlice: function () {
- return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') == 'slice';
+ return this.get('isManual') && this.get('manualDefinition.type') === 'slice';
}.property('isManual', 'manualDefinition.type'),
fonts: null,
fontChanged: function () {
@@ -144,7 +106,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/cam/operations', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cad/wabble', 'cnc/cam/te
return shape.get('stlModel') == null;
suitableShapes: function () {
- if (this.get('type') == '3DlinearOperation')
+ if (this.get('type') === '3DlinearOperation')
return this.get('stlShapes');
return this.get('NonStlShapes');
}.property('stlShapes', 'NonStlShapes', 'type'),
@@ -154,7 +116,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/cam/operations', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cad/wabble', 'cnc/cam/te
isVTool: function () {
- return this.get('3d_toolType').indexOf('v') == 0;
+ return this.get('3d_toolType').indexOf('v') === 0;
toolShapes: function () {
return [
@@ -240,9 +202,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/cam/operations', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cad/wabble', 'cnc/cam/te
return {
- LoginController: LoginController,
IndexController: IndexController,
- ApplicationController: ApplicationController,
JobController: JobController,
ShapeController: ShapeController,
OperationController: OperationController,
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobAdapter.js b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobAdapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf792ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobAdapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+"use strict";
+define(['Ember', 'EmberData'], function (Ember, DS) {
+ // this adapter is also used for JobSummary.
+ // jobsummry is a model of job that just shows a few fields and doesn't trigger a full toolpath computation.
+ // it's used for the job list on the front page
+ // by using the same adapter, the same on disk data get either hydrated as a Job or a JobSummary
+ return DS.Adapter.extend({
+ init() {
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ var request = window.indexedDB.open("Jobs", 2);
+ request.onerror = function (event) {
+ reject(event.target.errorCode)
+ }
+ request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
+ var db = event.target.result;
+ db.createObjectStore("jobs", {autoIncrement: true});
+ }
+ request.onsuccess = function (event) {
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ openDB() {
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ var request = window.indexedDB.open("Jobs", 2);
+ request.onerror = function (event) {
+ reject(event.target.errorCode)
+ }
+ request.onsuccess = function (event) {
+ event.target.result;
+ resolve(event.target.result);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ makeQuery(idbQueryFunction) {
+ return this.openDB().then(function (db) {
+ let idbObjectStore = db.transaction(["jobs"], "readwrite").objectStore("jobs");
+ var request = idbQueryFunction(idbObjectStore);
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ request.onsuccess = function (event) {
+ resolve(event.target.result);
+ };
+ request.onerror = function (event) {
+ console.error('IndexedDB error: ' + event.target.errorCode);
+ reject(event);
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ find: function (store, type, id, opts) {
+ return this.makeQuery(function (objectStore) {
+ return objectStore.get(parseInt(id));
+ }).then(function (data) {
+ if (data)
+ data.id = id;
+ return data
+ });
+ },
+ findRecord: function (store, type, id, opts) {
+ console.log('JobAdapter.find()')
+ },
+ createRecord: function (store, type, snapshot) {
+ var data = this.serialize(snapshot);
+ return this.makeQuery(function (objectStore) {
+ return objectStore.add(data);
+ }).then(function (id) {
+ data.id = id;
+ return data
+ });
+ },
+ updateRecord: function (store, type, snapshot) {
+ var data = snapshot.serialize();
+ return this.makeQuery(function (objectStore) {
+ return objectStore.put(data, parseInt(snapshot.id));
+ }).then(function () {
+ data.id = snapshot.id;
+ return data;
+ });
+ },
+ deleteRecord: function (store, type, snapshot) {
+ return this.makeQuery(function (objectStore) {
+ return objectStore.delete(parseInt(snapshot.id));
+ }).then(function () {
+ return true;
+ });
+ },
+ findAll: function (store, type) {
+ var result = [];
+ return this.openDB().then(function (db) {
+ var request = db.transaction(["jobs"], "readonly").objectStore("jobs").openCursor();
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ request.onsuccess = function (event) {
+ let cursor = event.target.result;
+ if (cursor) {
+ result.push({...cursor.value, id: cursor.primaryKey + ''})
+ cursor.continue();
+ } else {
+ Ember.run(null, resolve, result);
+ }
+ };
+ request.onerror = function (event) {
+ console.log('IndexedDB error: ' + event.target.errorCode);
+ reject(event);
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ query: function (records, query) {
+ return []
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobController.js b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobController.js
index 1452c082..90574473 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobController.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobController.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'jQuery', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/cam'], function (Ember, $, util,
var _this = this;
window.addEventListener("message", Ember.run.bind(this, function (event) {
- if (event.data['type'] == 'gimme program') {
+ if (event.data['type'] === 'gimme program') {
var parameters = event.data.parameters;
var toolPath = _this.get('model').computeCompactToolPath();
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'jQuery', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/cam'], function (Ember, $, util,
- if (event.data['type'] == 'toolPosition') {
+ if (event.data['type'] === 'toolPosition') {
var pos = event.data['position'];
var newPos = new util.Point(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
if (!_this.get('toolPosition') || _this.get('toolPosition').sqDistance(newPos)) {
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'jQuery', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/cam'], function (Ember, $, util,
Ember.run.debounce(_this, _this.syncStartPoint, 5000);
- if (event.data['type'] == 'current operations') {
+ if (event.data['type'] === 'current operations') {
_this.set('runningOperations', event.data['operations']);
}), false);
@@ -76,11 +76,12 @@ define(['Ember', 'jQuery', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/cam'], function (Ember, $, util,
'delete': function () {
var _this = this;
- this.get('model.jobSummary').then(function (jobSummary) {
- return Ember.RSVP.hash({
- summary: jobSummary.destroyRecord(),
- job: _this.get('model').destroyRecord()
- });
+ var ops = this.get('operations').toArray();
+ return Ember.RSVP.all(ops.map(function (op) {
+ _this.get('operations').removeObject(op);
+ return op.destroyRecord();
+ })).finally(function () {
+ return _this.get('model').destroyRecord();
}).then(function () {
@@ -94,9 +95,9 @@ define(['Ember', 'jQuery', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/cam'], function (Ember, $, util,
if (fragment.feedrate)
var gotoFunc;
- if (fragment.speedTag == 'normal')
+ if (fragment.speedTag === 'normal')
gotoFunc = collector.goToWorkSpeed.bind(collector);
- if (fragment.speedTag == 'rapid')
+ if (fragment.speedTag === 'rapid')
gotoFunc = collector.goToTravelSpeed.bind(collector);
for (var j = 0; j < fragment.path.length; j++)
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobModel.js b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobModel.js
index 189509d5..9882d233 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobModel.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobModel.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
toolDiameter: attr('number', {defaultValue: 3}),
userFeedrate: attr('number', {defaultValue: 100}),
startPoint: attr('point', {defaultValue: new util.Point(0, 0, 10)}),
- jobSummary: DS.belongsTo('jobSummary', {inverse: 'job', async: true}),
+ jobSummary: DS.belongsTo('jobSummary', {inverse: 'job', async: false}),
shapes: DS.hasMany('shape', {inverse: 'job', embedded: true}),
operations: DS.hasMany('operation', {inverse: 'job', embedded: true}),
offsetX: attr('number', {defaultValue: 0}),
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
deleteOperation: function (operation) {
+ operation.terminateWorkerWhenDeleted();
- this.save();
deleteShape: function (shape) {
@@ -100,25 +100,17 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
createShape: function (def, name, params) {
var shape = this.store.createRecord('shape', $.extend({definition: def, name: name}, params));
+ //shape.set('id', this.get('shapes.length'))
return shape;
saveAll: function () {
- var summaryPromise = this.get('jobSummary');
- var _this = this;
- summaryPromise.then(function (summary) {
- if (summary == null) {
- summary = _this.store.createRecord('jobSummary', {job: _this, name: _this.get('name')});
- _this.set('jobSummary', summary);
- } else
- summary.set('name', _this.get('name'));
- return Ember.RSVP.all([summary.save(), _this.save()]);
- });
+ return this.save();
feedrate: Ember.computed.alias('userFeedrate'),
canSendProgram: function () {
var operations = this.get('operations');
- if (operations.length == 0)
+ if (operations.length === 0)
return false;
var oneIsComputing = false;
var oneIsEnabled = false;
@@ -137,12 +129,11 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
this.set('duration', 'computing...');
if (this.get('durationWorker'))
- var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js'));
+ var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js') + '#jobdurationWorker');
this.set('durationWorker', worker);
var _this = this;
worker.onmessage = Ember.run.bind(this, function (event) {
_this.set('duration', event.data.duration);
- worker.terminate();
_this.set('durationWorker', null);
@@ -152,11 +143,10 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
observeOperationDuration: function () {
this.set('duration', null);
- if (this.get('enabledOperations').filterBy('computing', true).length == 0)
+ if (this.get('enabledOperations').filterBy('computing', true).length === 0)
Ember.run.debounce(this, 'computeDuration', 100);
}.observes('wholeProgram', 'operations.@each.actualFeedrate', 'operations.@each.computing'),
computeCompactToolPath: function () {
- console.log('computeCompactToolPath');
var operations = this.get('enabledOperations');
var safetyZ = this.get('safetyZ');
var travelBits = [];
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobView.js b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobView.js
index 08add83e..6011f948 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobView.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/job/jobView.js
@@ -11,39 +11,16 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/import/svgImporter', 'cnc/import/gerberImporter', 'cnc/imp
}, function () {
$(this).data('hovering', false);
- if (_this.get('controller.deleteSlider') == 0)
+ if (_this.get('controller.deleteSlider') === 0)
this.$('#deleteSlider').mouseup(function () {
- if (_this.get('controller.deleteSlider') == 1) {
+ if (_this.get('controller.deleteSlider') === 1) {
_this.set('controller.deleteSlider', 0);
- var currentSwap1 = null;
- var currentSwap2 = null;
- /*
- //sadly removed because drag/drop doesn't work in chrome applications.
- Sortable.create(this.$('#operationList')[0], {
- draggable: ".list-group-item",
- filter: "script",
- animation: 150,
- scroll: this.$('.jobDetail')[0],
- handle: ".arrow-panel",
- ghostClass: 'drag-ghost',
- onEnd: function (evt) {
- var tmp = currentSwap1.get('index');
- currentSwap1.set('index', currentSwap2.get('index'));
- currentSwap2.set('index', tmp);
- },
- onMove: function (evt) {
- currentSwap1 = Ember.View.views[$(evt.dragged).attr('id')].get('parameters.context.model');
- var view = Ember.View.views[$(evt.related).attr('id')];
- if (view)
- currentSwap2 = view.get('parameters.context.model');
- }
- });*/
dragEnter: function (event) {
@@ -86,7 +63,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/import/svgImporter', 'cnc/import/gerberImporter', 'cnc/imp
var res = gerberImporter(e.target.result);
_this.get('controller').addShapes([res], file.name);
} catch (error) {
- if (error.message == 'unrecognized file') {
+ if (error.message === 'unrecognized file') {
console.log('unrecognized gerber, trying excellon');
var res2 = excellonImporter(e.target.result);
var keys = Object.keys(res2.holes);
@@ -129,9 +106,9 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/import/svgImporter', 'cnc/import/gerberImporter', 'cnc/imp
var files = event.dataTransfer.files;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
- if (file.type.indexOf('svg') != -1 || file.name.match(/\.svg/i))
+ if (file.type.indexOf('svg') !== -1 || file.name.match(/\.svg/i))
- else if (file.type.indexOf('stl') != -1 || file.name.match(/\.stl/i))
+ else if (file.type.indexOf('stl') !== -1 || file.name.match(/\.stl/i))
else loadGerber(file);
@@ -144,14 +121,14 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/import/svgImporter', 'cnc/import/gerberImporter', 'cnc/imp
var val = this.get('controller.deleteSlider');
if (this.$()) {
this.$('#deleteBlock').css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, ' + val + ')');
- if (val == 1) {
+ if (val === 1) {
} else {
- if (val == 0 && !this.$('#deleteBlock').data('hovering'))
+ if (val === 0 && !this.$('#deleteBlock').data('hovering'))
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/models.js b/webapp/cnc/app/models.js
index e583d638..fcfa29b1 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/models.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/models.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"use strict";
define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base64', 'THREE',
- 'libs/threejs/STLLoader', 'cnc/cam/text', 'cnc/app/job/jobModel', 'cnc/app/operationModel', 'require'],
- function (Ember, DS, cam, util, pako, base64, THREE, STLLoader, Text, Job, Operation, require) {
+ 'libs/threejs/STLLoader', 'cnc/cam/text', 'cnc/app/job/jobModel', 'cnc/app/operationModel', 'cnc/app/job/jobAdapter', 'require'],
+ function (Ember, DS, cam, util, pako, base64, THREE, STLLoader, Text, Job, Operation, JobAdapter, require) {
var attr = DS.attr;
var PointTransform = DS.Transform.extend({
@@ -20,6 +20,27 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base6
return json;
+ var JobSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ shapes: {embedded: 'always'},
+ operations: {embedded: 'always'}
+ }
+ });
+ var ShapeSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ manualDefinition: {embedded: 'always'}
+ }
+ });
+ var OperationSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ outline: {serialize: 'ids', deserialize: 'ids'},
+ job: {serialize: 'ids', deserialize: 'ids'}
+ }
+ });
var ManualShape = DS.Model.extend({
type: attr('string', {defaultValue: 'rectangle'}),
width: attr('number', {defaultValue: 10}),
@@ -57,7 +78,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base6
var worker = _this.get('svgWorker');
if (worker)
- worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js'));
+ worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js') + '#slice');
_this.set('svgWorker', worker);
worker.onmessage = Ember.run.bind(this, function (event) {
_this.set('svgWorker', null);
@@ -165,7 +186,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base6
manualDefinitionChanged: function () {
var _this = this;
- if (this.get('type') == 'manual') {
+ if (this.get('type') === 'manual') {
this.set('computing', true);
.then(function (result) {
@@ -180,7 +201,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base6
if (stlModel == null)
return null;
var geometry = new STLLoader().parse(stlModel);
- if (geometry.type != 'BufferGeometry')
+ if (geometry.type !== 'BufferGeometry')
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(geometry);
return geometry;
@@ -193,8 +214,8 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base6
return model.toJSON();
shapeType: function () {
- var isManual = this.get('type') == 'manual';
- if (isManual && this.get('manualDefinition.type') == 'point'
+ var isManual = this.get('type') === 'manual';
+ if (isManual && this.get('manualDefinition.type') === 'point'
|| !isManual && this.get('drillData'))
return 'points';
if (!isManual && this.get('stlModel'))
@@ -215,6 +236,11 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'libs/pako.min', 'base6
Shape: Shape,
ManualShape: ManualShape,
PointTransform: PointTransform,
- ManualShapeSerializer: ManualShapeSerializer
+ ManualShapeSerializer: ManualShapeSerializer,
+ JobSerializer: JobSerializer,
+ ShapeSerializer: ShapeSerializer,
+ JobAdapter: JobAdapter,
+ JobSummaryAdapter: JobAdapter,
+ OperationSerializer: OperationSerializer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/operationModel.js b/webapp/cnc/app/operationModel.js
index e4b2107a..e4cb4ea9 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/operationModel.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/operationModel.js
@@ -43,15 +43,16 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
computeToolpathObeserved: function () {
if (!this.get('outline.computing'))
- if (this.get('type') != '3DlinearOperation') {
+ if (this.get('type') !== '3DlinearOperation') {
if (this.get('outline.definition'))
Ember.run.debounce(this, this.computeToolpath, 100);
- }
- else
+ } else
Ember.run.debounce(this, this.compute3D, 100);
}.observes('type', 'outline.polyline', 'job.toolRadius', 'job.safetyZ', 'outline.manualDefinition.x',
'outline.manualDefinition.y', 'outline.computing', 'outline.meshGeometry').on('didLoad'),
computeToolpath: function () {
+ if (this.get('isDeleted'))
+ return;
var _this = this;
var id = this.get('id');
if (this.get('type')) {
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
_this.set('toolpath', null);
_this.set('missedArea', null);
_this.set('leftStock', null);
- var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js'));
+ var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js') + "#toolpathWorker-" + id);
this.set('toolpathWorker', worker);
worker.onmessage = Ember.run.bind(this, function (event) {
if (event.data.terminate && _this.get('toolpathWorker')) {
@@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
compute3D: function () {
+ if (this.get('isDeleted'))
+ return;
var _this = this;
var safetyZ = this.get('job.safetyZ');
var toolDiameter = this.get('job.toolDiameter');
@@ -132,8 +135,8 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
computing: function () {
return !!((this.get('task') && !this.get('task.isDone'))
- || this.get('toolpathWorker')
- || this.get('outline.computing'));
+ || this.get('toolpathWorker')
+ || this.get('outline.computing'));
}.property('task', 'task.isDone', 'toolpathWorker', 'outline.computing'),
paused: function () {
return this.get('task.isPaused');
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
actualFeedrate: function () {
if (this.get('feedrateOverride')) {
var f = this.get('feedrate');
- return f == 0 ? this.get('job.feedrate') : f;
+ return f === 0 ? this.get('job.feedrate') : f;
} else return this.get('job.feedrate');
}.property('feedrate', 'job.feedrate', 'feedrateOverride'),
operationComputer: function () {
@@ -193,10 +196,12 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
}, this.get('job.safetyZ'), this.get('toolpath'), this.get('id'));
}.property('toolpath', 'job.safetyZ'),
computeOperationDuration: function () {
+ if (this.get('isDeleted'))
+ return;
this.set('operationDuration', 'computing duration...');
if (this.get('durationWorker'))
- var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js'));
+ var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js' + '#durationWorker'));
this.set('durationWorker', worker);
var _this = this;
worker.onmessage = Ember.run.bind(this, function (event) {
@@ -212,7 +217,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
observeOperationDuration: function () {
this.set('operationDuration', null);
if (!this.get('computing'))
- Ember.run.debounce(this, 'computeOperationDuration', 100);
+ Ember.run.debounce(this, 'computeOperationDuration', 500);
}.observes('assembledPath', 'actualFeedrate', 'computing'),
pushCompactToolpathOn: function (collector) {
var feedrate = this.get('actualFeedrate');
@@ -220,7 +225,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'EmberData', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/operations', '
var travelBits = this.get('travelBits');
for (var i = 0; i < travelBits.length; i++) {
var fragment = travelBits[i];
- if (fragment.path.length == 0)
+ if (fragment.path.length === 0)
operation: id,
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/app/view.js b/webapp/cnc/app/view.js
index cb4be660..5cef751b 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/app/view.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/app/view.js
@@ -5,30 +5,6 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/ui/threeDView', 'THREE', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/3D/toolProfi
classNames: ['rootview']
- var LoginView = Ember.View.extend({
- tagName: 'webview',
