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393 lines (341 loc) · 23.4 KB

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393 lines (341 loc) · 23.4 KB


2.4.0 (2024-01-15)

  • Ported universal formatting facility from Common Lisp and made it available via library (lispkit format)
  • Library (lispkit records) now supports extensible records compatible to SRFI 131
  • New procedures in library (lispkit system): available-region?, region-flag, available-language?, available-currencies, available-currency?, currency-name, currency-code, currency-numeric-code, and currency-symbol
  • New procedures in library (lispkit port): display-format, write-formatted
  • New procedures in library (lispkit bitset): fixnum->bitset, bitset->fixnum
  • New procedures in library (lispkit system): terminal-size, make-uuid-string, make-uuid-bytevector
  • New procedure in library (lispkit draw): clear-drawing
  • New procedures in library (lispkit draw turtle): arc, turtle-x, turtle-y, turtle-angle, turtle-pen-down?
  • New procedure load-program in library (lispkit core) supports executing programs in an empty environment
  • Procedure type-of of library (lispkit type) now returns a list of type tags (from most specific to least specific type)
  • Renamed library (lispkit system os) to (lispkit system call)
  • Renamed object in library (lispkit type) to obj to prevent conflicts with other libraries
  • Extend library (lispkit bytevector) with procedures bytevector=?, bytevector->hex, and hex->bytevector
  • Reimplementation of procedure open-file in library (lispkit system) supporting custom application paths
  • Enforce that imported (immutable) definitions cannot be mutated, unless it's in the REPL; export-mutable in library definitions enable mutability
  • Allow configuration of REPL output via format config repl-format-config of library (lispkit format)
  • Improved display of OS-level exceptions and errors in REPL
  • New libraries: (lispkit format), (lispkit crypto), (lispkit archive tar), (lispkit list set), (srfi 239), (srfi 235).
  • New sample code: Blockchain.scm

2.3.2 (2023-02-05)

  • Handle assets correctly in the LispKit REPL
  • Improved R7RS regression tests
  • Bugfixes in library (lispkit bytevector) for procedures bytevector-copy and bytevector-copy!
  • Revamp of library (lispkit graph) with new procedures: graph-topological-sort, graph-graph-weakly-connected-components, graph-strongly-connected-components, and graph-shortest-paths
  • New libraries: (srfi 228), (srfi 233), and (srfi 236)

2.3.1 (2022-12-10)

  • Fixed bug leading to deadlocks when using text ports
  • Fixed bug allowing to execute empty lists
  • Fixed serious bug leading to an infinite loop when iterating through stack traces
  • Limit stack size to prevent application crashes
  • New procedure in library (lispkit thread): thread-max-stack

2.3.0 (2022-08-01)

  • Major revamp of all type-related functionality: each type is now represented by a type tag/symbol; procedure type-for from library (lispkit type) can be used to determine the type tag of a given object; breaking change for make-type, which now returns 5 values (the first is a new type tag)
  • Support complex numbers for trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions in library (lispkit math): sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, and atan
  • Bug fixes in library (lispkit draw chart bar) and (lispkit enum)
  • New library: (lispkit math matrix)

2.2.1 (2022-05-28)

  • Fixed bug preventing LispKit to correctly determine the maximum number of threads
  • Optimized display of objects of custom types
  • Optimized code generation for lambdas without captured expressions
  • Revamped code disassembly
  • Fixed division by zero issues with truncate and floor procedures
  • Removed duplicates in results of procedures available-fonts and available-font-families in library (lispkit draw)
  • Changed defaults for procedure string-insert! of library (lispkit string)
  • Made procedure open-file of library (lispkit system) work on iOS
  • Reimplemented and extended library (lispkit enum) making it compatible with SRFI 209
  • Major revision of library (lispkit clos)
  • New procedures in library (lispkit draw): bytevector->image, draw-styled-text, styled-text-size
  • New procedure in library (lispkit core): procedure-rename
  • New libraries: (srfi 118), (srfi 141), (srfi 149), (srfi 232), (lispkit bitset), (lispkit draw chart bar), (lispkit styled-text)
  • New example code: ObjectOrientation.scm, DrawBarCharts.scm, StyledTextDoc.scm

2.2.0 (2022-02-06)

