diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json index 523d66e9f0..c53238fe6d 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json @@ -1,451 +1,452 @@ { - "learning.accessExpiration.deadline": "Upgrade by {date} to get unlimited access to the course as long as it exists on the site.", - "learning.accessExpiration.header": "Audit Access Expires {date}", - "learning.accessExpiration.body": "You lose all access to this course, including your progress, on {date}.", - "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasExpired": "This learner no longer has access to this course. Their access expired on {date}.", - "learning.accessExpiration.upgradeNow": "Upgrade now", - "learning.activeEnterprise.alert": " {changeActiveEnterprise}.", - "learning.activeEnterprise.change.alert": "change enterprise now", - "learning.outline.alert.start.short": "Course starts {timeRemaining} at {courseStartTime}.", - "learning.outline.alert.end.long": "This course is ending {timeRemaining} on {courseEndDate}.", - "learning.outline.alert.end.calendar": "Don’t forget to add a calendar reminder!", - "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasNotStarted": "This learner does not yet have access to this course. The course starts on {date}.", - "learning.enrollment.alert": "You must be enrolled in the course to see course content.", - "learning.staff.enrollment.alert": "You are viewing this course as staff, and are not enrolled.", - "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Inline": "Enroll now", - "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Sentence": "Enroll now.", - "learning.enrollment.success": "You've successfully enrolled in this course!", - "account-activation.alert.button": "Continue to {siteName}", - "account-activation.alert.message": "We sent an email to {boldEmail} with a link to activate your account. Can’t find it? Check your spam folder or\n {sendEmailTag}.", - "account-activation.resend.link": "resend the email", - "learning.logistration.alert": "To see course content, {signIn} or {register}.", - "account-activation.alert.title": "Activate your account so you can log back in", - "learn.sequence.entranceExamTextNotPassing": "To access course materials, you must score {entranceExamMinimumScorePct}% or higher on this exam. Your current score is {entranceExamCurrentScore}%.", - "learn.sequence.entranceExamTextPassed": "Your score is {entranceExamCurrentScore}%. You have passed the entrance exam.", - "learning.dates.badge.completed": "Completed", - "learning.dates.badge.dueNext": "Due next", - "learning.dates.badge.pastDue": "Past due", - "learning.dates.title": "Important dates", - "learning.dates.badge.today": "Today", - "learning.dates.badge.unreleased": "Not yet released", - "learning.dates.badge.verifiedOnly": "Verified only", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.contact": "contact support", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.description": "You will no longer receive email reminders about your goal for {courseTitle}.", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorHeader": "Something went wrong", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.goToDashboard": "Go to dashboard", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.header": "You’ve unsubscribed from goal reminders", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.loading": "Unsubscribing…", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorDescription": "We were unable to unsubscribe you from goal reminder emails. Please try again later or {contactSupport} for help.", - "learning.outline.alert.cert.earnedNotAvailable": "This course ends on {courseEndDateFormatted}. Final grades and any earned certificates are\n scheduled to be available after {certificateAvailableDate}.", - "cert.alert.earned.unavailable.header.v2": "Your grade and certificate status will be available soon.", - "cert.alert.earned.ready.header": "Congratulations! Your certificate is ready.", - "cert.alert.notPassing.header": "You are not yet eligible for a certificate", - "cert.alert.notPassing.button": "View grades", - "learning.outline.alert.end.short": "This course is ending {timeRemaining} at {courseEndTime}.", - "alert.enroll": " to access the full course.", - "learning.privateCourse.signInOrRegister": "{signIn} or {register} and then enroll in this course.", - "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.heading": "More content is coming soon!", - "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.body": "This course will have more content released at a future date. Look out for email updates or check back on this course for updates.", - "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.button": "View Course Schedule", - "learning.outline.dates.all": "View all course dates", - "learning.outline.goalButton.casual.text": "1 day a week", - "learning.outline.goalButton.screenReader.text": "Casual", - "learning.outline.certificateAlt": "Example Certificate", - "learning.outline.collapseAll": "Collapse all", - "learning.outline.completedAssignment": "Completed", - "learning.outline.completedSection": "Completed section", - "learning.outline.dates": "Important dates", - "learning.outline.editGoal": "Edit goal", - "learning.outline.expandAll": "Expand all", - "learning.outline.goal": "Goal", - "learning.outline.goalReminderDetail": "If we notice you’re not quite at your goal, we’ll send you an email reminder.", - "learning.outline.goalUnsure": "Not sure yet", - "learning.outline.handouts": "Course Handouts", - "learning.outline.incompleteAssignment": "Incomplete", - "learning.outline.incompleteSection": "Incomplete section", - "learning.outline.goalButton.intense.text": "5 days a week", - "learning.outline.goalButton.intense.title": "Intense", - "learning.outline.learnMore": "Learn More", - "learning.outline.altText.openSection": "Open", - "learning.proctoringPanel.header": "This course contains proctored exams", - "learning.outline.goalButton.regular.text": "3 days a week", - "learning.outline.goalButton.regular.title": "Regular", - "learning.outline.resumeBlurb": "Pick up where you left off", - "learning.outline.resume": "Resume course", - "learning.outline.setGoal": "To start, set a course goal by selecting the option below that best describes your learning plan.", - "learning.outline.setGoalReminder": "Set a goal reminder", - "learning.outline.goalButton.casual.title": "Set a learning goal style.", - "learning.outline.setWeeklyGoal": "Set a weekly learning goal", - "learning.outline.setWeeklyGoalDetail": "Setting a goal motivates you to finish the course. You can always change it later.", - "learning.outline.start": "Start course", - "learning.outline.startBlurb": "Begin your course today", - "learning.outline.tools": "Course Tools", + "learning.accessExpiration.deadline": "Upgraden Sie bis {date}, um unbegrenzten Zugang zu diesem Kurs zu erhalten, solange dieser auf dieser Seite existiert.", + "learning.accessExpiration.header": "Audit-Zugriff gültig bis {date}", + "learning.accessExpiration.body": "Sie verlieren am {date} jeglichen Zugriff auf diesen Kurs, einschließlich Ihres Fortschritts.", + "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasExpired": "Dieser Teilnehmer hat keinen Zugriff mehr auf diesen Kurs. Der Zugriff ist am {date} abgelaufen.", + "learning.accessExpiration.upgradeNow": "Jetzt