Varus Guide Important Info:
- The way Varus Q is coded on Riots side makes some unique issues:
- Be careful pressing LMB while Varus is charging, as this will cancel it
- It’s very easy to accidentally cancel his Q with user inputs
- Avoid pressing Q manual, use Request Q instead
- Avoid pressing LMB while Q is charging
- Request-Q can be configured to your personal preference
How to Use Defensive Mode: Cast E Harass: Uses Q Combo: Auto-R Flash-R: hotkey Request-Q: Use this instead of manually pressing Q Turn on “Cast Anyway” in Request-Q settings Adjustable W threshold, if you think W isn’t being used enough/too much Config: Default config is good for both AP and AD varus, just make sure to set up preferred hotkeys for Request-Q and Flash-R.
- R as an override is the best method.
- Block R is a good option too (will stop you casting it if no enemies are in range.)
- Just leave it on essential, it works for all playstyles, just learn how to use it
Playstyle Varus is considered one of the best blind pick ADCs. This is because he is incredibly versatile, he isn’t dependent on any particular support or team comp, and he doesn’t have any direct counterpicks.
Varus can choose several different builds, and adapt to the enemy comp very easily.
All of his playstyles are viable and strong, but it's important to know when you should go each build. (Don’t go crit builds). Varus heavily rewards good game knowledge, itemization and win con knowledge.
Comet / HoB
Tempo / HoB / First Strike
Q>E>W (Start E > Q > W)
W > Q > E
(Point extra points in Q if you want more harass early)
Versatile Generally good Dynamic build Cheap and gold efficient items Good defensive options Building AP after rageblade+runaans is very strong Frontloaded damage Good vs high range comps Strongest lane phase Comet and E have the same cooldown, very obnoxious Snowball potential Strong dives/gank setup Choke point control Great siege/objective control Oneshot tanks Insane damage Best scaling Cons:
Struggles vs high range comps Struggles vs AllIn Useless if behind Need to snowball Weak vs divers and tanks Not as effective vs squishies Expensive Backloaded damage When to pick:
Very strong for front to back teamfighting Works well with every support Comet great vs double poke lanes
HoB + is strong vs All-In lanes (heavy trade level 1 and they can’t play the lane anymore)
Great at snowballing botlane and ending quickly
Melts tanks
Can build AP even in ADC role, if your team has a good mix of damage
When to avoid:
If you have a pick comp (eg: Vi + LeBlanc)
If the enemy has a stronger teamfight
When enemies will build armor in their first 2 items (shen, malphite, rammus)
At 4 items it’s generally worse than other builds, unless you’re very ahead
Vs Healers/Shielders like Soraka/Sona/Yuumi
Bad Vs divers and melee ADCs like Irelia,Yasuo, Tryndamere, Yone, who can easily get on top of you, and kill you before you get your damage off
(Crown builds can mitigate this)
If your team is AP heavy, especially your jungler.
'Kyle from My BallsTM’ Build and Tips: 1t2Lubu9Zlxrp-FOvXo3yKWQBUcAK1vgToeuEPGQv0lweBJ316n1L_QqGVb1JPyBvRaOBEiyR5jfEqkfBkrNxqCvho35DXAgstaNzGp41hw9bQsU5F4M-qPfAtmDusn2bgqF0uHI5M6zYB7x7rLtHXw-TwV58CzWNL7xWfe-9PDO0M7kihLuDlBbrwiOpwdcivZEEvK4QOOgCbolPcyPH_871osMXVGkCh8aLYTEadQ1DZLcbWtgyiaY6dyZBAOfqywgHHiLUx3eAxDZNV0gbUC-Ui08fsgQLpl1pqLNUGyPGdE