Releases: onkelbeh/HomeAssistantRepository
Releases · onkelbeh/HomeAssistantRepository
Release homeassistant-0.91.1
AndroidTV currently not working.
Release homeassistant-0.90.2 (with 0.91.0_beta3)
Changelog will be updated later.
Release homeassistant-0.90.1
v0.90.1 homeassistant-0.90.1
0.90.0_beta6 massive Changes
* extend aioasuswrt deps
* fix warrant for pip10
* fix aioasuswrt-1.1.21
* add a patch for unnecessary wakeonlan-1.1.6 setuptools-scm version restriction
* bump snitun-0.15
* fix wakeonlan-1.1.6 compile error (setuptools)
* add python-tado
* bump aioesphomeapi-1.7.0
* Update Hass-NabuCasa 0.8
* bump frontend-20190319.0
* bump youtube_dl-2019.3.18
* esphome bump 1.12.0
* new esphome-1.12.0_beta3
* add hass-nabucasa-0.7 and pbr-5.1.3
* bump s3transfer-0.2.0
* bump s3transfer-0.2.0
* bump pyrfc3339-1.1
* removed pycparser dupe
* remove vobject- dupe
* set 2_7 target back on in botocore-1.12.115
* jmespath-0.9.4 replaced
* repl python-dateutil-2.8.0
* update boto3/botocore
* removed pyOpenSSL dupe
* fix certifi-2019.3.9 (thx to salfter)
* cffi revdeps fixed
* botocore -2_7
* remove dupes
* simplify vobject
* reduce COMPAT cffi
* replace requests-toolbelt-0.9.1
* websocket-client-0.54.0 without pypy
* relink acme-0.32.0
* fix qnapstats
* fix acme manifest
* snitun-0.13 added
* add six-1.12.0
* add requests-toolbelt-0.9.1
* bump pytz-2018.9
* add python-dateutil-2.8.0
* add pyOpenSSL-19.0.0
* add pycryptodome-3.7.3
* add pycparser-2.19
* add jmespath-0.9.4
* add certifi-2019.3.9 & cffi-1.12.2
* add asn1crypto-0.24.0
* add acme-0.32.0
* bump envs-1.3
* netdisco-2.5.0 bump
* make the betas beta!
* add ciscomobilityexpress api
* finally rename firetv to androidtv
* bump pyhomematic-0.1.58
* add quantum-gateway-0.0.5
* bump anthemav-1.1.10
* firetv is now androidtv
* upgrade ruamel-yaml-0.15.89
* add new betas -0.90.0_beta4, frontend -20190316.0
* esphome: rewrite for beta support & 1.12.0_beta1
Release homeassistant-0.89.2
- Bump nessclient version to 0.9.14
- Bump PyXiaomiGateway
- bump frontend
- bump netdisco-2.4.0
- add enigma2.media_player
- homeassistant-0.89.2
- fixed bug #679916, 'bad' chars substituted
Release homeassistant-0.89.1
v0.89.1 Release 0.89.1
Release homeassistant-0.89.0
v0.89.0 Release homeassistant-0.89.0
- add simplisafe-python
- add python-velbus
- bump pyhomematic-0.1.57
- add pyvesync_v2
- bump blinkpy-0.13.1
- bump PyXiaomiGateway
- PyMata added
- add PyNaCl
- add pyxeoma
- bump zigpy-deconz
- add regenmaschine
- add python-mystrom
- bump numpy-1.16.2
- firetv small changes
- bump opensensemap-api
- add pyflunearyou2
- add py17track
- add pypollencom
- add pyoppleio
- add pyopenuv2
- add ihcsdk
- bump home-assistant-frontend-20190228.0
- add pyTibber-0.9.6
- bump aioambient-0.1.3
- astral-1.10.1 upgraded
- pylgtv-0.1.9 added
- upgrade bcrypt-3.1.6
- water_heater.econet component added
- add homeassistant.components.reddit.sensor
- add PyXiaomiGateway
