Two numbers separated by "of", in particular, "N of T", where T is the total number of bags in a group of bags and N is the ordinal number within the group; if T is not known, specify it as "?" (question mark). Examples: 1 of 2, 4 of 4, 3 of ?, 89 of 145.
(YYYY-MM-DD) that the content was prepared for delivery.
Fully qualified email address of person or position responsible.
Person at the source organization who is responsible for the content transfer.
International format telephone number of person or position responsible.
A sender-supplied identifier for the bag.
An alternate sender-specific identifier for the content and/or bag.
Organization-Address Mailing address of the organization.
The "octetstream sum" of the payload, namely, a two-part number of the form "OctetCount.StreamCount", where OctetCount is the total number of octets (8-bit bytes) across all payload file content and StreamCount is the total number of payload files.
Organization transferring the content.
optional archivespace url used only for unproceessed accessions being uploaded to r*
: where x is an integer
: where x is an integer
either: open
, closed
, or restricted
always electronic_records
the host from where the transfer to rstar is initiated
the unix path on the host where the transfer is initiated from
the rstar partner and project name, e.g. fales/mss100
determines package routing within the repository
if the nyu-dl-transfer-type
label is present, acceptable values are: XIP
or AIP
if the nyu-dl-transfer-type
label is NOT present, the package is routed as if XIP
were specified