Hey! Many thanks for wanting to improve the drogulus.
Contributions are welcome without prejudice from anyone irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or sexuality. Good quality code and engagement with respect, humour and intelligence wins every time.
Feedback may be given for contributions and, where necessary, changes will be politely requested and discussed with the originating author. Respectful yet robust argument is most welcome.
The drogulus is released into the public domain. Please read the UNLICENSE file for the legalese about this.
In the interests of keeping things simple, any contribution to the source code (including documentation) will be subject to the following conditions:
- The contribution was created by the contributor who confirms they have the authority to place their contribution in the public domain (see instructions below for how to do this).
- Since all development of the drogulus is done in public, the contribution will be made public.
- There is no guarantee that a proposed contribution will be accepted in to the source code.
Contributors should accompany their work with the following simple statement (for example as part of a commit message):
I dedicate any and all copyright interest in this software to the public domain. I make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of my heirs and successors. I intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law.
Alternatively, major contributors should digitally sign the WAIVER file and add the resulting signature to the AUTHORS file. Use the following command to do this using GnuPG:
$ gpg --no-version --armor --sign WAIVER
If the above process is insufficient for whatever reason, please feel free to get in touch.
- If you're submitting code, include tests!
- Your code should be commented in plain English (British spelling).
- Ensure you run
make check
to tell you that you're following PEP8, PyFlakes isn't complaining about redundant code, all the tests pass and you have as close to 100% test coverage as is possible. - If you're submitting documentation make sure you run
make docs
and that you see your contribution as expected. - If your contribution is for a major block of work and you've not done so already, add yourself to the AUTHORS file in the manner outlined at the end of the "Legal Status" section above.