aktualisieren", + "learning.activeEnterprise.alert": "{changeActiveEnterprise}.", + "learning.activeEnterprise.change.alert": "Jetzt Unternehmen wechseln", + "learning.outline.alert.start.short": "Der Kurs beginnt {timeRemaining} um {courseStartTime}.", + "learning.outline.alert.end.long": "Dieser Kurs endet am {courseEndDate} {timeRemaining}.", + "learning.outline.alert.end.calendar": "Vergessen Sie nicht, eine Kalendererinnerung einzurichten!", + "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasNotStarted": "Dieser Teilnehmer hat noch keinen Zugriff auf diesen Kurs. Der Kurs beginnt am {date}.", + "learning.enrollment.alert": "Sie müssen im Kurs eingeschrieben sein, um den Inhalt sehen zu können.", + "learning.staff.enrollment.alert": "Sie betrachten diesen Kurs als Dozent ohne eingeschrieben zu sein.", + "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Inline": "Jetzt einschreiben", + "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Sentence": "Jetzt einschreiben", + "learning.enrollment.success": "Sie haben sich erfolgreich für diesen Kurs angemeldet!", + "account-activation.alert.button": "Weiter zu {siteName}", + "account-activation.alert.message": "Wir haben eine E-Mail an {boldEmail} mit einem Link zur Aktivierung Ihres Kontos gesendet. Ist die E-Mail nicht angekommen? Überprüfen Sie Ihren Spam-Ordner oder {sendEmailTag}.", + "account-activation.resend.link": "E-Mail erneut senden", + "learning.logistration.alert": "Um den Inhalt des Kurses sehen zu können, müssen Sie sich erst {sign_in_link} oder {register_link}.", + "account-activation.alert.title": "Aktivieren Sie Ihr Konto um sich wieder anmelden zu können", + "learn.sequence.entranceExamTextNotPassing": "Um auf Kursmaterialien zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie bei dieser Prüfung mindestens {entranceExamMinimumScorePct} % erreichen. Ihre aktuelle Punktzahl beträgt {entranceExamCurrentScore} %.", + "learn.sequence.entranceExamTextPassed": "Ihre Punktzahl beträgt {entranceExamCurrentScore} %, damit haben Sie die Aufnahmeprüfung bestanden.", + "learning.dates.badge.completed": "Abgeschlossen", + "learning.dates.badge.dueNext": "Nächster Abgabetermin", + "learning.dates.badge.pastDue": "Überfällig", + "learning.dates.title": "Wichtige Daten", + "learning.dates.badge.today": "Heute", + "learning.dates.badge.unreleased": "Noch nicht veröffentlicht", + "learning.dates.badge.verifiedOnly": "Nur verifiziert", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.contact": "kontaktieren Sie den Support", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.description": "Sie erhalten keine E-Mail-Erinnerungen mehr für {courseTitle}.", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorHeader": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.goToDashboard": "Zur Übersicht", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.header": "Sie haben sich von der E-Mail-Liste für die Kurserinnerungen abgemeldet", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.loading": "Abmelden…", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorDescription": "Wir konnten Sie nicht von Kurserinnerungs-E-Mails abmelden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut oder {contactSupport} um Hilfe.", + "learning.outline.alert.cert.earnedNotAvailable": "Dieser Kurs endet am {courseEndDateFormatted}. Abschlussnoten und erworbene Zertifikate sind voraussichtlich nach {certificateAvailableDate} verfügbar.", + "cert.alert.earned.unavailable.header.v2": "Ihre Note und Ihr Zertifikat werden in Kürze verfügbar sein.", + "cert.alert.earned.ready.header": "Herzliche Glückwünsche! Ihr Zertifikat ist fertig.", + "cert.alert.notPassing.header": "Sie haben noch keinen Anspruch auf ein Zertifikat", + "cert.alert.notPassing.button": "Noten ansehen", + "learning.outline.alert.end.short": "Dieser Kurs endet in {timeRemaining} um {courseEndTime}.", + "alert.enroll": "um auf den vollständigen Kurs zuzugreifen.", + "learning.privateCourse.signInOrRegister": "{signIn} oder {register} und schreiben Sie sich dann für diesen Kurs ein.", + "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.heading": "Weitere Inhalte folgen in Kürze!", + "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.body": "Für diesen Kurs werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt weitere Inhalte veröffentlicht. Achten Sie auf E-Mail-Updates oder schauen Sie in diesem Kurs für Updates.", + "learning.outline.alert.scheduled-content.button": "Kursplan ansehen", + "learning.outline.dates.all": "Alle Kurstermine anzeigen", + "learning.outline.goalButton.casual.text": "1 Tag pro Woche", + "learning.outline.goalButton.screenReader.text": "Lässig", + "learning.outline.certificateAlt": "Beispielzertifikat", + "learning.outline.collapseAll": "Alles zusammenklappen", + "learning.outline.completedAssignment": "Beendet", + "learning.outline.completedSection": "Abgeschlossener Abschnitt", + "learning.outline.dates": "Wichtige Daten", + "learning.outline.editGoal": "Lernziel bearbeiten", + "learning.outline.expandAll": "Alle erweitern", + "learning.outline.goal": "Lernziel", + "learning.outline.goalReminderDetail": "Wenn wir feststellen, dass Sie Ihr Lernziel nicht erreicht haben, senden wir Ihnen eine E-Mail-Erinnerung.", + "learning.outline.goalUnsure": "Noch nicht sicher", + "learning.outline.handouts": "Kursmaterialien", + "learning.outline.incompleteAssignment": "Unvollständig", + "learning.outline.incompleteSection": "Unvollständiger Abschnitt", + "learning.outline.goalButton.intense.text": "5 Tage die Woche", + "learning.outline.goalButton.intense.title": "Intensiv", + "learning.outline.learnMore": "Mehr erfahren", + "learning.outline.altText.openSection": "Öffnen", + "learning.proctoringPanel.header": "Dieser Kurs enthält beaufsichtigte Prüfungen", + "learning.outline.goalButton.regular.text": "3 Tage die Woche", + "learning.outline.goalButton.regular.title": "Regulär", + "learning.outline.resumeBlurb": "Machen Sie dort weiter, wo Sie aufgehört haben", + "learning.outline.resume": "Kurs fortsetzen", + "learning.outline.setGoal": "Legen Sie zunächst ein Lernziel fest, indem Sie unten die Option auswählen, die Ihren Lernplan am besten beschreibt.", + "learning.outline.setGoalReminder": "Definieren Sie Ihre Lernzielerinnerungen", + "learning.outline.goalButton.casual.title": "Definieren Sie einen Lernzielstil.", + "learning.outline.setWeeklyGoal": "Setzen Sie sich ein wöchentliches Lernziel", + "learning.outline.setWeeklyGoalDetail": "Das Setzen eines Lernziels motiviert Sie, den Kurs zu beenden. Sie können es jederzeit anpassen.", + "learning.outline.start": "Kurs starten", + "learning.outline.startBlurb": "Beginnen Sie noch heute Ihren Kurs", + "learning.outline.tools": "Kurswerkzeuge", "learning.outline.upgradeButton": "Upgrade ({symbol}{price})", - "learning.outline.upgradeTitle": "Pursue a verified certificate", - "learning.outline.welcomeMessage": "Welcome Message", - "learning.outline.welcomeMessageShowMoreButton": "Show More", - "learning.outline.welcomeMessageShowLessButton": "Show Less", - "learning.outline.goalWelcome": "Welcome to", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.notStarted": "Not Started", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.started": "Started", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.submitted": "Submitted", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.verified": "Verified", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.rejected": "Rejected", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.error": "Error", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.otherCourseApproved": "Approved in Another Course", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expiringSoon": "Expiring Soon", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expired": "Expired", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status": "Current Onboarding Status:", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.notStarted": "You have not started your onboarding exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.started": "You have started your onboarding exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.submitted": "You have submitted your onboarding exam.