- classNames: ['loginFrame'],
- attributeBindings: ['src', ''],
- didInsertElement: function () {
- this.$().on('loadstop', Ember.run.bind(this, this.loadstop));
- },
- src: function () {
- return 'https://auth.firebase.com/v2/popping-fire-1042/auth/' + this.get('controller.model')
- + '?v=js-0.0.0&transport=json&suppress_status_codes=true'
- }.property('controller.model'),
- loadstop: function () {
- var _this = this;
- var service = _this.get('controller.model');
- var url = this.$().attr('src').split('?')[0];
- if (url.indexOf('/auth/' + service + '/callback') != -1) {
- this.$()[0].executeScript({code: 'document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].innerHTML;'}, function (res) {
- var authData = JSON.parse(res[0]);
- _this.get('controller').send('loginWithToken', authData);
- });
- }
- }
- });
function collectVertices(toolpath, defaultZ) {
var res = [];
if (toolpath.initialPoint)
@@ -115,7 +91,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/ui/threeDView', 'THREE', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/3D/toolProfi
Ember.run.debounce(this, 'syncLeaveStock', 1);
visibleChanged: function () {
- this.get('threeDNode').setVisibility(this.get('controller.currentOperation') == this.get('operation'));
+ this.get('threeDNode').setVisibility(this.get('controller.currentOperation') === this.get('operation'));
@@ -256,7 +232,7 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/ui/threeDView', 'THREE', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/3D/toolProfi
var startX = middleX - radius * factor;
for (i = 0; i < profile.length; i++) {
var x = startX + (i / profile.length * radius) * factor;
- if (i == 0)
+ if (i === 0)
ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
ctx.lineTo(x, Math.max(ctx.canvas.height - (profile[profile.length - i - 1] - min) * factor, 0));
@@ -285,7 +261,6 @@ define(['Ember', 'cnc/ui/threeDView', 'THREE', 'cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/3D/toolProfi
return {
ThreeDView: ThreeDView,
- LoginView: LoginView,
ApplicationView: ApplicationView,
JobView: JobView,
ToolView: ToolView
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/cam/3D/3Dcomputer.js b/webapp/cnc/cam/3D/3Dcomputer.js
index c6adc3cc..83f0d490 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/cam/3D/3Dcomputer.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/cam/3D/3Dcomputer.js
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ define(['RSVP', 'THREE', 'Piecon', 'cnc/cam/3D/modelProjector', 'cnc/cam/3D/mink
var resultHeightField = new HeightField(resultBuffer, bbox, resultBufferWidth, resultBufferHeight,
transformMatrix, startRatio, stopRatio, leaveStock + bbox.min.z);
- var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js'));
+ var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js') + '#3Dping');
var gl = renderer.getContext();
var minkowskiBuffer = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(resultTileX, resultTileY, {
stencilBuffer: false, generateMipmaps: false,
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/cam/pocket.js b/webapp/cnc/cam/pocket.js
index 025a0eec..6e1dbc85 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/cam/pocket.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/cam/pocket.js
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ define(['RSVP', 'clipper', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'require', 'cnc/util'], function (RSVP
var workArray = polygons.map(function (poly) {
return createWork(poly, scaledToolRadius, radialEngagementRatio);
- self.workerPool = createWorkerPool(require.toUrl('worker.js'), workArray, 6);
+ self.workerPool = createWorkerPool(require.toUrl('worker.js') + '#pocket', workArray, 6);
return {workArray: workArray, abort: self.workerPool.abort};
diff --git a/webapp/cnc/ui/threeDView.js b/webapp/cnc/ui/threeDView.js
index c69188c0..a21e7ef7 100644
--- a/webapp/cnc/ui/threeDView.js
+++ b/webapp/cnc/ui/threeDView.js
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ define(['THREE', 'TWEEN', 'cnc/util', 'libs/threejs/OrbitControls', 'cnc/ui/cube
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d / 16);
- return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);
+ return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);
- var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js'));
+ var worker = new Worker(require.toUrl('worker.js') + '#3DView');
var resultMap = {};
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ define(['THREE', 'TWEEN', 'cnc/util', 'libs/threejs/OrbitControls', 'cnc/ui/cube
ThreeDView.prototype = {
addToolpathFragment: function (fragment) {
- this[fragment.speedTag == 'rapid' ? 'rapidToolpathNode' : 'normalToolpathNode'].addCollated(fragment.vertices);
+ this[fragment.speedTag === 'rapid' ? 'rapidToolpathNode' : 'normalToolpathNode'].addCollated(fragment.vertices);
clearView: function () {
diff --git a/webapp/compile_ember.sh b/webapp/compile_ember.sh
index 3e9046bc..53f41880 100755
--- a/webapp/compile_ember.sh
+++ b/webapp/compile_ember.sh
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-node_modules/ember-precompile/bin/ember-precompile `find templates -name *.hbs` -b templates/ -f templates.js
\ No newline at end of file
+./node_modules/ember-precompile/bin/ember-precompile `find templates -name *.hbs` -b templates/ -f templates.js
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/config.js b/webapp/config.js
index a4bb10e4..a6acfb7b 100644
--- a/webapp/config.js
+++ b/webapp/config.js
@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ requirejs.config({
paths: {
text: 'libs/require_text',
shader: 'require_shader',
- Firebase: 'libs/firebase',
Ember: "libs/ember.min",
EmberData: "libs/ember-data.min",
- EmberFire: "libs/emberfire",
Handlebars: "libs/handlebars-v1.3.0",
jQuery: "libs/jquery-1.11.1.min",
THREE: 'libs/threejs/three-depthtextures',
@@ -30,8 +28,6 @@ requirejs.config({
canvg: {deps: ["libs/canvg/rgbcolor.js"], exports: "canvg"},
EmberData: {deps: ["Ember"], exports: "DS"},
- Firebase: {exports: 'Firebase'},
- EmberFire: {deps: ["EmberData", "Firebase"], exports: "DS"},
THREE: {exports: 'THREE'},
TWEEN: {exports: 'TWEEN'},
'libs/threejs/OrbitControls': {deps: ['THREE'], exports: 'THREE.OrbitControls'},
diff --git a/webapp/libs/ember-data.min.js b/webapp/libs/ember-data.min.js
index 6a3cc07b..eb95339f 100644
--- a/webapp/libs/ember-data.min.js
+++ b/webapp/libs/ember-data.min.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4244 @@
-(function(e){var r,t,i,a;(function(){var e;if(!Array.isArray){e=function(e){return Object.prototype.toString.call(e)==="[object Array]"}}else{e=Array.isArray}var n={},s={},o={};var u=false;r=function(r,t,i){if(!e(t)){i=t;t=[]}n[r]={deps:t,callback:i}};function d(e,r,t){var a=e.length;var n=new Array(a);var s;var o;for(var u=0,d=a;u=t){n=0;s.push([])}n+=r;var i=s.length-1;s[i].push(e)});return s}var s=[];t.forEach(function(e,r){var t=2048;var i=a(e,t);o.call(i,function(e){s.push(e)})});return s},pathForType:function(e){var r=Ember.String.camelize(e);return Ember.String.pluralize(r)},ajaxError:function(e,r){if(e&&typeof e==="object"){e.then=null}return e},ajaxSuccess:function(e,r){return r},ajax:function(e,r,t){var i=this;return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(n,s){var o=i.ajaxOptions(e,r,t);o.success=function(e,r,t){e=i.ajaxSuccess(t,e);if(e instanceof a){Ember.run(null,s,e)}else{Ember.run(null,n,e)}};o.error=function(e,r,t){Ember.run(null,s,i.ajaxError(e,e.responseText))};Ember.$.ajax(o)},"DS: RESTAdapter#ajax "+r+" to "+e)},ajaxOptions:function(e,r,t){var i=t||{};i.url=e;i.type=r;i.dataType="json";i.context=this;if(i.data&&r!=="GET"){i.contentType="application/json; charset=utf-8";i.data=JSON.stringify(i.data)}var a=s(this,"headers");if(a!==undefined){i.beforeSend=function(e){o.call(Ember.keys(a),function(r){e.setRequestHeader(r,a[r])})}}return i}});function u(e,r){if(typeof String.prototype.endsWith!=="function"){return e.indexOf(r,e.length-r.length)!==-1}else{return e.endsWith(r)}}});r("ember-data/core",["exports"],function(e){"use strict";var r;if("undefined"===typeof r){r=Ember.Namespace.create({VERSION:"1.0.0-beta.11"});if(Ember.libraries){Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary("Ember Data",r.VERSION)}}e["default"]=r});r("ember-data/ember-initializer",["ember-data/setup-container"],function(e){"use strict";var r=e["default"];var 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u(e);t.registerDeprecations([{deprecated:"serializer:_default",valid:"serializer:-default"},{deprecated:"serializer:_rest",valid:"serializer:-rest"},{deprecated:"adapter:_rest",valid:"adapter:-rest"}]);e.register("serializer:-default",n);e.register("serializer:-rest",s);e.register("adapter:-rest",o);e.lookup("store:main")}});r("ember-data/initializers/store_injections",["exports"],function(e){"use strict";e["default"]=function r(e){e.injection("controller","store","store:main");e.injection("route","store","store:main");e.injection("serializer","store","store:main");e.injection("data-adapter","store","store:main")}});r("ember-data/initializers/transforms",["ember-data/transforms","exports"],function(e,r){"use strict";var t=e.BooleanTransform;var i=e.DateTransform;var a=e.StringTransform;var n=e.NumberTransform;r["default"]=function s(e){e.register("transform:boolean",t);e.register("transform:date",i);e.register("transform:number",n);e.register("transform:string",a)}});r("ember-data/serializers",["ember-data/serializers/json_serializer","ember-data/serializers/rest_serializer","exports"],function(e,r,t){"use strict";var i=e["default"];var a=r["default"];t.JSONSerializer=i;t.RESTSerializer=a});r("ember-data/serializers/embedded_records_mixin",["exports"],function(e){"use strict";var r=Ember.get;var t=Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;var i=Ember.String.camelize;var a=Ember.Mixin.create({normalize:function(e,r,t){var i=this._super(e,r,t);return n(this,this.store,e,i)},keyForRelationship:function(e,r){if(this.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(e)){return this.keyForAttribute(e)}else{return this._super(e,r)||e}},serializeBelongsTo:function(e,t,i){var a=i.key;if(this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(a)){this._super(e,t,i);return}var n=this.hasSerializeIdsOption(a);var s=this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(a);var o=e.get(a);var u;if(n){u=this.keyForRelationship(a,i.kind);if(!o){t[u]=null}else{t[u]=r(o,"id")}}else if(s){u=this.keyForAttribute(a);if(!o){t[u]=null}else{t[u]=o.serialize({includeId:true});this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(e,o,i,t[u])}}},serializeHasMany:function(e,t,i){var a=i.key;if(this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(a)){this._super(e,t,i);return}var n=this.hasSerializeIdsOption(a);var s=this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(a);var o;if(n){o=this.keyForRelationship(a,i.kind);t[o]=r(e,a).mapBy("id")}else if(s){o=this.keyForAttribute(a);t[o]=r(e,a).map(function(r){var t=r.serialize({includeId:true});this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(e,r,i,t);return t},this)}},removeEmbeddedForeignKey:function(e,r,t,i){if(t.kind==="hasMany"){return}else if(t.kind==="belongsTo"){var a=e.constructor.inverseFor(t.key);if(a){var n=a.name;var s=this.store.serializerFor(r.constructor);var o=s.keyForRelationship(n,a.kind);if(o){delete i[o]}}}},hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption:function(e){var r=this.attrsOption(e);return r&&r.embedded==="always"},hasSerializeRecordsOption:function(e){var r=this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(e);var t=this.attrsOption(e);return r||t&&t.serialize==="records"},hasSerializeIdsOption:function(e){var r=this.attrsOption(e);return r&&(r.serialize==="ids"||r.serialize==="id")},noSerializeOptionSpecified:function(e){var r=this.attrsOption(e);return!(r&&(r.serialize||r.embedded))},hasDeserializeRecordsOption:function(e){var r=this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(e);var t=this.attrsOption(e);return r||t&&t.deserialize==="records"},attrsOption:function(e){var r=this.get("attrs");return r&&(r[i(e)]||r[e])}});function n(e,r,t,i){t.eachRelationship(function(t,a){if(e.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(t)){var n=r.modelFor(a.type.typeKey);if(a.kind==="hasMany"){if(a.options.polymorphic){o(r,t,i)}else{s(r,t,n,i)}}if(a.kind==="belongsTo"){u(r,t,n,i)}}});return i}function s(e,r,i,a){if(!a[r]){return a}var n=[];var s=e.serializerFor(i.typeKey);t(a[r],function(r){var t=s.normalize(i,r,null);e.push(i,t);n.push(t.id)});a[r]=n;return a}function o(e,i,a){if(!a[i]){return a}var n=[];t(a[i],function(t){var i=t.type;var a=e.serializerFor(i);var s=e.modelFor(i);var o=r(a,"primaryKey");var u=a.normalize(s,t,null);e.push(s,u);n.push({id:u[o],type:i})});a[i]=n;return a}function u(e,r,t,i){if(!i[r]){return i}var a=e.serializerFor(t.typeKey);var n=a.normalize(t,i[r],null);e.push(t,n);i[r]=n.id;return i}e["default"]=a});r("ember-data/serializers/json_serializer",["exports"],function(e){"use strict";var r=Ember.get;var t=Ember.isNone;var i=Ember.ArrayPolyfills.map;var a=Ember.merge;e["default"]=Ember.Object.extend({primaryKey:"id",applyTransforms:function(e,r){e.eachTransformedAttribute(function t(e,i){if(!r.hasOwnProperty(e)){return}var a=this.transformFor(i);r[e]=a.deserialize(r[e])},this);return r},normalize:function(e,r){if(!r){return r}this.normalizeId(r);this.normalizeAttributes(e,r);this.normalizeRelationships(e,r);this.normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping(e,r);this.applyTransforms(e,r);return r},normalizePayload:function(e){return e},normalizeAttributes:function(e,r){var t;if(this.keyForAttribute){e.eachAttribute(function(e){t=this.keyForAttribute(e);if(e===t){return}if(!r.hasOwnProperty(t)){return}r[e]=r[t];delete r[t]},this)}},normalizeRelationships:function(e,r){var t;if(this.keyForRelationship){e.eachRelationship(function(e,i){t=this.keyForRelationship(e,i.kind);if(e===t){return}if(!r.hasOwnProperty(t)){return}r[e]=r[t];delete r[t]},this)}},normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping:function(e,t){var i=r(this,"attrs"),a,n;if(i){for(n in i){a=this._getMappedKey(n);if(!t.hasOwnProperty(a)){continue}if(a!==n){t[n]=t[a];delete t[a]}}}},normalizeId:function(e){var t=r(this,"primaryKey");if(t==="id"){return}e.id=e[t];delete e[t]},_getMappedKey:function(e){var t=r(this,"attrs");var i;if(t&&t[e]){i=t[e];if(i.key){i=i.key}if(typeof 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t=r(e,"store");t.dematerializeRecord(e)},invokeLifecycleCallbacks:function(e){e.triggerLater("didDelete",e);e.triggerLater("didCommit",e)},willCommit:Ember.K,didCommit:Ember.K}},invokeLifecycleCallbacks:function(e,r){if(r==="created"){e.triggerLater("didCreate",e)}else{e.triggerLater("didUpdate",e)}e.triggerLater("didCommit",e)}};function f(e,r,t){e=s(r?Ember.create(r):{},e);e.parentState=r;e.stateName=t;for(var i in e){if(!e.hasOwnProperty(i)||i==="parentState"||i==="stateName"){continue}if(typeof e[i]==="object"){e[i]=f(e[i],e,t+"."+i)}}return e}l=f(l,null,"root");e["default"]=l});r("ember-data/system/promise_proxies",["exports"],function(e){"use strict";var r=Ember.RSVP.Promise;var t=Ember.get;var i=Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin);var a=Ember.ObjectProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin);var n=function(e,t){return a.create({promise:r.resolve(e,t)})};var s=function(e,t){return i.create({promise:r.resolve(e,t)})};var o=i.extend({reload:function(){return t(this,"content").reload()}});var u=function(e,t){return o.create({promise:r.resolve(e,t)})};e.PromiseArray=i;e.PromiseObject=a;e.PromiseManyArray=o;e.promiseArray=s;e.promiseObject=n;e.promiseManyArray=u});r("ember-data/system/record_array_manager",["ember-data/system/record_arrays","ember-data/system/map","exports"],function(e,r,t){"use strict";var i=e.RecordArray;var a=e.FilteredRecordArray;var n=e.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray;var s=e.ManyArray;var o=r.MapWithDefault;var u=r.OrderedSet;var d=Ember.get;var c=Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;t["default"]=Ember.Object.extend({init:function(){this.filteredRecordArrays=o.create({defaultValue:function(){return[]}});this.changedRecords=[];this._adapterPopulatedRecordArrays=[]},recordDidChange:function(e){if(this.changedRecords.push(e)!==1){return}Ember.run.schedule("actions",this,this.updateRecordArrays)},recordArraysForRecord:function(e){e._recordArrays=e._recordArrays||u.create();return e._recordArrays},updateRecordArrays:function(){c(this.changedRecords,function(e){if(d(e,"isDeleted")){this._recordWasDeleted(e)}else{this._recordWasChanged(e)}},this);this.changedRecords.length=0},_recordWasDeleted:function(e){var r=e._recordArrays;if(!r){return}r.forEach(function(r){r.removeRecord(e)});e._recordArrays=null},_recordWasChanged:function(e){var r=e.constructor;var t=this.filteredRecordArrays.get(r);var i;c(t,function(t){i=d(t,"filterFunction");this.updateRecordArray(t,i,r,e)},this);var a=e._loadingRecordArrays;if(a){for(var n=0,s=a.length;n0){a=i(this,"content").slice(e,e+r);this.get("relationship").removeRecords(a)}if(t){this.get("relationship").addRecords(t,e)}},reload:function(){return this.relationship.reload()},createRecord:function(e){var r=i(this,"store");var t=i(this,"type");var a;a=r.createRecord.call(r,t,e);this.pushObject(a);return a}})});r("ember-data/system/record_arrays/record_array",["ember-data/system/promise_proxies","exports"],function(e,r){"use strict";var t=e.PromiseArray;var i=Ember.get;r["default"]=Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.Evented,{type:null,content:null,isLoaded:false,isUpdating:false,store:null,objectAtContent:function(e){var r=i(this,"content");return r.objectAt(e)},update:function(){if(i(this,"isUpdating")){return}var e=i(this,"store");var r=i(this,"type");return e.fetchAll(r,this)},addRecord:function(e,r){var t=i(this,"content");if(r===undefined){t.addObject(e)}else{if(!t.contains(e)){t.insertAt(r,e)}}},pushRecord:function(e){i(this,"content").pushObject(e)},removeRecord:function(e){i(this,"content").removeObject(e)},save:function(){var e="DS: RecordArray#save "+i(this,"type");var r=Ember.RSVP.all(this.invoke("save"),e).then(function(e){return Ember.A(e)},null,"DS: RecordArray#save apply Ember.NativeArray");return t.create({promise:r})},_dissociateFromOwnRecords:function(){var e=this;this.forEach(function(r){var t=r._recordArrays;if(t){t["delete"](e)}})},willDestroy:function(){this._dissociateFromOwnRecords();this._super()}})});r("ember-data/system/relationship-meta",["ember-inflector/system","exports"],function(e,r){"use strict";var t=e.singularize;function i(e,r){var i,a;i=r.type||r.key;if(typeof i==="string"){if(r.kind==="hasMany"){i=t(i)}a=e.modelFor(i)}else{a=r.type}return a}r.typeForRelationshipMeta=i;function a(e,r){return{key:r.key,kind:r.kind,type:i(e,r),options:r.options,parentType:r.parentType,isRelationship:true}}r.relationshipFromMeta=a});r("ember-data/system/relationships",["./relationships/belongs_to","./relationships/has_many","ember-data/system/relationships/ext","exports"],function(e,r,t,i){"use strict";var a=e["default"];var n=r["default"];i.belongsTo=a;i.hasMany=n});r("ember-data/system/relationships/belongs_to",["ember-data/system/model","exports"],function(e,r){"use strict";var t=e.Model;function i(e,r){if(typeof e==="object"){r=e;e=undefined}else{}r=r||{};var t={type:e,isRelationship:true,options:r,kind:"belongsTo",key:null};return Ember.computed(function(e,r){if(arguments.length>1){if(r===undefined){r=null}if(r&&r.then){this._relationships[e].setRecordPromise(r)}else{this._relationships[e].setRecord(r)}}return this._relationships[e].getRecord()}).meta(t)}t.reopen({notifyBelongsToAdded:function(e,r){this.notifyPropertyChange(e)},notifyBelongsToRemoved:function(e){this.notifyPropertyChange(e)}});r["default"]=i});r("ember-data/system/relationships/ext",["ember-data/system/relationship-meta","ember-data/system/model","ember-data/system/map"],function(e,r,t){"use strict";var i=e.typeForRelationshipMeta;var a=e.relationshipFromMeta;var n=r.Model;var s=t.Map;var o=t.MapWithDefault;var u=Ember.get;var d=Ember.ArrayPolyfills.filter;n.reopen({didDefineProperty:function(e,r,t){if(t instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty){var i=t.meta();i.parentType=e.constructor}}});n.reopenClass({typeForRelationship:function(e){var r=u(this,"relationshipsByName").get(e);return r&&r.type},inverseMap:Ember.computed(function(){return Object.create(null)}),inverseFor:function(e){var r=u(this,"inverseMap");if(r[e]){return r[e]}else{var t=this._findInverseFor(e);r[e]=t;return t}},_findInverseFor:function(e){var r=this.typeForRelationship(e);if(!r){return null}var t=this.metaForProperty(e).options;if(t.inverse===null){return null}var i,a,n;if(t.inverse){i=t.inverse;n=Ember.get(r,"relationshipsByName").get(i);a=n.kind}else{var s=c(this,r);if(s.length===0){return null}var o=d.call(s,function(t){var i=r.metaForProperty(t.name).options;return e===i.inverse});if(o.length===1){s=o}i=s[0].name;a=s[0].kind}function c(r,t,i){var a=i||[];var n=u(t,"relationships");if(!n){return}var s=n.get(r);s=d.call(s,function(r){var i=t.metaForProperty(r.name).options;if(!i.inverse){return true}return e===i.inverse});if(s){a.push.apply(a,s)}if(r.superclass){c(r.superclass,t,a)}return a}return{type:r,name:i,kind:a}},relationships:Ember.computed(function(){var e=new o({defaultValue:function(){return[]}});this.eachComputedProperty(function(r,t){if(t.isRelationship){t.key=r;var a=e.get(i(this.store,t));a.push({name:r,kind:t.kind})}});return e}).cacheable(false).readOnly(),relationshipNames:Ember.computed(function(){var e={hasMany:[],belongsTo:[]};this.eachComputedProperty(function(r,t){if(t.isRelationship){e[t.kind].push(r)}});return e}),relatedTypes:Ember.computed(function(){var e;var r=Ember.A();this.eachComputedProperty(function(t,a){if(a.isRelationship){a.key=t;e=i(this.store,a);if(!r.contains(e)){r.push(e)}}});return r}).cacheable(false).readOnly(),relationshipsByName:Ember.computed(function(){var e=s.create();this.eachComputedProperty(function(r,t){if(t.isRelationship){t.key=r;var n=a(this.store,t);n.type=i(this.store,t);e.set(r,n)}});return e}).cacheable(false).readOnly(),fields:Ember.computed(function(){var e=s.create();this.eachComputedProperty(function(r,t){if(t.isRelationship){e.set(r,t.kind)}else if(t.isAttribute){e.set(r,"attribute")}});return e}).readOnly(),eachRelationship:function(e,r){u(this,"relationshipsByName").forEach(function(t,i){e.call(r,i,t)})},eachRelatedType:function(e,r){u(this,"relatedTypes").forEach(function(t){e.call(r,t)})},determineRelationshipType:function(e){var r=e.key;var t=e.kind;var i=this.inverseFor(r);var a,n;if(!i){return t==="belongsTo"?"oneToNone":"manyToNone"}a=i.name;n=i.kind;if(n==="belongsTo"){return t==="belongsTo"?"oneToOne":"manyToOne"}else{return t==="belongsTo"?"oneToMany":"manyToMany"}}});n.reopen({eachRelationship:function(e,r){this.constructor.eachRelationship(e,r)},relationshipFor:function(e){return u(this.constructor,"relationshipsByName").get(e)},inverseFor:function(e){return this.constructor.inverseFor(e)}})});r("ember-data/system/relationships/has_many",["ember-data/system/model","exports"],function(e,r){"use strict";var t=e.Model;function i(e,r){if(typeof e==="object"){r=e;e=undefined}r=r||{};var t={type:e,isRelationship:true,options:r,kind:"hasMany",key:null};return Ember.computed(function(e){var r=this._relationships[e];return r.getRecords()}).meta(t).readOnly()}t.reopen({notifyHasManyAdded:function(e,r,t){var i=this._relationships[e];var a=i.manyArray;a.addRecord(r,t);this.notifyPropertyChange(e)},notifyHasManyRemoved:function(e,r){var t=this._relationships[e];var i=t.manyArray;i.removeRecord(r)}});r["default"]=i});r("ember-data/system/relationships/relationship",["ember-data/system/promise_proxies","ember-data/system/map","exports"],function(e,r,t){"use strict";var i=e.PromiseManyArray;var a=e.PromiseObject;var n=r.OrderedSet;var s=function(e,r,t,i){this.members=new n;this.store=e;this.key=i.key;this.inverseKey=t;this.record=r;this.key=i.key;this.isAsync=i.options.async;this.relationshipMeta=i;this.inverseKeyForImplicit=this.store.modelFor(this.record.constructor).typeKey+this.key;this.linkPromise=null};s.prototype={constructor:s,destroy:Ember.K,clear:function(){this.members.forEach(function(e){this.removeRecord(e)},this)},disconnect:function(){this.members.forEach(function(e){this.removeRecordFromInverse(e)},this)},reconnect:function(){this.members.forEach(function(e){this.addRecordToInverse(e)},this)},removeRecords:function(e){var r=this;e.forEach(function(e){r.removeRecord(e)})},addRecords:function(e,r){var t=this;e.forEach(function(e){t.addRecord(e,r);if(r!