dbinit - initializes a postgres database for use with pupa scrapers
init - initializes a local project directory ready for people to write scrapers
update - updates data, can be run with --scrape if desire is to examine data locally
Nothing here is particularly interesting architecturally, this is where a few vendorized files live.
scrape.Scraper - base class for all scrapers
self.save_object(obj) - given a scrape object saves it to disk
calls obj.pre_save(jid), obj.as_dict(), and obj.validate()
self.do_scrape(**kwargs) - the workhorse of the scraper, runs a scrape by calling self.scrape()
passed on all arbitrary args to scrape, which can use them for discrimination
self.scrape(**kwargs) - the user-implemented method where the scraper should be implemented
scrape.BaseBillScraper - special helper for bill scrapers
ContinueScraping - exception that can be raised to skip a bill
scrape() defined to call two functions
get_bill_ids(**kwargs) - returns a list of (bill_id, extras) tuples
get_bill(bill_id, **extras) - either gets a bill or raises a ContinueScraping
scrape.BaseModel - base class for all scrape models _type - overriden to the type (???used where???) _schema - the schema dictionary to use in validate()
self._id - defaults to a UUID
self._related - list of related models
self._meta - ???used???
self.extras = {} - dict of all irregular fields
validate() - validates against _schema
as_dict() - converts to a dict, only includes properties in the schema
setattr is overriden to avoid setting properties that will fail on save
__eq__ is overriden (???used???)
scrape.SourceMixin, ContactDetailMixin, LinkMixin, AssociatedLinkMixin various mixins that add common fields and helper methods for each of these common attributes