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Java implementation of vers, a mostly universal version range specifier


Supported Versioning Schemes

Scheme Supported
Ruby Gem


Support for new schemes can be added, and default implementations overwritten, by extending versatile! Versions for which the appropriate scheme is not currently supported will fall back to generic.





versatile requires Java >= 17.

Constructing vers Ranges

Ranges are constructed using a builder. Builders must be initialized with a versioning scheme. Constraints may be provided in structured, or freeform format. Versions used in constraints must be valid according to the chosen versioning scheme. When VersBuilder#build is called, constraints are sorted by version, and the built Vers is validated. If the range turns out to be invalid, an VersException is thrown.

import io.github.nscuro.versatile.Comparator;
import io.github.nscuro.versatile.Vers;

import static io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.KnownVersioningSchemes.SCHEME_GOLANG;

class ConstructVers {

    void shouldConstructVers() {
        Vers vers = Vers.builder(SCHEME_GOLANG)
                .withConstraint(Comparator.GREATER_THAN, "v1.2.3")
                .withConstraint(Comparator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, "v3.2.1")
                .withConstraint("!= v2.1.3")

        assert "vers:golang/>v1.2.3|!=v2.1.3|<=v3.2.1".equals(vers.toString());


Parsing vers Ranges

vers ranges may be parsed using the Vers#parse method. If the range turns out to be invalid, a VersException is thrown.

import io.github.nscuro.versatile.Vers;

import static io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.KnownVersioningSchemes.SCHEME_GOLANG;

class ParseVers {

    void shouldParseVers() {
        Vers vers = Vers.parse("vers:golang/>v1.2.3|!=v2.1.3|<=v3.2.1");

        assert SCHEME_GOLANG.equals(vers.scheme());
        assert vers.constraints().size() == 3;


Simplifying vers Ranges

The vers specification defines an algorithm to simplify constraints in a range. This mechanism is exposed through the Vers#simplify method.

import io.github.nscuro.versatile.Vers;

class SimplifyVers {

    void shouldSimplify() {
        Vers vers = Vers.parse("vers:golang/>v0.0.0|>=v0.0.1|v0.0.2|<v0.0.3|v0.0.4|<v0.0.5|>=v0.0.6");

        assert "vers:golang/>v0.0.0|<v0.0.5|>=v0.0.6".equals(vers.simplify().toString());


versatile will never simplify ranges on its own. If simplification is desired, simplify must be called explicitly.

Checking if a Range Contains a Version

To check whether a given vers range contains a specific version, the Vers#contains method may be used. The provided version must be valid according to the range's versioning scheme.

import io.github.nscuro.versatile.Vers;

class VersContains {

    Vers vers = Vers.parse("vers:golang/>v1.2.3|!=v2.1.3|<=v3.2.1");

    void shouldContainVersion() {
        assert vers.contains("v1.2.4");
        assert vers.contains("v2.0.2");
        assert vers.contains("v3.2.1");

    void shouldNotContainVersion() {
        assert !vers.contains("v1.2.3");
        assert !vers.contains("v2.1.3");
        assert !vers.contains("v3.2.2");


Working With Versions

Versions can be used directly, outside the context of a vers range. To acquire a Version object, VersionFactory may be used:

import io.github.nscuro.versatile.VersionFactory;
import io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.GoVersion;
import io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.Version;

import static io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.KnownVersioningSchemes.SCHEME_GOLANG;

class VersContains {

    void shouldReturnGoVersion() {
        Version version = VersionFactory.getVersion(SCHEME_GOLANG, "v1.2.4");
        assert version instanceof GoVersion;
        assert "golang".equals(version.scheme());

    void shouldFallbackToGenericVersion() {
        Version version = VersionFactory.getVersion("foobar", "v1.2.4");
        assert version instanceof GenericVersion;
        assert "foobar".equals(version.scheme());


As shown above, if versatile doesn't recognize the provided versioning scheme, it will fall back to GenericVersion. Support for additional schemes can be added by extending versatile.

Extending versatile

Versioning Schemes

versatile ships with support for a few versioning schemes (see Supported Versioning Schemes).

While contributions to add support for more schemes is highly appreciated, it's not always feasible to wait for changes to be released. It should be possible to leverage versatile's vers functionality, without being reliant on how fast support for new schemes is added upstream.

On the other hand, the default implementations may not always align with the desired behavior. Perhaps they are too strict, and a more lax parsing logic is required. In that case, the default will need to be overwritten.

To address these concerns, versatile exposes an SPI for versioning scheme support.

To add support for a new scheme, let's say alpine, the following steps may be performed:

  1. Add either versatile-core, or versatile-spi as dependency to your project
  2. Create a class AlpineVersion that extends io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.Version
  3. Implement the version parsing logic as desired
    • Be sure to overwrite compareTo, equals, hashCode, and toString
  4. Create a class AlpineVersionProvider that implements io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.VersionProvider
    • Implement #supportsScheme(String scheme) to return true for the alpine scheme
    • Implement #getVersion(String scheme, String verstionStr) to return an instance of AlpineVersion
    • Implement #priority() to return a value between 0 (lowest), and Integer.MAX_VALUE (highest)
      • Built-in providers have a priority of 50 (VersionProvider#PRIORITY_BUILTIN)
      • By defining a priority higher than 50, built-in providers can effectively be overwritten
  5. Create a file src/main/resources/META-INF/services/io.github.nscuro.versatile.version.VersionProvider
  6. List the fully qualified package name of all custom VersionProvider implementations, one per line
    • e.g. com.acme.AlpineVersionProvider

That's it! Now, whenever versatile encounters a vers range with the scheme alpine, it will use your AlpineVersion!