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Releases: obsidianmd/obsidian-clipper


01 Oct 21:18
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  • Properties are now stored in one place for all templates, and can be viewed or modified in the new SettingsProperties section.
  • Import properties from Obsidian via the types.json file. Also export Web Clipper properties to the same types.json format.
  • Default values for properties can be added to streamline creating new templates.
  • Autocomplete properties in the template editor.


  • Fixed issue with font in Safari template and vault selection.
  • Faster and smoother loading of the extension.
  • Your last used template is now remembered when reopening the extension.
  • Lots of small UI improvements for Mobile Safari.


30 Sep 00:01
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  • Added uncamel filter to convert camelCase and PascalCase to spaced lowercase text.


  • variables now includes full objects where possible.
  • title and capitalize filters now handle both keys and values within objects.
  • list and blockquote filters now automatically indent nested arrays.
  • replace and join filters now support newlines using \n
  • Cleaned up HTML inside complex tables that are not converted to Markdown.
  • Variable and filter syntax is more resilient to extra spaces, newlines and tab indentation allowing more flexibility in writing style.
  • Improved export on iOS, now uses share sheet when possible.
  • Fixed dark mode for Safari.
  • Many iOS UI improvements.


27 Sep 18:30
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  • Add support for Safari on macOS, iOS, iPadOS — warning this is still the first version and still needs refiniment.


  • Fixed issue with selector variables not detecting attribute — the syntax has now been changed to use ? instead of : to avoid conflicts with pseudo classes like :first-child. You should now use {{selector:cssSelector?attribute}}, for example: {{selector:img?src}}


25 Sep 19:21
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  • Fix issue with modifying {{date}} variable format.
  • Fix issues with date filter not detecting week of the year format.
  • Reduce flashing of the side panel when transitioning between pages.
  • Removed "Early access features" toggle for now, since it has been replaced by the "Legacy mode" toggle to enable features for Obsidian 1.6.7 and below.


25 Sep 03:51
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Adds "Legacy mode" setting to use Obsidian URI to copy content on browsers and OSes that support it.


24 Sep 21:32
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⚠️ Web Clipper now requires Obsidian 1.7.2 or above. Users on older versions of Obsidian will see a message when trying to clip content. The reason is that some browsers and operating systems strictly limit the length of URIs, making it impossible to pass content from a page via this method beyond ~2000 characters. This fails silently which is confusing for many users. See #51. As of Obsidian 1.7.2 we can now pass content into Obsidian via the clipboard.


  • Adds a side panel mode for Chromium browsers, which allows you to more easily work with active content on the page. Can be opened via the context menu in the page or toolbar icon.
Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 15 00 20


  • title filter now works better with arrays and objects.
  • Various performance improvements.


23 Sep 17:55
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  • Added selectorHtml: prefix for variables. Works the same as selector: but extracts the HTML rather than text content, which is useful if you want to process the content with remove_html, strip_tags, strip_attr, and markdown filters.


  • The {{author}} variable now returns a comma separated list if there are multiple authors. Note this means the default template is updated to {{author|split:", "|wikilink|join}} if you want to wikilink the authors.
  • Improved conversion of Markdown tables and falls back to HTML tables if the table contains merged cells.
  • Improved handling of lower, upper and titlecase across languages and for arrays.
  • Improved handling of footnote references.
  • No longer overrides date filters in date and datetime properties. #55
  • Relative URLs in srcset attributes are now correctly rewritten.


22 Sep 21:55
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  • Added {{site}} variable to get the site name or publisher
  • Added search to the variables list panel available by clicking ...


  • Better support for converting tables to Markdown
  • Better accuracy on preset variables including author, image, title, description, published
  • More reliable popup size on some browsers
  • More graceful fallback if Readability fails
  • Fixed opening the context menu in Firefox (I think 🤞)
  • Fixed issue with path not being saved in templates, #61 thanks @rothsandro
  • Fixed anchor link stripping accidentally removing some headings


21 Sep 20:44
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Warning: this update contains a breaking change for append and daily note templates. There is no automatic migration. You will need to update the note title field of any templates that add to an existing note. This update also means that append and daily note templates require Obsidian 1.7.2. which is currently available in early access.


  • Two new template behavior options: Add to existing note, at the top and Add to daily note, at the top which allows you to add content to the top of the note rather than the bottom.
  • Daily note templates no longer require note title and path as we can now detect the daily note location in Obsidian as of 1.7.2.
  • Properties can now be used across all template behaviors, and will be merged automatically with the existing note's properties if there are any.
  • Added link filter to create Markdown links.
  • Automatically adds the programming language when clipping code blocks, if one is defined.


  • If the extension is opened while the page is partially loaded, it will now update itself when the content finishes loading.
  • Support converting MathJax to Obsidian math blocks.
  • More improvements to replace filter when dealing with special characters like :.
  • Don't use quotes around date and datetime YAML frontmatter values, to match Obsidian format. Closes #55.
  • Improve escaping and indentation for code blocks. Closes #53.


20 Sep 19:18
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  • Added remove_html filter to remove specific elements and their content from HTML strings.
  • Added {{contentHtml}} variable that works like {{content}} but without Markdown parsing. Also removed {{selectionHtml}} since that is now handled by {{contentHtml}} when a selection is present.
  • Added context menu item to open extension #50
  • Added new setting: GeneralSave clipped note without opening it.


  • Improved footnote conversion to Markdown.
  • Empty links are removed from Markdown.
  • Larger font size on Firefox Mobile.
  • More restrictive file names on Linux.
  • Fixed issue with Turndown GFM under certain conditions, closes #45.
  • Fixed issue with map filter dealing with simple string arrays.