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base repository: onc-healthit/site-ui
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base: 1.4
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head repository: onc-healthit/site-ui
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compare: master
Choose a head ref
Showing with 40,195 additions and 323 deletions.
  1. +65 −0
  2. +5 −1 angular-cli.json
  3. +26,728 −0 package-lock.json
  4. +9 −2 package.json
  5. +48 −0 server.js
  6. +100 −0 server/routes/api.js
  7. +12 −1 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r1-validator-component/ccda-r1-validator.component.css
  8. +19 −7 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r1-validator-component/ccda-r1-validator.component.html
  9. +33 −15 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r1-validator-component/ccda-r1-validator.component.ts
  10. +12 −0 ...pp/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r2-cures-validator-component/ccda-r2-cures-validator.component.css
  11. +113 −0 ...p/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r2-cures-validator-component/ccda-r2-cures-validator.component.html
  12. +122 −0
  13. +12 −0 ...da-validator-module/ccda-r2-svap2022-validator-component/ccda-r2-svap2022-validator.component.css
  14. +114 −0 ...a-validator-module/ccda-r2-svap2022-validator-component/ccda-r2-svap2022-validator.component.html
  15. +125 −0 ...cda-validator-module/ccda-r2-svap2022-validator-component/ccda-r2-svap2022-validator.component.ts
  16. +12 −0 ...da-validator-module/ccda-r2-svap2023-validator-component/ccda-r2-svap2023-validator.component.css
  17. +114 −0 ...a-validator-module/ccda-r2-svap2023-validator-component/ccda-r2-svap2023-validator.component.html
  18. +125 −0 ...cda-validator-module/ccda-r2-svap2023-validator-component/ccda-r2-svap2023-validator.component.ts
  19. +12 −1 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r2-validator-component/ccda-r2-validator.component.css
  20. +64 −26 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r2-validator-component/ccda-r2-validator.component.html
  21. +40 −7 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-r2-validator-component/ccda-r2-validator.component.ts
  22. +28 −21 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-validator-launcher/ccda-validator-launcher.component.html
  23. +9 −1 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-validator-launcher/ccda-validator-launcher.component.ts
  24. +1 −1 ...validator-module/ccda-validator-release-notes-component/ccda-validator-release-notes.component.ts
  25. +23 −17 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-validator.module.ts
  26. +20 −5 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/ccda-validator.routing.ts
  27. +19 −3 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/results-list/results-list.component.css
  28. +47 −30 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/results-list/results-list.component.html
  29. +29 −1 src/app/+ccda-validator-module/results-list/results-list.component.ts
  30. +53 −4 ...+direct-transport-module/direct-recieve-messages-component/direct-recieve-messages.component.html
  31. +43 −1 ...p/+direct-transport-module/direct-recieve-messages-component/direct-recieve-messages.component.ts
  32. +20 −14 src/app/+direct-transport-module/direct-transport-launcher/direct-transport-launcher.component.html
  33. +5 −0 src/app/+direct-transport-module/direct-transport-launcher/direct-transport-launcher.component.ts
  34. +3 −4 src/app/+direct-transport-module/trustanchor-exchange-component/trustanchor-exchange.component.html
  35. +3 −0 src/app/+direct-transport-module/trustanchor-exchange-component/trustanchor-exchange.component.ts
  36. +2 −2 src/app/+direct-xdr-module/direct-xdr-launcher/direct-xdr-launcher.component.html
  37. +1 −0
  38. +1 −1 src/app/app-routing.module.ts
  39. +2 −2 src/app/app.module.ts
  40. +5 −6 src/app/sandbox-ccda-component/sandbox-ccda.component.html
  41. +10 −4 src/app/sandbox-ccda-component/sandbox-ccda.component.ts
  42. +2 −2 src/app/sandbox-direct-component/sandbox-direct.component.html
  43. +11 −7 src/app/sandbox-fhir-component/sandbox-fhir.component.html
  44. +19 −1 src/app/sandbox-fhir-component/sandbox-fhir.component.ts
  45. +2 −5 src/app/sandbox-launcher-component/sandbox-launcher.component.html
  46. +1 −7 src/app/sandbox-launcher-component/sandbox-launcher.component.ts
  47. +1 −1 src/app/sandbox-qrda-cqm-component/sandbox-qrda-cqm-component.component.html
  48. +1 −1 src/app/shared/MarkdownToHtml.pipe.ts
  49. +63 −15 src/app/shared/ccda-validator.service.ts
  50. +5 −2 src/app/shared/shared.module.ts
  51. +1 −0 src/app/shared/site-logo/site-logo.component.css
  52. +4 −0 src/app/shared/site-logo/site-logo.component.html
  53. +25 −0 src/app/shared/site-logo/site-logo.component.spec.ts
  54. +15 −0 src/app/shared/site-logo/site-logo.component.ts
  55. +0 −29 src/app/site-features-table-component/site-features-table.component.css
  56. +0 −2 src/app/site-features-table-component/site-features-table.component.html
  57. +0 −29 src/app/site-features-table-component/site-features-table.component.ts
  58. +2 −2 src/app/site-footer-component/site-footer.component.html
  59. +12 −6 src/app/site-header-component/site-header-component.html
  60. +1 −1 src/app/site-header-component/site-header-component.ts
  61. +1 −1 src/app/site-navigation-component/site-navigation.component.html
  62. +10 −1 src/app/site-navigation-component/site-navigation.component.ts
  63. +1 −1 src/app/site-news-announcements-component/site-news-announcements.component.ts
  64. +1 −1 src/app/site-nist-tools-component/site-nist-tools.component.ts
  65. +1 −1 src/app/site-release-notes-component/site-release-notes.component.ts
  66. +1 −1 src/app/site-version-component/site-version.component.ts
  67. BIN src/assets/certificates/PublicKeys/
  68. BIN src/assets/certificates/PublicKeys/
  69. BIN src/assets/certificates/PublicKeys/direct.sitenv.org_ca.der
  70. BIN src/assets/certificates/PublicKeys/test.der
  71. +3,810 −0 src/assets/jsonResults/refVal/r1/NT_Bad_AllergyConcernElements_r11_v3.json
  72. +7,874 −0 src/assets/jsonResults/refVal/r2/NT_CCDS_Sample1_r21_v4.json
  73. +34 −0 src/environments/
  74. +34 −0 src/environments/
  75. +29 −0 src/environments/
  76. +0 −16 src/environments/
  77. +26 −14 src/environments/environment.ts
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@

