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197 lines (146 loc) · 6.92 KB

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197 lines (146 loc) · 6.92 KB


Draw a rotating cube with six tigers, then blit it to the center of display that has a black background.

Hardware Preparation

If using the MIPI interface, connect the LCD displayer to J48 on the MIMXRT1170-EVK board. Connect 5V power to J43, set J38 to 1-2, and turn on the power switch SW5.

Software Preparation

Now three LCD displayers are supported, which are defined in display_support.h:

#define DEMO_PANEL_RK055AHD091 0 /* 720 * 1280, RK055AHD091-CTG(RK055HDMIPI4M) */
#define DEMO_PANEL_RK055IQH091 1 /* 540 * 960,  RK055IQH091-CTG */
#define DEMO_PANEL_RK055MHD091 2 /* 720 * 1280, RK055MHD091A0-CTG(RK055HDMIPI4MA0) */

Use the macro DEMO_PANEL to select the LCD panel you are using, the default panel is RK055AHD091-CTG configured in the display_support.h:


For example, if your LCD panel is RK055MHD091A0-CTG, change the macro DEMO_PANEL definition as following:


The source code is in Cube.c, where the main function first configures clocks, pins, etc. freerots is deployed in the example. vglite_task is created and scheduled to execute VGLite initialization and drawing task. And another task swapbuf_task is created and scheduled to set the frame buffer.

draw_cube.h and draw_cube.c files declare functions to load and draw images, such as load_texture_images, vg_lite_set_image, draw_cube, etc. In addition, seven ./source/tiger_xxxx.h files include the bitmap data with tigers on the different background.

VGLite Initialization

Before drawing, the following function is executed to do initialization:

  • vg_lite_init initializes VGLite and configures the tessellation buffer size, which is recommended to be the size of the most commonly rendered path size. In this project, it's defined by

    error = vg_lite_init(TW, TH);

In this project, the customized function load_texture_images calls vg_lite_set_image, vg_lite_linear_to_tiled and scale_cube functions six times to load six tiger images, convert the linear layout to tiled layout, scale the cube, translate and rotate the cube. The key code is

/* Load the image0 */
vg_lite_set_image(&image0, (uint8_t *)image_data_tiger_lime)

/* Scale the cube to proper size */
cbsize = fb_width / 4.0;
scale_cube(&cube_v0, cbsize);

/* Translate the cube to the center of framebuffer */
xoff = fb_width / 2.0;
yoff = fb_height / 2.0;

/* Set the initial cube rotation degree and step */
xrot = 20.0;
yrot = 0.0;
zrot = 20.0;
rotstep = 3.0;

In customized vg_lite_set_image function, the image data is set into the buffer by the following key code:

/* Get width, height, stride and format info */
buffer->width = TEXTURE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
buffer->height = TEXTURE_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
buffer->stride = TEXTURE_IMAGE_STRIE;
buffer->format = VG_LITE_BGRA8888;
/* Set image data in the buffer */
buffer->handle = NULL;
buffer->memory = img_array;
buffer->address = (uint32_t)img_array;

The customized vg_lite_linear_to_tiled function sets a temporary buffer tmpbuf with the layout mode of VG_LITE_TILED defined in the vg_lite_buffer_layout_t enumeration. vg_lite_buffer_layout_t enumeration includes two values:

  • VG_LITE_LINEAR: Linear (scanline) layout.

  • VG_LITE_TILED: Data is organized in 4x4 pixel tiles.

Then vg_lite_linear_to_tiled calls the vg_lite_blit function is used to convert the linear layout of original buffer to the tiled layout of tmpbuf:

vg_lite_buffer_t tmpbuf;

static uint8_t * pbuf = (uint8_t*)image_data_buf;

tmpbuf.handle = NULL;
tmpbuf.memory = pbuf;
tmpbuf.address = (uint32_t)pbuf;
tmpbuf.tiled = VG_LITE_TILED;

vg_lite_blit(&tmpbuf, buffer, &mat, VG_LITE_BLEND_NONE, 0, filter);

And the customized scale_cube function scales the cube to proper, the key code is

/* Scale cube vertex coordinates to proper size */
vertex->x *= scale;
vertex->y *= scale;
vertex->z *= scale;

Drawing Task

In this project, many customized functions are applied: For rendering the rotating cube, a customized draw_cube function is used, which calls transfrom_rotate function to compute the new cube vertex coordinates, and uses the transfrom_normalZ function to compute the surface normal direction for determining the front/back face. The key code is

/* Rotation angles (degree) for axis X, Y, Z */
compute_rotate(xrot, yrot, zrot, &rotate_3D);
yrot += rotstep;

/* Compute the new cube vertex coordinates transformed by the rotation matrix */
transfrom_rotate(&rotate_3D, &cube_v0, &rv0, xoff, yoff);
transfrom_rotate(&rotate_3D, &cube_v1, &rv1, xoff, yoff);

/* Compute the surface normal direction to determine the front/back face */
transfrom_normalZ(&rotate_3D, &normal0321, &nz0321);
transfrom_normalZ(&rotate_3D, &normal4567, &nz4567);

Then for the images shown front face, transfrom_blit function is used to compute transform matrix and then vg_lite_blit function blits corresponding images.

if (nz0321 > 0.0)
    /* Compute 3x3 image transform matrix to map a rectangle image (w,h) to
        a parallelogram (x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3) counterclock wise.
    transfrom_blit(image0.width, image0.height, &rv0, &rv3, &rv2, &rv1, &matrix);

    /* Blit the image using the matrix */
    vg_lite_blit(rt, &image0, &matrix, VG_LITE_BLEND_SCREEN, 0, filter);

vglite_task and another task swapbuf_task communicate using SemaphoreHandle_t structure of freertos. When the cube image is blit to the render buffer, vglite_task notifies the swapbuf_task by the xSemaphoreGive function. swapbuf_task takes the semaphore by xSemaphoreTake, and then sets new frame buffer. The key code is:

/* Semaphore to sync between VGlie and display */
static SemaphoreHandle_t semaSwap;

static void vglite_task(void *pvParameters)
    while (1)
        if(semaSwap) {
            /* notify the swap task to set new frame buffer */

static void swapbuf_task(void *pvParameters)
    semaSwap = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();

        if (semaSwap) {
            if (xSemaphoreTake(semaSwap, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {


Compile firstly, and use a Micro-USB cable to connect PC to J86 on MIMXRT1170-EVK board, then download the firmware and run.

If it's successful, the correct image will show on the displayer:


And FPS information will be sent through UART serial port continuously. The correct UART configuration is

  • 115200 baud rate
  • 8 data bits
  • No parity
  • One stop bit
  • No flow control