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935 lines (633 loc) · 19.5 KB

File metadata and controls

935 lines (633 loc) · 19.5 KB


NMD syntax is working in progress yet, you can contribute following contribution guidelines!


There are several type of ways to write NMD.

The structure hierarchy is the following:

  1. Dossier: structured project
  2. Document: single NMD file having .nmd extension
  3. Chapter: actual NMD text, it is identified by the heading and it has some paragraph
  4. Paragraph: actual NMD text, it is the text block in a chapter. Each paragraph is separated by each other by two new lines (\n\n)



A dossier is a structured project having one or more NMD documents.

It allows to manage a set of related NMD documents and their assets.

Asset is a resource used in a document, e.g. an image, or a custom style.

A dossier allows to write the content in different NMD files and than union them in a single output.

The actual structure of a dossier is the following:

  • assets/
    • images/
    • documents/
    • styles/
    • ...
  • nmd.yml or nmd.json called dossier configuration
  • set of NMD document (having .nmd extension)

The images/ directory contains... images! Such as documents which contains documents and styles/ which contains custom style for dossier.

The custom style must be written in CSS. The CSS classes are specified in each following modifier section.

Dossier configuration

The dossier configuration is a YAML or JSON file which contains configuration parameters for the dossier.

Considering YAML version, it may have the following content:

name: New Dossier

  include_in_output: false
  page_numbers: false
  plain: false
  maximum_heading_level: 4

- ./welcome.nmd

  theme: Light
  styles: []
  list_bullets_configuration: []

references: {}

  title: Bibliography
  records: {}
  include_in_output: false

  embed_local_image: true
  embed_remote_image: true
  compress_embed_image: true
  strict_image_src_check: true
  parallelization: true
  use_remote_addons: false

name is the name of dossier.


include_in_output if it must be printed

page_numbers: if it must be had page numbers

tabulated if it must contains tabulations

maximum_heading_level maximum heading level which must be printed

To customize table of contents there are some classes: toc, toc-title, toc-body, toc-item, toc-item-bullet, toc-item-content, toc-item-indentation


documents is a list where are specified the order of the documents in the final output.


style section has the style configuration.

theme specified the theme used to create output. It can be:

  • Light (default)
  • Dark
  • Vintage is work in progress now

styles refers to CSS files. They can be URLs or local files (if only file name is used, it is inferred assets/styles/ as prefix)

list_bullets_configuration is described in list section


references allows to specify dossier variables.


Each bibliography record has:

  • title (mandatory)
  • year
  • authors
  • description
  • url

Style classes: bibliography, bibliography-title, bibliography-body, bibliography-item, bibliography-item-title, bibliography-item-authors, bibliography-item-year, bibliography-item-url

For example:

  title: Bibliography
      title: "bib1"
      title: "bib1"
        - A1
        - A2
        - A3
      year: 2024
      title: "bib1"
      description: "bib3 description"
  include_in_output: true

In compilation section you can specified the default values to use during compilation.

  • embed_local_image (boolean): local images (specified by local path) are inserted in the output without reference, but embedded
  • embed_remote_image (boolean): remote images (specified by remote path, e.g. URL) are inserted in the output without reference, but embedded
  • compress_embed_image (boolean): compress embedded images
  • strict_image_src_check (boolean): apply a strict check to image sources
  • parallelization (boolean): if true parallelize execution of compilation
  • use_remote_addons (boolean): if true use CDN instead of local CSS/Javascript to include third part library

NMD Syntax

NMD syntax is based on CommonMark, but add new concepts and modifiers.

A modifier is a special combination of symbols which allows to modify the text style.

In the next section there are all modifiers of NMD.

Heading (Title of a chapter)

Style class: heading-# (where # is the heading number, e.g. heading-3)

Create headings using # (up to 6 levels). # must be separated from text using a blank space .

# Heading 1

## Heading 2


###### Heading 6

Compact heading

It's possible to use this alternative format:

#1 Heading 1

#2 Heading 2


#6 Heading 6

Relative heading

It's possible to use this alternative format to refer previous heading level:

  • #- $= \text{last heading level} - 1$
  • #+ $= \text{last heading level} + 1$
  • #= $= \text{last heading level}$

For example:

#1 Heading 1

#+ Heading 2

#+ Heading 3

#- Heading 2

#= Heading 2


@key value1;value2
  • id
  • author
  • date of creation
  • intent
  • style (inline style, e.g. color:red)
  • styleclass (style class, e.g. bold-txt)

Inline modifier



You can prevent text modification using escape, i.e. \:



Metadata are a set of data which gives information about document, project and so on.

The syntax is:



Reference is a... reference! You can use a fictitious name as a classic variable in the programming languages.

