The tennis environment features two agents who both have a state space of 24 and an action space of 2. To solve the tennis environment we adapted Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient1 from the Udacity deep-reinforcement-learning repository2 on GitHub.
The core of the learning algorithm updates according to the following:
def learn(self, experiences):
# Get (s,a,r,s') tuples from the replay buffer.
states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = experiences
# Update critic
# Get predicted next-state actions
actions_next = self.actor_target(next_states)
# Compute predicted target for predicted action based on the policy and s'.
Q_targets_next = self.critic_target(next_states, actions_next)
# Compute Q targets for current states (y_i)
Q_targets = rewards + (gamma * Q_targets_next * (1 - dones))
# Compute critic loss
Q_expected = self.critic_local(states, actions)
# TD_error = np.abs(Q_expected - Q_targets) so this is the average of TD_error^2
critic_loss = F.mse_loss(Q_expected, Q_targets)
# Minimize the loss
self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() # Clear gradient
critic_loss.backward() # Backpropagation
# Clip gradient to stabilize learning and minimize catastrophic forgetting
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic_local.parameters(), 1)
self.critic_optimizer.step() # Update parameters
# Update actor
actions_pred = self.actor_local(states)
# The minus sign is all-important. Without it we'd be finding the worst action to
# take. We have to do this instead of argmax because of continuous action space.
actor_loss = -self.critic_local(states, actions_pred).mean()
# Minimize the loss
self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() # Clear gradient
actor_loss.backward() # Backpropagation
# Clip the gradients of the actor_local network.
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.actor_local.parameters(), 1)
self.actor_optimizer.step() # Update parameters
# Now we update the target networks
self.soft_update(self.critic_local, self.critic_target, self.tau)
self.soft_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_target, self.tau)
DDPG attempts to minimize the TD error in a similar way as DDQN6, but with the extra step of minimizing the weights of an actor network with respect to the state-action function Q( s, a ) represented by a critic network.
To enable greater exploration of the state space without spending a lot of time messing around with weight decay parameters, after searching through the forum3 we decided to initialize the replay buffer with 1000 episodes worth of (s, a, r, s' ) experience tuples by doing the following in our main learning loop:
for i_episode in range(num_episodes):
for t in range(max_t):
# Oh hey look we're gathering random sample neato go crazy!
if i_episode < starting_random:
actions = 2 * np.random.rand(n_agents, agent.action_size) - 1.0
# Oop better get serious and pay attention this is serious business!
for i_agent in range(n_agents):
# Self-play means different agents, same model. Like this.
actions[i_agent, :] = agent.act(states[i_agent, :])
next_states, rewards, dones, _ = step_unity(env, actions, brain_name)
As you can see from the fact we call agent.act()
for both agents in the simulation using the same PyTorch model, we are exploiting the fact that the tennis environment has been designed for reinforment learning agents which utilize self-play.
After much consternation and many weeks spent fooling with every configuration possible, up to and including adding a prioritized experience replay buffer5, we decided to utilize parameter noise7 as opposed to action noise to explore the policy space. Our novel implementation of parameter noise went as follows:
- We created a new model for the noise in
where we simply inherit theActor
class and over-write theirreset_parameters()
method to generate normally distributed noise in the parameter space.
class ActorNoise(Actor):
"""Parameter noise for Actor policy model."""
def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, seed, cfg):
# We want a carbon copy of the actor model here.
super(ActorNoise, self).__init__(state_size, action_size, seed, cfg)
def reset_parameters(self):
# One thing different, use normally distributed noise.
- We utilized the pattern of
to create a new methodagent.hard_update()
which adds theactor_local
model tonoise_modulation
times theactor_noise
model. This effectively gives us a copy ofactor_local
with a bit of noise injected into the parameter space.
def hard_update(self, local_model, noise_model, noise_modulation):
"""theta_noise = theta_local + noise_modulation * theta_noise"""
for noise_param, local_param in zip(noise_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): + noise_modulation *
- Now we have to update
to add noise in the parameter space instead of just adding noise to the output of the policy in the action space.
def act(self, state, add_noise=True):
"""Returns actions for given state as per current policy."""
state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device)
action = self.actor_local(state).cpu().data.numpy()
if add_noise:
# action += self.noise_modulation * self.noise.sample()
# Generate the normally distributed parameter noise.
# This probably isn't necessary but for goodness sake doesn't hurt.
# Copy over the contents of actor_local into the noise model.
# theta_noise = theta_local + noise_modulation * theta_noise
self.hard_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_noise, self.noise_modulation)
# Act _with the noise model_
action = self.actor_noise(state).cpu().data.numpy()
# We're never going to train this model but whatever
# Get actor_local ready to have a gradient again.
return np.clip(action, -self.action_clip, self.action_clip)
We decided to get the action from the state by evaluating the actor_noise
model instead of copying noise over into actor_local
that we would just have to get rid of immediately afterwards. After experimenting with different values we eventually had success with noise_modulation
set to 0.1.
The hyperparameters we used when successfully training our agent to achieve an average of 0.5 points over 100 episodes are outlined in config.yaml
, the contents of which are reproduced for clarity below.