  • Multi-threaded evaluator, executing multiple virtual machines in parallel
  • Go-inspired channels for synchronizing threads
  • Revamp of math libraries, addressing incompatibilities and fixing numerous bugs:
    • Don't crash on division by zero for fx/
    • Fix bug making exact work also for negative numbers
    • Improved inexact when used with rationals with a very large numerator or denominator
    • Consistent interface for: random, flrandom, and fxrandom
    • Support unary argument usage for fx-, fl-, and fl/
    • Removed fixnum-width, least-fixnum and greatest-fixnum
    • New procedures make-flonum, flexponent, flsignificand, flnext, flprev, fx-width, fx-greatest, fx-least, fl-epsilon, fl-greatest, and fl-least
    • Support many arguments for flmin, flmax, fxmin, fxmax, fx+, fx-, fx*, fx/, fx=, fx<, fx>, fx<=, fx>=, fl+, fl-, fl*, fl/, fl=, fl<, fl>, fl<=, and fl>=
  • New procedures in library (lispkit math util): make-nan, nan-negative?, nan-quiet?, nan-payload, and nan=?
  • New procedures in library (lispkit system): physical-memory, memory-footprint, and system-uptime
  • New procedure in library (lispkit port): display*
  • New procedures in library (lispkit debug): stack-size, call-stack-procedures, call-stack-trace, and set-max-call-stack!
  • Enabled concurrency support for library (srfi sicp)
  • Included new libraries: (lispkit thread), (lispkit thread channel), (scheme flonum), (srfi 18), (srfi 144), (srfi 208), (srfi 230)
  • Fixed scope of <sym> in (let <sym> ...) form, making it not accessible in the bindings
  • Exceptions now include more information about the active call stack
  • Included tutorial for channels as new example code
  • Support comments in command-line input

2.1.0 (2021-12-11)

  • Fixed bug compiling every procedure twice
  • Fixed implementation of procedure expt
  • Fixed overflow issues in procedure approximate
  • Fixed crashes in the rounding functions when used with rational big integers
  • Moved procedure load into library (lispkit core)
  • Integrated simple bytecode optimizer
  • Implemented support for tagged procedures
  • Implemented support for procedures with optional arguments
  • Included new libraries: (lispkit math util), (lispkit math stats), (srfi 166), (srfi 227), and (srfi 229)
  • Ported Peter Norvig's pattern matcher and algebraic simplifier from Common Lisp to Scheme and included it as new example code
  • Extended sample code Math.scm

2.0.3 (2021-09-12)

  • Fixed bug in logic to detect valid local definitions
  • Handle libraries with errors more carefully to prevent crashes
  • Fixed bit counting bug in library (srfi 143)
  • New procedures in library (lispkit core): thunk?, procedure-of-arity?, procedure-name, procedure-arity, procedure-arity-range, procedure-arity-includes?, arity-at-least?, arity-at-least-value
  • Included new libraries: (srfi sicp), (srfi 102), (srfi 217), (srfi 224)
  • New sample code: EUStats.scm

2.0.2 (2021-08-08)

  • Fixed serious bug in procedure load (previously, load always returned no result instead of the result of the last executed expression).
  • Included new libraries: (srfi 215), (srfi 216), (srfi 222), (lispkit text-table)
  • Extended sample code Math.scm

2.0.1 (2021-07-02)

  • New procedures in library (lispkit draw): bitmap->bytevector, bitmap-blur, bitmap-crop
  • Support tables and definition lists in library (lispkit markdown)
  • Support gzip and zlib container formats for deflate compression via library (lispkit bytevector)
  • Support symlink resolution via procedure file-path of library (lispkit system)
  • Bug fixes in library (lispkit system): home-directory also supports a non-sandboxed mode, file-path handles tilde correctly
  • Bug fixes for a few procedures of library (lispkit archive zip)
  • Included new libraries: (srfi 219), (srfi 221), (srfi 223)

2.0.0 (2021-05-01)

  • Support for iOS
  • Included an iOS REPL application
  • Implemented simple support for associating description text with definitions (in Common Lisp style)
  • Changed let* and letrec* to allow for the redefinition of variables
  • Included new libraries: (lispkit archive zip), (lispkit prolog), (srfi 143), (srfi 189), (srfi 214), (scheme red), (scheme fixum), (scheme bitwise), (scheme division)
  • Extended library (lispkit string) with procedures string-decode-named-chars and string-encode-named-chars
  • Extended library (lispkit char) with procedure char-name
  • Extended library (lispkit core) with new environment procedures: interaction-environment?, custom-environment?, the-environment, environment-definable?, environment-define, environment-define-syntax, environment-import, environment-documentation, and environment-assign-documentation!
  • Extended library (lispkit sqlite) with procedures sqlite-database? and sqlite-statement?
  • Included support for an optional environment for the compile procedure from (lispkit debug)
  • Included new sample code: VisualizePointSets.scm, Schelog.scm
  • Migrated project to Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4