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.verified": "Your onboarding exam has been approved in this course.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.rejected": "Your onboarding exam has been rejected. Please retry onboarding.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.error": "An error has occurred during your onboarding exam. Please retry onboarding.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.otherCourseApproved": "Your onboarding exam has been approved in another course.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.detail.otherCourseApproved": "If your device has changed, we recommend that you complete this course's onboarding exam in order to ensure that your setup still meets the requirements for proctoring.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "Your onboarding profile has been approved. However, your onboarding status is expiring soon. Please complete onboarding again to ensure that you will be able to continue taking proctored exams.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expired": "Your onboarding status has expired. Please complete onboarding again to continue taking proctored exams.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfo": "You must complete the onboarding process prior to taking any proctored exam. ", - "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfoSubmitted": "Your submitted profile is in review.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.generalTime": "Onboarding profile review can take 2+ business days.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButton": "Complete Onboarding", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingPracticeButton": "View Onboarding Exam", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonNotOpen": "Onboarding Opens: {releaseDate}", - "learning.proctoringPanel.reviewRequirementsButton": "Review instructions and system requirements", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "Onboarding Past Due", - "learning.outline.sequence-due": "{description} due {assignmentDue}", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedBody": "In order to generate a certificate, you must complete ID verification. {idVerificationSupportLink}.", - "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableBody": "Showcase your accomplishment on LinkedIn or your resumé today. You can download your certificate now and access it any time from your Dashboard and Profile.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {endDate}.", - "progress.certificateStatus.notPassingHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateStatus.notPassingBody": "In order to qualify for a certificate, you must have a passing grade.", - "progress.certificateStatus.inProgressHeader": "More content is coming soon!", - "progress.certificateStatus.inProgressBody": "It looks like there is more content in this course that will be released in the future. Look out for email updates or check back on your course for when this content will be available.", - "progress.certificateStatus.requestableHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateStatus.requestableBody": "Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate! In order to access your certificate, request it below.", - "progress.certificateStatus.requestableButton": "Request certificate", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedButton": "Verify ID", - "progress.certificateStatus.courseCelebration.verificationPending": "Your ID verification is pending and your certificate will be available once approved.", - "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableHeader": "Your certificate is available!", - "progress.certificateStatus.viewableButton": "View my certificate", - "progress.certificateStatus.notAvailableHeader": "Certificate status", - "progress.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "Final grades and any earned certificates are scheduled to be available after {endDate}.", - "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeHeader": "Earn a certificate", - "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeBody": "You are in an audit track and do not qualify for a certificate. In order to work towards a certificate, upgrade your course today.", - "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeButton": "Upgrade now", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeHeader.v2": "Verify your identity to qualify for a certificate.", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeButton": "Verify my ID", - "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeBody": "In order to generate a certificate for this course, you must complete the ID verification process.", - "progress.completion.donut.label": "completed", - "progress.completion.body": "This represents how much of the course content you have completed. Note that some content may not yet be released.", - "progress.completion.tooltip.locked": "Content that you have completed.", - "progress.completion.header": "Course completion", - "progress.completion.tooltip": "Content that you have access to and have not completed.", - "progress.completion.tooltip.complete": "Content that is locked and available only to those who upgrade.", - "progress.completion.donut.percentComplete": "You have completed {percent}% of content in this course.", - "progress.completion.donut.percentIncomplete": "You have not completed {percent}% of content in this course that you have access to.", - "progress.completion.donut.percentLocked": "{percent}% of content in this course is locked and available only for those who upgrade.", - "progress.creditInformation.creditNotEligible": "You are no longer eligible for credit in this course. Learn more about {creditLink}.", - "progress.creditInformation.creditEligible": "\n You have met the requirements for credit in this course. Go to your\n {dashboardLink} to purchase course credit. Or learn more about {creditLink}.", - "progress.creditInformation.creditPartialEligible": "You have not yet met the requirements for credit. Learn more about {creditLink}.", - "progress.creditInformation.completed": "Completed", - "progress.creditInformation.courseCredit": "course credit", - "progress.creditInformation.minimumGrade": "Minimum grade for credit ({minGrade}%)", - "progress.creditInformation.requirementsHeader": "Requirements for course credit", - "progress.creditInformation.upcoming": "Upcoming", - "progress.creditInformation.verificationFailed": "Verification failed", - "progress.creditInformation.verificationSubmitted": "Verification submitted", - "progress.ungradedAlert": "For progress on ungraded aspects of