GitHub Issues are not used to manage issues for this repository. Please report any issues you may have on the [ETT Google Group]( Our technical team will address all questions there. Thank you.

# SiteUi

This project was generated with [angular-cli]( version 1.0.0-beta.20-4.

## Current versions
At the time of writing, this is the versions of Node and Angular CLI most recently used to setup Site UI. Other versions may cause a variety of errors, which may be documented in the troubleshooting section.
### Node 8.9.5
### Angular CLI 1.7.4

## Development server
Run `ng serve` for a dev server. Navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

@@ -26,6 +35,62 @@ Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via `ng serve`.

Run `ng github-pages:deploy` to deploy to Github Pages.

# Troubleshooting

### Problem
To fix this error when running npm install:


### Potential Solution
Ensure the right version of Angular CLI is installed:
npm install -g @angular/cli@1.7.4

### Problem
To fix an error like the following when running ng serve:


### Potential Solution
Try this

npm install --save-dev @types/node@8.9.5
(Or whatever node version is used)

### Problem
Another potential error when running ng serve is the following:


### Potential Solution
This happens because your Angular CLI version and Node JS version are not compatible, a helpful compatibility table can be found here:

### Problem

Npm install gets stuck

C:\Github\site-ui>npm install -g @angular/cli@1.2.7 [..................] / normalizeTree: sill install loadCurrentTree

### Potential Solution
This happens because you have an incompatible version of Node. Try a different version. (8.9.5 at the time of writing)

### Problem

When attempting to npm install, after a while, an error appears. The message is very long, this is the end of it:


### Potential Solution
This also happens because you have an incompatible version of Node. Try a different version. (8.9.5 at the time of writing)

## Further help

To get more help on the `angular-cli` use `ng --help` or go check out the [Angular-CLI README](
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion angular-cli.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@
"environmentSource": "environments/environment.ts",
"environments": {
"dev": "environments/environment.ts",
"prod": "environments/"
"prod": "environments/",
"ahrq.test": "environments/environment.ahrq.test.ts",
"": "environments/",
"": "environments/",
"": "environments/"