1.9.2 (2020-12-23)

  • Included new libraries: (srfi 9), (srfi 180), (srfi 209), (srfi 210)
  • Extended library (lispkit log) with syntax log-time
  • Extended library (lispkit debug) with syntax time-values
  • Extended library (lispkit math) with procedures fxodd?, fxeven?, fx-width, fx-greatest, and fx-least in library (lispkit math).; generalized procedure number->string
  • Fixed procedure environment-bindings, renamed date-time-has-dst
  • Fixed crash when execution gets aborted while loading and executing a file
  • Included new sample code: DrawTrees.scm, EditDistance.scm
  • Minor tweaks to the REPL

1.9.1 (2020-10-04)

  • Revision of library (lispkit test) involving procedures test-group-failed-tests, test-group-passed-tests, failed-tests, passed-tests, current-test-epsilon
  • Fixed comparison of complex numbers and numbers involving NaN in library (lispkit test)
  • Fixed small bugs in (lispkit match) and included support for =.., *.., and **1
  • Refactored debugging functionality into library (lispkit debug)
  • New libraries: (srfi 194), (srfi 204), (lispkit sxml), (lispkit sxml html), and (lispkit sxml xml)

1.9.0 (2020-06-20)

  • New libraries: (lispkit sqlite), (lispkit combinator), (lispkit system os), (srfi 195) and (srfi 196)
  • Renamed library (lispkit iteration) into (lispkit iterate)
  • Extended library (lispkit date-time) with procedures date-time-add, date-time-add-seconds, date-time-diff-seconds, date-time-in-timezone, date-time-same?, date-time=?, date-time<?, date-time>?, date-time<=?, date-time>=?, and date-time-hash.
  • Extended library (lispkit core) with procedures thunk, thunk*, define-values, and apply-with-values
  • Extended library (lispkit string) with procedures string-normalize-diacritics and string-normalize-separators
  • Extended library (lispkit dynamic) with procedures unwind-protect and try
  • Extended library (lispkit control) with procedure letrec-values; define-values can now be used wherever define can be used.
  • Extended library (lispkit system) with procedures home-directory, system-directory, path-extension, append-path-extension, remove-path-extension, file-readable?, file-writeable?, file-deletable?, directory-readable?, directory-writeable?, and directory-deletable?.
  • Extended library (lispkit draw) with procedures set-image-size!, bitmap-size, bitmap-pixels, bitmap-exif-data, and set-bitmap-exif-data!
  • Support for timeouts in procedures handling HTTP ports in library (lispkit port)
  • Small tweaks to library (lispkit csv)
  • Library (lispkit box) now supports multi-value boxes
  • New sample code Covid.scm, including data up until June 19, 2020

1.8.4 (2020-03-30)

  • Several garbage collector enhancements
  • Fixed serious memory leak in the compiler
  • Fixed read command logic in the LispKit REPL
  • REPL now uses default colors and thus also works with dark mode.
  • Made field access of records type safe.
  • New libraries: (srfi 6), (srfi 54), (srfi 162)
  • Extended library (lispkit dynamic) with assertion support: make-assertion-error, assertion, assert
  • New sample code Polynomials.scm

1.8.3 (2020-01-19)

  • New libraries: (lispkit markdown), (lispkit disjoint-set), (srfi 167), (srfi 98), (srfi 87)
  • Extended library (lispkit system) with procedures asset-file-path, path-components, parent-path, path, and source-directory
  • Extended library (lispkit bytevector) with procedures read-binary-file and write-binary-file
  • Extended library (lispkit string) with procedures write-file, read-file, string-pad-center, string-empty?; string-concatenate now supports an optional separator character
  • Extended library (lispkit port) with procedures open-input-asset, open-binary-input-asset, call-with-output-bytevector, and call-with-output-string
  • Extended library (lispkit hashtable) with procedure hashtable-empty-copy; hashtable-hash-function can now return a hash function for all hashtables
  • Extended library (lispkit math) with procedure fxsqrt
  • Extended library (lispkit core) with procedure opt
  • Extended library (lispkit draw) to support assets, color lists and drawing of HTML
  • Added character set char-set:newlines to (lispkit char-set)
  • Extended sample code Math.scm
  • New sample code SpellNumbers.scm
  • Introduced asset concept, enabling libraries to depend on data files in an extensible fashion

1.8.2 (2019-11-21)

