In addition to displaying popup menus associated with a command, Aurora provides a custom modifier to display context menus.
Here, right-clicking (or Ctrl+left click on macOS) the label will display this popup menu. Let's see the moving pieces.
Aurora's context menu modifier looks like this:
fun Modifier.auroraContextMenu(
enabled: Boolean = true,
contentModel: CommandMenuContentModel,
presentationModel: CommandPopupMenuPresentationModel = CommandPopupMenuPresentationModel(),
overlays: Map<Command, CommandButtonPresentationModel.Overlay> = mapOf()
): Modifier
It accepts the same CommandMenuContentModel
as the content model and CommandPopupMenuPresentationModel
as the presentation model.
Let's see the code behind this popup menu:
The state behind each one of the toggle commands is:
val count = 10
val toggleStates = remember { mutableStateListOf<Boolean>() }
for (i in 0 until count) {
val commands1 = arrayListOf<Command>()
val commands2 = arrayListOf<Command>()
val commands3 = arrayListOf<Command>()
val mf = MessageFormat(resourceBundle.getString("TestMenuItem.text"))
for (i in 0 until count) {
val command = Command(
text = mf.format(arrayOf<Any>(i)),
isActionToggle = true,
isActionToggleSelected = toggleStates[i],
onTriggerActionToggleSelectedChange = {
toggleStates[i] = it
when (i) {
0, 1, 2 -> commands1.add(command)
3, 4, 5, 6 -> commands2.add(command)
else -> commands3.add(command)
And now we create our LabelProjection
, and pass Modifier.auroraContextMenu
to its project
function invocation passing the command menu content model and a presentation model with:
set toPopupPlacementStrategy.Upward.HAlignStart
to display the context menu above the clicked point (if possible)toDismissOnCommandActivation
set tofalse
to allow toggling multiple menu commands without automatic dismissal of the whole context menu on every toggle
contentModel = LabelContentModel(
text = resourceBundle.getString(""),
enabled = contentEnabled.value
modifier = Modifier.auroraContextMenu(
enabled = contentEnabled.value,
contentModel = CommandMenuContentModel(
groups = listOf(
CommandGroup(commands = commands1),
CommandGroup(commands = commands2),
CommandGroup(commands = commands3)
presentationModel = CommandPopupMenuPresentationModel(
popupPlacementStrategy = PopupPlacementStrategy.Upward.HAlignStart,
toDismissOnCommandActivation = false
Continue to all custom modifiers.