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Ansible role for setting up a k8s cluster and vpc using cloudformation and kops


Before using this ansible role, the following commandline tools should be installed:

Python Requirements

For mac users:

brew update
brew install kops
brew install kubernetes-cli
brew install helm

The role expects the following AWS Resources to be created beforehand:

Network Configuration

The role is responsible for creating all vpc network topology as cloudformation template, that manages the AWS VPC network as a shared VPC. The VPC stack also contains a VPN Gateway that uses the transit VPC Infrastructure, so all the cluster components can reside in the private subnets including the API Load Balancer.

The cluster must reside in an odd number of avilability zones i.e. 3 or 5 Each AZ AZ contain 2 subnets:

  • Private - a private subnet that will be routed to the NAT Gateway
  • Utility - a public subnet that is connected directly to the the Internet Gateway

Masters can be deployed in all subnets in HA Mode or on a single Availibity Zone If specficied a bastion will created as well in one of the public subnets enabling SSH into the cluster.

When using Transit VPC topology, a bastion is not required.

Kubernetes Addons

The role is installing the following addons:

IAM Roles and Policies

The role creates the following IAM policies:

  • k8s-cluster-autoscaler - Required IAM Permissions for cluster-autoscaler addon
  • k8s-external-dns - Required IAM Permissions for external-dns addon
  • k8s-aws-alb-ingress - Required IAM Permissions for aws-alb-ingress-controller (This addon is not active at the moment due to a bug)
  • k8-cloudwatch-logs - Required IAM Permissions for sending logs to cloudwatch

For each of the above IAM profiles a corresponding IAM Role will be created:

  • $POLICY_NAME-$CLUSTER_NAME - An IAM Role for the concrete cluster with the Policy attached to it and with sts:AssumeRole for the Nodes and Masters IAM Role - See kube2iam for details

Role Configuration Variables

The ansible role expects the following variables to be available:

  • state_store - The s3 bucket URI. i.e. s3://<STATE_STORE_BUCKET>
  • clusterSpec - A dict representing the cluster specfication in all aspects: (VPC Networking, Cluster, IAM Roles, Addons)
  • state - present|absent - default = present - according to the state the cluster and all the resources will be created/updated or deleted

Role Tags

The following tags can be control different aspects of ansible role execution:

  • vpc - responsible for execution of tasks related to vpc stack creation/deletion
  • cluster - responsible for execution of tasks related to cluster creation/deletion
  • generate-files - responsible for creation of spec file and cloudformation template without actually running the creation/deletion
  • iam-policies - responsible for creation of the iam policies
  • iam-roles - responsible for creation/deletion of cluster iam roles
  • tiller - responsible for initializing helm with a dedicated cluster role
  • addons - responsible for installing addons using helm


Parameter Description Default Required
cluster_name The cluster name True
aws_region The AWS Region to be used True
aws_zones Comma Delimited AZ True
dns_zone The DNS Hosted Zone to be used True
sshKeyName The SSH Keypair name to be used True
sshPublicKey The SSH Public key content True
attach_transit_vpc If True a VPN Gateway will be created and tagged as transitvpc:spoke=true False
networkCIDR The VPC Cidr True
subnets List of subnet dicts. Each one contains the following attributes: cidr, name, type - `Private Utility, zone` - the Availability zone
sgIngressRules List of Security Group Ingress Rules to be added to the default security group
instanceGroups a dict of instanceGroups - specifying nodes attributes At least one instance group should be defined other than masters

Example Configuration

state_store: s3://
  aws_region: eu-west-1
  aws_zones: eu-west-1a,eu-west-1b,eu-west-1c
  sshKeyName: awsAdminKey
  sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa AA..."

  networkCIDR: ''
  - cidr:
    name: eu-west-1a
    type: Private
    zone: eu-west-1a
  - cidr:
    name: eu-west-1b
    type: Private
    zone: eu-west-1b
  - cidr:
    name: eu-west-1c
    type: Private
    zone: eu-west-1c
  - cidr:
    name: utility-eu-west-1a
    type: Utility
    zone: eu-west-1a
  - cidr:
    name: utility-eu-west-1b
    type: Utility
    zone: eu-west-1b
  - cidr:
    name: utility-eu-west-1c
    type: Utility
    zone: eu-west-1c
    - cidr: ''

      machineType: t2.medium
      rootVolumeSize: 100
      machineType: t2.medium
      maxSize: 4
      minSize: 3
      rootVolumeSize: 50

Example playbook

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - k8s-aws-cluster