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Rails Tutorial Checklist
Cong edited this page Aug 16, 2017
2 revisions
Content of Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.1.1 Prerequisites
- 1.1.2 Conventions used in this book
- 1.2 Up and running
- 1.2.1 Development environment
- 1.2.2 Installing Rails
- 1.3 The first application
- 1.3.1 Bundler
- 1.3.2 rails server
- 1.3.3 Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- 1.3.4 Hello, world!
- 1.4 Version control with Git
- 1.4.1 Installation and setup
- 1.4.2 What good does Git do you?
- 1.4.3 Bitbucket
- 1.4.4 Branch, edit, commit, merge
- 1.5 Deploying
- 1.5.1 Heroku setup
- 1.5.2 Heroku deployment, step one
- 1.5.3 Heroku deployment, step two
- 1.5.4 Heroku commands
- 1.6 Conclusion
- 1.6.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 2.1 Planning the application
- 2.1.1 A toy model for users
- 2.1.2 A toy model for microposts
- 2.2 The Users resource
- 2.2.1 A user tour
- 2.2.2 MVC in action
- 2.2.3 Weaknesses of this Users resource
- 2.3 The Microposts resource
- 2.3.1 A micropost microtour
- 2.3.2 Putting the micro in microposts
- 2.3.3 A user has_many microposts
- 2.3.4 Inheritance hierarchies
- 2.3.5 Deploying the toy app
- 2.4 Conclusion
- 2.4.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 3.1 Sample app setup
- 3.2 Static pages
- 3.2.1 Generated static pages
- 3.2.2 Custom static pages
- 3.3 Getting started with testing
- 3.3.1 Our first test
- 3.3.2 Red
- 3.3.3 Green
- 3.3.4 Refactor
- 3.4 Slightly dynamic pages
- 3.4.1 Testing titles (Red)
- 3.4.2 Adding page titles (Green)
- 3.4.3 Layouts and embedded Ruby (Refactor)
- 3.4.4 Setting the root route
- 3.5 Conclusion
- 3.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 3.6 Advanced testing setup
- 3.6.1 minitest reporters
- 3.6.2 Automated tests with Guard
- 4.1 Motivation
- 4.1.1 Built-in helpers
- 4.1.2 Custom helpers
- 4.2 Strings and methods
- 4.2.2 Strings
- 4.2.3 Objects and message passing
- 4.2.4 Method definitions
- 4.2.5 Back to the title helper
- 4.3 Other data structures
- 4.3.1 Arrays and ranges
- 4.3.2 Blocks
- 4.3.3 Hashes and symbols
- 4.3.4 CSS revisited
- 4.4 Ruby classes
- 4.4.1 Constructors
- 4.4.2 Class inheritance
- 4.4.3 Modifying built-in classes
- 4.4.4 A controller class
- 4.4.5 A user class
- 4.5 Conclusion
- 4.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 5.1 Adding some structure
- 5.1.1 Site navigation
- 5.1.2 Bootstrap and custom CSS
- 5.1.3 Partials
- 5.2 Sass and the asset pipeline
- 5.2.1 The asset pipeline
- 5.2.2 Syntactically awesome stylesheets
- 5.3 Layout links
- 5.3.1 Contact page
- 5.3.2 Rails routes
- 5.3.3 Using named routes
- 5.3.4 Layout link tests
- 5.4 User signup: A first step
- 5.4.1 Users controller
- 5.4.2 Signup URL
- 5.5 Conclusion
- 5.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 6.1 User model
- 6.1.1 Database migrations
- 6.1.2 The model file
- 6.1.3 Creating user objects
- 6.1.4 Finding user objects
- 6.1.5 Updating user objects
- 6.2 User validations
- 6.2.1 A validity test
- 6.2.2 Validating presence
- 6.2.3 Length validation
- 6.2.4 Format validation
- 6.2.5 Uniqueness validation
- 6.3 Adding a secure password
- 6.3.1 A hashed password
- 6.3.2 User has secure password
- 6.3.3 Minimum password standards
- 6.3.4 Creating and authenticating a user
- 6.4 Conclusion
- 6.4.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 7.1 Showing users
- 7.1.1 Debug and Rails environments
- 7.1.2 A Users resource
- 7.1.3 Debugger
- 7.1.4 A Gravatar image and a sidebar
- 7.2 Signup form
- 7.2.1 Using form_for
- 7.2.2 Signup form HTML
- 7.3 Unsuccessful signups
- 7.3.1 A working form
- 7.3.2 Strong parameters
- 7.3.3 Signup error messages
- 7.3.4 A test for invalid submission
- 7.4 Successful signups
- 7.4.1 The finished signup form
- 7.4.2 The flash
- 7.4.3 The first signup
