The website is powered by hexo
There are two relevant repos: content repo and webpage repo
The theme is minima
- https://github.com/hexojs/hexo
- https://hexo.io/docs/
- https://gist.github.com/btfak/18938572f5df000ebe06fbd1872e4e39
$ sudo npm install -g hexo-cli
$ hexo -v
hexo-cli: 0.1.9
os: Darwin 14.3.0 darwin x64
http_parser: 2.3
node: 0.12.7
uv: 1.6.1
zlib: 1.2.8
modules: 14
openssl: 1.0.1p
- Clone the content repo to local.
- In the root folder of the local repo, run "npm install".
- Run "hexo new post-name.md" to generate a new post in "source" folder. Note that the command will create a new markdown file as well as a folder for attachments.
- Run "hexo g" to generate the website.
- Run "hexo server" to preview the website on your local computer.
- Run "hexo d" to deploy the new website to webpage repo