diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c9b8226..fc87104 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,80 +1,11 @@ -# audica-mod-starter-template +# Audica Score Overlay This template bundles melon-mod and a simple dll-building C# solution + csproj. -## Getting Started +## Installation -* You'll need Visual Studio community 2017 setup to build. -* MelonLoader must be installed in Audica's directory - see https://melonwiki.xyz/#/README - * You should have a `MelonLoader\Managed` folder and `version.dll` in your Audica root before proceeding. +* Download the latest release and MelonLoader 0.2.3 or higher. +* Place the ScoreOverlay.dll into `Audica\Mods`. +* After you launch the game with the dll for the first time, a config file will be generated in `Audica\UserData` -### Automated setup (recommended!) -Use `get-started.ps1` (right click => Run With PowerShell) to configure the name / author / version of the mod, copy needed melon loader dll references and add a post-build step to automatically copy the last built debug or release dll to the Audica mods directory. -NOTE: I have not tested the audica directory auto-location for non-steam versions of Audica but it should work! If not, the script should prompt for manual input but please let me know if there are any problems. - -### Manual setup - -Skip this if the script above completed successfully. - -* You'll need to fetch a bunch of references from your Audica installation. This has to happen if melon loader or audica updates (be sure to rebuild these dlls first!). To copy them quickly, invoke `copy-references.ps1` with the path to your audica folder and the project path (`AudicaMod`, relative or absolute). Alternatively, you can painstakingly go fetch these yourself (copy to the /AudicaMod/lib folder): - ``` - "Audica\MelonLoader\MelonLoader.ModHandler.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2CppMono.Security.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2Cppmscorlib.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2CppSystem.Configuration.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2CppSystem.Core.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2CppSystem.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2CppSystem.Runtime.Serialization.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Il2CppSystem.Xml.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Oculus.VR.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Sanford.Multimedia.Midi.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\SonyNP.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\SteamVR.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\TwitchChatter.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnhollowerBaseLib.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnhollowerRuntimeLib.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\Unity.TextMeshPro.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.AIModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.UIModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll", - "Audica\MelonLoader\Managed\UnityEngine.XRModule.dll" - ``` -* Set the Assembly name of your mod in the AudicaModStarter project preferences to name your dll correctly -* Set the name, author and version in Main.cs -* (optional, but handy!) add a post-build step: `copy "$(TargetPath)" "Path\To\Audica\Mods\$(TargetFileName)` (this means you don't have to copy the dll every time you run a build!) - -## What now? - -Open the main `AudicaModding.sln` and browse to `Main.cs`. You'll see it's setup to log out when you press T on the keyboard. -Run a build and you should see a new dll file matching the name provided in the get-started script appear in both the local `bin/[Release | Debug]/` and `Audica/Mods` folder. - -With MelonMod installed, add `--melonloader.console` to audica's launch options in steam or however you're loading Audica.exe and a debug console should spawn along with Audica. If everything's working, pressing T should log out a message! - -## Next Steps - -Get involved in the Audica Modding Discord, we're lovely and we can point you in the right direction! https://discord.gg/cakQUt5 -For MelonMod specific discussion, advice and updates join the MelonMod discord at https://discord.gg/M6VDhjv - -## Updating MelonLoader - -If a new version of MelonLoader or Audica is released, re-run melon loader in the audica root to regenerate references and mod loader. Then just run `copy-references.ps1` in the root with the absolute or relative path to the audica folder and your mod folder (probably `AudicaMod`). - -## Other - -Pull requests welcome! Or come bug me on the audica modding discord and I'll help where I can.