- date: 2017/05/04 11:16:39.000000
- timezone_type: 3
- timezone: Asia/Jakarta
- id: 34 (required, number) - Unique identifier
- user_id: 2 (required, number) - Unique identifier
- subtotal: 24000 (required, number) - Unique identifier
- tax: 1 (required, number) - Unique identifier
- total: 1 (required, number) - Unique identifier
- has: 69d7f90ba754125a789cff97af6c1110
- status_code: null
- status_update_at (updateData)
- (invoiceData)
show orders data
Response 200 (application/json)
X-Request-ID: f72fc914 X-Response-Time: 4ms
Attributes (OrderList)
Add order products.
you must fill header with acces Token
Authorization: Bearer 5262d64b892e8d4341000001
example to add orders with form:
key | value |
shipping_name | octommerce |
shipping_phone | 085813488273 |
shipping_address | street apron no 43 |
shipping_city-id | 1 |
shipping_state_id | 2 |
Response 200 (aplication/json)
X-Request-ID: f72fc914 X-Response-Time: 4ms
"data": { "id": 70, "user_id": 14, "order_no": "GBWJ3V1PE", "name": "Octommerce", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": 085813488273, "message": "null", "subtotal": 200000, "discount": 0, "tax": 0, "misc_fee": 0, "total": 200000, "is_same_address": "false", "shipping_name": "octommerce", "shipping_phone": 085813488273, "shipping_company": "Octommerce", "shipping_address": "street apron no 43", "shipping_postcode": 123123, "status_code": "waiting", "status": { "name": "waiting", "color": "#f39c12", "description": "waiting customer to pay. ", } "status_update_at": 2017/05/15 13:41:44 "create_at": 2017/05/15 13:41:44 "invoice": { "data": { "id": 51, "user_id": 14, "subtotal": 211, "discount": 0, "tax": 0, "total": 211, "hash": "9db47f74852a7b7156f91796fd844b3e", "status_code": null, "status_updated_at": "2017-05-15 13:41:44", "created_at": "2017-05-15 13:41:44" } } }
Get a single of Order.
Response 200 (application/json)
X-Request-ID: f72fc914 X-Response-Time: 4ms
Attributes (OrderList)
update orders.
example to update orders with form:
key | value |
shipping_name | octommerce |
shipping_phone | 085813488273 |
shipping_address | street apron no 44 |
shipping_city-id | 1 |
shipping_state_id | 2 |
Response 200 (application/json)
X-Request-ID: f72fc914 X-Response-Time: 4ms
"data": { "id": 70, "user_id": 14, "order_no": "GBWJ3V1PE", "name": "Octommerce", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": 085813488273, "message": "null", "subtotal": 200000, "discount": 0, "tax": 0, "misc_fee": 0, "total": 200000, "is_same_address": "false", "shipping_name": "octommerce", "shipping_phone": 085813488273, "shipping_company": "Octommerce", "shipping_address": "street apron no 44", "shipping_postcode": 123123, "status_code": "waiting", "status": { "name": "waiting", "color": "#f39c12", "description": "waiting customer to pay. ", } "status_update_at": 2017/05/15 13:41:44 "create_at": 2017/05/15 13:41:44 "invoice": { "data": { "id": 51, "user_id": 14, "subtotal": 211, "discount": 0, "tax": 0, "total": 211, "hash": "9db47f74852a7b7156f91796fd844b3e", "status_code": null, "status_updated_at": "2017-05-15 13:41:44", "created_at": "2017-05-15 13:41:44" } } }