==undefined){r++}})},addRecord:function(e,r){if(!this.members.has(e)){this.members.add(e);this.notifyRecordRelationshipAdded(e,r);if(this.inverseKey){e._relationships[this.inverseKey].addRecord(this.record)}else{if(!e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit]){e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit]=new s(this.store,e,this.key,{options:{}})}e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit].addRecord(this.record)}this.record.updateRecordArrays()}},removeRecord:function(e){if(this.members.has(e)){this.removeRecordFromOwn(e);if(this.inverseKey){this.removeRecordFromInverse(e)}else{if(e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit]){e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit].removeRecord(this.record)}}}},addRecordToInverse:function(e){if(this.inverseKey){e._relationships[this.inverseKey].addRecord(this.record)}},removeRecordFromInverse:function(e){var r=e._relationships[this.inverseKey];if(r){r.removeRecordFromOwn(this.record)}},removeRecordFromOwn:function(e){this.members["delete"](e);this.notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved(e);this.record.updateRecordArrays()},updateLink:function(e){if(e!==this.link){this.link=e;this.linkPromise=null;this.record.notifyPropertyChange(this.key)}},findLink:function(){if(this.linkPromise){return this.linkPromise}else{var e=this.fetchLink();this.linkPromise=e;return e.then(function(e){return e})}},updateRecordsFromAdapter:function(e){this.computeChanges(e)},notifyRecordRelationshipAdded:Ember.K,notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved:Ember.K};var o=function(e,r,t,i){this._super$constructor(e,r,t,i);this.belongsToType=i.type;this.manyArray=e.recordArrayManager.createManyArray(this.belongsToType,Ember.A());this.manyArray.relationship=this;this.isPolymorphic=i.options.polymorphic;this.manyArray.isPolymorphic=this.isPolymorphic};o.prototype=Object.create(s.prototype);o.prototype.constructor=o;o.prototype._super$constructor=s;o.prototype.destroy=function(){this.manyArray.destroy()};o.prototype.notifyRecordRelationshipAdded=function(e,r){this.record.notifyHasManyAdded(this.key,e,r)};o.prototype.notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved=function(e){this.record.notifyHasManyRemoved(this.key,e)};o.prototype.reload=function(){var e=this;if(this.link){return this.fetchLink()}else{return this.store.scheduleFetchMany(this.manyArray.toArray()).then(function(){e.manyArray.set("isLoaded",true);return e.manyArray})}};o.prototype.computeChanges=function(e){var r=this.members;var t=[];var i;var a;var n;e=d(e);r.forEach(function(r){if(e.has(r))return;t.push(r)});this.removeRecords(t);var s=this.manyArray;e=e.toArray();i=e.length;for(n=0;n1){I(i,t,r,c,n).then(o).then(u(n)).then(null,d(n))}else if(c.length===1){var l=Ember.A(e).findBy("record",a[0]);s(l)}else{}})}else{y(e,s)}},getById:function(e,r){if(this.hasRecordForId(e,r)){return this.recordForId(e,r)}else{return null}},reloadRecord:function(e){var r=e.constructor;var t=this.adapterFor(r);var i=f(e,"id");return this.scheduleFetch(e)},hasRecordForId:function(e,r){var t=this.modelFor(e);var i=z(r);return!!this.typeMapFor(t).idToRecord[i]},recordForId:function(e,r){var t=this.modelFor(e);var i=z(r);var a=this.typeMapFor(t).idToRecord;var n=a[i];if(!n||!a[i]){n=this.buildRecord(t,i)}return n},findMany:function(e){var r=this;return g.all(b(e,function(e){return r._findByRecord(e)}))},findHasMany:function(e,r,t){var i=this.adapterFor(e.constructor);return L(i,this,e,r,t)},findBelongsTo:function(e,r,t){var i=this.adapterFor(e.constructor);return j(i,this,e,r,t)},findQuery:function(e,r){var t=this.modelFor(e);var i=this.recordArrayManager.createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray(t,r);var a=this.adapterFor(t);return c(U(a,this,t,r,i))},findAll:function(e){var r=this.modelFor(e);return this.fetchAll(r,this.all(r))},fetchAll:function(e,r){var t=this.adapterFor(e);var i=this.typeMapFor(e).metadata.since;h(r,"isUpdating",true);return c(K(t,this,e,i))},didUpdateAll:function(e){var r=this.typeMapFor(e).findAllCache;h(r,"isUpdating",false)},all:function(e){var r=this.modelFor(e);var t=this.typeMapFor(r);var i=t.findAllCache;if(i){return i}var a=this.recordArrayManager.createRecordArray(r);t.findAllCache=a;return a},unloadAll:function(e){var r=this.modelFor(e);var t=this.typeMapFor(r);var i=t.records.slice();var a;for(var n=0;nE;R--){o=n[R-1];g=o[0];if(g.test(e)){break}}o=o||[];g=o[0];u=o[1];d=e.replace(g,u);return d}};e["default"]=o});r("ember-inflector/system/string",["./inflector","exports"],function(e,r){"use strict";var t=e["default"];function i(e){return t.inflector.pluralize(e)}function a(e){return t.inflector.singularize(e)}r.pluralize=i;r.singularize=a});e.DS=t("ember-data")["default"]})(this);
\ No newline at end of file
+(function (e) {
+ var r, t, i, a;
+ (function () {
+ var e;
+ if (!Array.isArray) {
+ e = function (e) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Array]"
+ }
+ } else {
+ e = Array.isArray
+ }
+ var n = {}, s = {}, o = {};
+ var u = false;
+ r = function (r, t, i) {
+ if (!e(t)) {
+ i = t;
+ t = []
+ }
+ n[r] = {deps: t, callback: i}
+ };
+ function d(e, r, t) {
+ var a = e.length;
+ var n = new Array(a);
+ var s;
+ var o;
+ for (var u = 0, d = a; u < d; u++) {
+ s = e[u];
+ if (s === "exports") {
+ o = n[u] = t
+ } else {
+ n[u] = i(c(s, r))
+ }
+ }
+ return {deps: n, exports: o}
+ }
+ a = i = t = function (e) {
+ if (o[e] !== u && s.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
+ return s[e]
+ }
+ if (!n[e]) {
+ throw new Error("Could not find module " + e)
+ }
+ var r = n[e];
+ var t;
+ var i;
+ var a = false;
+ s[e] = {};
+ try {
+ t = d(r.deps, e, s[e]);
+ i = r.callback.apply(this, t.deps);
+ a = true
+ } finally {
+ if (!a) {
+ o[e] = u
+ }
+ }
+ return t.exports ? s[e] : s[e] = i
+ };
+ function c(e, r) {
+ if (e.charAt(0) !== ".") {
+ return e
+ }
+ var t = e.split("/");
+ var i = r.split("/");
+ var a;
+ if (i.length === 1) {
+ a = i
+ } else {
+ a = i.slice(0, -1)
+ }
+ for (var n = 0, s = t.length; n < s; n++) {
+ var o = t[n];
+ if (o === "..") {
+ a.pop()
+ } else if (o === ".") {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ a.push(o)
+ }
+ }
+ return a.join("/")
+ }
+ a.entries = a._eak_seen = n;
+ a.clear = function () {
+ a.entries = a._eak_seen = n = {};
+ s = o = {}
+ }
+ })();
+ r("activemodel-adapter", ["activemodel-adapter/system", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.ActiveModelAdapter;
+ var i = e.ActiveModelSerializer;
+ r.ActiveModelAdapter = t;
+ r.ActiveModelSerializer = i
+ });
+ r("activemodel-adapter/setup-container", ["ember-data/system/container_proxy", "activemodel-adapter/system/active_model_serializer", "activemodel-adapter/system/active_model_adapter", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i) {
+ "use strict";
+ var a = e["default"];
+ var n = r["default"];
+ var s = t["default"];
+ i["default"] = function o(e, r) {
+ var t = new a(e);
+ t.registerDeprecations([{
+ deprecated: "serializer:_ams",
+ valid: "serializer:-active-model"
+ }, {deprecated: "adapter:_ams", valid: "adapter:-active-model"}]);
+ e.register("serializer:-active-model", n);
+ e.register("adapter:-active-model", s)
+ }
+ });
+ r("activemodel-adapter/system", ["activemodel-adapter/system/active_model_adapter", "activemodel-adapter/system/active_model_serializer", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e["default"];
+ var a = r["default"];
+ t.ActiveModelAdapter = i;
+ t.ActiveModelSerializer = a
+ });
+ r("activemodel-adapter/system/active_model_adapter", ["ember-data/adapters", "ember-data/system/adapter", "ember-inflector", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i) {
+ "use strict";
+ var a = e.RESTAdapter;
+ var n = r.InvalidError;
+ var s = t.pluralize;
+ var o = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;
+ var u = Ember.String.decamelize, d = Ember.String.underscore;
+ var c = a.extend({
+ defaultSerializer: "-active-model", pathForType: function (e) {
+ var r = u(e);
+ var t = d(r);
+ return s(t)
+ }, ajaxError: function (e) {
+ var r = this._super(e);
+ if (e && e.status === 422) {
+ var t = Ember.$.parseJSON(e.responseText), i = {};
+ if (t.errors !== undefined) {
+ var a = t.errors;
+ o(Ember.keys(a), function (e) {
+ i[Ember.String.camelize(e)] = a[e]
+ })
+ }
+ return new n(i)
+ } else {
+ return r
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ i["default"] = c
+ });
+ r("activemodel-adapter/system/active_model_serializer", ["ember-inflector", "ember-data/serializers/rest_serializer", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e.singularize;
+ var a = r["default"];
+ var n = Ember.get, s = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach, o = Ember.String.camelize, u = Ember.String.capitalize,
+ d = Ember.String.decamelize, c = Ember.String.underscore;
+ var l = a.extend({
+ keyForAttribute: function (e) {
+ return d(e)
+ }, keyForRelationship: function (e, r) {
+ var t = d(e);
+ if (r === "belongsTo") {
+ return t + "_id"
+ } else if (r === "hasMany") {
+ return i(t) + "_ids"
+ } else {
+ return t
+ }
+ }, serializeHasMany: Ember.K, serializeIntoHash: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = c(d(r.typeKey));
+ e[a] = this.serialize(t, i)
+ }, serializePolymorphicType: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = t.key;
+ var a = n(e, i);
+ var s = c(i + "_type");
+ if (Ember.isNone(a)) {
+ r[s] = null
+ } else {
+ r[s] = u(o(a.constructor.typeKey))
+ }
+ }, normalize: function (e, r, t) {
+ this.normalizeLinks(r);
+ return this._super(e, r, t)
+ }, normalizeLinks: function (e) {
+ if (e.links) {
+ var r = e.links;
+ for (var t in r) {
+ var i = o(t);
+ if (i !== t) {
+ r[i] = r[t];
+ delete r[t]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, normalizeRelationships: function (e, r) {
+ if (this.keyForRelationship) {
+ e.eachRelationship(function (e, t) {
+ var i, a;
+ if (t.options.polymorphic) {
+ i = this.keyForAttribute(e);
+ a = r[i];
+ if (a && a.type) {
+ a.type = this.typeForRoot(a.type)
+ } else if (a && t.kind === "hasMany") {
+ var n = this;
+ s(a, function (e) {
+ e.type = n.typeForRoot(e.type)
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ i = this.keyForRelationship(e, t.kind);
+ if (!r.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ return
+ }
+ a = r[i]
+ }
+ r[e] = a;
+ if (e !== i) {
+ delete r[i]
+ }
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ t["default"] = l
+ });
+ r("ember-data", ["ember-data/core", "ember-data/ext/date", "ember-data/system/promise_proxies", "ember-data/system/store", "ember-data/system/model", "ember-data/system/adapter", "ember-data/system/debug", "ember-data/system/record_arrays", "ember-data/system/record_array_manager", "ember-data/adapters", "ember-data/serializers/json_serializer", "ember-data/serializers/rest_serializer", "ember-inflector", "ember-data/serializers/embedded_records_mixin", "activemodel-adapter", "ember-data/transforms", "ember-data/system/relationships", "ember-data/ember-initializer", "ember-data/setup-container", "ember-data/system/container_proxy", "ember-data/system/relationships/relationship", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i, a, n, s, o, u, d, c, l, f, h, p, m, y, v, b, g, R, E) {
+ "use strict";
+ Ember.RSVP.Promise.cast = Ember.RSVP.Promise.cast || Ember.RSVP.resolve;
+ var _ = e["default"];
+ var A = t.PromiseArray;
+ var F = t.PromiseObject;
+ var z = i.Store;
+ var x = a.Model;
+ var T = a.Errors;
+ var S = a.RootState;
+ var k = a.attr;
+ var M = n.InvalidError;
+ var D = n.Adapter;
+ var P = s["default"];
+ var O = o.RecordArray;
+ var C = o.FilteredRecordArray;
+ var w = o.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray;
+ var $ = o.ManyArray;
+ var I = u["default"];
+ var L = d.RESTAdapter;
+ var j = d.FixtureAdapter;
+ var K = c["default"];
+ var U = l["default"];
+ var B = h["default"];
+ var N = p.ActiveModelAdapter;
+ var V = p.ActiveModelSerializer;
+ var H = m.Transform;
+ var W = m.DateTransform;
+ var q = m.NumberTransform;
+ var Q = m.StringTransform;
+ var X = m.BooleanTransform;
+ var J = y.hasMany;
+ var G = y.belongsTo;
+ var Y = b["default"];
+ var Z = g["default"];
+ var er = R.Relationship;
+ _.Store = z;
+ _.PromiseArray = A;
+ _.PromiseObject = F;
+ _.Model = x;
+ _.RootState = S;
+ _.attr = k;
+ _.Errors = T;
+ _.Adapter = D;
+ _.InvalidError = M;
+ _.DebugAdapter = P;
+ _.RecordArray = O;
+ _.FilteredRecordArray = C;
+ _.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray = w;
+ _.ManyArray = $;
+ _.RecordArrayManager = I;
+ _.RESTAdapter = L;
+ _.FixtureAdapter = j;
+ _.RESTSerializer = U;
+ _.JSONSerializer = K;
+ _.Transform = H;
+ _.DateTransform = W;
+ _.StringTransform = Q;
+ _.NumberTransform = q;
+ _.BooleanTransform = X;
+ _.ActiveModelAdapter = N;
+ _.ActiveModelSerializer = V;
+ _.EmbeddedRecordsMixin = B;
+ _.belongsTo = G;
+ _.hasMany = J;
+ _.Relationship = er;
+ _.ContainerProxy = Z;
+ _._setupContainer = Y;
+ Ember.lookup.DS = _;
+ E["default"] = _
+ });
+ r("ember-data/adapters", ["ember-data/adapters/fixture_adapter", "ember-data/adapters/rest_adapter", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e["default"];
+ var a = r["default"];
+ t.RESTAdapter = a;
+ t.FixtureAdapter = i
+ });
+ r("ember-data/adapters/fixture_adapter", ["ember-data/system/adapter", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = Ember.get;
+ var i = Ember.String.fmt;
+ var a = Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexOf;
+ var n = 0;
+ var s = e["default"];
+ r["default"] = s.extend({
+ serializer: null, simulateRemoteResponse: true, latency: 50, fixturesForType: function (e) {
+ if (e.FIXTURES) {
+ var r = Ember.A(e.FIXTURES);
+ return r.map(function (e) {
+ var r = typeof e.id;
+ if (r !== "number" && r !== "string") {
+ throw new Error(i("the id property must be defined as a number or string for fixture %@", [e]))
+ }
+ e.id = e.id + "";
+ return e
+ })
+ }
+ return null
+ }, queryFixtures: function (e, r, t) {
+ }, updateFixtures: function (e, r) {
+ if (!e.FIXTURES) {
+ e.FIXTURES = []
+ }
+ var t = e.FIXTURES;
+ this.deleteLoadedFixture(e, r);
+ t.push(r)
+ }, mockJSON: function (e, r, t) {
+ return e.serializerFor(r).serialize(t, {includeId: true})
+ }, generateIdForRecord: function (e) {
+ return "fixture-" + n++
+ }, find: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.fixturesForType(r);
+ var a;
+ if (i) {
+ a = Ember.A(i).findBy("id", t)
+ }
+ if (a) {
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return a
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }, findMany: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.fixturesForType(r);
+ if (i) {
+ i = i.filter(function (e) {
+ return a(t, e.id) !== -1
+ })
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return i
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }, findAll: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.fixturesForType(r);
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return t
+ }, this)
+ }, findQuery: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = this.fixturesForType(r);
+ a = this.queryFixtures(a, t, r);
+ if (a) {
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return a
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }, createRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.mockJSON(e, r, t);
+ this.updateFixtures(r, i);
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return i
+ }, this)
+ }, updateRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.mockJSON(e, r, t);
+ this.updateFixtures(r, i);
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return i
+ }, this)
+ }, deleteRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ this.deleteLoadedFixture(r, t);
+ return this.simulateRemoteCall(function () {
+ return null
+ })
+ }, deleteLoadedFixture: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.findExistingFixture(e, r);
+ if (t) {
+ var i = a(e.FIXTURES, t);
+ e.FIXTURES.splice(i, 1);
+ return true
+ }
+ }, findExistingFixture: function (e, r) {
+ var i = this.fixturesForType(e);
+ var a = t(r, "id");
+ return this.findFixtureById(i, a)
+ }, findFixtureById: function (e, r) {
+ return Ember.A(e).find(function (e) {
+ if ("" + t(e, "id") === "" + r) {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ })
+ }, simulateRemoteCall: function (e, r) {
+ var i = this;
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (a) {
+ var n = Ember.copy(e.call(r), true);
+ if (t(i, "simulateRemoteResponse")) {
+ Ember.run.later(function () {
+ a(n)
+ }, t(i, "latency"))
+ } else {
+ Ember.run.schedule("actions", null, function () {
+ a(n)
+ })
+ }
+ }, "DS: FixtureAdapter#simulateRemoteCall")
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/adapters/rest_adapter", ["ember-data/system/adapter", "ember-data/system/map", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e.Adapter;
+ var a = e.InvalidError;
+ var n = r.MapWithDefault;
+ var s = Ember.get;
+ var o = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.forEach;
+ t["default"] = i.extend({
+ defaultSerializer: "-rest", coalesceFindRequests: false, find: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey, t, i), "GET")
+ }, findAll: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i;
+ if (t) {
+ i = {since: t}
+ }
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey), "GET", {data: i})
+ }, findQuery: function (e, r, t) {
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey), "GET", {data: t})
+ }, findMany: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey, t, i), "GET", {data: {ids: t}})
+ }, findHasMany: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = s(this, "host");
+ var n = s(r, "id");
+ var o = r.constructor.typeKey;
+ if (a && t.charAt(0) === "/" && t.charAt(1) !== "/") {
+ t = a + t
+ }
+ return this.ajax(this.urlPrefix(t, this.buildURL(o, n)), "GET")
+ }, findBelongsTo: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = s(r, "id");
+ var n = r.constructor.typeKey;
+ return this.ajax(this.urlPrefix(t, this.buildURL(n, a)), "GET")
+ }, createRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = {};
+ var a = e.serializerFor(r.typeKey);
+ a.serializeIntoHash(i, r, t, {includeId: true});
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey, null, t), "POST", {data: i})