the course, view your {outlineLink}.", - "progress.footnotes.droppableAssignments": "The lowest {numDroppable, plural, one{# {assignmentType} score is} other{# {assignmentType} scores are}} dropped.", - "progress.assignmentType": "Assignment type", - "progress.footnotes.backToContent": "Back to content", - "progress.courseGrade.body": "This represents your weighted grade against the grade needed to pass this course.", - "progress.courseGrade.gradeBar.altText": "Your current grade is {currentGrade}%. A weighted grade of {passingGrade}% is required to pass in this course.", - "progress.courseGrade.footer.generic.passing": "You’re currently passing this course", - "progress.courseGrade.footer.nonPassing": "A weighted grade of {passingGrade}% is required to pass in this course", - "progress.courseGrade.footer.passing": "You’re currently passing this course with a grade of {letterGrade} ({minGrade}-{maxGrade}%)", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.headerLocked": "locked feature", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.headerLimited": "limited feature", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.header.ariaHidden": "Preview of a ", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.body.unlockCertificate": "Unlock to view grades and work towards a certificate.", - "progress.courseGrade.partialpreview.body.unlockCertificate": "Unlock to work towards a certificate.", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.body.upgradeDeadlinePassed": "The deadline to upgrade in this course has passed.", - "progress.courseGrade.preview.button.upgrade": "Upgrade now", - "progress.courseGrade.gradeRange.tooltip": "Grade ranges for this course:", - "progress.courseOutline": "Course Outline", - "progress.courseGrade.label.currentGrade": "Your current grade", - "progress.detailedGrades": "Detailed grades", - "progress.detailedGrades.emptyTable": "You currently have no graded problem scores.", - "progress.footnotes.title": "Grade summary footnotes", - "progress.gradeSummary.grade": "Grade", - "progress.courseGrade.grades": "Grades", - "progress.courseGrade.gradesAndCredit": "Grades & Credit", - "progress.courseGrade.gradeRange.Tooltip": "Grade range tooltip", - "progress.gradeSummary": "Grade summary", - "progress.gradeSummary.limitedAccessExplanation": "You have limited access to graded assignments as part of the audit track in this course.", - "progress.gradeSummary.tooltip.alt": "Grade summary tooltip", - "progress.gradeSummary.tooltip.body": "Your course assignment's weight is determined by your instructor. By multiplying your grade by the weight for that assignment type, your weighted grade is calculated. Your weighted grade is what's used to determine if you pass the course.", - "progress.noAcessToAssignmentType": "You do not have access to assignments of type {assignmentType}", - "progress.noAcessToSubsection": "You do not have access to subsection {displayName}", - "progress.courseGrade.label.passingGrade": "Passing grade", - "progress.detailedGrades.problemScore.label": "Problem Scores:", - "progress.detailedGrades.problemScore.toggleButton": "Toggle individual problem scores for {subsectionTitle}", - "progress.detailedGrades.overridden": "Section grade has been overridden.", - "progress.score": "Score", - "progress.weight": "Weight", - "progress.weightedGrade": "Weighted grade", - "progress.weightedGradeSummary": "Your current weighted grade summary", - "progress.header": "Your progress", - "progress.header.targetUser": "Course progress for {username}", - "progress.link.studio": "View grading in Studio", - "progress.relatedLinks.datesCard.description": "A schedule view of your course due dates and upcoming assignments.", - "progress.relatedLinks.datesCard.link": "Dates", - "progress.relatedLinks.outlineCard.description": "A birds-eye view of your course content.", - "progress.relatedLinks.outlineCard.link": "Course Outline", - "progress.relatedLinks": "Related links", - "datesBanner.suggestedSchedule": "We’ve built a suggested schedule to help you stay on track. But don’t worry—it’s flexible so you can learn at your own pace.", - "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.header": "Upgrade to unlock", - "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.body": "You are auditing this course, which means that you are unable to participate in graded assignments. To complete graded assignments as part of this course, you can upgrade today.", - "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.button": "Upgrade now", - "datesBanner.upgradeToResetBanner.body": "To keep yourself on track, you can update this schedule and shift the past due assignments into the future. Don’t worry—you won’t lose any of the progress you’ve made when you shift your due dates.", - "datesBanner.upgradeToResetBanner.button": "Upgrade to shift due dates", - "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.header": "It looks like you missed some important deadlines based on our suggested schedule.", - "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.body": "To keep yourself on track, you can update this schedule and shift the past due assignments into the future. Don’t worry—you won’t lose any of the progress you’ve made when you shift your due dates.", - "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.button": "Shift due dates", - "learn.navigation.course.tabs.label": "Course Material", - "unit.bookmark.button.add.bookmark": "Bookmark this page", - "unit.bookmark.button.remove.bookmark": "Bookmarked", - "learning.celebration.completed": "You just completed the first section of your course.", - "learning.celebration.congrats": "Congratulations!", - "learning.celebration.earned": "You earned it!", - "learning.celebration.emailSubject": "I'm on my way to completing {title} online with {platform}!", - "learning.celebration.forward": "Keep going", - "learning.celebration.goalMet": "You met your goal!", - "learning.celebration.keepItUp": "Keep it up", - "learning.celebration.share": "Take a moment to celebrate and share your progress.", - "learning.celebration.social": "I’m on my way to completing {title} online with {platform}. What are you spending your time learning?", - "learning.celebration.goalCongrats": "Congratulations, you met your learning goal of {nTimes} a week.", - "learning.celebration.setGoal": "Setting a goal can help you {strongText} in your course.", - "calculator.instructions.button.label": "Calculator Instructions", - "calculator.instructions": "For detailed information, see the {expressions_link}.", - "calculator.instructions.support.title": "Help Center", - "calculator.instructions.useful.tips": "Useful tips:", - "calculator.hint1": "Use parentheses () to make expressions clear. You can use parentheses inside other parentheses.", - "calculator.hint2": "Do not use spaces in expressions.", - "calculator.hint3": "For constants, indicate multiplication explicitly (example: 5*c).", - "calculator.hint4": "For affixes, type the number and affix without a space (example: 5c).", - "calculator.hint5": "For functions, type the name of the function, then the expression in parentheses.", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.heading": "To