root layout doesnt HMR
hmr native tamagui example gives: Error: [vite] cannot find entry point module 'virtual:one-entry'.
- were using Compat version from react-navigation seems to not work directly on web, need to fix/document
restore GestureHandlerRootView
enable StrictMode
- 20-40 deps, native + web (ssr) (see weird-deps for some)
- native tests that run in
yarn test
- add loader tests (SPA, SSR pages)
- disabled javascript ensure styles are all right (currently onestack.dev is missing some)
- hmr tests + multi-file
- caching
- symbolicator
- Tabs.Screen href shouldn't be necessary (see docs on Tabs / Tabs examples)
- better rebuild module caching
- would be nice to get native bottom tabs and native sheet as options
- test app basic ssr needs fixing
- ssr loaders need to build to server dir instead of client
- vercel and cloudflare deploy options working/documented
- vercel using build output api
- test app basic ssr needs fixing
- lets make a simple option to use vite-plugin-commonjs
- commonjs: (id) => boolean
- way to configure the api + server config during production builds
- lets make a simple option to use vite-plugin-commonjs
- TODO: hard coded for demo app (also find other TODOs in general)
- codebase needs a few passes cleaning up things (__vxrn globals, structure)
- error logs on build:web
../../node_modules/expo-modules-core/src/NativeModule.ts (1:0): Error when using sourcemap for reporting an error: Can't resolve original location of error.
doctor --fix
- ensure type: 'module' in package.json
- ensure vite.config
- ensure tsconfig "module": "Preserve", "moduleResolution": "Bundler", (or else import 'one/vite' can break using node)
headless tabs (no style included), headless everything really
allow customizing react navigatio Theme
layouts can be ssg, while pages can be spa
get rid of most patching in favor of plugins that are smart
worker threads, 3x+ build speed with paralellizing
react-scan update and native re-enable
router.redirect directly in layout (server-side)
- for auth-guard (see tests/test/auth-guard)
- requires server-side integration logic
use dom with RSC bridge
react-native-web-lite proper release
allow configuring swc from one
// TODO see about moving to hotUpdate // https://deploy-preview-16089--vite-docs-main.netlify.app/guide/api-vite-environment.html#the-hotupdate-hook
sub middleware intercepts
test- fix TODO intercept not working
proper babel config option:
- allow config option on one plugin like:
transformWithBabel(id, code): string[] | babelConfig | boolean
where string[] can be a list of plugins to use for that specific file
- allow config option on one plugin like:
nuqs-like type safe search
prebuild react native shouldn't have hardcoded exports list
style tag to CSS, we could have a mode that takes style tags with precedense/key set and have a mode to optimize that to css
perf - in dev mode collectStyle is called a ton on each load
shouldnt export ErrorBoundary, but should make current RootErrorBoundary much better, rename it to ErrorBoundary, then export that
Error building React Native bundle: Error ... EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read
- Happens with react-native-svg 15.6.0 where it has
directory at the same time - happens on
[email protected]
- qrcode/lib/renderer/terminal (imported by qrcode/lib/server.js
- Might be related to bug [40E4] in the VXRN Takeout Issue List
- Happens with react-native-svg 15.6.0 where it has
uniswap repo has to use commonjs plugin but its very tricky to configure
- ideally we get a lot better at automating this, documenting, and maybe make it just a configuration key in one plugin
turn this back off VXRN_ENABLE_SOURCE_MAP:
bring back some form of useMetroSymbolication
safe-area-context should be configurable to leave it out entirely if you want
one should have more than just patches, but also config that is set per-node_module
- eg, react 19 sets: 'process.env.TAMAGUI_REACT_19': '"1"'
- another cool idea: node_modules package.json sets "vite" field that can add these custom configs, so
package can define that for react 19
an easy way to disable swc transform for a node_module using
useLoader new useEffect to fetch new loader loader data
- hits /_vxrn/load/pathname.js for ssg at least
- in dev mode handleRequest just runs handleLoader
- in build mode generates the json