- 7.4.4 A test for valid submission
- 7.5 Professional-grade deployment
- 7.5.1 SSL in production
- 7.5.2 Production webserver
- 7.5.3 Production deployment
- 7.6 Conclusion
- 7.6.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 8.1 Sessions
- 8.1.1 Sessions controller
- 8.1.2 Login form
- 8.1.3 Finding and authenticating a user
- 8.1.4 Rendering with a flash message
- 8.1.5 A flash test
- 8.2 Logging in
- 8.2.1 The log_in method
- 8.2.2 Current user
- 8.2.3 Changing the layout links
- 8.2.4 Testing layout changes
- 8.2.5 Login upon signup
- 8.3 Logging out
- 8.4 Conclusion
- 8.4.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 9.1 Remember me
- 9.1.1 Remember token and digest
- 9.1.2 Login with remembering
- 9.1.3 Forgetting users
- 9.1.4 Two subtle bugs
- 9.2 “Remember me” checkbox
- 9.3 Remember tests
- 9.3.1 Testing the “remember me” box
- 9.3.2 Testing the remember branch
- 9.4 Conclusion
- 9.4.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 10.1 Updating users
- 10.1.1 Edit form
- 10.1.2 Unsuccessful edits
- 10.1.3 Testing unsuccessful edits
- 10.1.4 Successful edits (with TDD)
- 10.2 Authorization
- 10.2.1 Requiring logged-in users
- 10.2.2 Requiring the right user
- 10.2.3 Friendly forwarding
- 10.3 Showing all users
- 10.3.1 Users index
- 10.3.2 Sample users
- 10.3.3 Pagination
- 10.3.4 Users index test
- 10.3.5 Partial refactoring
- 10.4 Deleting users
- 10.4.1 Administrative users
- 10.4.2 The destroy action
- 10.4.3 User destroy tests
- 10.5 Conclusion
- 10.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 11.1 Account activations resource
- 11.1.1 Account activations controller
- 11.1.2 Account activation data model
- 11.2 Account activation emails
- 11.2.1 Mailer templates
- 11.2.2 Email previews
- 11.2.3 Email tests
- 11.2.4 Updating the Users create action
- 11.3 Activating the account
- 11.3.1 Generalizing the authenticated? method
- 11.3.2 Activation edit action
- 11.3.3 Activation test and refactoring
- 11.4 Email in production
- 11.5 Conclusion
- 11.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 12.1 Password resets resource
- 12.1.1 Password resets controller
- 12.1.2 New password resets
- 12.1.3 Password reset create action
- 12.2 Password reset emails
- 12.2.1 Password reset mailer and templates
- 12.2.2 Email tests
- 12.3 Resetting the password
- 12.3.1 Reset edit action
- 12.3.2 Updating the reset
- 12.3.3 Password reset test
- 12.4 Email in production (take two)
- 12.5 Conclusion
- 12.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 12.6 Proof of expiration comparison
- 13.1 A Micropost model
- 13.1.1 The basic model
- 13.1.2 Micropost validations
- 13.1.3 User/Micropost associations
- 13.1.4 Micropost refinements
- 13.2 Showing microposts
- 13.2.1 Rendering microposts
- 13.2.2 Sample microposts
- 13.2.3 Profile micropost tests
- 13.3 Manipulating microposts
- 13.3.1 Micropost access control
- 13.3.2 Creating microposts
- 13.3.3 A proto-feed
- 13.3.4 Destroying microposts
- 13.3.5 Micropost tests
- 13.4 Micropost images
- 13.4.1 Basic image upload
- 13.4.2 Image validation
- 13.4.3 Image resizing
- 13.4.4 Image upload in production
- 13.5 Conclusion
- 13.5.1 What we learned in this chapter
- 14.1 The Relationship model
- 14.1.1 A problem with the data model (and a solution)
- 14.1.2 User/relationship associations
- 14.1.3 Relationship validations
- 14.1.4 Followed users
- 14.2 A web interface for following users
- 14.2.1 Sample following data
- 14.2.2 Stats and a follow form
- 14.2.3 Following and followers pages
- 14.2.4 A working follow button the standard way
- 14.2.5 A working follow button with Ajax
- 14.2.6 Following tests
- 14.3 The status feed
- 14.3.1 Motivation and strategy
- 14.3.2 A first feed implementation
- 14.3.3 Subselects
- 14.4 Conclusion
- 14.4.1 Guide to further resources
- 14.4.2 What we learned in this chapter