# Parameters for the Unity Environment
# location of executable
Filepath: ./Tennis_Linux_NoVis/Tennis.x86_64
Success: 0.5 # score success cutoff
# Location of ml-agents python directory.
Unity_pythonpath: ./ml-agents/python
Random_seed: 736 # random seed passed to all RNGs involved in code.
# Parameters for the DQN Agent
Buffer_size: 1000000 # replay buffer size
Batch_size: 128 # minibatch size
Gamma: 0.99 # discount factor
Tau: 0.001 # for soft update of target parameters
Lr_actor: 0.0001 # learning rate for actor
Lr_critic: 0.0003 # learning rate for critic
Weight_decay: 0.0 # L2 weight decay for regularization
Brain_index: 0 # index of agent in environment
Noise_decay: 1.0 # How much to decay noise modulation during each step.
Noise_min: -0.2 # The minimum amount of noise we will inject.
Noise_initial: 0.1 # The starting modulated amplitude of the noise process.
Update_every: 1 # How many agent.step()s to take before doing a learning step.
Action_clip: 1.0 # Where to clip actions taken by agent.
# Hyperparameters used during optimization
Number_episodes: 10000 # Number of episodes
Max_timesteps: 3000 # Maximum number of timesteps per episode
Score_window: 100 # Length of averaging window for agent rewards
Starting_random: 1000 # Start with this many episodes of random sampling
Self_play: True # Use self-play or use two learning agents for the environment.
Persist_mongodb: False
Dump_agent: 100 # How frequently to dump the agent to disk (saved to db more frequently)
Pretrained: True # Whether to load pretrained weights
Actor_fname: ./pretrained_actor.pth # The name of the actor weights
Critic_fname: ./pretrained_critic.pth # name ofthe critic weights
# Hyperparameters used to define the network architecture
fc1_size_actor: 256 # Dimensionality of first fully connected actor layer
fcs1_size_critic: 256 # Dimensionality of first fully connected critic layer
fc2_size_critic: 256 # Dimensionality of second fully connected critic layer
fc3_size_critic: 128 # Dimensionality of third fully connected critic layer
weight_init_lim: 0.003 # Absolute value of initial weights of output layers
# Hyperparameters which define the noise process
Mu: 0.0 # Mean value of the noise process.
Theta: 0.15 # weight given to (mu - x) in computation of dx
Sigma: 0.05 # weight given to normal random number in (-1,1)
To create the pretrained weights we were using when we eventually hit the magic 0.5 mark we had the same hyperparameters except for the following:
Lr_critic: 0.001 # learning rate for critic
Noise_min: 0.2 # The minimum amount of noise we will inject.
Noise_initial: 1.0 # The starting modulated amplitude of the noise process.
Starting_random: 300 # Start with this many episodes of random sampling
Sigma: 0.2 # weight given to normal random number in (-1,1)
which you can find in config_pretraining.yaml
. Noise was injected into the action space during pre-training phase. We had already trained an agent to reach up to 0.3 averaged over a hundred episodes using only action space noise, but to reach the final goal of 0.5 we used parameter space and the configuration settings in config.yaml
we gave first.
The architecture of the actor network which maps states onto actions is defined by the following graphic:
The architecture of the noise network which injects noise into the mapping between states and actions in the parameter space is defined by the following graphic:
The architecture of the critic network which maps state and action vectors onto a scalar value is defined by the following graphic:
Omitting the 1000 steps of randomized replay buffer initialization and pre-training of the initial weights of the successful agent, our agent was able to surpass the 0.5 mark over 100 episodes in only 287 episodes. What a difference parameter noise made in exploring the problem space to find policies which return large rewards indeed.
Given the similarity between DDPG and DQN, many of the enhancements to DQN that went into the Rainbow paper4 are perhaps viable updates. We might try reimplementing Prioritized Experience Replay5 now that we're using parameter space noise but even given our random replay buffer initialization and weight pre-training, 287 episodes to solve the environment is very impressive. We are not sure how much better another method would be expected to do.
If the parameter space approach didn't work I would have probably started over from scratch and used A2C8 as it can use KL-divergence between policy updates to stabilize training and prevent catastrophic forgetting. It would also be nice to not have to fiddle with the amplitude of the noise so much by using a stochastic normally distributed policy where mu
and sigma
aren't hyperparameters, but values to be estimated during learning.
- Lillicrap, Timothy P., et al. ‘Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning’. ArXiv:1509.02971 [Cs, Stat], July 2019.,
- Udacity, deep-reinforcement-learning, (2019), GitHub repository,
- Erick G, I cannot get a positive reward in the tennis environment,
- Hessel, Matteo, et al. ‘Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning’. ArXiv:1710.02298 [Cs], Oct. 2017.,
- Schaul, Tom, et al. ‘Prioritized Experience Replay’. ArXiv:1511.05952 [Cs], Feb. 2016.,
- van Hasselt, Hado, et al. ‘Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-Learning’. ArXiv:1509.06461 [Cs], Dec. 2015.,
- Plappert, Matthias, et al. ‘Parameter Space Noise for Exploration’. ArXiv:1706.01905 [Cs, Stat], Jan. 2018.,
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