  • Extend pattern language supported by library (lispkit datatype)
  • Support append-map and filter-map in (lispkit list); support fxsqrt in (lispkit math); new functions in (lispkit string): string-empty?, string-pad-center; string-concatenate now supports an optional separator character
  • Fix bug in (lispkit set) which was leading to multi-set behavior
  • New example code for solving Sudoku puzzles
  • Garbage collector optimizations
  • Refactored object types to make them more extensible
  • A new REPL framework is available via a new framework LispKitTools
  • New library: (srfi 175)

1.8.1 (2019-10-20)

  • Update dependency on NumberKit 2.3.2
  • New libraries: (srfi 174), (srfi 177)

1.8.0 (2019-10-17)

  • Migrated project to Xcode 11.1
  • Ported code to Swift 5.1
  • Simplify printed representation of procedures
  • Rewrite of garbage collector: replaced recursive garbage collector with iterative version
  • Completed hash functions of library (lispkit hashtable)
  • New library: (lispkit comparator)
  • Several fixes in (lispkit math): integer->fx renamed to integer->fixnum, introduced fxlogical-shift-right and real->flonum, fixed bit-count, fixed fxmodulo to work with negative numbers
  • Statically link libraries. Removed Carthage support

1.7.2 (2019-09-08)

  • New libraries: (lispkit stream), (scheme mapping), (srfi 146), (srfi 165), (srfi 173)
  • Fixed memory leak involving recursive local functions
  • Support uninterned symbols
  • Implement algebraic datatypes in terms of more efficient internal functions
  • Extension and re-implementation of library (lispkit type)
  • Include miniAdapton in the new third-party directory
  • Support custom keywords in let-keywords
  • New example code for generating mazes

1.7.1 (2019-03-31)

  • Migrated project to Xcode 10.2
  • Ported code to Swift 5

1.7.0 (2019-02-24)

  • New libraries: (lispkit csv), (lispkit match), (lispkit regexp), (lispkit gvector), (lispkit date-time)
  • Extended (lispkit vector) and (lispkit list) libraries
  • Support for let-keywords and let*-keywords in library (lispkit control)
  • Complete re-write of library import and export logic fixing numerous bugs and incompatibilities with R7RS
  • Improved reporting of errors in library definitions
  • Support call tracing for individual procedures
  • Make the last three REPL results available via *1, *2, and *3
  • Allow @ as initial character in identifiers

1.6.0 (2019-01-04)

  • New libraries: (lispkit log), (lispkit char-set), (scheme char), (srfi 14 ascii), (srfi 101), (srfi 125)
  • Support Scheme libraries from R7RS large/Red edition: (scheme box), (scheme charset), (scheme comparator), (scheme generator), (scheme hash-table), (scheme ideque), (scheme list), (scheme rlist), (scheme set), (scheme sort), (scheme stream), (scheme text), (scheme vector)
  • Extended library (lispkit test): support nested test groups, approximate tests, and handle exceptions correctly
  • Handle closing of ports correctly in library (lispkit port)
  • Fix major bug in library (lispkit system) affecting the composition of file paths
  • Bug fixes affecting fold-left, max, min, numerator, denominator, log, magnitude, gcd and lcm, as well as the escaping of symbols
  • Move from #\dx???? syntax to #\x???? to represent character literals
  • Return more user-friendly error messages for operating system errors

1.5.4 (2018-11-03)

  • Migrated project to Xcode 10.1 and ported code to Swift 4.2.1
  • Included implementation of "Tiny CLOS" as library (lispkit clos)
  • New SRFI libraries: SRFI 23, SRFI 34, SRFI 39, SRFI 95

1.5.3 (2018-10-21)

  • Migrated project to Xcode 10.0 and ported code to Swift 4.2
  • Small bug fixes in library (lispkit draw)
  • Fixed serious hashing bug (crashing LispKit)
  • New SRFI library: SRFI 14, SRFI 16

1.5.2 (2018-09-16)

  • Several substantial extensions of library (lispkit draw)
  • Support for turtle graphics via library (lispkit draw turtle)
  • New example code showcasing (lispkit draw turtle) features
  • New SRFI library: SRFI 11, SRFI 51, SRFI 161

1.5.1 (2018-08-19)

  • Bugfixes and name changes in (lispkit draw)
  • New example code showcasing (lispkit draw) features

1.5.0 (2018-08-10)

  • Allow importing multiple libraries with one import invocation
  • Mark continuations correctly and fix continuation?
  • Turn current-input-port, current-output-port, and current-error-port into parameter objects
  • New library: (lispkit draw)
  • New SRFI libraries: SRFI 111, SRFI 112, SRFI 113
  • Fixed bugs in SRFI 69
  • Extend (lispkit test) to be more compatible to similar libraries