References must be set in dossier configuration (nmd.json or nmd.yml).

The syntax is below.



Style class: bold





Style class: italic





Style class: strikethrough

~~Strikethrough text~~


Style class: underlined

++Underlined text++


Style class: checkbox, checkbox-unchecked, checkbox-checked

[x] or [x]
[] or [ ]

Color, Highlight and Font

Style class: abridged-embedded-style

Color can be written in hexadecimal if you use #rrggbb convention or you can use their names.

You can modify text color, text background and its font using this modifier:

[Custom colored text]#id{textColor;backgroundColor;fontName}

You can omit id.

You can omit font and background color if you want only modify text color.

[Only text color]{#rrggbb}

You can insert only background color or only text font using this convention:

[Only background]{;#rrggbb}
[Only font]{;;fontName}
Compatible highlight text

Style class: highlight

You can use also ==Highlight text== to mark text. This uses the default highlight style.

Embedded style

Style class: embedded-style

[Custom text style]{{style}}

style is literally the css-like style to apply.


Style class: identifier

You can mark with an identifier a piece of text using:


You can combine identifier modifier with embedded style:



Two ways to add emoji:

  • Copy and paste an emoji
  • Using :emojiCode:, for example 🐫



This modifier can be placed attached on other text.


For example, if you want to write "water" in a more scientific way:


Pay attention, those are two single quote

This modifier can be placed attached on other text.


Style class: link


Inline code

Style class: inline-code

`inline code`

Inline math

Style class: inline-math

$inline math$

Inline comments

// this is a comment

Greek letters

Style class: greek



    ("a", r"alpha"),
    ("b", r"beta"),
    ("g", r"gamma"),
    ("d", r"delta"),
    ("e", r"epsilon"),
    ("z", r"zeta"),
    ("n", r"eta"),
    ("th", r"theta"),
    ("i", r"iota"),
    ("k", r"kappa"),
    ("l", r"lambda"),
    ("m", r"mu"),
    ("nu", r"nu"),
    ("x", r"xi"),
    ("o", r"omicron"),
    ("p", r"pi"),
    ("r", r"rho"),
    ("s", r"sigma"),
    ("t", r"tau"),
    ("u", r"upsilon"),
    ("phi", r"phi"),
    ("chi", r"chi"),
    ("psi", r"psi"),
    ("w", r"omega"),

    ("A", r"Alpha"),
    ("B", r"Beta"),
    ("G", r"Gamma"),
    ("D", r"Delta"),
    ("E", r"Epsilon"),
    ("Z", r"Zeta"),
    ("N", r"Eta"),
    ("Th", r"Theta"),
    ("I", r"Iota"),
    ("K", r"Kappa"),
    ("L", r"Lambda"),
    ("M", r"Mu"),
    ("Nu", r"Nu"),
    ("X", r"Xi"),
    ("O", r"Omicron"),
    ("P", r"Pi"),
    ("R", r"Rho"),
    ("S", r"Sigma"),
    ("T", r"Tau"),
    ("U", r"Upsilon"),
    ("Phi", r"Phi"),
    ("Chi", r"Chi"),
    ("Psi", r"Psi"),
    ("W", r"Omega"),


Bookmarks are label which can be inserted in text body to mark a paragraph or a piece of paragraph.

Abridged bookmark

Style class: abridged-bookmark, abridged-bookmark-title

@[bookmark description]
@[bookmark description]#the-id

Description can be multi-lines.


Style class: bookmark, bookmark-title, bookmark-description

@[bookmark title](bookmark description)
@[bookmark title]#the-id(bookmark description)

Style class: todo, todo-title, todo-description, abridged-todo, multiline-todo

Todo is a special tag to insert... TODOs


...or only as first characters of the line:

TODO: description
todo: description

Multiline todo:

this is a multiline todo


Style class: cite

some text^[bibliography-key]

Paragraph modifier

Embedded style

Style class: embedded-paragraph-style, abridged-embedded-paragraph-style

[[Custom text

style is literally the css-like style to apply.

[[Custom text


Style class: figure, image, image-caption



Abridged Image

Style class: figure, image, abridged-image



Multi Image

Style class: figure, image, image-caption, abridged-image, images-container, image-container


Page break

Style class: page-break

### or more #

Line break

Style class: line-break, line-break-dash, line-break-star, line-break-plus

To apply a line break use --- (or more than 3 -) or *** (or more than 3 *) or +++ (or more than 3 +) in a new blank line.


Style class: list, list-item, list-item-indentation, list-item-bullet, list-item-content

Each list must have 2 or more items.

