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118 lines (91 loc) · 4.43 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (91 loc) · 4.43 KB


A bunch of basic Powershell utility functions that should be in Powershell directly (useful for most people) Includes the following highlights

  • Powershell Module development helpers
  • PSObject helpers
    • ConvertTo-Array (also available as .ToArray2() function on all PSCustomObjects) to easily loop through properties
    • ConvertTo-FlatObject for easy comparison
    • ObjectModel functions to work with nested PSCustomObjects efficiently
    • Hashtable functions
  • PerformanceRecord for performance tracing
  • Logging for simple capturing output to a file
  • File Helpers
    • Find-Item - easily find a parent folder with certain characteristics
    • Rename-FileWithRegex - rename with regex replace
    • File Locking helpers - test file lock and find process that locked it
  • Environment Variable helpers
  • Credential and Hash key helpers
  • File content testing (useful for git precommit hooks)
  • Compression function that will replicate folder structure
  • Xml formatter

How to get the module

Install-Module PSEasy.Utility

How to create and test a new module

  • Create a "..Build-Module.config.json" file in the module root e.g.

        "Manifest": {
            "Guid": "731e2d99-2143-4aaa-b0bb-4648124addfd",
            "Author": "Brett Gerhardi",
            "Description": "Build, Push and Get Powershell Modules",
            "RequiredModules": [
        "File": {
            "FileSpec": "*-*.ps1",
            "ExcludeSpec": [
            /* "PublicOnlyIfIndicated" or "'PublicByDefault" */
            "ExportMode": "PublicByDefault"
    • Manifest properties are static values that will be put into the psd1 file as is
    • File properties are to determine the files to include/exclude and how to decide those files to export
  • Put your functions into a folder structure <MyModule>\<MyFunctions>

    • Files or folders with private or public in the name will always be private or public. You can indicate a default when building to deal with the others
    • No scripts, all files should contain functions
  • Validate and Build the psd1/psm1 files by running Build-Module

    Build-Module .\module\PSEasy.Utility\ -Import
    • Import switch to import directly into the current session (note that any scripts with #requires for this module will reload the installed version - so useful for local testing only)
    • Load switch ensures that it can be loaded into a new session correctly
  • Locally install the module (not generally needed)

    Install-ModuleFromFolder .\module\PSEasy.Utility\

    Note this doesn't increment the version and will just overwrite the existing version. Useful for testing without generating loads of version numbers

  • Now publish it

    • You can use either the standard Publish-Module to publish to Powershell Gallery or see PSEasy.Module for publishing to ADO artifact feed
    • If you use Publish-Module then you can use the Set-ModuleVersion to increment the version in all the places necessary


    Set-ModuleVersion -modulepath '.\module\PSEasy.Module\' -VersionIncrementType Patch
    Publish-Module -path '.\module\PSEasy.Module\' -Verbose -NuGetApiKey 'Your key here' -whatif

    setup your profile with an easy to use by putting the below in your code $profile (setup the file with the commented code)

    setup encrypted password one-time with
    $password = Read-Host "Enter Password" -AsSecureString
    $fileLocation = '~\PsEasy.NuGetApiKey.user.secret'
    Set-Content -Path $fileLocation -Value $password -Force
    $global:PsEasyNuGetApiKey = Get-Content $fileLocation | ConvertTo-SecureString
    function Get-PSEasyNuGetApiKey {($PsEasyNuGetApiKey | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)}

    then use this safely with

    Publish-Module -path ....\PSEasy\PSEasy.Utility\PSEasy.Utility\ -Verbose -NuGetApiKey (Get-PsEasyNuGetApiKey) -Whatif

    then run without whatif if no errors


Notes for working on this library

Of course there is a bit of a chicken and egg problem using Build-Module for this module if you are changing the code in Build-Module

To workaround that use

. src\module\Lifecycle\Import-ModuleFunction