Use", - "calculator.instruction.table.type.heading": "Type", - "calculator.instruction.table.examples.heading": "Examples", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers": "Numbers", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers.type1": "Integers", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers.type2": "Fractions", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers.type3": "Decimals", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators": "Operators", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators.type1": "(add, subtract, multiply, divide)", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators.type2": "(raise to a power)", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators.type3": "(parallel resistors)", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.constants": "Constants", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.affixes": "Affixes", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.affixes.type": "Percent sign (%)", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.basic.functions": "Basic functions", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.trig.functions": "Trigonometric functions", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation": "Scientific notation", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type1": "{exponentSyntax} and the exponent", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type2": "{notationSyntax} notation", - "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type3": "{notationSyntax} and the exponent", - "calculator.button.label": "Calculator", - "calculator.input.field.label": "Calculator Input", - "calculator.submit.button.label": "Calculate", - "calculator.result.field.label": "Calculator Result", - "calculator.result.field.placeholder": "Result", - "notes.button.show": "Show Notes", - "notes.button.hide": "Hide Notes", - "courseExit.catalogSearchSuggestion": "Looking to learn more? {searchOurCatalogLink} to find more courses and programs to explore.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.available": "\n Showcase your accomplishment on LinkedIn or your resumé today.\n You can download your certificate now and access it any time from your\n {dashboardLink} and {profileLink}.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate.v2": "This course ends on {endDate}. Final grades and any earned certificates are\n scheduled to be available after {certAvailableDate}.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.unverified": "In order to generate a certificate, you must complete ID verification.\n {idVerificationSupportLink} now.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.upgradable": "It’s not too late to upgrade. For {price} you will unlock access to all graded\n assignments in this course. Upon completion, you will receive a verified certificate which is a\n valuable credential to improve your job prospects and advance your career, or highlight your\n certificate in school applications.", - "courseCelebration.upgradeDiscountCodePrompt": "Use code {code} at checkout for {percent}% off!", - "courseCelebration.recommendations.heading": "Keep building your skills with these courses!", - "courseCelebration.recommendations.label": "Course", - "courseCelebration.recommendations.formatting.list_join": "{style, select, punctuation {, } conjunction { {sp}and } other { }}", - "courseCelebration.recommendations.browse_catalog": "Explore more courses", - "courseCelebration.recommendations.loading_recommendations": "Loading recommendations", - "courseCelebration.recommendations.card.schools.label": "Schools and Partners", - "courseCelebration.dashboardInfo": "You can access this course and its materials on your {dashboardLink}.", - "courseExit.programs.applyForCredit": "Apply for credit", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.downloadable": "Your certificate is available!", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.notAvailable": "Your grade and certificate status will be available soon.", - "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.accessCertificate": "If you have earned a passing grade, your certificate will be automatically issued.", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.unverified": "You must complete verification to receive your certificate.", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.requestable": "Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate!", - "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.upgradable": "Upgrade to pursue a verified certificate", - "courseCelebration.certificateImage": "Sample certificate", - "courseCelebration.completedCourseHeader": "You have completed your course.", - "courseCelebration.congratulationsHeader": "Congratulations!", - "courseCelebration.congratulationsImage": "Four people raising their hands in celebration", - "courseExit.courseInProgressDescription": "It looks like there is more content in this course that will be released in the future. Look out for email updates or check back on your course for when this content will be available.", - "courseExit.courseInProgressHeader": "More content is coming soon!", - "courseExit.dashboardLink": "Dashboard", - "courseExit.endOfCourseDescription": "Unfortunately, you are not currently eligible for a certificate. You need to receive a passing grade to be eligible for a certificate.", - "courseExit.endOfCourseHeader": "You’ve reached the end of the course!", - "courseExit.endOfCourseTitle": "End of Course", - "courseExit.idVerificationSupportLink": "Learn more about ID verification", - "courseCelebration.linkedinAddToProfileButton": "Add to LinkedIn profile", - "courseExit.programs.microBachelors.learnMore": "Learn more about how your MicroBachelors credential can be applied for credit.", - "courseExit.programs.microMasters.learnMore": "Learn more about the process of applying MicroMasters certificates to Master’s degrees.", - "courseExit.programs.microMasters.mastersMessage": "If you’re interested in using your MicroMasters certificate towards a Master’s program, you can get started today!", - "learn.sequence.navigation.complete.button": "Complete the course", - "courseExit.nextButton.endOfCourse": "Next (end of course)", - "courseExit.profileLink": "Profile", - "courseExit.programs.lastCourse": "You have completed the last course in {title}!", - "courseCelebration.requestCertificateBodyText": "In order to access your certificate, request it below.", - "courseCelebration.requestCertificateButton": "Request certificate", - "courseExit.searchOurCatalogLink": "Search our catalog", - "courseCelebration.shareMessage": "Share your success on social media or email.", - "courseExit.social.shareCompletionMessage": "I just completed {title} with {platform}!", - "courseExit.upgradeButton": "Upgrade now", - "courseExit.upgradeLink": "upgrade now", - "courseCelebration.verificationPending": "Your ID verification is pending and your certificate will be available once approved.", - "courseExit.verifiedCertificateSupportLink": "Learn more about verified certificates", - "courseCelebration.verifyIdentityButton": "Verify ID now", - "courseCelebration.viewCertificateButton": "View my certificate", - "courseExit.viewCourseScheduleButton": "View course schedule", - "courseExit.viewCoursesButton": "View my courses", - "courseExit.viewGradesButton": "View grades", - "courseExit.programCompletion.dashboardMessage": "To view your certificate status, check the Programs section of your {programLink}.", - "courseExit.upgradeFootnote": "Access to this course and its materials are available on your