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197 lines (155 loc) · 5.13 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (155 loc) · 5.13 KB

Message format

For stream messages that may be needed, I am using the same method as before Claude-in-slack-api : Content is transmitted through the WebSocket, every messages(on or two characters), including every step of web search will be transmitted through the Websocket

Connect to Websocket

After OpenAssistant(), a WebSocket server with a random port is created Get the connection address by OpenAssistant().wsurl. default is broadcast and returns the local address

Chat message content

    "type": "text",
    "status": status,  // True(message generation complete) or False
    "msg": msg,  // message content status:True->returns the full text or else instant character(stream)
    "user": user,   //'user' or 'Open-Assistant'
    "conversation_id": conversation_id   

Web search content

    "type": "web_search",
    "data": data,   // data["type"]=="web_search" is for the steps of web search or else something wrong
    "conversation_id": conversation_id   

Example of message receive

you can see full code in

from websocket import WebSocketApp
from threading import Thread
from HuggingChat.OpenAssistant import OpenAssistant
import json
import logging

def updateMSG(js):
	status = js["status"]  # status stands for whether the message complete or still generating.
	msg = js["msg"] 
	user = js["user"]  # whether this message is sent by user or Open-Assistant.
	if status:  # ignore the stream character and wait for the full text
		string = f"({user}): {msg}"

def updateWebSearch(js: dict):
	# print(js)
	if js["type"] == "web_search" and js.__contains__("data"):
		data: dict = js["data"]
		if data["type"] == "update" and data.__contains__("message"):
			string = f"* {data['message']}{' - '+str(data['args']) if data.__contains__('args') else ''}"
		elif data["type"] == "result":
			print(f"* result - {data['id']}")
			logging.error(f"Wrong step: {js}")
		logging.error(f"Wrong step: {js}")

def startWSApp(url):
	def on_message(wsapp, data):
		data = json.loads(data)
		type = data["type"]
		if type == "text":
		if type == "web_search":
		elif type == "error":
			print("error occurred: ", data["msg"])
	WSA = WebSocketApp(url, on_message=on_message)
	Thread(target=WSA.run_forever, daemon=True).start()

openassistant = OpenAssistant(u, cookies=cookies, tranlater=Translater(), mysql=mysql)



import requests.sessions
from HuggingChat.Login import Login

email = "your email"
passwd = "password"
sign = Login(email=email, passwd=passwd, mysql=False)

# Login and save cookies
cookies: requests.sessions.RequestsCookieJar = sign.main()

# Load cookies from saved file or database
cookies: requests.sessions.RequestsCookieJar  = sign.loadCookies()


OpenAssistant(email, cookies, translater, mysql)

params class explanation
email str login email
cookies RequestsCookieJar token and hf-chat
translater YDTranslate.Translater.Translater translate api
mysql bool use mysql or not

  • init()
    run fetchConversations() to get conversations, and initialize History().

  • fetchConversations()
    fetch every conversation and save them inside self.conversations with this format:
    [{"id":conversation_id, "title": title}, ...]

  • getData(text, web_search_id: str = "")
    returns the default chat params
    "inputs": text,
    "parameters": {
        "temperature": 0.9,
        "top_p": 0.95,
        "repetition_penalty": 1.2,
        "top_k": 50,
        "truncate": 1024,
        "watermark": false,
        "max_new_tokens": 1024,
        "stop": [
        "return_full_text": false
    "options": {
        "id": self.getUUID(),
        "response_id": self.getUUID(),
        "is_retry": false,
        "use_cache": false,
        "web_search_id": web_search_id
    "stream": true,

  • chat(text: str, conversation_id=None, web=False)
    use self.current_conversation if conversation_id is None wait and get reply through getReply()
    when web is set to True, use WebSearch() search prompt on web and send in search id

  • getReply()
    send message to open-assistant,parse response using parseData()

  • parseData()
    parse EventStream and forward message through self.WSOut.sendMessage()

  • getTitle(conversation_id)
    get summary title of the given conversation

  • createConversation(text, web: bool=False)
    create a new conversation.
    save conversation_id and title in to self.conversations and returns the title

  • removeConversation(index: int)
    delete conversation