+ }, updateRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = {};
+ var a = e.serializerFor(r.typeKey);
+ a.serializeIntoHash(i, r, t);
+ var n = s(t, "id");
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey, n, t), "PUT", {data: i})
+ }, deleteRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = s(t, "id");
+ return this.ajax(this.buildURL(r.typeKey, i, t), "DELETE")
+ }, buildURL: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = [], a = s(this, "host"), n = this.urlPrefix();
+ if (e) {
+ i.push(this.pathForType(e))
+ }
+ if (r && !Ember.isArray(r)) {
+ i.push(encodeURIComponent(r))
+ }
+ if (n) {
+ i.unshift(n)
+ }
+ i = i.join("/");
+ if (!a && i) {
+ i = "/" + i
+ }
+ return i
+ }, urlPrefix: function (e, r) {
+ var t = s(this, "host");
+ var i = s(this, "namespace");
+ var a = [];
+ if (e) {
+ if (e.charAt(0) === "/") {
+ if (t) {
+ e = e.slice(1);
+ a.push(t)
+ }
+ } else if (!/^http(s)?:\/\//.test(e)) {
+ a.push(r)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (t) {
+ a.push(t)
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ a.push(i)
+ }
+ }
+ if (e) {
+ a.push(e)
+ }
+ return a.join("/")
+ }, _stripIDFromURL: function (e, r) {
+ var t = e.modelFor(r);
+ var i = this.buildURL(t.typeKey, r.get("id"), r);
+ var a = i.split("/");
+ var n = a[a.length - 1];
+ var s = r.get("id");
+ if (n === s) {
+ a[a.length - 1] = ""
+ } else if (u(n, "?id=" + s)) {
+ a[a.length - 1] = n.substring(0, n.length - s.length - 1)
+ }
+ return a.join("/")
+ }, groupRecordsForFindMany: function (e, r) {
+ var t = n.create({
+ defaultValue: function () {
+ return []
+ }
+ });
+ var i = this;
+ o.call(r, function (r) {
+ var a = i._stripIDFromURL(e, r);
+ t.get(a).push(r)
+ });
+ function a(r, t) {
+ var a = i._stripIDFromURL(e, r[0]);
+ var n = 0;
+ var s = [[]];
+ o.call(r, function (e) {
+ var r = "&ids[]=".length + e.get("id.length");
+ if (a.length + n + r >= t) {
+ n = 0;
+ s.push([])
+ }
+ n += r;
+ var i = s.length - 1;
+ s[i].push(e)
+ });
+ return s
+ }
+ var s = [];
+ t.forEach(function (e, r) {
+ var t = 2048;
+ var i = a(e, t);
+ o.call(i, function (e) {
+ s.push(e)
+ })
+ });
+ return s
+ }, pathForType: function (e) {
+ var r = Ember.String.camelize(e);
+ return Ember.String.pluralize(r)
+ }, ajaxError: function (e, r) {
+ if (e && typeof e === "object") {
+ e.then = null
+ }
+ return e
+ }, ajaxSuccess: function (e, r) {
+ return r
+ }, ajax: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this;
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (n, s) {
+ var o = i.ajaxOptions(e, r, t);
+ o.success = function (e, r, t) {
+ e = i.ajaxSuccess(t, e);
+ if (e instanceof a) {
+ Ember.run(null, s, e)
+ } else {
+ Ember.run(null, n, e)
+ }
+ };
+ o.error = function (e, r, t) {
+ Ember.run(null, s, i.ajaxError(e, e.responseText))
+ };
+ Ember.$.ajax(o)
+ }, "DS: RESTAdapter#ajax " + r + " to " + e)
+ }, ajaxOptions: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = t || {};
+ i.url = e;
+ i.type = r;
+ i.dataType = "json";
+ i.context = this;
+ if (i.data && r !== "GET") {
+ i.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
+ i.data = JSON.stringify(i.data)
+ }
+ var a = s(this, "headers");
+ if (a !== undefined) {
+ i.beforeSend = function (e) {
+ o.call(Ember.keys(a), function (r) {
+ e.setRequestHeader(r, a[r])
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return i
+ }
+ });
+ function u(e, r) {
+ if (typeof String.prototype.endsWith !== "function") {
+ return e.indexOf(r, e.length - r.length) !== -1
+ } else {
+ return e.endsWith(r)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/core", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r;
+ if ("undefined" === typeof r) {
+ r = Ember.Namespace.create({VERSION: "1.0.0-beta.11"});
+ if (Ember.libraries) {
+ Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary("Ember Data", r.VERSION)
+ }
+ }
+ e["default"] = r
+ });
+ r("ember-data/ember-initializer", ["ember-data/setup-container"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = e["default"];
+ var t = Ember.K;
+ Ember.onLoad("Ember.Application", function (e) {
+ e.initializer({name: "ember-data", initialize: r});
+ e.initializer({name: "store", after: "ember-data", initialize: t});
+ e.initializer({name: "activeModelAdapter", before: "store", initialize: t});
+ e.initializer({name: "transforms", before: "store", initialize: t});
+ e.initializer({name: "data-adapter", before: "store", initialize: t});
+ e.initializer({name: "injectStore", before: "store", initialize: t})
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/ext/date", [], function () {
+ "use strict";
+ Ember.Date = Ember.Date || {};
+ var e = Date.parse, r = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11];
+ Ember.Date.parse = function (t) {
+ var i, a, n = 0;
+ if (a = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/.exec(t)) {
+ for (var s = 0, o; o = r[s]; ++s) {
+ a[o] = +a[o] || 0
+ }
+ a[2] = (+a[2] || 1) - 1;
+ a[3] = +a[3] || 1;
+ if (a[8] !== "Z" && a[9] !== undefined) {
+ n = a[10] * 60 + a[11];
+ if (a[9] === "+") {
+ n = 0 - n
+ }
+ }
+ i = Date.UTC(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5] + n, a[6], a[7])
+ } else {
+ i = e ? e(t) : NaN
+ }
+ return i
+ };
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Date) {
+ Date.parse = Ember.Date.parse
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/initializers/data_adapter", ["ember-data/system/debug/debug_adapter", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ r["default"] = function i(e) {
+ e.register("data-adapter:main", t)
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/initializers/store", ["ember-data/serializers", "ember-data/adapters", "ember-data/system/container_proxy", "ember-data/system/store", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ "use strict";
+ var n = e.JSONSerializer;
+ var s = e.RESTSerializer;
+ var o = r.RESTAdapter;
+ var u = t["default"];
+ var d = i["default"];
+ a["default"] = function c(e, r) {
+ e.register("store:main", e.lookupFactory("store:application") || r && r.Store || d);
+ var t = new u(e);
+ t.registerDeprecations([{
+ deprecated: "serializer:_default",
+ valid: "serializer:-default"
+ }, {deprecated: "serializer:_rest", valid: "serializer:-rest"}, {
+ deprecated: "adapter:_rest",
+ valid: "adapter:-rest"
+ }]);
+ e.register("serializer:-default", n);
+ e.register("serializer:-rest", s);
+ e.register("adapter:-rest", o);
+ e.lookup("store:main")
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/initializers/store_injections", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ e["default"] = function r(e) {
+ e.injection("controller", "store", "store:main");
+ e.injection("route", "store", "store:main");
+ e.injection("serializer", "store", "store:main");
+ e.injection("data-adapter", "store", "store:main")
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/initializers/transforms", ["ember-data/transforms", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.BooleanTransform;
+ var i = e.DateTransform;
+ var a = e.StringTransform;
+ var n = e.NumberTransform;
+ r["default"] = function s(e) {
+ e.register("transform:boolean", t);
+ e.register("transform:date", i);
+ e.register("transform:number", n);
+ e.register("transform:string", a)
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/serializers", ["ember-data/serializers/json_serializer", "ember-data/serializers/rest_serializer", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e["default"];
+ var a = r["default"];
+ t.JSONSerializer = i;
+ t.RESTSerializer = a
+ });
+ r("ember-data/serializers/embedded_records_mixin", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = Ember.get;
+ var t = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;
+ var i = Ember.String.camelize;
+ var a = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ normalize: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this._super(e, r, t);
+ return n(this, this.store, e, i)
+ }, keyForRelationship: function (e, r) {
+ if (this.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(e)) {
+ return this.keyForAttribute(e)
+ } else {
+ return this._super(e, r) || e
+ }
+ }, serializeBelongsTo: function (e, t, i) {
+ var a = i.key;
+ if (this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(a)) {
+ this._super(e, t, i);
+ return
+ }
+ var n = this.hasSerializeIdsOption(a);
+ var s = this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(a);
+ var o = e.get(a);
+ var u;
+ if (n) {
+ u = this.keyForRelationship(a, i.kind);
+ if (!o) {
+ t[u] = null
+ } else {
+ t[u] = r(o, "id")
+ }
+ } else if (s) {
+ u = this.keyForAttribute(a);
+ if (!o) {
+ t[u] = null
+ } else {
+ t[u] = o.serialize({includeId: true});
+ this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(e, o, i, t[u])
+ }
+ }
+ }, serializeHasMany: function (e, t, i) {
+ var a = i.key;
+ if (this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(a)) {
+ this._super(e, t, i);
+ return
+ }
+ var n = this.hasSerializeIdsOption(a);
+ var s = this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(a);
+ var o;
+ if (n) {
+ o = this.keyForRelationship(a, i.kind);
+ t[o] = r(e, a).mapBy("id")
+ } else if (s) {
+ o = this.keyForAttribute(a);
+ t[o] = r(e, a).map(function (r) {
+ var t = r.serialize({includeId: true});
+ this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(e, r, i, t);
+ return t
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }, removeEmbeddedForeignKey: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ if (t.kind === "hasMany") {
+ return
+ } else if (t.kind === "belongsTo") {
+ var a = e.constructor.inverseFor(t.key);
+ if (a) {
+ var n = a.name;
+ var s = this.store.serializerFor(r.constructor);
+ var o = s.keyForRelationship(n, a.kind);
+ if (o) {
+ delete i[o]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption: function (e) {
+ var r = this.attrsOption(e);
+ return r && r.embedded === "always"
+ }, hasSerializeRecordsOption: function (e) {
+ var r = this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(e);
+ var t = this.attrsOption(e);
+ return r || t && t.serialize === "records"
+ }, hasSerializeIdsOption: function (e) {
+ var r = this.attrsOption(e);
+ return r && (r.serialize === "ids" || r.serialize === "id")
+ }, noSerializeOptionSpecified: function (e) {
+ var r = this.attrsOption(e);
+ return !(r && (r.serialize || r.embedded))
+ }, hasDeserializeRecordsOption: function (e) {
+ var r = this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(e);
+ var t = this.attrsOption(e);
+ return r || t && t.deserialize === "records"
+ }, attrsOption: function (e) {
+ var r = this.get("attrs");
+ return r && (r[i(e)] || r[e])
+ }
+ });
+ function n(e, r, t, i) {
+ t.eachRelationship(function (t, a) {
+ if (e.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(t)) {
+ var n = r.modelFor(a.type.typeKey);
+ if (a.kind === "hasMany") {
+ if (a.options.polymorphic) {
+ o(r, t, i)
+ } else {
+ s(r, t, n, i)
+ }
+ }
+ if (a.kind === "belongsTo") {
+ u(r, t, n, i)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return i
+ }
+ function s(e, r, i, a) {
+ if (!a[r]) {
+ return a
+ }
+ var n = [];
+ var s = e.serializerFor(i.typeKey);
+ t(a[r], function (r) {
+ var t = s.normalize(i, r, null);
+ e.push(i, t);
+ n.push(t.id)
+ });
+ a[r] = n;
+ return a
+ }
+ function o(e, i, a) {
+ if (!a[i]) {
+ return a
+ }
+ var n = [];
+ t(a[i], function (t) {
+ var i = t.type;
+ var a = e.serializerFor(i);
+ var s = e.modelFor(i);
+ var o = r(a, "primaryKey");
+ var u = a.normalize(s, t, null);
+ e.push(s, u);
+ n.push({id: u[o], type: i})
+ });
+ a[i] = n;
+ return a
+ }
+ function u(e, r, t, i) {
+ if (!i[r]) {
+ return i
+ }
+ var a = e.serializerFor(t.typeKey);
+ var n = a.normalize(t, i[r], null);
+ e.push(t, n);
+ i[r] = n.id;
+ return i
+ }
+ e["default"] = a
+ });
+ r("ember-data/serializers/json_serializer", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = Ember.get;
+ var t = Ember.isNone;
+ var i = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.map;
+ var a = Ember.merge;
+ e["default"] = Ember.Object.extend({
+ primaryKey: "id", applyTransforms: function (e, r) {
+ e.eachTransformedAttribute(function t(e, i) {
+ if (!r.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
+ return
+ }
+ var a = this.transformFor(i);
+ r[e] = a.deserialize(r[e])
+ }, this);
+ return r
+ }, normalize: function (e, r) {
+ if (!r) {
+ return r
+ }
+ this.normalizeId(r);
+ this.normalizeAttributes(e, r);
+ this.normalizeRelationships(e, r);
+ this.normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping(e, r);
+ this.applyTransforms(e, r);
+ return r
+ }, normalizePayload: function (e) {
+ return e
+ }, normalizeAttributes: function (e, r) {
+ var t;
+ if (this.keyForAttribute) {
+ e.eachAttribute(function (e) {
+ t = this.keyForAttribute(e);
+ if (e === t) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (!r.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
+ return
+ }
+ r[e] = r[t];
+ delete r[t]
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }, normalizeRelationships: function (e, r) {
+ var t;
+ if (this.keyForRelationship) {
+ e.eachRelationship(function (e, i) {
+ t = this.keyForRelationship(e, i.kind);
+ if (e === t) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (!r.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
+ return
+ }
+ r[e] = r[t];
+ delete r[t]
+ }, this)
+ }
+ }, normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping: function (e, t) {
+ var i = r(this, "attrs"), a, n;
+ if (i) {
+ for (n in i) {
+ a = this._getMappedKey(n);
+ if (!t.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if (a !== n) {
+ t[n] = t[a];
+ delete t[a]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, normalizeId: function (e) {
+ var t = r(this, "primaryKey");
+ if (t === "id") {
+ return
+ }
+ e.id = e[t];
+ delete e[t]
+ }, _getMappedKey: function (e) {
+ var t = r(this, "attrs");
+ var i;
+ if (t && t[e]) {
+ i = t[e];
+ if (i.key) {
+ i = i.key
+ }
+ if (typeof i === "string") {
+ e = i
+ }
+ }
+ return e
+ }, _canSerialize: function (e) {
+ var t = r(this, "attrs");
+ return !t || !t[e] || t[e].serialize !== false
+ }, serialize: function (e, t) {
+ var i = {};
+ if (t && t.includeId) {
+ var a = r(e, "id");
+ if (a) {
+ i[r(this, "primaryKey")] = a
+ }
+ }
+ e.eachAttribute(function (r, t) {
+ this.serializeAttribute(e, i, r, t)
+ }, this);
+ e.eachRelationship(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.kind === "belongsTo") {
+ this.serializeBelongsTo(e, i, t)
+ } else if (t.kind === "hasMany") {
+ this.serializeHasMany(e, i, t)
+ }
+ }, this);
+ return i
+ }, serializeIntoHash: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ a(e, this.serialize(t, i))
+ }, serializeAttribute: function (e, t, i, a) {
+ var n = a.type;
+ if (this._canSerialize(i)) {
+ var s = r(e, i);
+ if (n) {
+ var o = this.transformFor(n);
+ s = o.serialize(s)
+ }
+ var u = this._getMappedKey(i);
+ if (u === i && this.keyForAttribute) {
+ u = this.keyForAttribute(i)
+ }
+ t[u] = s
+ }
+ }, serializeBelongsTo: function (e, i, a) {
+ var n = a.key;
+ if (this._canSerialize(n)) {
+ var s = r(e, n);
+ var o = this._getMappedKey(n);
+ if (o === n && this.keyForRelationship) {
+ o = this.keyForRelationship(n, "belongsTo")
+ }
+ if (t(s) || t(r(s, "id"))) {
+ i[o] = null
+ } else {
+ i[o] = r(s, "id")
+ }
+ if (a.options.polymorphic) {
+ this.serializePolymorphicType(e, i, a)
+ }
+ }
+ }, serializeHasMany: function (e, t, i) {
+ var a = i.key;
+ if (this._canSerialize(a)) {
+ var n;
+ n = this._getMappedKey(a);
+ if (n === a && this.keyForRelationship) {
+ n = this.keyForRelationship(a, "hasMany")
+ }
+ var s = e.constructor.determineRelationshipType(i);
+ if (s === "manyToNone" || s === "manyToMany") {
+ t[n] = r(e, a).mapBy("id")
+ }
+ }
+ }, serializePolymorphicType: Ember.K, extract: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ this.extractMeta(e, r, t);
+ var n = "extract" + a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1);
+ return this[n](e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractFindAll: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractArray(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractFindQuery: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractArray(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractFindMany: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractArray(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractFindHasMany: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractArray(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractCreateRecord: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractSave(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractUpdateRecord: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractSave(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractDeleteRecord: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractSave(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractFind: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractSingle(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractFindBelongsTo: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractSingle(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractSave: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ return this.extractSingle(e, r, t, i, a)
+ }, extractSingle: function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ t = this.normalizePayload(t);
+ return this.normalize(r, t)
+ }, extractArray: function (e, r, t, a, n) {
+ var s = this.normalizePayload(t);
+ var o = this;
+ return i.call(s, function (e) {
+ return o.normalize(r, e)
+ })
+ }, extractMeta: function (e, r, t) {
+ if (t && t.meta) {
+ e.metaForType(r, t.meta);
+ delete t.meta
+ }
+ }, keyForAttribute: function (e) {
+ return e
+ }, keyForRelationship: function (e, r) {
+ return e
+ }, transformFor: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.container.lookup("transform:" + e);
+ return t
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/serializers/rest_serializer", ["ember-data/serializers/json_serializer", "ember-inflector/system/string", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e["default"];
+ var a = Ember.get;
+ var n = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.forEach;
+ var s = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.map;
+ var o = Ember.String.camelize;
+ var u = r.singularize;
+ function d(e) {
+ return e == null ? null : e + ""
+ }
+ var c = i.extend({
+ normalize: function (e, r, t) {
+ this.normalizeId(r);
+ this.normalizeAttributes(e, r);
+ this.normalizeRelationships(e, r);
+ this.normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping(e, r);
+ if (this.normalizeHash && this.normalizeHash[t]) {
+ this.normalizeHash[t](r)
+ }
+ this.applyTransforms(e, r);
+ return r
+ }, extractSingle: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = this.normalizePayload(t);
+ var s = r.typeKey;
+ var o;
+ for (var u in a) {
+ var c = this.typeForRoot(u);
+ if (!e.modelFactoryFor(c)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ var l = e.modelFor(c);
+ var f = l.typeKey === s;
+ var h = a[u];
+ if (f && Ember.typeOf(h) !== "array") {
+ o = this.normalize(r, h, u);
+ continue
+ }
+ n.call(h, function (r) {
+ var t = this.typeForRoot(u);
+ var a = e.modelFor(t);
+ var n = e.serializerFor(a);
+ r = n.normalize(a, r, u);
+ var s = f && !i && !o;
+ var c = f && d(r.id) === i;
+ if (s || c) {
+ o = r
+ } else {
+ e.push(t, r)
+ }
+ }, this)
+ }
+ return o
+ }, extractArray: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.normalizePayload(t);
+ var a = r.typeKey;
+ var n;
+ for (var o in i) {
+ var u = o;
+ var d = false;
+ if (o.charAt(0) === "_") {
+ d = true;
+ u = o.substr(1)
+ }
+ var c = this.typeForRoot(u);
+ if (!e.modelFactoryFor(c)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ var l = e.modelFor(c);
+ var f = e.serializerFor(l);
+ var h = !d && l.typeKey === a;
+ var p = s.call(i[o], function (e) {
+ return f.normalize(l, e, o)
+ }, this);
+ if (h) {
+ n = p
+ } else {
+ e.pushMany(c, p)
+ }
+ }
+ return n
+ }, pushPayload: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.normalizePayload(r);
+ for (var i in t) {
+ var a = this.typeForRoot(i);
+ if (!e.modelFactoryFor(a, i)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ var n = e.modelFor(a);
+ var o = e.serializerFor(n);
+ var u = s.call(Ember.makeArray(t[i]), function (e) {
+ return o.normalize(n, e, i)
+ }, this);
+ e.pushMany(a, u)
+ }
+ }, typeForRoot: function (e) {
+ return o(u(e))
+ }, serialize: function (e, r) {
+ return this._super.apply(this, arguments)
+ }, serializeIntoHash: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ e[r.typeKey] = this.serialize(t, i)
+ }, serializePolymorphicType: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = t.key;
+ var n = a(e, i);
+ i = this.keyForAttribute ? this.keyForAttribute(i) : i;
+ if (Ember.isNone(n)) {
+ r[i + "Type"] = null
+ } else {
+ r[i + "Type"] = Ember.String.camelize(n.constructor.typeKey)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ t["default"] = c
+ });
+ r("ember-data/setup-container", ["ember-data/initializers/store", "ember-data/initializers/transforms", "ember-data/initializers/store_injections", "ember-data/initializers/data_adapter", "activemodel-adapter/setup-container", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i, a, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var s = e["default"];
+ var o = r["default"];
+ var u = t["default"];
+ var d = i["default"];
+ var c = a["default"];