- add toonapilib component
- update firetv component
- add aioesphomeapi-1.6.0 & it's use flag
- add pylinky-0.3.0
- add pysonos-0.0.7
- add WazeRouteCalculator-0.9
- add nessclient-0.9.13
- add (old) shodan-1.11.0.ebuild
- add pyvlx-0.2.9
- openwrt-luci-rpc-1.0.5 added
- pySDCP-1 added
- nessclient-0.9.10 added
- shodan-1.11.1 added
- iperf3 added
Release homeassistant-0.88.1
- add apcaccess-0.0.13
- add tplink-0.2.3
- add anthemav==1.1.9
- release 0.88.0
- update pyhomematic-0.1.56
- upgrade opensensemap-api-0.1.4
- Bump zigpy
- homeassistant-0.88.0_beta4
- update frontend-20190219.0
- update aioharmony-0.1.8
- upgrade numpy-1.16.1
- (tag: v0.88.0_beta3) add frontend-20190218.0
- homeassistant-0.88.0_beta3
- add aiohue
- add aioimaplib
- add pyblackbird-0.5
- add PyDispatcher-2.0.5
- add pydeconz-52
- bump psutil-5.5.1
- add pyEight-0.1.1
- bump sqlalchemy-1.2.18
- add youtube_dl-2019.2.18
- voluptuous-serialize-2.1.0
- update home-assistant-frontend-20190216.0
- update PyChromecast-2.5.2
- add konnected
- add lakeside-0.12
- add pyotp-2.2.7
- add pyowlet-1.0.2
- add pyowm-2.10.0
- add thermoworks_smoke-0.1.8
- remove pysmartthings (talks to much)
- expand dependencies for
- aioambient-0.1.2 deps
- lakeside
- konnected
- powm
- PyChromecast
- coveralls-1.5.1
- pyowm-2.10.0 works
- add pip-19.0.2 (now works)
- expand PYTHON_COMPAT for vanilla sphinx compatibility
- add dev-python/tox-travis
- add coveralls-1.5.1
- complete requirements_test.txt
- add mock-open-1.3.1
- add mypy-0.650
- add pytest-sugar-0.9.2
- add new USE flag 'test'
- update homeassistant-0.88.0_beta1
- update home-assistant-frontend-20190215.0
- update PyChromecast-2.5.1
- update aioambient-0.1.2
- add pyHik
- add pycarwings2
- add pydanfossair
- bump pypoint-1.1.1
- add pysmartthings
- bump home-assistant-frontend==20190213.0, remove 20190201
- Upgrade ruamel.yaml to 0.15.88, remove 0.15.72-80
- add pypoint-1.0.7-8
- add meteofrance-0.3.4
- add 0.88.0_beta0, with new deps:
- astral-1.9.2
- cryptography-2.5
- RestrictedPython-4.0_beta8
- ruamel-yaml-0.15.88
- setuptools-40.8.0
- rxv-0.6.0
- home-assistant-frontend-20190213.0
- removed some older aiohttp ebuilds
- Update sqlalchemy-1.2.17, remove sqlalchemy-1.2.11
- add aioambient-0.1.1
- add CO2Signal-0.4.2
- add PyChromecast-2.5.0
- add aioharmony-0.1.7
- bump home-assistant-frontend==20190212.0, remove 20190120.0 - 20190130.0
- fixed SRC_URI handling for RestrictedPython, and added 4.0_beta8
- bump cryptography-2.5
- add pyatmo-1.8
- add pyarlo-0.2.3
- and somebody renamed esphomeyaml to esphome, renamed and hacked a fix for archived SRC_URIs
- add platformio-core 3.6.3 & 3.6.4
- change License to GNU General Public License v3.0
- Update pyHS100 to 0.3.4
- bump aioesphomeapi-1.5.0
- bump ruamel-yaml-0.15.87
- add zm-py-0.3.3
- add slixmpp-1.4.2
- add ebusdpy-0.0.16
- add PyGithub-1.43.5
- add more useflags (denon & zoneminder)
Release homeassistant-0.87.1
v0.87.1 homeassistant-0.87.1