1.4.1 (2018-06-23)

  • Fix memory leaks
  • Provide a comfortable command-line interface supporting both a read-eval-print loop and the execution of scripts
  • Prelude and libraries path preferences are now handled correctly and do not result in access issues anymore
  • Programs blocking on functions like read can now be terminated
  • Minor bugs in bitwise operations for exact integers of arbitrary size fixed
  • string-split now returns a list instead of a vector
  • Complete rewrite of the error reporting subsystem, including support for file-error? and read-error?
  • New library: (lispkit test)
  • New SRFI libraries: SRFI 69, SRFI 129, SRFI 137, SRFI 145, SRFI 151
  • New example code for coroutines, HTTP support, and a small compiler for arithmetic expressions

1.4.0 (2018-03-30)

  • Migrated project to Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4
  • Bug fixes (esp. in syntax-rules)
  • Fixed logic for referencing unquote, etc. in backquote.
  • Include native date/time operations and functionality for accessing user data
  • Native support for a few common string functions
  • Support for read-token (generalization of read-line)
  • Added libraries (lispkit stack), (lispkit queue), (lispkit logic)
  • Implement bitwise operations for exact integers of arbitrary size
  • Complete rewrite of the error reporting and representation sub-system
  • Preparations for managing source locations

1.3.0 (2017-12-03)

  • Support simple HTTP API
  • Support compression for bytevectors
  • Implement call tracing
  • Fixed bug preventing some internal definitions to not work
  • Support all standard R7RS small Scheme libraries
  • Support for: (srfi 158), (lispkit wt-tree), (lispkit object)

1.2.0 (2017-10-22)

  • Support for tail patterns in syntax-rules
  • Support for features and cond-expand
  • Support for include and include-library-declarations
  • Support for syntax-error
  • Support for define-values
  • Support a new lightweight custom type declaration mechanism via make-type
  • Added SRFI 112-style support for human-readable information about the hardware and software configuration on which LispKit is being executed
  • Added support for the following libraries: (srfi 63), (srfi 64), (srfi 128), (lispkit iterate), (lispkit json)

1.1.0 (2017-09-25)

  • Migrated project to Xcode 9 and Swift 4
  • Adopted Swift 4-version of NumberKit

1.0.0 (2017-08-06)

  • Support for custom ellipsis in syntax-rules
  • Fixed serious scoping issues in syntax-rules
  • Fixed hash functions to prevent overflows
  • Support for R6RS enumeration operations

0.7.0 (2017-04-30)

  • Implemented native support for fixnum (fx*) and flonum (fl*) operations
  • Completed support for all R7RS string operations
  • Completed support for all R7RS character operations
  • Added common list operations (sort, filter, partition)
  • Completed support for all R7RS vector operations

0.6.0 (2017-02-12)

  • Automatically load libraries
  • Made stack grow automatically
  • Support externally triggered termination of evaluation – Implemented new system library; added new file functions
  • Implemented support for R7RS-compliant exceptions
  • Implemented support for multiple return values – Ported various SRFIs and included them in the LispKit package

0.5.0 (2016-11-13)

  • Implemented environments as first-class values
  • Introduced a new R7RS-compatible library abstraction
  • Reimplemented all functions using libraries

0.4.0 (2016-09-04)

  • Migration from Swift 2.2 to Swift 3.0
  • Implemented R6RS-compliant hash tables
  • Implemented R7RS-compliant parameters (supporting dynamic scoping)
  • Implemented R7RS-compliant record types

0.3.0 (2016-07-05)

  • Implemented R7RS-compliant promises
  • Implemented R7RS-compliant port library, supporting both textual ports and binary ports; built on top of Foundation API (not using low-level C port abstractions)
  • Fixed a few cases where the runtime didn't do proper tail calls
  • Implemented full support for call/cc

0.2.0 (2016-05-16)

  • Revised bytecode instruction set. Added documentation to the LispKit Wiki.
  • Implemented compiler optimization framework. Turned compiler into a two-phase compiler.
  • Optimized usage of variables for function arguments.

0.1.0 (2016-05-02)

  • Initial version consisting of the framework and a very simple read-eval-print loop
  • The LispKit framework implements a subset of the R5RS Scheme standard; the biggest feature missing is support for call/cc
  • LispKit coonsists of a compiler generating bytecode and a virtual machine which interprets the bytecode
  • The framework is incomplete and work in progress