+ n["default"] = function l(e, r) {
+ d(e, r);
+ o(e, r);
+ u(e, r);
+ s(e, r);
+ c(e, r)
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/adapter", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = Ember.get;
+ var t = ["description", "fileName", "lineNumber", "message", "name", "number", "stack"];
+ function i(e) {
+ var r = Error.prototype.constructor.call(this, "The backend rejected the commit because it was invalid: " + Ember.inspect(e));
+ this.errors = e;
+ for (var i = 0, a = t.length; i < a; i++) {
+ this[t[i]] = r[t[i]]
+ }
+ }
+ i.prototype = Ember.create(Error.prototype);
+ var a = Ember.Object.extend({
+ find: Ember.required(Function),
+ findAll: null,
+ findQuery: null,
+ generateIdForRecord: null,
+ serialize: function (e, t) {
+ return r(e, "store").serializerFor(e.constructor.typeKey).serialize(e, t)
+ },
+ createRecord: Ember.required(Function),
+ updateRecord: Ember.required(Function),
+ deleteRecord: Ember.required(Function),
+ coalesceFindRequests: true,
+ groupRecordsForFindMany: function (e, r) {
+ return [r]
+ }
+ });
+ e.InvalidError = i;
+ e.Adapter = a;
+ e["default"] = a
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/container_proxy", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r(e) {
+ this.container = e
+ }
+ r.prototype.aliasedFactory = function (e, r) {
+ var t = this;
+ return {
+ create: function () {
+ if (r) {
+ r()
+ }
+ return t.container.lookup(e)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ r.prototype.registerAlias = function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.aliasedFactory(r, t);
+ return this.container.register(e, i)
+ };
+ r.prototype.registerDeprecation = function (e, r) {
+ var t = function () {
+ };
+ return this.registerAlias(e, r, t)
+ };
+ r.prototype.registerDeprecations = function (e) {
+ var r, t, i, a;
+ for (r = e.length; r > 0; r--) {
+ t = e[r - 1];
+ i = t["deprecated"];
+ a = t["valid"];
+ this.registerDeprecation(i, a)
+ }
+ };
+ e["default"] = r
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/debug", ["ember-data/system/debug/debug_info", "ember-data/system/debug/debug_adapter", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = r["default"];
+ t["default"] = i
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/debug/debug_adapter", ["ember-data/system/model", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.Model;
+ var i = Ember.get;
+ var a = Ember.String.capitalize;
+ var n = Ember.String.underscore;
+ r["default"] = Ember.DataAdapter.extend({
+ getFilters: function () {
+ return [{name: "isNew", desc: "New"}, {name: "isModified", desc: "Modified"}, {
+ name: "isClean",
+ desc: "Clean"
+ }]
+ }, detect: function (e) {
+ return e !== t && t.detect(e)
+ }, columnsForType: function (e) {
+ var r = [{name: "id", desc: "Id"}];
+ var t = 0;
+ var s = this;
+ i(e, "attributes").forEach(function (e, i) {
+ if (t++ > s.attributeLimit) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var o = a(n(i).replace("_", " "));
+ r.push({name: i, desc: o})
+ });
+ return r
+ }, getRecords: function (e) {
+ return this.get("store").all(e)
+ }, getRecordColumnValues: function (e) {
+ var r = this, t = 0;
+ var a = {id: i(e, "id")};
+ e.eachAttribute(function (n) {
+ if (t++ > r.attributeLimit) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var s = i(e, n);
+ a[n] = s
+ });
+ return a
+ }, getRecordKeywords: function (e) {
+ var r = [];
+ var t = Ember.A(["id"]);
+ e.eachAttribute(function (e) {
+ t.push(e)
+ });
+ t.forEach(function (t) {
+ r.push(i(e, t))
+ });
+ return r
+ }, getRecordFilterValues: function (e) {
+ return {
+ isNew: e.get("isNew"),
+ isModified: e.get("isDirty") && !e.get("isNew"),
+ isClean: !e.get("isDirty")
+ }
+ }, getRecordColor: function (e) {
+ var r = "black";
+ if (e.get("isNew")) {
+ r = "green"
+ } else if (e.get("isDirty")) {
+ r = "blue"
+ }
+ return r
+ }, observeRecord: function (e, r) {
+ var t = Ember.A(), i = this;
+ var a = Ember.A(["id", "isNew", "isDirty"]);
+ e.eachAttribute(function (e) {
+ a.push(e)
+ });
+ a.forEach(function (a) {
+ var n = function () {
+ r(i.wrapRecord(e))
+ };
+ Ember.addObserver(e, a, n);
+ t.push(function () {
+ Ember.removeObserver(e, a, n)
+ })
+ });
+ var n = function () {
+ t.forEach(function (e) {
+ e()
+ })
+ };
+ return n
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/debug/debug_info", ["ember-data/system/model", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.Model;
+ t.reopen({
+ _debugInfo: function () {
+ var e = ["id"], r = {belongsTo: [], hasMany: []}, t = [];
+ this.eachAttribute(function (r, t) {
+ e.push(r)
+ }, this);
+ this.eachRelationship(function (e, i) {
+ r[i.kind].push(e);
+ t.push(e)
+ });
+ var i = [{name: "Attributes", properties: e, expand: true}, {
+ name: "Belongs To",
+ properties: r.belongsTo,
+ expand: true
+ }, {name: "Has Many", properties: r.hasMany, expand: true}, {
+ name: "Flags",
+ properties: ["isLoaded", "isDirty", "isSaving", "isDeleted", "isError", "isNew", "isValid"]
+ }];
+ return {propertyInfo: {includeOtherProperties: true, groups: i, expensiveProperties: t}}
+ }
+ });
+ r["default"] = t
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/map", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r, t;
+ function i() {
+ Ember.OrderedSet.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ function a() {
+ Ember.Map.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ function n() {
+ Ember.MapWithDefault.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ var s = Ember.Map.create();
+ s.set("key", "value");
+ var o = false;
+ s.forEach(function (e, r) {
+ o = e === "key" && r === "value"
+ });
+ a.prototype = Object.create(Ember.Map.prototype);
+ n.prototype = Object.create(Ember.MapWithDefault.prototype);
+ i.prototype = Object.create(Ember.OrderedSet.prototype);
+ i.create = function () {
+ return new i
+ };
+ function u(e) {
+ return function (r, t) {
+ e.call(this, t, r)
+ }
+ }
+ if (o) {
+ r = function (e, r) {
+ this.__super$forEach(u(e), r)
+ };
+ t = function (e) {
+ this.remove(e)
+ };
+ a.prototype.__super$forEach = Ember.Map.prototype.forEach;
+ a.prototype.forEach = r;
+ a.prototype["delete"] = t;
+ n.prototype.forEach = r;
+ n.prototype.__super$forEach = Ember.MapWithDefault.prototype.forEach;
+ n.prototype["delete"] = t;
+ i.prototype["delete"] = t
+ }
+ n.constructor = n;
+ a.constructor = a;
+ n.create = function (e) {
+ if (e) {
+ return new n(e)
+ } else {
+ return new a
+ }
+ };
+ a.create = function () {
+ return new this.constructor
+ };
+ e["default"] = a;
+ e.Map = a;
+ e.MapWithDefault = n;
+ e.OrderedSet = i
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/model", ["ember-data/system/model/model", "ember-data/system/model/attributes", "ember-data/system/model/states", "ember-data/system/model/errors", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ "use strict";
+ var n = e["default"];
+ var s = r["default"];
+ var o = t["default"];
+ var u = i["default"];
+ a.Model = n;
+ a.RootState = o;
+ a.attr = s;
+ a.Errors = u
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/model/attributes", ["ember-data/system/model/model", "ember-data/system/map", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e["default"];
+ var a = r.Map;
+ var n = Ember.get;
+ i.reopenClass({
+ attributes: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = a.create();
+ this.eachComputedProperty(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.isAttribute) {
+ t.name = r;
+ e.set(r, t)
+ }
+ });
+ return e
+ }).readOnly(), transformedAttributes: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = a.create();
+ this.eachAttribute(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.type) {
+ e.set(r, t.type)
+ }
+ });
+ return e
+ }).readOnly(), eachAttribute: function (e, r) {
+ n(this, "attributes").forEach(function (t, i) {
+ e.call(r, i, t)
+ }, r)
+ }, eachTransformedAttribute: function (e, r) {
+ n(this, "transformedAttributes").forEach(function (t, i) {
+ e.call(r, i, t)
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ i.reopen({
+ eachAttribute: function (e, r) {
+ this.constructor.eachAttribute(e, r)
+ }
+ });
+ function s(e, r, t) {
+ if (typeof r.defaultValue === "function") {
+ return r.defaultValue.apply(null, arguments)
+ } else {
+ return r.defaultValue
+ }
+ }
+ function o(e, r) {
+ return e._attributes.hasOwnProperty(r) || e._inFlightAttributes.hasOwnProperty(r) || e._data.hasOwnProperty(r)
+ }
+ function u(e, r) {
+ if (e._attributes.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
+ return e._attributes[r]
+ } else if (e._inFlightAttributes.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
+ return e._inFlightAttributes[r]
+ } else {
+ return e._data[r]
+ }
+ }
+ t["default"] = function d(e, r) {
+ r = r || {};
+ var t = {type: e, isAttribute: true, options: r};
+ return Ember.computed("data", function (e, t) {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ var i = u(this, e);
+ if (t !== i) {
+ this._attributes[e] = t;
+ this.send("didSetProperty", {name: e, oldValue: i, originalValue: this._data[e], value: t})
+ }
+ return t
+ } else if (o(this, e)) {
+ return u(this, e)
+ } else {
+ return s(this, r, e)
+ }
+ }).meta(t)
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/model/errors", ["ember-data/system/map", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = Ember.get;
+ var i = Ember.isEmpty;
+ var a = Ember.EnumerableUtils.map;
+ var n = e.MapWithDefault;
+ r["default"] = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Enumerable, Ember.Evented, {
+ registerHandlers: function (e, r, t) {
+ this.on("becameInvalid", e, r);
+ this.on("becameValid", e, t)
+ },
+ errorsByAttributeName: Ember.reduceComputed("content", {
+ initialValue: function () {
+ return n.create({
+ defaultValue: function () {
+ return Ember.A()
+ }
+ })
+ }, addedItem: function (e, r) {
+ e.get(r.attribute).pushObject(r);
+ return e
+ }, removedItem: function (e, r) {
+ e.get(r.attribute).removeObject(r);
+ return e
+ }
+ }),
+ errorsFor: function (e) {
+ return t(this, "errorsByAttributeName").get(e)
+ },
+ messages: Ember.computed.mapBy("content", "message"),
+ content: Ember.computed(function () {
+ return Ember.A()
+ }),
+ unknownProperty: function (e) {
+ var r = this.errorsFor(e);
+ if (i(r)) {
+ return null
+ }
+ return r
+ },
+ nextObject: function (e, r, i) {
+ return t(this, "content").objectAt(e)
+ },
+ length: Ember.computed.oneWay("content.length").readOnly(),
+ isEmpty: Ember.computed.not("length").readOnly(),
+ add: function (e, r) {
+ var i = t(this, "isEmpty");
+ r = this._findOrCreateMessages(e, r);
+ t(this, "content").addObjects(r);
+ this.notifyPropertyChange(e);
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange();
+ if (i && !t(this, "isEmpty")) {
+ this.trigger("becameInvalid")
+ }
+ },
+ _findOrCreateMessages: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.errorsFor(e);
+ return a(Ember.makeArray(r), function (r) {
+ return t.findBy("message", r) || {attribute: e, message: r}
+ })
+ },
+ remove: function (e) {
+ if (t(this, "isEmpty")) {
+ return
+ }
+ var r = t(this, "content").rejectBy("attribute", e);
+ t(this, "content").setObjects(r);
+ this.notifyPropertyChange(e);
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange();
+ if (t(this, "isEmpty")) {
+ this.trigger("becameValid")
+ }
+ },
+ clear: function () {
+ if (t(this, "isEmpty")) {
+ return
+ }
+ t(this, "content").clear();
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange();
+ this.trigger("becameValid")
+ },
+ has: function (e) {
+ return !i(this.errorsFor(e))
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/model/model", ["ember-data/system/model/states", "ember-data/system/model/errors", "ember-data/system/promise_proxies", "ember-data/system/relationships/relationship", "exports"], function (e, r, i, a, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var s = e["default"];
+ var o = r["default"];
+ var u = i.PromiseObject;
+ var d = a.createRelationshipFor;
+ var c = Ember.get;
+ var l = Ember.set;
+ var f = Ember.merge;
+ var h = Ember.RSVP.Promise;
+ var p = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.forEach;
+ var m = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.map;
+ var y;
+ var v = Ember.computed("currentState", function (e, r) {
+ return c(c(this, "currentState"), e)
+ }).readOnly();
+ var b = Object.create(null);
+ var g = Object.create(null);
+ function R(e) {
+ return g[e] || (g[e] = e.split("."))
+ }
+ function E(e) {
+ return b[e] || (b[e] = R(e)[0])
+ }
+ var _ = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented, {
+ _recordArrays: undefined,
+ _relationships: undefined,
+ _loadingRecordArrays: undefined,
+ isEmpty: v,
+ isLoading: v,
+ isLoaded: v,
+ isDirty: v,
+ isSaving: v,
+ isDeleted: v,
+ isNew: v,
+ isValid: v,
+ dirtyType: v,
+ isError: false,
+ isReloading: false,
+ clientId: null,
+ id: null,
+ currentState: s.empty,
+ errors: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = o.create();
+ e.registerHandlers(this, function () {
+ this.send("becameInvalid")
+ }, function () {
+ this.send("becameValid")
+ });
+ return e
+ }).readOnly(),
+ serialize: function (e) {
+ var r = c(this, "store");
+ return r.serialize(this, e)
+ },
+ toJSON: function (e) {
+ if (!y) {
+ y = t("ember-data/serializers/json_serializer")["default"]
+ }
+ var r = y.create({container: this.container});
+ return r.serialize(this, e)
+ },
+ didLoad: Ember.K,
+ didUpdate: Ember.K,
+ didCreate: Ember.K,
+ didDelete: Ember.K,
+ becameInvalid: Ember.K,
+ becameError: Ember.K,
+ data: Ember.computed(function () {
+ this._data = this._data || {};
+ return this._data
+ }).readOnly(),
+ _data: null,
+ init: function () {
+ this._super();
+ this._setup()
+ },
+ _setup: function () {
+ this._changesToSync = {};
+ this._deferredTriggers = [];
+ this._data = {};
+ this._attributes = {};
+ this._inFlightAttributes = {};
+ this._relationships = {};
+ this._implicitRelationships = Object.create(null);
+ var e = this;
+ this.constructor.eachRelationship(function (r, t) {
+ e._relationships[r] = d(e, t, e.store)
+ })
+ },
+ send: function (e, r) {
+ var t = c(this, "currentState");
+ if (!t[e]) {
+ this._unhandledEvent(t, e, r)
+ }
+ return t[e](this, r)
+ },
+ transitionTo: function (e) {
+ var r = E(e);
+ var t = c(this, "currentState");
+ var i = t;
+ do {
+ if (i.exit) {
+ i.exit(this)
+ }
+ i = i.parentState
+ } while (!i.hasOwnProperty(r));
+ var a = R(e);
+ var n = [], s = [], o, u;
+ for (o = 0, u = a.length; o < u; o++) {
+ i = i[a[o]];
+ if (i.enter) {
+ s.push(i)
+ }
+ if (i.setup) {
+ n.push(i)
+ }
+ }
+ for (o = 0, u = s.length; o < u; o++) {
+ s[o].enter(this)
+ }
+ l(this, "currentState", i);
+ for (o = 0, u = n.length; o < u; o++) {
+ n[o].setup(this)
+ }
+ this.updateRecordArraysLater()
+ },
+ _unhandledEvent: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = "Attempted to handle event `" + r + "` ";
+ i += "on " + String(this) + " while in state ";
+ i += e.stateName + ". ";
+ if (t !== undefined) {
+ i += "Called with " + Ember.inspect(t) + "."
+ }
+ throw new Ember.Error(i)
+ },
+ withTransaction: function (e) {
+ var r = c(this, "transaction");
+ if (r) {
+ e(r)
+ }
+ },
+ loadingData: function (e) {
+ this.send("loadingData", e)
+ },
+ loadedData: function () {
+ this.send("loadedData")
+ },
+ notFound: function () {
+ this.send("notFound")
+ },
+ pushedData: function () {
+ this.send("pushedData")
+ },
+ deleteRecord: function () {
+ this.send("deleteRecord")
+ },
+ destroyRecord: function () {
+ this.deleteRecord();
+ return this.save()
+ },
+ unloadRecord: function () {
+ if (this.isDestroyed) {
+ return
+ }
+ this.send("unloadRecord")
+ },
+ clearRelationships: function () {
+ this.eachRelationship(function (e, r) {
+ var t = this._relationships[e];
+ if (t) {
+ t.clear();
+ t.destroy()
+ }
+ }, this)
+ },
+ disconnectRelationships: function () {
+ this.eachRelationship(function (e, r) {
+ this._relationships[e].disconnect()
+ }, this);
+ var e = this;
+ p.call(Ember.keys(this._implicitRelationships), function (r) {
+ e._implicitRelationships[r].disconnect()
+ })
+ },
+ reconnectRelationships: function () {
+ this.eachRelationship(function (e, r) {
+ this._relationships[e].reconnect()
+ }, this);
+ var e = this;
+ p.call(Ember.keys(this._implicitRelationships), function (r) {
+ e._implicitRelationships[r].reconnect()
+ })
+ },
+ updateRecordArrays: function () {
+ this._updatingRecordArraysLater = false;
+ c(this, "store").dataWasUpdated(this.constructor, this)
+ },
+ _preloadData: function (e) {
+ var r = this;
+ p.call(Ember.keys(e), function (t) {
+ var i = c(e, t);
+ var a = r.constructor.metaForProperty(t);
+ if (a.isRelationship) {
+ r._preloadRelationship(t, i)
+ } else {
+ c(r, "_data")[t] = i
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ _preloadRelationship: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.constructor.metaForProperty(e);
+ var i = t.type;
+ if (t.kind === "hasMany") {
+ this._preloadHasMany(e, r, i)
+ } else {
+ this._preloadBelongsTo(e, r, i)
+ }
+ },
+ _preloadHasMany: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this;
+ var a = m.call(r, function (e) {
+ return i._convertStringOrNumberIntoRecord(e, t)
+ });
+ this._relationships[e].updateRecordsFromAdapter(a)
+ },
+ _preloadBelongsTo: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this._convertStringOrNumberIntoRecord(r, t);
+ this._relationships[e].setRecord(i)
+ },
+ _convertStringOrNumberIntoRecord: function (e, r) {
+ if (Ember.typeOf(e) === "string" || Ember.typeOf(e) === "number") {
+ return this.store.recordForId(r, e)
+ }
+ return e
+ },
+ changedAttributes: function () {
+ var e = c(this, "_data");
+ var r = c(this, "_attributes");
+ var t = {};
+ var i;
+ for (i in r) {
+ t[i] = [e[i], r[i]]
+ }
+ return t
+ },
+ adapterWillCommit: function () {
+ this.send("willCommit")
+ },
+ adapterDidCommit: function (e) {
+ l(this, "isError", false);
+ if (e) {
+ this._data = e
+ } else {
+ Ember.mixin(this._data, this._inFlightAttributes)
+ }
+ this._inFlightAttributes = {};
+ this.send("didCommit");
+ this.updateRecordArraysLater();
+ if (!e) {
+ return
+ }
+ this.notifyPropertyChange("data")
+ },
+ adapterDidDirty: function () {
+ this.send("becomeDirty");
+ this.updateRecordArraysLater()
+ },
+ updateRecordArraysLater: function () {
+ if (this._updatingRecordArraysLater) {
+ return
+ }
+ this._updatingRecordArraysLater = true;
+ Ember.run.schedule("actions", this, this.updateRecordArrays)
+ },
+ setupData: function (e, r) {
+ if (r) {
+ Ember.merge(this._data, e)
+ } else {
+ this._data = e
+ }
+ if (e) {
+ this.pushedData()
+ }
+ this.notifyPropertyChange("data")
+ },
+ materializeId: function (e) {
+ l(this, "id", e)
+ },
+ materializeAttributes: function (e) {
+ f(this._data, e)
+ },
+ materializeAttribute: function (e, r) {
+ this._data[e] = r
+ },
+ rollback: function () {
+ this._attributes = {};
+ if (c(this, "isError")) {
+ this._inFlightAttributes = {};
+ l(this, "isError", false)
+ }
+ if (c(this, "isDeleted")) {
+ this.reconnectRelationships()
+ }
+ if (!c(this, "isValid")) {
+ this._inFlightAttributes = {}
+ }
+ this.send("rolledBack");
+ this.notifyPropertyChange("data")
+ },
+ toStringExtension: function () {
+ return c(this, "id")
+ },
+ save: function () {
+ var e = "DS: Model#save " + this;
+ var r = Ember.RSVP.defer(e);
+ this.get("store").scheduleSave(this, r);
+ this._inFlightAttributes = this._attributes;
+ this._attributes = {};
+ return u.create({promise: r.promise})
+ },
+ reload: function () {
+ l(this, "isReloading", true);
+ var e = this;
+ var r = "DS: Model#reload of " + this;
+ var t = new h(function (r) {
+ e.send("reloadRecord", r)
+ }, r).then(function () {
+ e.set("isReloading", false);
+ e.set("isError", false);
+ return e
+ }, function (r) {
+ e.set("isError", true);
+ throw r
+ }, "DS: Model#reload complete, update flags")["finally"](function () {
+ e.updateRecordArrays()
+ });
+ return u.create({promise: t})
+ },
+ adapterDidUpdateAttribute: function (e, r) {
+ if (r !== undefined) {
+ this._data[e] = r;
+ this.notifyPropertyChange(e)
+ } else {
+ this._data[e] = this._inFlightAttributes[e]
+ }
+ this.updateRecordArraysLater()
+ },
+ adapterDidInvalidate: function (e) {
+ var r = c(this, "errors");
+ function t(t) {
+ if (e[t]) {
+ r.add(t, e[t])
+ }
+ }
+ this.eachAttribute(t);
+ this.eachRelationship(t)
+ },
+ adapterDidError: function () {
+ this.send("becameError");
+ l(this, "isError", true)
+ },
+ trigger: function () {
+ var e = arguments.length;
+ var r = new Array(e - 1);
+ var t = arguments[0];
+ for (var i = 1; i < e; i++) {
+ r[i - 1] = arguments[i]
+ }
+ Ember.tryInvoke(this, t, r);
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments)
+ },
+ triggerLater: function () {
+ var e = arguments.length;
+ var r = new Array(e);
+ for (var t = 0; t < e; t++) {
+ r[t] = arguments[t]
+ }
+ if (this._deferredTriggers.push(r) !== 1) {
+ return
+ }
+ Ember.run.schedule("actions", this, "_triggerDeferredTriggers")
+ },
+ _triggerDeferredTriggers: function () {
+ for (var e = 0, r = this._deferredTriggers.length; e < r; e++) {
+ this.trigger.apply(this, this._deferredTriggers[e])
+ }
+ this._deferredTriggers.length = 0
+ },
+ willDestroy: function () {
+ this._super();
+ this.clearRelationships()
+ },
+ willMergeMixin: function (e) {
+ }
+ });
+ _.reopenClass({
+ _create: _.create, create: function () {
+ throw new Ember.Error("You should not call `create` on a model. Instead, call `store.createRecord` with the attributes you would like to set.")