Different types of list are supported in NMD, below the list with modifier

  • - default style bullet
  • * full dot bullet
  • + empty dot bullet
  • -> arrow bullet
  • -- dash bullet
  • | to use more than one line in an item content
  • -[] or -[ ] or - [] or - [ ] todo bullet
  • 1. or 1) or a. or a) or I. or I) ordered bullet (numerical, alphabetical, romans numbers)
  • &unicode; UNICODE bullet

Using tabs or (3 spaces) you can create different list levels.

Style of first and second bullet types can be managed using the configuration file.

Actually, the behavior of bullets can be modified using dossier configuration. In particular, using list_bullets_configuration.

For each record, you must specified 4 fields:

  • from (string): NMD bullet
  • to (string): output bullet (:checkbox: or :checkbox-checked: to show checkbox bullets)
  • indentation_level (number)
  • strict_indentation (boolean): if false the actual rule use >= instead of == to check indentation

The rules are checked in order.

Following an example:

  - from: '|'
    to: '‍'
    indentation_level: 0
    strict_indentation: false
  - from: '-'
    to: '•'
    indentation_level: 0
    strict_indentation: true
  - from: '-'
    to: '◦'
    indentation_level: 1
    strict_indentation: true
  - from: '-'
    to: '–'
    indentation_level: 2
    strict_indentation: false
  - from: '*'
    to: '•'
    indentation_level: 0
    strict_indentation: false
  - from: +
    to: '◦'
    indentation_level: 0
    strict_indentation: false

Code block

Style class: code-block

Code blocks use ``` as paragraph modifier.

It's possible to specify the language used in code block, as in CommonMark, writing language name after first three quotes.

NMD uses PrimJS to render code blocks. So, the supported languages (tag in parenthesis) are the same of that library:

  • Python (python)
  • Java (java)
  • Javascript (javascript)
  • PHP (php)
  • HTML (html)
  • CSS (css)
  • Typescript (typescript)
  • Kotlin (kotlin)
  • ...

Multiline comments [TO BE DEFINE; NOT SUPPORTED YET]


Focus block

Style class: focus-block, focus-block-type, focus-block-title, focus-block-type-title, focus-block-description, focus-block-type-description (replace type)

Focus blocks allow to insert text in particular paragraph in which the text is highlighted.

There are many types of focus block:

  • quote
  • note
  • tip
  • important
  • warning
  • caution

The syntax is below.

::: warning
Watch out!!!
Focus quote block

Style class: focus-quote-block, focus-quote-block-type, focus-quote-block-title, focus-quote-block-type-title, focus-quote-block-description, focus-quote-block-type-description (replace type)

> [!note]
> note...

Only for [!type] pattern you can write type in uppercase (TYPE).

Math block (LaTeX)

Style class: math-block

Math block is a particular paragraph used to print mathematical formulas and more.

The paragraph modifier for math block is double $, i.e. $$ to open and close blocks.

NMD uses Katex to render math blocks.

Chapter styles and metadata [TO BE DEFINE; NOT SUPPORTED YET]

In NMD each paragraph can be decorated with a set of paragraph decorators, i.e. metadata, in-line styles and style classes.

There is a set of standard and custom styles which each indicates a particular style. These are guide lines, each editor could implement a standard style in different ways.

Metadata are introduced using @:

@ + metadata tag + single space + metadata content

Supported metadata:

  • author
  • content description of paragraph content
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt

A special metadata is the id which can be written in two alternatives ways:

@id the-id

the identifiers should be all in lowercase and each word should be separated using -.

Style classes are introduced using ., e.g. .styleClass1.

In-line styles use CSS (or SCSS/SASS based on editor) key-value modifiers, they haven't a symbol.

To add decorators to a paragraph you must insert {} in the line below title, in parenthesis each type of decorator has a particular symbol which introduces it. You can use ; to separate decorator in the same line or a \n to insert decorator in multiple lines.

There is an example below.

## Foo title
    @author you
    @author yourFriend
    background-color: red

You can add decorators also to a single word using this syntax:


Style class: table, table-header, table-header-row, table-body, table-footer, table-body-row, table-cell, table-left-cell, table-center-cell, table-right-cell, table-empty-cell, table-caption

Each table has an table head, body and footer (like HTML tables). A table can have only head or only footer, but it must always have body.

Standard syntax:

| Syntax      | Description | Test Text     |
| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
| Header      | Title       | Here's this   |
| Paragraph   | Text        | And more      |

:--- for column left alignment

---: for column right alignment

:---: for column center alignment

Extended syntax

| Syntax     :| Description |: Test Text   :|
| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
| Header     :| Title       | Here's this   |
| Paragraph   | Text       :| And more      |
|| Footer     |

: to specify cell alignment

:--- for column left alignment

---: for column right alignment

:---: for column center alignment