dashboard until {expirationDate}. To extend access, {upgradeLink}.", - "learn.course.license.allRightsReserved.text": "All Rights Reserved", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.preamble": "Creative Commons licensed content, with terms as follows:", + "learning.outline.upgradeTitle": "Erhalten Sie ein Zertifikat", + "learning.outline.welcomeMessage": "Willkommensnachricht", + "learning.outline.welcomeMessageShowMoreButton": "Mehr anzeigen", + "learning.outline.welcomeMessageShowLessButton": "Weniger anzeigen", + "learning.outline.goalWelcome": "Willkommen zu", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.notStarted": "Nicht begonnen", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.started": "Gestartet", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.submitted": "Abgesendet", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.verified": "Geprüft", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.rejected": "Zurückgewiesen", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.error": "Fehler", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.otherCourseApproved": "In einem anderen Studiengang genehmigt", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expiringSoon": "Läuft bald ab", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expired": "Abgelaufen", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status": "Aktueller Onboarding-Status:", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.notStarted": "Sie haben Ihre Onboarding-Prüfung noch nicht begonnen.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.started": "Sie haben Ihre Onboarding-Prüfung begonnen.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.submitted": "Sie haben Ihre Onboarding-Prüfung eingereicht.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.verified": "Ihre Onboarding-Prüfung wurde in diesem Kurs genehmigt.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.rejected": "Ihre Onboarding-Prüfung wurde abgelehnt. Bitte versuchen Sie das Onboarding erneut.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.error": "Während Ihrer Onboarding-Prüfung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie das Onboarding erneut.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.otherCourseApproved": "Ihre Onboarding-Prüfung wurde in einem anderen Kurs genehmigt.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.detail.otherCourseApproved": "Wenn sich Ihr Gerät geändert hat, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Onboarding-Prüfung dieses Kurses zu absolvieren, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Einrichtung weiterhin die Anforderungen für die Aufsicht erfüllt.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "Ihr Onboarding-Profil wurde genehmigt. Ihr Onboarding-Status läuft jedoch bald ab. Bitte führen Sie das Onboarding erneut durch, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie weiterhin beaufsichtigte Prüfungen ablegen können.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expired": "Ihr Onboarding-Status ist abgelaufen. Bitte schließen Sie das Onboarding erneut ab, um weiterhin beaufsichtigte Prüfungen ablegen zu können.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfo": "Sie müssen den Onboarding-Prozess abschließen, bevor Sie eine beaufsichtigte Prüfung ablegen.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfoSubmitted": "Ihr eingereichtes Profil wird überprüft.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.generalTime": "Die Überprüfung des Onboarding-Profils kann mehr als 2 Werktage dauern.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButton": "Onboarding vervollständigt", + "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingPracticeButton": "Onboarding-Prüfung anzeigen", + "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonNotOpen": "Onboarding-Öffnungen: {releaseDate}", + "learning.proctoringPanel.reviewRequirementsButton": "Lesen Sie die Anweisungen und Systemanforderungen", + "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "Onboarding überfällig", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-set": "{description} fällig {assignmentDue}", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-not-set": "{description}", + "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedBody": "Um ein Zertifikat zu generieren, müssen Sie die ID-Verifizierung abschließen. {idVerificationSupportLink}.", + "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableBody": "Präsentieren Sie Ihre Leistung noch heute auf LinkedIn oder in Ihrem Lebenslauf. Sie können Ihr Zertifikat jetzt herunterladen und jederzeit über Ihr Dashboard und Ihr Profil darauf zugreifen.", + "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "Abschlussnoten und erworbene Zertifikate sind voraussichtlich nach {endDate} verfügbar.", + "progress.certificateStatus.notPassingHeader": "Zertifikatsstatus", + "progress.certificateStatus.notPassingBody": "Um sich für ein Zertifikat zu qualifizieren, müssen Sie eine bestandene Note haben.", + "progress.certificateStatus.inProgressHeader": "Weitere Inhalte folgen in Kürze!", + "progress.certificateStatus.inProgressBody": "Es sieht so aus, als gäbe es in diesem Kurs weitere Inhalte, die in Zukunft veröffentlicht werden. Achten Sie auf E-Mail-Updates oder sehen Sie in Ihrem Kurs nach, wann diese Inhalte verfügbar sein werden.", + "progress.certificateStatus.requestableHeader": "Zertifikatsstatus", + "progress.certificateStatus.requestableBody": "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie haben sich für ein Zertifikat qualifiziert! Um auf Ihr Zertifikat zuzugreifen, fordern Sie es unten an.", + "progress.certificateStatus.requestableButton": "Zertifikat anfordern", + "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHeader": "Zertifikatsstatus", + "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedButton": "ID verifizieren", + "progress.certificateStatus.courseCelebration.verificationPending": "Ihre ID-Überprüfung steht noch aus und Ihr Zertifikat ist verfügbar, sobald es genehmigt wurde.", + "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableHeader": "Ihr Zertifikat liegt vor!", + "progress.certificateStatus.viewableButton": "Sehen Sie sich mein Zertifikat an", + "progress.certificateStatus.notAvailableHeader": "Zertifikatsstatus", + "progress.