+ }
+ });
+ n["default"] = _
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/model/states", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = Ember.get;
+ var t = Ember.set;
+ function i(e, r) {
+ if (r.value === r.originalValue) {
+ delete e._attributes[r.name];
+ e.send("propertyWasReset", r.name)
+ } else if (r.value !== r.oldValue) {
+ e.send("becomeDirty")
+ }
+ e.updateRecordArraysLater()
+ }
+ var a = {
+ initialState: "uncommitted",
+ isDirty: true,
+ uncommitted: {
+ didSetProperty: i, loadingData: Ember.K, propertyWasReset: function (e, r) {
+ var t = Ember.keys(e._attributes);
+ var i = t > 0;
+ if (!i) {
+ e.send("rolledBack")
+ }
+ }, pushedData: Ember.K, becomeDirty: Ember.K, willCommit: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("inFlight")
+ }, reloadRecord: function (e, t) {
+ t(r(e, "store").reloadRecord(e))
+ }, rolledBack: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("loaded.saved")
+ }, becameInvalid: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("invalid")
+ }, rollback: function (e) {
+ e.rollback()
+ }
+ },
+ inFlight: {
+ isSaving: true,
+ didSetProperty: i,
+ becomeDirty: Ember.K,
+ pushedData: Ember.K,
+ unloadRecord: function (e) {
+ },
+ willCommit: Ember.K,
+ didCommit: function (e) {
+ var t = r(this, "dirtyType");
+ e.transitionTo("saved");
+ e.send("invokeLifecycleCallbacks", t)
+ },
+ becameInvalid: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("invalid");
+ e.send("invokeLifecycleCallbacks")
+ },
+ becameError: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("uncommitted");
+ e.triggerLater("becameError", e)
+ }
+ },
+ invalid: {
+ isValid: false, deleteRecord: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.uncommitted");
+ e.disconnectRelationships()
+ }, didSetProperty: function (e, t) {
+ r(e, "errors").remove(t.name);
+ i(e, t)
+ }, becomeDirty: Ember.K, willCommit: function (e) {
+ r(e, "errors").clear();
+ e.transitionTo("inFlight")
+ }, rolledBack: function (e) {
+ r(e, "errors").clear()
+ }, becameValid: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("uncommitted")
+ }, invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function (e) {
+ e.triggerLater("becameInvalid", e)
+ }, exit: function (e) {
+ e._inFlightAttributes = {}
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function n(e) {
+ var r = {}, t;
+ for (var i in e) {
+ t = e[i];
+ if (t && typeof t === "object") {
+ r[i] = n(t)
+ } else {
+ r[i] = t
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ function s(e, r) {
+ for (var t in r) {
+ e[t] = r[t]
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ function o(e) {
+ var r = n(a);
+ return s(r, e)
+ }
+ var u = o({dirtyType: "created", isNew: true});
+ u.uncommitted.rolledBack = function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.saved")
+ };
+ var d = o({dirtyType: "updated"});
+ u.uncommitted.deleteRecord = function (e) {
+ e.disconnectRelationships();
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.saved")
+ };
+ u.uncommitted.rollback = function (e) {
+ a.uncommitted.rollback.apply(this, arguments);
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.saved")
+ };
+ u.uncommitted.propertyWasReset = Ember.K;
+ function c(e) {
+ }
+ d.inFlight.unloadRecord = c;
+ d.uncommitted.deleteRecord = function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.uncommitted");
+ e.disconnectRelationships()
+ };
+ var l = {
+ isEmpty: false,
+ isLoading: false,
+ isLoaded: false,
+ isDirty: false,
+ isSaving: false,
+ isDeleted: false,
+ isNew: false,
+ isValid: true,
+ rolledBack: Ember.K,
+ unloadRecord: function (e) {
+ e.clearRelationships();
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.saved")
+ },
+ propertyWasReset: Ember.K,
+ empty: {
+ isEmpty: true, loadingData: function (e, r) {
+ e._loadingPromise = r;
+ e.transitionTo("loading")
+ }, loadedData: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("loaded.created.uncommitted");
+ e.notifyPropertyChange("data")
+ }, pushedData: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("loaded.saved");
+ e.triggerLater("didLoad")
+ }
+ },
+ loading: {
+ isLoading: true, exit: function (e) {
+ e._loadingPromise = null
+ }, pushedData: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("loaded.saved");
+ e.triggerLater("didLoad");
+ t(e, "isError", false)
+ }, becameError: function (e) {
+ e.triggerLater("becameError", e)
+ }, notFound: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("empty")
+ }
+ },
+ loaded: {
+ initialState: "saved", isLoaded: true, loadingData: Ember.K, saved: {
+ setup: function (e) {
+ var r = e._attributes;
+ var t = false;
+ for (var i in r) {
+ if (r.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ t = true;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (t) {
+ e.adapterDidDirty()
+ }
+ }, didSetProperty: i, pushedData: Ember.K, becomeDirty: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("updated.uncommitted")
+ }, willCommit: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("updated.inFlight")
+ }, reloadRecord: function (e, t) {
+ t(r(e, "store").reloadRecord(e))
+ }, deleteRecord: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.uncommitted");
+ e.disconnectRelationships()
+ }, unloadRecord: function (e) {
+ e.clearRelationships();
+ e.transitionTo("deleted.saved")
+ }, didCommit: function (e) {
+ e.send("invokeLifecycleCallbacks", r(e, "lastDirtyType"))
+ }, notFound: Ember.K
+ }, created: u, updated: d
+ },
+ deleted: {
+ initialState: "uncommitted",
+ dirtyType: "deleted",
+ isDeleted: true,
+ isLoaded: true,
+ isDirty: true,
+ setup: function (e) {
+ e.updateRecordArrays()
+ },
+ uncommitted: {
+ willCommit: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("inFlight")
+ }, rollback: function (e) {
+ e.rollback()
+ }, becomeDirty: Ember.K, deleteRecord: Ember.K, rolledBack: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("loaded.saved")
+ }
+ },
+ inFlight: {
+ isSaving: true, unloadRecord: c, willCommit: Ember.K, didCommit: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("saved");
+ e.send("invokeLifecycleCallbacks")
+ }, becameError: function (e) {
+ e.transitionTo("uncommitted");
+ e.triggerLater("becameError", e)
+ }
+ },
+ saved: {
+ isDirty: false, setup: function (e) {
+ var t = r(e, "store");
+ t.dematerializeRecord(e)
+ }, invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function (e) {
+ e.triggerLater("didDelete", e);
+ e.triggerLater("didCommit", e)
+ }, willCommit: Ember.K, didCommit: Ember.K
+ }
+ },
+ invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function (e, r) {
+ if (r === "created") {
+ e.triggerLater("didCreate", e)
+ } else {
+ e.triggerLater("didUpdate", e)
+ }
+ e.triggerLater("didCommit", e)
+ }
+ };
+ function f(e, r, t) {
+ e = s(r ? Ember.create(r) : {}, e);
+ e.parentState = r;
+ e.stateName = t;
+ for (var i in e) {
+ if (!e.hasOwnProperty(i) || i === "parentState" || i === "stateName") {
+ continue
+ }
+ if (typeof e[i] === "object") {
+ e[i] = f(e[i], e, t + "." + i)
+ }
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ l = f(l, null, "root");
+ e["default"] = l
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/promise_proxies", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = Ember.RSVP.Promise;
+ var t = Ember.get;
+ var i = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin);
+ var a = Ember.ObjectProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin);
+ var n = function (e, t) {
+ return a.create({promise: r.resolve(e, t)})
+ };
+ var s = function (e, t) {
+ return i.create({promise: r.resolve(e, t)})
+ };
+ var o = i.extend({
+ reload: function () {
+ return t(this, "content").reload()
+ }
+ });
+ var u = function (e, t) {
+ return o.create({promise: r.resolve(e, t)})
+ };
+ e.PromiseArray = i;
+ e.PromiseObject = a;
+ e.PromiseManyArray = o;
+ e.promiseArray = s;
+ e.promiseObject = n;
+ e.promiseManyArray = u
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/record_array_manager", ["ember-data/system/record_arrays", "ember-data/system/map", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e.RecordArray;
+ var a = e.FilteredRecordArray;
+ var n = e.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray;
+ var s = e.ManyArray;
+ var o = r.MapWithDefault;
+ var u = r.OrderedSet;
+ var d = Ember.get;
+ var c = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;
+ t["default"] = Ember.Object.extend({
+ init: function () {
+ this.filteredRecordArrays = o.create({
+ defaultValue: function () {
+ return []
+ }
+ });
+ this.changedRecords = [];
+ this._adapterPopulatedRecordArrays = []
+ }, recordDidChange: function (e) {
+ if (this.changedRecords.push(e) !== 1) {
+ return
+ }
+ Ember.run.schedule("actions", this, this.updateRecordArrays)
+ }, recordArraysForRecord: function (e) {
+ e._recordArrays = e._recordArrays || u.create();
+ return e._recordArrays
+ }, updateRecordArrays: function () {
+ c(this.changedRecords, function (e) {
+ if (d(e, "isDeleted")) {
+ this._recordWasDeleted(e)
+ } else {
+ this._recordWasChanged(e)
+ }
+ }, this);
+ this.changedRecords.length = 0
+ }, _recordWasDeleted: function (e) {
+ var r = e._recordArrays;
+ if (!r) {
+ return
+ }
+ r.forEach(function (r) {
+ r.removeRecord(e)
+ });
+ e._recordArrays = null
+ }, _recordWasChanged: function (e) {
+ var r = e.constructor;
+ var t = this.filteredRecordArrays.get(r);
+ var i;
+ c(t, function (t) {
+ i = d(t, "filterFunction");
+ this.updateRecordArray(t, i, r, e)
+ }, this);
+ var a = e._loadingRecordArrays;
+ if (a) {
+ for (var n = 0, s = a.length; n < s; n++) {
+ a[n].loadedRecord()
+ }
+ e._loadingRecordArrays = []
+ }
+ }, updateRecordArray: function (e, r, t, i) {
+ var a;
+ if (!r) {
+ a = true
+ } else {
+ a = r(i)
+ }
+ var n = this.recordArraysForRecord(i);
+ if (a) {
+ if (!n.has(e)) {
+ e.pushRecord(i);
+ n.add(e)
+ }
+ } else if (!a) {
+ n["delete"](e);
+ e.removeRecord(i)
+ }
+ }, updateFilter: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.store.typeMapFor(r);
+ var a = i.records, n;
+ for (var s = 0, o = a.length; s < o; s++) {
+ n = a[s];
+ if (!d(n, "isDeleted") && !d(n, "isEmpty")) {
+ this.updateRecordArray(e, t, r, n)
+ }
+ }
+ }, createManyArray: function (e, r) {
+ var t = s.create({type: e, content: r, store: this.store});
+ c(r, function (e) {
+ var r = this.recordArraysForRecord(e);
+ r.add(t)
+ }, this);
+ return t
+ }, createRecordArray: function (e) {
+ var r = i.create({type: e, content: Ember.A(), store: this.store, isLoaded: true});
+ this.registerFilteredRecordArray(r, e);
+ return r
+ }, createFilteredRecordArray: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = a.create({
+ query: t,
+ type: e,
+ content: Ember.A(),
+ store: this.store,
+ manager: this,
+ filterFunction: r
+ });
+ this.registerFilteredRecordArray(i, e, r);
+ return i
+ }, createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray: function (e, r) {
+ var t = n.create({type: e, query: r, content: Ember.A(), store: this.store, manager: this});
+ this._adapterPopulatedRecordArrays.push(t);
+ return t
+ }, registerFilteredRecordArray: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.filteredRecordArrays.get(r);
+ i.push(e);
+ this.updateFilter(e, r, t)
+ }, registerWaitingRecordArray: function (e, r) {
+ var t = e._loadingRecordArrays || [];
+ t.push(r);
+ e._loadingRecordArrays = t
+ }, willDestroy: function () {
+ this._super();
+ c(h(l(this.filteredRecordArrays.values)), f);
+ c(this._adapterPopulatedRecordArrays, f)
+ }
+ });
+ function l(e) {
+ var r = [];
+ var t = Ember.keys(e);
+ for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
+ r.push(e[t[i]])
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ function f(e) {
+ e.destroy()
+ }
+ function h(e) {
+ var r = e.length;
+ var t = Ember.A();
+ for (var i = 0; i < r; i++) {
+ t = t.concat(e[i])
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/record_arrays", ["ember-data/system/record_arrays/record_array", "ember-data/system/record_arrays/filtered_record_array", "ember-data/system/record_arrays/adapter_populated_record_array", "ember-data/system/record_arrays/many_array", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i, a) {
+ "use strict";
+ var n = e["default"];
+ var s = r["default"];
+ var o = t["default"];
+ var u = i["default"];
+ a.RecordArray = n;
+ a.FilteredRecordArray = s;
+ a.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray = o;
+ a.ManyArray = u
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/record_arrays/adapter_populated_record_array", ["ember-data/system/record_arrays/record_array", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ var i = Ember.get;
+ function a(e) {
+ var r = Object.create(null);
+ for (var t in e) {
+ r[t] = e[t]
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ query: null, replace: function () {
+ var e = i(this, "type").toString();
+ throw new Error("The result of a server query (on " + e + ") is immutable.")
+ }, load: function (e) {
+ var r = i(this, "store");
+ var t = i(this, "type");
+ var n = r.pushMany(t, e);
+ var s = r.metadataFor(t);
+ this.setProperties({content: Ember.A(n), isLoaded: true, meta: a(s)});
+ n.forEach(function (e) {
+ this.manager.recordArraysForRecord(e).add(this)
+ }, this);
+ Ember.run.once(this, "trigger", "didLoad")
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/record_arrays/filtered_record_array", ["ember-data/system/record_arrays/record_array", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ var i = Ember.get;
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ filterFunction: null, isLoaded: true, replace: function () {
+ var e = i(this, "type").toString();
+ throw new Error("The result of a client-side filter (on " + e + ") is immutable.")
+ }, _updateFilter: function () {
+ var e = i(this, "manager");
+ e.updateFilter(this, i(this, "type"), i(this, "filterFunction"))
+ }, updateFilter: Ember.observer(function () {
+ Ember.run.once(this, this._updateFilter)
+ }, "filterFunction")
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/record_arrays/many_array", ["ember-data/system/record_arrays/record_array", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ var i = Ember.get, a = Ember.set;
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ init: function () {
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments)
+ },
+ isPolymorphic: false,
+ isLoaded: false,
+ relationship: null,
+ promise: null,
+ loadingRecordsCount: function (e) {
+ this.loadingRecordsCount = e
+ },
+ loadedRecord: function () {
+ this.loadingRecordsCount--;
+ if (this.loadingRecordsCount === 0) {
+ a(this, "isLoaded", true);
+ this.trigger("didLoad")
+ }
+ },
+ replaceContent: function (e, r, t) {
+ var a;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ a = i(this, "content").slice(e, e + r);
+ this.get("relationship").removeRecords(a)
+ }
+ if (t) {
+ this.get("relationship").addRecords(t, e)
+ }
+ },
+ reload: function () {
+ return this.relationship.reload()
+ },
+ createRecord: function (e) {
+ var r = i(this, "store");
+ var t = i(this, "type");
+ var a;
+ a = r.createRecord.call(r, t, e);
+ this.pushObject(a);
+ return a
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/record_arrays/record_array", ["ember-data/system/promise_proxies", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.PromiseArray;
+ var i = Ember.get;
+ r["default"] = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.Evented, {
+ type: null,
+ content: null,
+ isLoaded: false,
+ isUpdating: false,
+ store: null,
+ objectAtContent: function (e) {
+ var r = i(this, "content");
+ return r.objectAt(e)
+ },
+ update: function () {
+ if (i(this, "isUpdating")) {
+ return
+ }
+ var e = i(this, "store");
+ var r = i(this, "type");
+ return e.fetchAll(r, this)
+ },
+ addRecord: function (e, r) {
+ var t = i(this, "content");
+ if (r === undefined) {
+ t.addObject(e)
+ } else {
+ if (!t.contains(e)) {
+ t.insertAt(r, e)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ pushRecord: function (e) {
+ i(this, "content").pushObject(e)
+ },
+ removeRecord: function (e) {
+ i(this, "content").removeObject(e)
+ },
+ save: function () {
+ var e = "DS: RecordArray#save " + i(this, "type");
+ var r = Ember.RSVP.all(this.invoke("save"), e).then(function (e) {
+ return Ember.A(e)
+ }, null, "DS: RecordArray#save apply Ember.NativeArray");
+ return t.create({promise: r})
+ },
+ _dissociateFromOwnRecords: function () {
+ var e = this;
+ this.forEach(function (r) {
+ var t = r._recordArrays;
+ if (t) {
+ t["delete"](e)
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ willDestroy: function () {
+ this._dissociateFromOwnRecords();
+ this._super()
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/relationship-meta", ["ember-inflector/system", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.singularize;
+ function i(e, r) {
+ var i, a;
+ i = r.type || r.key;
+ if (typeof i === "string") {
+ if (r.kind === "hasMany") {
+ i = t(i)
+ }
+ a = e.modelFor(i)
+ } else {
+ a = r.type
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ r.typeForRelationshipMeta = i;
+ function a(e, r) {
+ return {
+ key: r.key,
+ kind: r.kind,
+ type: i(e, r),
+ options: r.options,
+ parentType: r.parentType,
+ isRelationship: true
+ }
+ }
+ r.relationshipFromMeta = a
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/relationships", ["./relationships/belongs_to", "./relationships/has_many", "ember-data/system/relationships/ext", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i) {
+ "use strict";
+ var a = e["default"];
+ var n = r["default"];
+ i.belongsTo = a;
+ i.hasMany = n
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/relationships/belongs_to", ["ember-data/system/model", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.Model;
+ function i(e, r) {
+ if (typeof e === "object") {
+ r = e;
+ e = undefined
+ } else {
+ }
+ r = r || {};
+ var t = {type: e, isRelationship: true, options: r, kind: "belongsTo", key: null};
+ return Ember.computed(function (e, r) {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ if (r === undefined) {
+ r = null
+ }
+ if (r && r.then) {
+ this._relationships[e].setRecordPromise(r)
+ } else {
+ this._relationships[e].setRecord(r)
+ }
+ }
+ return this._relationships[e].getRecord()
+ }).meta(t)
+ }
+ t.reopen({
+ notifyBelongsToAdded: function (e, r) {
+ this.notifyPropertyChange(e)
+ }, notifyBelongsToRemoved: function (e) {
+ this.notifyPropertyChange(e)
+ }
+ });
+ r["default"] = i
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/relationships/ext", ["ember-data/system/relationship-meta", "ember-data/system/model", "ember-data/system/map"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e.typeForRelationshipMeta;
+ var a = e.relationshipFromMeta;
+ var n = r.Model;
+ var s = t.Map;
+ var o = t.MapWithDefault;
+ var u = Ember.get;
+ var d = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.filter;
+ n.reopen({
+ didDefineProperty: function (e, r, t) {
+ if (t instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty) {
+ var i = t.meta();
+ i.parentType = e.constructor
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ n.reopenClass({
+ typeForRelationship: function (e) {
+ var r = u(this, "relationshipsByName").get(e);
+ return r && r.type
+ }, inverseMap: Ember.computed(function () {
+ return Object.create(null)
+ }), inverseFor: function (e) {
+ var r = u(this, "inverseMap");
+ if (r[e]) {
+ return r[e]
+ } else {
+ var t = this._findInverseFor(e);
+ r[e] = t;
+ return t
+ }
+ }, _findInverseFor: function (e) {
+ var r = this.typeForRelationship(e);
+ if (!r) {
+ return null
+ }
+ var t = this.metaForProperty(e).options;
+ if (t.inverse === null) {
+ return null
+ }
+ var i, a, n;
+ if (t.inverse) {
+ i = t.inverse;
+ n = Ember.get(r, "relationshipsByName").get(i);
+ a = n.kind
+ } else {
+ var s = c(this, r);
+ if (s.length === 0) {
+ return null
+ }
+ var o = d.call(s, function (t) {
+ var i = r.metaForProperty(t.name).options;
+ return e === i.inverse
+ });
+ if (o.length === 1) {
+ s = o
+ }
+ i = s[0].name;
+ a = s[0].kind
+ }
+ function c(r, t, i) {
+ var a = i || [];
+ var n = u(t, "relationships");
+ if (!n) {
+ return
+ }
+ var s = n.get(r);
+ s = d.call(s, function (r) {
+ var i = t.metaForProperty(r.name).options;
+ if (!i.inverse) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return e === i.inverse
+ });
+ if (s) {
+ a.push.apply(a, s)
+ }
+ if (r.superclass) {
+ c(r.superclass, t, a)
+ }
+ return a
+ }
+ return {type: r, name: i, kind: a}
+ }, relationships: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = new o({
+ defaultValue: function () {
+ return []
+ }
+ });
+ this.eachComputedProperty(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.isRelationship) {
+ t.key = r;
+ var a = e.get(i(this.store, t));
+ a.push({name: r, kind: t.kind})
+ }
+ });
+ return e
+ }).cacheable(false).readOnly(), relationshipNames: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = {hasMany: [], belongsTo: []};
+ this.eachComputedProperty(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.isRelationship) {
+ e[t.kind].push(r)
+ }
+ });
+ return e
+ }), relatedTypes: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e;
+ var r = Ember.A();
+ this.eachComputedProperty(function (t, a) {
+ if (a.isRelationship) {
+ a.key = t;
+ e = i(this.store, a);
+ if (!r.contains(e)) {
+ r.push(e)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return r
+ }).cacheable(false).readOnly(), relationshipsByName: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = s.create();
