Which type of restaurants is being controlled the most? And which type of restaurant tend to pass the test the most?
- we have already reduced the number of facility types from 400+ to 43
- now, we simply need to count for the most common facility type, and for the second question, simply calculate the ratios of pass/fail for each facility type
Do the inspection patterns change for large chain restaurants [from Starbucks and McDonald's] compared to smaller independent ones?
- we have extracted the big chains from the dataset
- compare ratios of pass/fail/out-of-business/pass-with-conditions/not-yet-ready for the same facility type in similar locations (and possibly their google reviews evaluations as well)
How are violations/failed inspections sensitive to permanent external factors such as neighborhood, type of establishments?
- we have already mapped 99+% of all entries in the dataset
- then, we will compute the ratios of pass/fail/out-of-business/pass-with-conditions/not-yet-ready for business in the same location and/or business type groups
How do violations/failed inspections correlate with temporary factors such as season, and time of the year? That is, for a given area, are violations more or less regular, or are they susceptible to external factors, such as temperature?
- we already have the time of the year the inspection was done (possibly, we may integrate a dataset for temperatures, which would be trivial, if it provides a worthy insight)
- we just need to create a model and see whether time of year information allows for a greater accuracy when predicting pass/fail/out-of-business/pass-with-conditions/not-yet-ready (that is, whether time of year carries any extra information to a business performance in the inspection)
Is there any correlation between the number of violations and inspections with the (perceived) ethnicity of each neighborhood of Chicago?
- we have extracted (and plotted) ethnicities in Chicago on top of the results of the inspections
- we will try different approaches to answer this question
- grouping by ethnicity majorities and computing odds of pass/fail/out-of-business/pass-with-conditions/not-yet-ready
- create a prediction model using the several ethnicities presence percentage and evaluate whether it improves performance - and if so, what weights are assigned to which ethnicity (are there implicit biases?)
Is there a relationship between the inspections and restaurants' popularity on Google Local Review?
- we have already processed the Google Local Review dataset, and a naïve joint of both dataset already revealed more than 3500 common restaurants, and it's trivial to obtain the star rating of each
- we will investigate the impact of the average review score on the possible outcomes of an inspection (pass/fail/out-of-business/pass-with-conditions/not-yet-ready)
Sprint 1 (ends 02/12):
- Finish answering question 1
Sprint 2 (ends 09/12):
- Finish answering question 2
Sprint 3 (ends 16/12):
- Continue answering question 3
Sprint 4 (ends 20/12):
- Finish answering question 3 (cont.)
- Finish writing the data story