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "Abschlussnoten und erworbene Zertifikate sind voraussichtlich nach {endDate} verfügbar.", + "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeHeader": "Erhalten Sie ein Zertifikat", + "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeBody": "Sie befinden sich in einem Audit Track und qualifizieren sich nicht für ein Zertifikat. Um auf ein Zertifikat hinzuarbeiten, upgraden Sie noch heute Ihren Kurs.", + "progress.certificateStatus.upgradeButton": "Jetzt aktualisieren", + "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeHeader.v2": "Überprüfen Sie Ihre Identität, um sich für ein Zertifikat zu qualifizieren.", + "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeButton": "Meine ID bestätigen", + "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedHomeBody": "Um ein Zertifikat für diesen Kurs zu generieren, müssen Sie den ID-Verifizierungsprozess abschließen.", + "progress.completion.donut.label": "abgeschlossen", + "progress.completion.body": "Dies stellt dar, wie viel der Kursinhalte Sie abgeschlossen haben. Beachten Sie, dass einige Inhalte möglicherweise noch nicht veröffentlicht wurden.", + "progress.completion.tooltip.locked": "Inhalte, die Sie abgeschlossen haben.", + "progress.completion.header": "Kursabschluss", + "progress.completion.tooltip": "Inhalte, auf die Sie Zugriff haben und die Sie noch nicht abgeschlossen haben.", + "progress.completion.tooltip.complete": "Inhalt, der gesperrt und nur für diejenigen verfügbar ist, die ein Upgrade durchführen.", + "progress.completion.donut.percentComplete": "Sie haben {percent} % des Inhalts dieses Kurses abgeschlossen.", + "progress.completion.donut.percentIncomplete": "Sie haben {percent} % der Inhalte in diesem Kurs, auf die Sie Zugriff haben, noch nicht abgeschlossen.", + "progress.completion.donut.percentLocked": "{percent} % der Inhalte in diesem Kurs sind gesperrt und nur für diejenigen verfügbar, die ein Upgrade durchführen.", + "progress.creditInformation.creditNotEligible": "Sie können diesen Kurs nicht mehr anrechnen. Erfahren Sie mehr über {creditLink}.", + "progress.creditInformation.creditEligible": "\nSie haben die Voraussetzungen für die Anrechnung in diesem Kurs erfüllt. Gehen Sie zu Ihrem\n {dashboardLink}, um Kursguthaben zu erwerben. Oder erfahren Sie mehr über {creditLink}.", + "progress.creditInformation.creditPartialEligible": "Sie haben die Kreditvoraussetzungen noch nicht erfüllt. Erfahren Sie mehr über {creditLink}.", + "progress.creditInformation.completed": "Beendet", + "progress.creditInformation.courseCredit": "Kurskredit", + "progress.creditInformation.minimumGrade": "Mindestnote für Kreditpunkte ({minGrade}%)", + "progress.creditInformation.requirementsHeader": "Voraussetzungen für den Studienkredit", + "progress.creditInformation.upcoming": "Demnächst", + "progress.creditInformation.verificationFailed": "Überprüfung fehlgeschlagen", + "progress.creditInformation.verificationSubmitted": "Bestätigung eingereicht", + "progress.ungradedAlert": "Informationen zum Fortschritt bei nicht benoteten Aspekten des Kurses finden Sie in Ihrem {outlineLink}.", + "progress.footnotes.droppableAssignments": "Die niedrigsten {numDroppable, plural, one{# {assignmentType} Punktzahl ist} other{# {assignmentType} Punktzahlen werden}} fallen gelassen.", + "progress.assignmentType": "Auftragsart", + "progress.footnotes.backToContent": "Zurück zum Inhalt", + "progress.courseGrade.body": "Dies stellt Ihre gewichtete Note gegenüber der Note dar, die zum Bestehen dieses Kurses erforderlich ist.", + "progress.courseGrade.gradeBar.altText": "Ihre aktuelle Note ist {currentGrade} %. Zum Bestehen dieses Kurses ist eine gewichtete Note von {passingGrade} % erforderlich.", + "progress.courseGrade.footer.generic.passing": "Sie absolvieren derzeit diesen Kurs", + "progress.courseGrade.footer.nonPassing": "Zum Bestehen dieses Kurses ist eine gewichtete Note von {passingGrade} % erforderlich", + "progress.courseGrade.footer.passing": "Sie bestehen diesen Kurs derzeit mit der Note {letterGrade} ({minGrade}-{maxGrade}%)", + "progress.courseGrade.preview.headerLocked": "gesperrte Funktion", + "progress.courseGrade.preview.headerLimited": "eingeschränkte Funktion", + "progress.courseGrade.preview.header.ariaHidden": "Vorschau auf a", + "progress.courseGrade.preview.body.unlockCertificate": "Entsperren, um Noten anzuzeigen und auf ein Zertifikat hinzuarbeiten.", + "progress.courseGrade.partialpreview.body.unlockCertificate": "Entsperren, um auf ein Zertifikat hinzuarbeiten.", + "progress.courseGrade.preview.body.upgradeDeadlinePassed": "Die Frist für das Upgrade in diesem Kurs ist abgelaufen.", + "progress.courseGrade.preview.button.upgrade": "Jetzt aktualisieren", + "progress.courseGrade.gradeRange.tooltip": "Notenbereiche für diesen Kurs:", + "progress.courseOutline": "Kursübersicht", + "progress.courseGrade.label.currentGrade": "Ihre aktuelle Note", + "progress.detailedGrades": "Detaillierte Noten", + "progress.detailedGrades.emptyTable": "Sie haben derzeit keine benoteten Problemergebnisse.", + "progress.footnotes.title": "Notenzusammenfassung Fußnoten", + "progress.gradeSummary.grade": "Note", + "progress.courseGrade.grades": "Noten", + "progress.courseGrade.gradesAndCredit": "Noten & Kredit", + "progress.courseGrade.gradeRange.Tooltip": "Kurzinfo zum Notenbereich", + "progress.gradeSummary": "Zusammenfassung der Noten", + "progress.gradeSummary.limitedAccessExplanation": "Sie haben eingeschränkten Zugriff auf benotete Aufgaben im Rahmen des Audit-Tracks in diesem Kurs.", + "progress.gradeSummary.tooltip.alt": "Kurzinfo zur Notenzusammenfassung", + "progress.gradeSummary.tooltip.body": "Das Gewicht Ihrer Kursaufgabe wird von Ihrem Kursleiter festgelegt. Indem Sie Ihre Note mit der Gewichtung für diesen Aufgabentyp multiplizieren, wird Ihre gewichtete Note berechnet. Ihre gewichtete Note wird verwendet, um festzustellen, ob Sie den Kurs bestehen.", + "progress.noAcessToAssignmentType": "Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf Aufgaben des Typs {assignmentType}", + "progress.noAcessToSubsection": "Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf den Unterabschnitt {displayName}", + "progress.courseGrade.label.passingGrade": "Klasse bestehen", + "progress.detailedGrades.problemScore.label": "Problemwerte:", + "progress.detailedGrades.problemScore.toggleButton": "Einzelne Problembewertungen für {subsectionTitle} umschalten", + "progress.detailedGrades.overridden": "Die Note für den Abschnitt wurde überschrieben.", + "progress.score": "Punkte", + "progress.weight": "Gewichtung", + "progress.weightedGrade": "Gewichtete Note", + "progress.weightedGradeSummary": "Ihre aktuelle gewichtete Notenzusammenfassung", + "progress.header": "Dein Fortschritt", + "progress.header.targetUser": "Kursfortschritt für {username}", + "progress.link.studio": "Grading in Studio anzeigen", + "progress.relatedLinks.datesCard.description": "Eine Zeitplanansicht Ihrer Kurstermine und anstehenden Aufgaben.", + "progress.relatedLinks.datesCard.link": "Daten", + "progress.relatedLinks.outlineCard.description": "Ihre Kursinhalte aus der Vogelperspektive.", + "progress.relatedLinks.outlineCard.link": "Kursübersicht", + "progress.relatedLinks": "Ähnliche Links", + "datesBanner.suggestedSchedule": "Wir haben einen vorgeschlagenen Zeitplan erstellt, um Ihnen zu helfen, auf dem richtigen Weg zu bleiben. Aber keine Sorge – es ist flexibel, sodass Sie in Ihrem eigenen Tempo lernen können.", + "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.header": "Upgrade, um dies freizuschalten.", + "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.body": "Sie sind Gasthörer für diesen Kurs, was bedeutet, dass Sie nicht an benoteten Aufgaben teilnehmen können. Um benotete Aufgaben im Rahmen dieses Kurses abzuschließen, können Sie noch heute upgraden.", + "datesBanner.upgradeToCompleteGradedBanner.button": "Jetzt aktualisieren", + "datesBanner.upgradeToResetBanner.body": "Sie können den Ablaufplan individuell anpassen und die überfälligen Aufgaben auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschieben. Keine Sorge—Ihr bisheriger Fortschritt geht dabei nicht verloren.", + "datesBanner.upgradeToResetBanner.button": "Jetzt aktualisieren, um Abgabetermine zu verschieben.", + "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.header": "Es scheint, als wenn Sie ein paar wichtige Fristen unseres vorgeschlagenen Ablaufplans verpasst.", + "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.body": "Sie