+ this.eachComputedProperty(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.isRelationship) {
+ t.key = r;
+ var n = a(this.store, t);
+ n.type = i(this.store, t);
+ e.set(r, n)
+ }
+ });
+ return e
+ }).cacheable(false).readOnly(), fields: Ember.computed(function () {
+ var e = s.create();
+ this.eachComputedProperty(function (r, t) {
+ if (t.isRelationship) {
+ e.set(r, t.kind)
+ } else if (t.isAttribute) {
+ e.set(r, "attribute")
+ }
+ });
+ return e
+ }).readOnly(), eachRelationship: function (e, r) {
+ u(this, "relationshipsByName").forEach(function (t, i) {
+ e.call(r, i, t)
+ })
+ }, eachRelatedType: function (e, r) {
+ u(this, "relatedTypes").forEach(function (t) {
+ e.call(r, t)
+ })
+ }, determineRelationshipType: function (e) {
+ var r = e.key;
+ var t = e.kind;
+ var i = this.inverseFor(r);
+ var a, n;
+ if (!i) {
+ return t === "belongsTo" ? "oneToNone" : "manyToNone"
+ }
+ a = i.name;
+ n = i.kind;
+ if (n === "belongsTo") {
+ return t === "belongsTo" ? "oneToOne" : "manyToOne"
+ } else {
+ return t === "belongsTo" ? "oneToMany" : "manyToMany"
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ n.reopen({
+ eachRelationship: function (e, r) {
+ this.constructor.eachRelationship(e, r)
+ }, relationshipFor: function (e) {
+ return u(this.constructor, "relationshipsByName").get(e)
+ }, inverseFor: function (e) {
+ return this.constructor.inverseFor(e)
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/relationships/has_many", ["ember-data/system/model", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e.Model;
+ function i(e, r) {
+ if (typeof e === "object") {
+ r = e;
+ e = undefined
+ }
+ r = r || {};
+ var t = {type: e, isRelationship: true, options: r, kind: "hasMany", key: null};
+ return Ember.computed(function (e) {
+ var r = this._relationships[e];
+ return r.getRecords()
+ }).meta(t).readOnly()
+ }
+ t.reopen({
+ notifyHasManyAdded: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this._relationships[e];
+ var a = i.manyArray;
+ a.addRecord(r, t);
+ this.notifyPropertyChange(e)
+ }, notifyHasManyRemoved: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this._relationships[e];
+ var i = t.manyArray;
+ i.removeRecord(r)
+ }
+ });
+ r["default"] = i
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/relationships/relationship", ["ember-data/system/promise_proxies", "ember-data/system/map", "exports"], function (e, r, t) {
+ "use strict";
+ var i = e.PromiseManyArray;
+ var a = e.PromiseObject;
+ var n = r.OrderedSet;
+ var s = function (e, r, t, i) {
+ this.members = new n;
+ this.store = e;
+ this.key = i.key;
+ this.inverseKey = t;
+ this.record = r;
+ this.key = i.key;
+ this.isAsync = i.options.async;
+ this.relationshipMeta = i;
+ this.inverseKeyForImplicit = this.store.modelFor(this.record.constructor).typeKey + this.key;
+ this.linkPromise = null
+ };
+ s.prototype = {
+ constructor: s, destroy: Ember.K, clear: function () {
+ this.members.forEach(function (e) {
+ this.removeRecord(e)
+ }, this)
+ }, disconnect: function () {
+ this.members.forEach(function (e) {
+ this.removeRecordFromInverse(e)
+ }, this)
+ }, reconnect: function () {
+ this.members.forEach(function (e) {
+ this.addRecordToInverse(e)
+ }, this)
+ }, removeRecords: function (e) {
+ var r = this;
+ e.forEach(function (e) {
+ r.removeRecord(e)
+ })
+ }, addRecords: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this;
+ e.forEach(function (e) {
+ t.addRecord(e, r);
+ if (r !== undefined) {
+ r++
+ }
+ })
+ }, addRecord: function (e, r) {
+ if (!this.members.has(e)) {
+ this.members.add(e);
+ this.notifyRecordRelationshipAdded(e, r);
+ if (this.inverseKey) {
+ e._relationships[this.inverseKey].addRecord(this.record)
+ } else {
+ if (!e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit]) {
+ e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit] = new s(this.store, e, this.key, {options: {}})
+ }
+ e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit].addRecord(this.record)
+ }
+ this.record.updateRecordArrays()
+ }
+ }, removeRecord: function (e) {
+ if (this.members.has(e)) {
+ this.removeRecordFromOwn(e);
+ if (this.inverseKey) {
+ this.removeRecordFromInverse(e)
+ } else {
+ if (e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit]) {
+ e._implicitRelationships[this.inverseKeyForImplicit].removeRecord(this.record)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, addRecordToInverse: function (e) {
+ if (this.inverseKey) {
+ e._relationships[this.inverseKey].addRecord(this.record)
+ }
+ }, removeRecordFromInverse: function (e) {
+ var r = e._relationships[this.inverseKey];
+ if (r) {
+ r.removeRecordFromOwn(this.record)
+ }
+ }, removeRecordFromOwn: function (e) {
+ this.members["delete"](e);
+ this.notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved(e);
+ this.record.updateRecordArrays()
+ }, updateLink: function (e) {
+ if (e !== this.link) {
+ this.link = e;
+ this.linkPromise = null;
+ this.record.notifyPropertyChange(this.key)
+ }
+ }, findLink: function () {
+ if (this.linkPromise) {
+ return this.linkPromise
+ } else {
+ var e = this.fetchLink();
+ this.linkPromise = e;
+ return e.then(function (e) {
+ return e
+ })
+ }
+ }, updateRecordsFromAdapter: function (e) {
+ this.computeChanges(e)
+ }, notifyRecordRelationshipAdded: Ember.K, notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved: Ember.K
+ };
+ var o = function (e, r, t, i) {
+ this._super$constructor(e, r, t, i);
+ this.belongsToType = i.type;
+ this.manyArray = e.recordArrayManager.createManyArray(this.belongsToType, Ember.A());
+ this.manyArray.relationship = this;
+ this.isPolymorphic = i.options.polymorphic;
+ this.manyArray.isPolymorphic = this.isPolymorphic
+ };
+ o.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype);
+ o.prototype.constructor = o;
+ o.prototype._super$constructor = s;
+ o.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ this.manyArray.destroy()
+ };
+ o.prototype.notifyRecordRelationshipAdded = function (e, r) {
+ this.record.notifyHasManyAdded(this.key, e, r)
+ };
+ o.prototype.notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved = function (e) {
+ this.record.notifyHasManyRemoved(this.key, e)
+ };
+ o.prototype.reload = function () {
+ var e = this;
+ if (this.link) {
+ return this.fetchLink()
+ } else {
+ return this.store.scheduleFetchMany(this.manyArray.toArray()).then(function () {
+ e.manyArray.set("isLoaded", true);
+ return e.manyArray
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ o.prototype.computeChanges = function (e) {
+ var r = this.members;
+ var t = [];
+ var i;
+ var a;
+ var n;
+ e = d(e);
+ r.forEach(function (r) {
+ if (e.has(r)) return;
+ t.push(r)
+ });
+ this.removeRecords(t);
+ var s = this.manyArray;
+ e = e.toArray();
+ i = e.length;
+ for (n = 0; n < i; n++) {
+ a = e[n];
+ if (s.objectAt(n) === a) {
+ continue
+ }
+ this.removeRecord(a);
+ this.addRecord(a, n)
+ }
+ };
+ o.prototype.fetchLink = function () {
+ var e = this;
+ return this.store.findHasMany(this.record, this.link, this.relationshipMeta).then(function (r) {
+ e.updateRecordsFromAdapter(r);
+ return e.manyArray
+ })
+ };
+ o.prototype.findRecords = function () {
+ var e = this.manyArray;
+ return this.store.findMany(e.toArray()).then(function () {
+ e.set("isLoaded", true);
+ return e
+ })
+ };
+ o.prototype.getRecords = function () {
+ if (this.isAsync) {
+ var e = this;
+ var r;
+ if (this.link) {
+ r = this.findLink().then(function () {
+ return e.findRecords()
+ })
+ } else {
+ r = this.findRecords()
+ }
+ return i.create({content: this.manyArray, promise: r})
+ } else {
+ this.manyArray.set("isLoaded", true);
+ return this.manyArray
+ }
+ };
+ var u = function (e, r, t, i) {
+ this._super$constructor(e, r, t, i);
+ this.record = r;
+ this.key = i.key;
+ this.inverseRecord = null
+ };
+ u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype);
+ u.prototype.constructor = u;
+ u.prototype._super$constructor = s;
+ u.prototype.setRecord = function (e) {
+ if (e) {
+ this.addRecord(e)
+ } else if (this.inverseRecord) {
+ this.removeRecord(this.inverseRecord)
+ }
+ };
+ u.prototype._super$addRecord = s.prototype.addRecord;
+ u.prototype.addRecord = function (e) {
+ if (this.members.has(e)) {
+ return
+ }
+ var r = this.relationshipMeta.type;
+ if (this.inverseRecord) {
+ this.removeRecord(this.inverseRecord)
+ }
+ this.inverseRecord = e;
+ this._super$addRecord(e)
+ };
+ u.prototype.setRecordPromise = function (e) {
+ var r = e.get && e.get("content");
+ this.setRecord(r)
+ };
+ u.prototype.notifyRecordRelationshipAdded = function (e) {
+ this.record.notifyBelongsToAdded(this.key, this)
+ };
+ u.prototype.notifyRecordRelationshipRemoved = function (e) {
+ this.record.notifyBelongsToRemoved(this.key, this)
+ };
+ u.prototype._super$removeRecordFromOwn = s.prototype.removeRecordFromOwn;
+ u.prototype.removeRecordFromOwn = function (e) {
+ if (!this.members.has(e)) {
+ return
+ }
+ this._super$removeRecordFromOwn(e);
+ this.inverseRecord = null
+ };
+ u.prototype.findRecord = function () {
+ if (this.inverseRecord) {
+ return this.store._findByRecord(this.inverseRecord)
+ } else {
+ return Ember.RSVP.Promise.resolve(null)
+ }
+ };
+ u.prototype.fetchLink = function () {
+ var e = this;
+ return this.store.findBelongsTo(this.record, this.link, this.relationshipMeta).then(function (r) {
+ e.addRecord(r);
+ return r
+ })
+ };
+ u.prototype.getRecord = function () {
+ if (this.isAsync) {
+ var e;
+ if (this.link) {
+ var r = this;
+ e = this.findLink().then(function () {
+ return r.findRecord()
+ })
+ } else {
+ e = this.findRecord()
+ }
+ return a.create({promise: e, content: this.inverseRecord})
+ } else {
+ return this.inverseRecord
+ }
+ };
+ function d(e) {
+ var r = new n;
+ if (e) {
+ for (var t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++) {
+ r.add(e[t])
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ var c = function (e, r, t) {
+ var i;
+ var a = e.constructor.inverseFor(r.key);
+ if (a) {
+ i = a.name
+ }
+ if (r.kind === "hasMany") {
+ return new o(t, e, i, r)
+ } else {
+ return new u(t, e, i, r)
+ }
+ };
+ t.Relationship = s;
+ t.ManyRelationship = o;
+ t.BelongsToRelationship = u;
+ t.createRelationshipFor = c
+ });
+ r("ember-data/system/store", ["ember-data/system/adapter", "ember-inflector/system/string", "ember-data/system/map", "ember-data/system/promise_proxies", "exports"], function (e, r, i, a, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var s = e.InvalidError;
+ var o = e.Adapter;
+ var u = r.singularize;
+ var d = i.Map;
+ var c = a.promiseArray;
+ var l = a.promiseObject;
+ var f = Ember.get;
+ var h = Ember.set;
+ var p = Ember.run.once;
+ var m = Ember.isNone;
+ var y = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;
+ var v = Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexOf;
+ var b = Ember.EnumerableUtils.map;
+ var g = Ember.RSVP.Promise;
+ var R = Ember.copy;
+ var E, _, A;
+ var F = Ember.String.camelize;
+ function z(e) {
+ return e == null ? null : e + ""
+ }
+ E = Ember.Object.extend({
+ init: function () {
+ if (!_) {
+ _ = t("ember-data/system/record_array_manager")["default"]
+ }
+ this.typeMaps = {};
+ this.recordArrayManager = _.create({store: this});
+ this._pendingSave = [];
+ this._pendingFetch = d.create()
+ }, adapter: "-rest", serialize: function (e, r) {
+ return this.serializerFor(e.constructor.typeKey).serialize(e, r)
+ }, defaultAdapter: Ember.computed("adapter", function () {
+ var e = f(this, "adapter");
+ if (typeof e === "string") {
+ e = this.container.lookup("adapter:" + e) || this.container.lookup("adapter:application") || this.container.lookup("adapter:-rest")
+ }
+ if (DS.Adapter.detect(e)) {
+ e = e.create({container: this.container})
+ }
+ return e
+ }), createRecord: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.modelFor(e);
+ var i = R(r) || {};
+ if (m(i.id)) {
+ i.id = this._generateId(t)
+ }
+ i.id = z(i.id);
+ var a = this.buildRecord(t, i.id);
+ a.loadedData();
+ a.setProperties(i);
+ return a
+ }, _generateId: function (e) {
+ var r = this.adapterFor(e);
+ if (r && r.generateIdForRecord) {
+ return r.generateIdForRecord(this)
+ }
+ return null
+ }, deleteRecord: function (e) {
+ e.deleteRecord()
+ }, unloadRecord: function (e) {
+ e.unloadRecord()
+ }, find: function (e, r, t) {
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ return this.findAll(e)
+ }
+ if (Ember.typeOf(r) === "object") {
+ return this.findQuery(e, r)
+ }
+ return this.findById(e, z(r), t)
+ }, findById: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.modelFor(e);
+ var a = this.recordForId(i, r);
+ return this._findByRecord(a, t)
+ }, _findByRecord: function (e, r) {
+ var t;
+ if (r) {
+ e._preloadData(r)
+ }
+ if (f(e, "isEmpty")) {
+ t = this.scheduleFetch(e)
+ } else if (f(e, "isLoading")) {
+ t = e._loadingPromise
+ }
+ return l(t || e, "DS: Store#findByRecord " + e.typeKey + " with id: " + f(e, "id"))
+ }, findByIds: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this;
+ return c(Ember.RSVP.all(b(r, function (r) {
+ return t.findById(e, r)
+ })).then(Ember.A, null, "DS: Store#findByIds of " + e + " complete"))
+ }, fetchRecord: function (e) {
+ var r = e.constructor;
+ var t = f(e, "id");
+ var i = this.adapterFor(r);
+ var a = $(i, this, r, t, e);
+ return a
+ }, scheduleFetchMany: function (e) {
+ return Ember.RSVP.all(b(e, this.scheduleFetch, this))
+ }, scheduleFetch: function (e) {
+ var r = e.constructor;
+ if (m(e)) {
+ return null
+ }
+ if (e._loadingPromise) {
+ return e._loadingPromise
+ }
+ var t = Ember.RSVP.defer("Fetching " + r + "with id: " + e.get("id"));
+ var i = {record: e, resolver: t};
+ var a = t.promise;
+ e.loadingData(a);
+ if (!this._pendingFetch.get(r)) {
+ this._pendingFetch.set(r, [i])
+ } else {
+ this._pendingFetch.get(r).push(i)
+ }
+ Ember.run.scheduleOnce("afterRender", this, this.flushAllPendingFetches);
+ return a
+ }, flushAllPendingFetches: function () {
+ if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) {
+ return
+ }
+ this._pendingFetch.forEach(this._flushPendingFetchForType, this);
+ this._pendingFetch = d.create()
+ }, _flushPendingFetchForType: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this;
+ var i = t.adapterFor(r);
+ var a = !!i.findMany && i.coalesceFindRequests;
+ var n = Ember.A(e).mapBy("record");
+ function s(e) {
+ e.resolver.resolve(t.fetchRecord(e.record))
+ }
+ function o(r) {
+ y(r, function (r) {
+ var t = Ember.A(e).findBy("record", r);
+ if (t) {
+ var i = t.resolver;
+ i.resolve(r)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function u(e) {
+ return function r(t) {
+ var i = e.without(t);
+ c(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function d(e) {
+ return function (r) {
+ c(e, r)
+ }
+ }
+ function c(r, t) {
+ y(r, function (r) {
+ var i = Ember.A(e).findBy("record", r);
+ if (i) {
+ var a = i.resolver;
+ a.reject(t)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (e.length === 1) {
+ s(e[0])
+ } else if (a) {
+ var l = i.groupRecordsForFindMany(this, n);
+ y(l, function (a) {
+ var n = Ember.A(a);
+ var c = n.mapBy("id");
+ if (c.length > 1) {
+ I(i, t, r, c, n).then(o).then(u(n)).then(null, d(n))
+ } else if (c.length === 1) {
+ var l = Ember.A(e).findBy("record", a[0]);
+ s(l)
+ } else {
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ y(e, s)
+ }
+ }, getById: function (e, r) {
+ if (this.hasRecordForId(e, r)) {
+ return this.recordForId(e, r)
+ } else {
+ return null
+ }
+ }, reloadRecord: function (e) {
+ var r = e.constructor;
+ var t = this.adapterFor(r);
+ var i = f(e, "id");
+ return this.scheduleFetch(e)
+ }, hasRecordForId: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.modelFor(e);
+ var i = z(r);
+ return !!this.typeMapFor(t).idToRecord[i]
+ }, recordForId: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.modelFor(e);
+ var i = z(r);
+ var a = this.typeMapFor(t).idToRecord;
+ var n = a[i];
+ if (!n || !a[i]) {
+ n = this.buildRecord(t, i)
+ }
+ return n
+ }, findMany: function (e) {
+ var r = this;
+ return g.all(b(e, function (e) {
+ return r._findByRecord(e)
+ }))
+ }, findHasMany: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.adapterFor(e.constructor);
+ return L(i, this, e, r, t)
+ }, findBelongsTo: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.adapterFor(e.constructor);
+ return j(i, this, e, r, t)
+ }, findQuery: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.modelFor(e);
+ var i = this.recordArrayManager.createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray(t, r);
+ var a = this.adapterFor(t);
+ return c(U(a, this, t, r, i))
+ }, findAll: function (e) {
+ var r = this.modelFor(e);
+ return this.fetchAll(r, this.all(r))
+ }, fetchAll: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.adapterFor(e);
+ var i = this.typeMapFor(e).metadata.since;
+ h(r, "isUpdating", true);
+ return c(K(t, this, e, i))
+ }, didUpdateAll: function (e) {
+ var r = this.typeMapFor(e).findAllCache;
+ h(r, "isUpdating", false)
+ }, all: function (e) {
+ var r = this.modelFor(e);
+ var t = this.typeMapFor(r);
+ var i = t.findAllCache;
+ if (i) {
+ return i
+ }
+ var a = this.recordArrayManager.createRecordArray(r);
+ t.findAllCache = a;
+ return a
+ }, unloadAll: function (e) {
+ var r = this.modelFor(e);
+ var t = this.typeMapFor(r);
+ var i = t.records.slice();
+ var a;
+ for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
+ a = i[n];
+ a.unloadRecord();
+ a.destroy()
+ }
+ t.findAllCache = null
+ }, filter: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i;
+ var a = arguments.length;
+ var n;
+ var s = a === 3;
+ if (s) {
+ i = this.findQuery(e, r)
+ } else if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ t = r
+ }
+ e = this.modelFor(e);
+ if (s) {
+ n = this.recordArrayManager.createFilteredRecordArray(e, t, r)
+ } else {
+ n = this.recordArrayManager.createFilteredRecordArray(e, t)
+ }
+ i = i || g.cast(n);
+ return c(i.then(function () {
+ return n
+ }, null, "DS: Store#filter of " + e))
+ }, recordIsLoaded: function (e, r) {
+ if (!this.hasRecordForId(e, r)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return !f(this.recordForId(e, r), "isEmpty")
+ }, metadataFor: function (e) {
+ e = this.modelFor(e);
+ return this.typeMapFor(e).metadata
+ }, dataWasUpdated: function (e, r) {
+ this.recordArrayManager.recordDidChange(r)
+ }, scheduleSave: function (e, r) {
+ e.adapterWillCommit();
+ this._pendingSave.push([e, r]);
+ p(this, "flushPendingSave")
+ }, flushPendingSave: function () {
+ var e = this._pendingSave.slice();
+ this._pendingSave = [];
+ y(e, function (e) {
+ var r = e[0], t = e[1];
+ var i = this.adapterFor(r.constructor);
+ var a;
+ if (f(r, "currentState.stateName") === "root.deleted.saved") {
+ return t.resolve(r)
+ } else if (f(r, "isNew")) {
+ a = "createRecord"
+ } else if (f(r, "isDeleted")) {
+ a = "deleteRecord"
+ } else {
+ a = "updateRecord"
+ }
+ t.resolve(B(i, this, a, r))
+ }, this)
+ }, didSaveRecord: function (e, r) {
+ if (r) {
+ r = x(this, e.constructor, r, e);
+ N(this, e, r);
+ this.updateId(e, r)
+ }
+ e.adapterDidCommit(r)
+ }, recordWasInvalid: function (e, r) {
+ e.adapterDidInvalidate(r)
+ }, recordWasError: function (e) {
+ e.adapterDidError()
+ }, updateId: function (e, r) {
+ var t = f(e, "id");
+ var i = z(r.id);
+ this.typeMapFor(e.constructor).idToRecord[i] = e;
+ h(e, "id", i)
+ }, typeMapFor: function (e) {
+ var r = f(this, "typeMaps");
+ var t = Ember.guidFor(e);
+ var i;
+ i = r[t];
+ if (i) {
+ return i
+ }
+ i = {idToRecord: Object.create(null), records: [], metadata: Object.create(null), type: e};
+ r[t] = i;
+ return i
+ }, _load: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = z(r.id);
+ var a = this.recordForId(e, i);
+ a.setupData(r, t);
+ this.recordArrayManager.recordDidChange(a);
+ return a
+ }, modelFor: function (e) {
+ var r;
+ if (typeof e === "string") {
+ r = this.modelFactoryFor(e);
+ if (!r) {
+ throw new Ember.Error("No model was found for '" + e + "'")
+ }
+ r.typeKey = r.typeKey || this._normalizeTypeKey(e)
+ } else {
+ r = e;
+ if (r.typeKey) {
+ r.typeKey = this._normalizeTypeKey(r.typeKey)
+ }
+ }
+ r.store = this;
+ return r
+ }, modelFactoryFor: function (e) {
+ return this.container.lookupFactory("model:" + e)
+ }, push: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.modelFor(e);
+ r = x(this, i, r);
+ this._load(i, r, t);
+ var a = this.recordForId(i, r.id);
+ N(this, a, r);
+ return a
+ }, pushPayload: function (e, r) {
+ var t;
+ var i;
+ if (!r) {
+ i = e;
+ t = D(this.container)
+ } else {
+ i = r;
+ t = this.serializerFor(e)
+ }
+ t.pushPayload(this, i)
+ }, normalize: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.serializerFor(e);
+ var i = this.modelFor(e);
+ return t.normalize(i, r)
+ }, update: function (e, r) {
+ return this.push(e, r, true)
+ }, pushMany: function (e, r) {
+ var t = r.length;
+ var i = new Array(t);
+ for (var a = 0; a < t; a++) {
+ i[a] = this.push(e, r[a])
+ }
+ return i
+ }, metaForType: function (e, r) {
+ var t = this.modelFor(e);
+ Ember.merge(this.typeMapFor(t).metadata, r)
+ }, buildRecord: function (e, r, t) {
+ var i = this.typeMapFor(e);
+ var a = i.idToRecord;
+ var n = e._create({id: r, store: this, container: this.container});
+ if (t) {
+ n.setupData(t)
+ }
+ if (r) {
+ a[r] = n
+ }
+ i.records.push(n);
+ return n
+ }, dematerializeRecord: function (e) {
+ var r = e.constructor;
+ var t = this.typeMapFor(r);
+ var i = f(e, "id");
+ e.updateRecordArrays();
+ if (i) {
+ delete t.idToRecord[i]
+ }
+ var a = v(t.records, e);
+ t.records.splice(a, 1)
+ }, adapterFor: function (e) {
+ var r = this.container, t;
+ if (r) {
+ t = r.lookup("adapter:" + e.typeKey) || r.lookup("adapter:application")
+ }
+ return t || f(this, "defaultAdapter")
+ }, serializerFor: function (e) {
+ e = this.modelFor(e);
+ var r = this.adapterFor(e);
+ return M(this.container, e.typeKey, r && r.defaultSerializer)
+ }, willDestroy: function () {
+ var e = this.typeMaps;
+ var r = Ember.keys(e);
+ var t = b(r, i);
+ this.recordArrayManager.destroy();
+ y(t, this.unloadAll, this);
+ function i(r) {
+ return e[r]["type"]
+ }
+ }, _normalizeTypeKey: function (e) {
+ return F(u(e))
+ }
+ });
+ function x(e, r, t, i) {
+ r.eachRelationship(function (r, i) {
+ var a = i.kind;
+ var n = t[r];
+ if (a === "belongsTo") {
+ T(e, t, r, i, n)
+ } else if (a === "hasMany") {
+ k(e, t, r, i, n)
+ }
+ });
+ return t
+ }
+ function T(e, r, i, a, n) {
+ if (!A) {
+ A = t("ember-data/system/model")["Model"]
+ }
+ if (m(n) || n instanceof A) {
+ return
+ }
+ var s;
+ if (typeof n === "number" || typeof n === "string") {
+ s = S(a, i, r);
+ r[i] = e.recordForId(s, n)
+ } else if (typeof n === "object") {
+ r[i] = e.recordForId(n.type, n.id)
+ }
+ }
+ function S(e, r, t) {
+ if (e.options.polymorphic) {
+ return t[r + "Type"]
+ } else {
+ return e.type
+ }
+ }
+ function k(e, r, t, i, a) {
+ if (!Ember.isArray(a)) {
+ return
+ }
+ for (var n = 0, s = a.length; n < s; n++) {
+ T(e, a, n, i, a[n])
+ }
+ }
+ function M(e, r, t) {
+ return e.lookup("serializer:" + r) || e.lookup("serializer:application") || e.lookup("serializer:" + t) || e.lookup("serializer:-default")
+ }
+ function D(e) {
+ return e.lookup("serializer:application") || e.lookup("serializer:-default")
+ }
+ function P(e, r) {
+ var t = e.serializer;
+ var i = e.defaultSerializer;
+ var a = e.container;
+ if (a && t === undefined) {
+ t = M(a, r.typeKey, i)
+ }
+ if (t === null || t === undefined) {
+ t = {
+ extract: function (e, r, t) {
+ return t
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ function O(e) {
+ return !(f(e, "isDestroyed") || f(e, "isDestroying"))
+ }
+ function C(e, r) {
+ var t = e["finally"](function () {
+ if (!r()) {
+ t._subscribers.length = 0
+ }
+ });
+ return t
+ }
+ function w(e) {
+ var r = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function () {
+ return e.apply(undefined, r)
+ }
+ }
+ function $(e, r, t, i, a) {
+ var n = e.find(r, t, i, a);
+ var s = P(e, t);
+ var o = "DS: Handle Adapter#find of " + t + " with id: " + i;
+ n = g.cast(n, o);
+ n = C(n, w(O, r));
+ return n.then(function (e) {
+ var a = s.extract(r, t, e, i, "find");
+ return r.push(t, a)
+ }, function (e) {
+ var a = r.getById(t, i);
+ if (a) {
+ a.notFound()
+ }
+ throw e
+ }, "DS: Extract payload of '" + t + "'")
+ }
+ function I(e, r, t, i, a) {
+ var n = e.findMany(r, t, i, a);
+ var s = P(e, t);
+ var o = "DS: Handle Adapter#findMany of " + t;
+ if (n === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("adapter.findMany returned undefined, this was very likely a mistake")
+ }
+ n = g.cast(n, o);
+ n = C(n, w(O, r));
+ return n.then(function (e) {
+ var i = s.extract(r, t, e, null, "findMany");
+ return r.pushMany(t, i)
+ }, null, "DS: Extract payload of " + t)
+ }
+ function L(e, r, t, i, a) {
+ var n = e.findHasMany(r, t, i, a);
+ var s = P(e, a.type);
+ var o = "DS: Handle Adapter#findHasMany of " + t + " : " + a.type;
+ n = g.cast(n, o);
+ n = C(n, w(O, r));
+ n = C(n, w(O, t));
+ return n.then(function (e) {
+ var t = s.extract(r, a.type, e, null, "findHasMany");
+ var i = r.pushMany(a.type, t);
+ return i
+ }, null, "DS: Extract payload of " + t + " : hasMany " + a.type)
+ }
+ function j(e, r, t, i, a) {
+ var n = e.findBelongsTo(r, t, i, a);
+ var s = P(e, a.type);
+ var o = "DS: Handle Adapter#findBelongsTo of " + t + " : " + a.type;
+ n = g.cast(n, o);
+ n = C(n, w(O, r));
+ n = C(n, w(O, t));
+ return n.then(function (e) {
+ var t = s.extract(r, a.type, e, null, "findBelongsTo");
+ var i = r.push(a.type, t);
+ return i
+ }, null, "DS: Extract payload of " + t + " : " + a.type)
+ }
+ function K(e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = e.findAll(r, t, i);
+ var n = P(e, t);
+ var s = "DS: Handle Adapter#findAll of " + t;
+ a = g.cast(a, s);
+ a = C(a, w(O, r));
+ return a.then(function (e) {
+ var i = n.extract(r, t, e, null, "findAll");
+ r.pushMany(t, i);
+ r.didUpdateAll(t);
+ return r.all(t)
+ }, null, "DS: Extract payload of findAll " + t)
+ }
+ function U(e, r, t, i, a) {
+ var n = e.findQuery(r, t, i, a);
+ var s = P(e, t);
+ var o = "DS: Handle Adapter#findQuery of " + t;
+ n = g.cast(n, o);
+ n = C(n, w(O, r));
+ return n.then(function (e) {
+ var i = s.extract(r, t, e, null, "findQuery");
+ a.load(i);
+ return a
+ }, null, "DS: Extract payload of findQuery " + t)
+ }
+ function B(e, r, t, i) {
+ var a = i.constructor;
+ var n = e[t](r, a, i);
+ var o = P(e, a);
+ var u = "DS: Extract and notify about " + t + " completion of " + i;
+ n = g.cast(n, u);
+ n = C(n, w(O, r));
+ n = C(n, w(O, i));
+ return n.then(function (e) {
+ var n;
+ if (e) {
+ n = o.extract(r, a, e, f(i, "id"), t)
+ } else {
+ n = e
+ }
+ r.didSaveRecord(i, n);
+ return i
+ }, function (e) {
+ if (e instanceof s) {
+ r.recordWasInvalid(i, e.errors)
+ } else {
+ r.recordWasError(i, e)
+ }
+ throw e
+ }, u)
+ }
+ function N(e, r, t) {
+ var i = r.constructor;
+ i.eachRelationship(function (e, i) {
+ var a = i.kind;
+ var n = t[e];
+ var s = r._relationships[e];
+ if (t.links && t.links[e]) {
+ s.updateLink(t.links[e])
+ }
+ if (a === "belongsTo") {
+ if (n === undefined) {
+ return
+ }
+ s.setRecord(n)
+ } else if (a === "hasMany" && n) {
+ s.updateRecordsFromAdapter(n)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ n.Store = E;
+ n["default"] = E
+ });
+ r("ember-data/transforms", ["ember-data/transforms/base", "ember-data/transforms/number", "ember-data/transforms/date", "ember-data/transforms/string", "ember-data/transforms/boolean", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i, a, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var s = e["default"];
+ var o = r["default"];
+ var u = t["default"];
+ var d = i["default"];
+ var c = a["default"];
+ n.Transform = s;
+ n.NumberTransform = o;
+ n.DateTransform = u;
+ n.StringTransform = d;
+ n.BooleanTransform = c
+ });
+ r("ember-data/transforms/base", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ e["default"] = Ember.Object.extend({serialize: Ember.required(), deserialize: Ember.required()})
+ });
+ r("ember-data/transforms/boolean", ["ember-data/transforms/base", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ deserialize: function (e) {
+ var r = typeof e;
+ if (r === "boolean") {
+ return e
+ } else if (r === "string") {
+ return e.match(/^true$|^t$|^1$/i) !== null
+ } else if (r === "number") {
+ return e === 1
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ }, serialize: function (e) {
+ return Boolean(e)
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/transforms/date", ["ember-data/transforms/base", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ var i = Date.prototype.toISOString || function () {
+ function e(e) {
+ if (e < 10) {
+ return "0" + e
+ }
+ return e
+ }
+ return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + e(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + e(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + e(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + e(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + e(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "." + (this.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) + "Z"
+ };
+ if (Ember.SHIM_ES5) {
+ if (!Date.prototype.toISOString) {
+ Date.prototype.toISOString = i
+ }
+ }
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ deserialize: function (e) {
+ var r = typeof e;
+ if (r === "string") {
+ return new Date(Ember.Date.parse(e))
+ } else if (r === "number") {
+ return new Date(e)
+ } else if (e === null || e === undefined) {
+ return e
+ } else {
+ return null
+ }
+ }, serialize: function (e) {
+ if (e instanceof Date) {
+ return i.call(e)
+ } else {
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/transforms/number", ["ember-data/transforms/base", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ var i = Ember.isEmpty;
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ deserialize: function (e) {
+ return i(e) ? null : Number(e)
+ }, serialize: function (e) {
+ return i(e) ? null : Number(e)
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-data/transforms/string", ["ember-data/transforms/base", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ var i = Ember.isNone;
+ r["default"] = t.extend({
+ deserialize: function (e) {
+ return i(e) ? null : String(e)
+ }, serialize: function (e) {
+ return i(e) ? null : String(e)
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector", ["./system", "./helpers", "./ext/string", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i) {
+ "use strict";
+ var a = e.Inflector;
+ var n = e.defaultRules;
+ var s = e.pluralize;
+ var o = e.singularize;
+ a.defaultRules = n;
+ Ember.Inflector = a;
+ Ember.String.pluralize = s;
+ Ember.String.singularize = o;
+ i["default"] = a;
+ i.pluralize = s;
+ i.singularize = o
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector/ext/string", ["../system/string"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = e.pluralize;
+ var t = e.singularize;
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.String) {
+ String.prototype.pluralize = function () {
+ return r(this)
+ };
+ String.prototype.singularize = function () {
+ return t(this)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector/helpers", ["./system/string"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = e.singularize;
+ var t = e.pluralize;
+ Ember.Handlebars.helper("singularize", r);
+ Ember.Handlebars.helper("pluralize", t)
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector/system", ["./system/inflector", "./system/string", "./system/inflections", "exports"], function (e, r, t, i) {
+ "use strict";
+ var a = e["default"];
+ var n = r.pluralize;
+ var s = r.singularize;
+ var o = t["default"];
+ a.inflector = new a(o);
+ i.Inflector = a;
+ i.singularize = s;
+ i.pluralize = n;
+ i.defaultRules = o
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector/system/inflections", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ e["default"] = {
+ plurals: [[/$/, "s"], [/s$/i, "s"], [/^(ax|test)is$/i, "$1es"], [/(octop|vir)us$/i, "$1i"], [/(octop|vir)i$/i, "$1i"], [/(alias|status)$/i, "$1es"], [/(bu)s$/i, "$1ses"], [/(buffal|tomat)o$/i, "$1oes"], [/([ti])um$/i, "$1a"], [/([ti])a$/i, "$1a"], [/sis$/i, "ses"], [/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i, "$1$2ves"], [/(hive)$/i, "$1s"], [/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i, "$1ies"], [/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i, "$1es"], [/(matr|vert|ind)(?:ix|ex)$/i, "$1ices"], [/^(m|l)ouse$/i, "$1ice"], [/^(m|l)ice$/i, "$1ice"], [/^(ox)$/i, "$1en"], [/^(oxen)$/i, "$1"], [/(quiz)$/i, "$1zes"]],
+ singular: [[/s$/i, ""], [/(ss)$/i, "$1"], [/(n)ews$/i, "$1ews"], [/([ti])a$/i, "$1um"], [/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)(sis|ses)$/i, "$1sis"], [/(^analy)(sis|ses)$/i, "$1sis"], [/([^f])ves$/i, "$1fe"], [/(hive)s$/i, "$1"], [/(tive)s$/i, "$1"], [/([lr])ves$/i, "$1f"], [/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i, "$1y"], [/(s)eries$/i, "$1eries"], [/(m)ovies$/i, "$1ovie"], [/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i, "$1"], [/^(m|l)ice$/i, "$1ouse"], [/(bus)(es)?$/i, "$1"], [/(o)es$/i, "$1"], [/(shoe)s$/i, "$1"], [/(cris|test)(is|es)$/i, "$1is"], [/^(a)x[ie]s$/i, "$1xis"], [/(octop|vir)(us|i)$/i, "$1us"], [/(alias|status)(es)?$/i, "$1"], [/^(ox)en/i, "$1"], [/(vert|ind)ices$/i, "$1ex"], [/(matr)ices$/i, "$1ix"], [/(quiz)zes$/i, "$1"], [/(database)s$/i, "$1"]],
+ irregularPairs: [["person", "people"], ["man", "men"], ["child", "children"], ["sex", "sexes"], ["move", "moves"], ["cow", "kine"], ["zombie", "zombies"]],
+ uncountable: ["equipment", "information", "rice", "money", "species", "series", "fish", "sheep", "jeans", "police"]
+ }
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector/system/inflector", ["exports"], function (e) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = /^\s*$/;
+ var t = /(\w+[_-])([a-z\d]+$)/;
+ var i = /(\w+)([A-Z][a-z\d]*$)/;
+ var a = /[A-Z][a-z\d]*$/;
+ function n(e, r) {
+ for (var t = 0, i = r.length; t < i; t++) {
+ e.uncountable[r[t].toLowerCase()] = true
+ }
+ }
+ function s(e, r) {
+ var t;
+ for (var i = 0, a = r.length; i < a; i++) {
+ t = r[i];
+ e.irregular[t[0].toLowerCase()] = t[1];
+ e.irregular[t[1].toLowerCase()] = t[1];
+ e.irregularInverse[t[1].toLowerCase()] = t[0];
+ e.irregularInverse[t[0].toLowerCase()] = t[0]
+ }
+ }
+ function o(e) {
+ e = e || {};
+ e.uncountable = e.uncountable || u();
+ e.irregularPairs = e.irregularPairs || u();
+ var r = this.rules = {
+ plurals: e.plurals || [],
+ singular: e.singular || [],
+ irregular: u(),
+ irregularInverse: u(),
+ uncountable: u()
+ };
+ n(r, e.uncountable);
+ s(r, e.irregularPairs);
+ this.enableCache()
+ }
+ if (!Object.create && !Object.create(null).hasOwnProperty) {
+ throw new Error("This browser does not support Object.create(null), please polyfil with es5-sham: http://git.io/yBU2rg")
+ }
+ function u() {
+ var e = Object.create(null);
+ e["_dict"] = null;
+ delete e["_dict"];
+ return e
+ }
+ o.prototype = {
+ enableCache: function () {
+ this.purgeCache();
+ this.singularize = function (e) {
+ this._cacheUsed = true;
+ return this._sCache[e] || (this._sCache[e] = this._singularize(e))
+ };
+ this.pluralize = function (e) {
+ this._cacheUsed = true;
+ return this._pCache[e] || (this._pCache[e] = this._pluralize(e))
+ }
+ }, purgeCache: function () {
+ this._cacheUsed = false;
+ this._sCache = u();
+ this._pCache = u()
+ }, disableCache: function () {
+ this._sCache = null;
+ this._pCache = null;
+ this.singularize = function (e) {
+ return this._singularize(e)
+ };
+ this.pluralize = function (e) {
+ return this._pluralize(e)
+ }
+ }, plural: function (e, r) {
+ if (this._cacheUsed) {
+ this.purgeCache()
+ }
+ this.rules.plurals.push([e, r.toLowerCase()])
+ }, singular: function (e, r) {
+ if (this._cacheUsed) {
+ this.purgeCache()
+ }
+ this.rules.singular.push([e, r.toLowerCase()])
+ }, uncountable: function (e) {
+ if (this._cacheUsed) {
+ this.purgeCache()
+ }
+ n(this.rules, [e.toLowerCase()])
+ }, irregular: function (e, r) {
+ if (this._cacheUsed) {
+ this.purgeCache()
+ }
+ s(this.rules, [[e, r]])
+ }, pluralize: function (e) {
+ return this._pluralize(e)
+ }, _pluralize: function (e) {
+ return this.inflect(e, this.rules.plurals, this.rules.irregular)
+ }, singularize: function (e) {
+ return this._singularize(e)
+ }, _singularize: function (e) {
+ return this.inflect(e, this.rules.singular, this.rules.irregularInverse)
+ }, inflect: function (e, n, s) {
+ var o, u, d, c, l, f, h, p, m, y, v, b, g;
+ p = r.test(e);
+ m = a.test(e);
+ f = "";
+ if (p) {
+ return e
+ }
+ c = e.toLowerCase();
+ l = t.exec(e) || i.exec(e);
+ if (l) {
+ f = l[1];
+ h = l[2].toLowerCase()
+ }
+ y = this.rules.uncountable[c] || this.rules.uncountable[h];
+ if (y) {
+ return e
+ }
+ v = s && (s[c] || s[h]);
+ if (v) {
+ if (s[c]) {
+ return v
+ } else {
+ v = m ? v.capitalize() : v;
+ return f + v
+ }
+ }
+ for (var R = n.length, E = 0; R > E; R--) {
+ o = n[R - 1];
+ g = o[0];
+ if (g.test(e)) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ o = o || [];
+ g = o[0];
+ u = o[1];
+ d = e.replace(g, u);
+ return d
+ }
+ };
+ e["default"] = o
+ });
+ r("ember-inflector/system/string", ["./inflector", "exports"], function (e, r) {
+ "use strict";
+ var t = e["default"];
+ function i(e) {
+ return t.inflector.pluralize(e)
+ }
+ function a(e) {
+ return t.inflector.singularize(e)
+ }
+ r.pluralize = i;
+ r.singularize = a
+ });
+ e.DS = t("ember-data")["default"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/libs/firebase-debug.js b/webapp/libs/firebase-debug.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f51c55b..00000000
--- a/webapp/libs/firebase-debug.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12275 +0,0 @@
-/*! @license Firebase v2.0.6 - License: https://www.firebase.com/terms/terms-of-service.html */
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-var COMPILED = false;
-var goog = goog || {};
-goog.global = this;
-goog.isDef = function (val) {
- return val !== void 0;
-goog.exportPath_ = function (name, opt_object, opt_objectToExportTo) {
- var parts = name.split(".");
- var cur = opt_objectToExportTo || goog.global;
- if (!(parts[0] in cur) && cur.execScript) {
- cur.execScript("var " + parts[0]);
- }
- for (var part; parts.length && (part = parts.shift());) {
- if (!parts.length && goog.isDef(opt_object)) {
- cur[part] = opt_object;
- } else {
- if (cur[part]) {
- cur = cur[part];
- } else {
- cur = cur[part] = {};
- }
- }
- }
-goog.define = function (name, defaultValue) {
- var value = defaultValue;
- if (!COMPILED) {
- if (goog.global.CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(goog.global.CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES, name)) {
- value = goog.global.CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES[name];
- } else {
- if (goog.global.CLOSURE_DEFINES && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(goog.global.CLOSURE_DEFINES, name)) {
- value = goog.global.CLOSURE_DEFINES[name];
- }
- }
- }
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- if (!COMPILED) {
- if (goog.isProvided_(name)) {
- throw Error('Namespace "' + name + '" already declared.');
- }
- delete goog.implicitNamespaces_[name];
- var namespace = name;
- while (namespace = namespace.substring(0, namespace.lastIndexOf("."))) {
- if (goog.getObjectByName(namespace)) {
- break;
- }
- goog.implicitNamespaces_[namespace] = true;
- }
- }
- goog.exportPath_(name);
-goog.setTestOnly = function (opt_message) {
- if (COMPILED && !goog.DEBUG) {
- opt_message = opt_message || "";
- throw Error("Importing test-only code into non-debug environment" + opt_message ? ": " + opt_message : ".");
- }
-goog.forwardDeclare = function (name) {
-if (!COMPILED) {
- goog.isProvided_ = function (name) {
- return!goog.implicitNamespaces_[name] && goog.isDefAndNotNull(goog.getObjectByName(name));
- };
- goog.implicitNamespaces_ = {};
-goog.getObjectByName = function (name, opt_obj) {
- var parts = name.split(".");
- var cur = opt_obj || goog.global;
- for (var part; part = parts.shift();) {
- if (goog.isDefAndNotNull(cur[part])) {
- cur = cur[part];
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return cur;
-goog.globalize = function (obj, opt_global) {
- var global = opt_global || goog.global;
- for (var x in obj) {
- global[x] = obj[x];
- }
-goog.addDependency = function (relPath, provides, requires) {
- var provide, require;
- var path = relPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
- var deps = goog.dependencies_;
- for (var i = 0; provide = provides[i]; i++) {
- deps.nameToPath[provide] = path;
- if (!(path in deps.pathToNames)) {
- deps.pathToNames[path] = {};
- }
- deps.pathToNames[path][provide] = true;
- }
- for (var j = 0; require = requires[j]; j++) {
- if (!(path in deps.requires)) {
- deps.requires[path] = {};
- }
- deps.requires[path][require] = true;
- }
- }
-goog.define("goog.ENABLE_DEBUG_LOADER", true);
-goog.require = function (name) {
- if (!COMPILED) {
- if (goog.isProvided_(name)) {
- return;
- }
- var path = goog.getPathFromDeps_(name);
- if (path) {
- goog.included_[path] = true;
- goog.writeScripts_();
- return;
- }
- }
- var errorMessage = "goog.require could not find: " + name;
- if (goog.global.console) {
- goog.global.console["error"](errorMessage);
- }
- throw Error(errorMessage);
- }
-goog.basePath = "";
-goog.nullFunction = function () {
-goog.identityFunction = function (opt_returnValue, var_args) {
- return opt_returnValue;
-goog.abstractMethod = function () {
- throw Error("unimplemented abstract method");
-goog.addSingletonGetter = function (ctor) {
- ctor.getInstance = function () {
- if (ctor.instance_) {
- return ctor.instance_;
- }
- if (goog.DEBUG) {
- goog.instantiatedSingletons_[goog.instantiatedSingletons_.length] = ctor;
- }
- return ctor.instance_ = new ctor;
- };
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- goog.included_ = {};
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- var doc = goog.global.document;
- return typeof doc != "undefined" && "write" in doc;
- };
- goog.findBasePath_ = function () {
- if (goog.global.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH) {
- goog.basePath = goog.global.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH;
- return;
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- return;
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- if (src.substr(l - 7, 7) == "base.js") {
- goog.basePath = src.substr(0, l - 7);
- return;
- }
- }
- };
- goog.importScript_ = function (src) {
- var importScript = goog.global.CLOSURE_IMPORT_SCRIPT || goog.writeScriptTag_;
- if (!goog.dependencies_.written[src] && importScript(src)) {
- goog.dependencies_.written[src] = true;
- }
- };
- goog.writeScriptTag_ = function (src) {
- if (goog.inHtmlDocument_()) {
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- if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
- var isDeps = /\bdeps.js$/.test(src);
- if (isDeps) {
- return false;
- } else {
- throw Error('Cannot write "' + src + '" after document load');
- }
- }
- doc.write('