können den Ablaufplan individuell anpassen und die überfälligen Aufgaben auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschieben. Keine Sorge—Ihr bisheriger Fortschritt geht dabei nicht verloren.", + "datesBanner.resetDatesBanner.button": "Verschiebe Abgabetermin", + "learn.navigation.course.tabs.label": "Kursmaterial", + "unit.bookmark.button.add.bookmark": "Diese Seite merken", + "unit.bookmark.button.remove.bookmark": "Lesezeichen gesetzt", + "learning.celebration.completed": "Sie haben gerade den ersten Abschnitt Ihres Studiums abgeschlossen.", + "learning.celebration.congrats": "Glückwunsch!", + "learning.celebration.earned": "Du hast es verdient!", + "learning.celebration.emailSubject": "Ich bin auf dem Weg, {title} online mit {platform} abzuschließen!", + "learning.celebration.forward": "Mach weiter", + "learning.celebration.goalMet": "Du hast dein Ziel erreicht!", + "learning.celebration.keepItUp": "Weiter so", + "learning.celebration.share": "Nimm dir einen Moment Zeit, um zu feiern und deine Fortschritte zu teilen.", + "learning.celebration.social": "Ich bin dabei, {title} online mit {platform} abzuschließen. Womit verbringst du deine Zeit mit Lernen?", + "learning.celebration.goalCongrats": "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie haben Ihr Lernziel von {nTimes} pro Woche erreicht.", + "learning.celebration.setGoal": "Das Setzen eines Ziels kann Ihnen in Ihrem Kurs {strongText} helfen.", + "calculator.instructions.button.label": "Rechner Anleitung", + "calculator.instructions": "Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie im {expressions_link}.", + "calculator.instructions.support.title": "Hilfe-Center", + "calculator.instructions.useful.tips": "Nützliche Tipps:", + "calculator.hint1": "Verwenden Sie Klammern (), um Ausdrücke deutlich zu machen. Sie können Klammern innerhalb anderer Klammern verwenden.", + "calculator.hint2": "Bitte nutze keine Leerzeichen in deinem Ausdruck", + "calculator.hint3": "Für Konstanten muss die Multiplikation explizit gekennzeichnet werden (Beispiel: 5*c)", + "calculator.hint4": "Bei Einheitszusätzen muss die Einheit der Zahl direkt und ohne eingefuegte Leerzeichen folgen (Beispiel: 5m).", + "calculator.hint5": "Für Funktionen muss der Name der Funktion gefolgt vom Funktionsargument in Klammern eingegeben werden.", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.heading": "Zu nutzen", + "calculator.instruction.table.type.heading": "Typ", + "calculator.instruction.table.examples.heading": "Beispiele", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers": "Zahlen", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers.type1": "ganze Zahlen", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers.type2": "Brüche", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.numbers.type3": "Dezimalstellen", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators": "Operatoren", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators.type1": "(addieren, subtrahieren, multiplizieren, dividieren)", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators.type2": "(Potenz erheben)", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.operators.type3": "(parallele Widerstände)", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.constants": "Konstanten", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.affixes": "Einheiten", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.affixes.type": "Prozentzeichen (%)", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.basic.functions": "Basisfunktionen", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.trig.functions": "Trigonometrische Funktionen", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation": "Wissenschaftliche Schreibweise", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type1": "{exponentSyntax} und der Exponent", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type2": "{notationSyntax}-Notation", + "calculator.instruction.table.to.use.scientific.notation.type3": "{notationSyntax} und der Exponent", + "calculator.button.label": "Taschenrechner", + "calculator.input.field.label": "Rechnereingabe", + "calculator.submit.button.label": "Berechne", + "calculator.result.field.label": "Rechenergebnis", + "calculator.result.field.placeholder": "Ergebnis", + "notes.button.show": "Notizen anzeigen", + "notes.button.hide": "Notizen ausblenden", + "courseExit.catalogSearchSuggestion": "Möchten Sie mehr erfahren? {searchOurCatalogLink}, um weitere Kurse und Programme zu finden, die Sie erkunden können.", + "courseCelebration.certificateBody.available": "\nPräsentieren Sie Ihre Leistung noch heute auf LinkedIn oder in Ihrem Lebenslauf. \nSie können Ihr Zertifikat jetzt herunterladen und jederzeit von Ihrem \n{dashboardLink} und {profileLink} darauf zugreifen.", + "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate.v2": "Dieser Kurs endet am {endDate}. Abschlussnoten und erworbene Zertifikate sind voraussichtlich nach {certAvailableDate} verfügbar.", + "courseCelebration.certificateBody.unverified": "Um ein Zertifikat zu generieren, müssen Sie die ID-Verifizierung abschließen. {idVerificationSupportLink} jetzt.", + "courseCelebration.certificateBody.upgradable": "Es ist noch nicht zu spät für ein Upgrade. Für {price} entsperren Sie den Zugriff auf alle benoteten Aufgaben in diesem Kurs. Nach Abschluss erhalten Sie ein verifiziertes Zertifikat, das ein wertvoller Nachweis ist, um Ihre Berufsaussichten zu verbessern und Ihre Karriere voranzutreiben oder Ihr Zertifikat in Schulbewerbungen hervorzuheben.", + "courseCelebration.upgradeDiscountCodePrompt": "Mit dem Rabattcode {code} erhalten Sie an der Kasse {percent} % Rabatt!", + "courseCelebration.recommendations.heading": "Bauen Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten mit diesen Kursen weiter aus!", + "courseCelebration.recommendations.label": "Kurs", + "courseCelebration.recommendations.formatting.list_join": "{style, select, punctuation {, } conjunction { {sp}und } other { }}", + "courseCelebration.recommendations.browse_catalog": "Entdecken Sie weitere Kurse", + "courseCelebration.recommendations.loading_recommendations": "Lade Empfehlungen", + "courseCelebration.recommendations.card.schools.label": "Schulen und Partner", + "courseCelebration.dashboardInfo": "Sie können auf diesen Kurs und seine Materialien auf Ihrem {dashboardLink} zugreifen.", + "courseExit.programs.applyForCredit": "Kurs-Guthaben beantragen", + "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.downloadable": "Ihr Zertifikat liegt vor!", + "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.notAvailable": "Ihre Note und Ihr Zertifikatsstatus werden in Kürze verfügbar sein.", + "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.accessCertificate": "Wenn Sie die Mindestnote erreicht haben, wird Ihr Zertifikat automatisch ausgestellt.", + "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.unverified": "Sie müssen die Verifizierung abschließen, um Ihr Zertifikat zu erhalten.", + "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.requestable": "Gratulation, Sie haben sich für ein Zertifikat qualifiziert!", + "courseCelebration.certificateHeader.upgradable": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade durch, um ein verifiziertes Zertifikat zu erwerben", + "courseCelebration.certificateImage": "Musterzertifikat", + "courseCelebration.completedCourseHeader": "Sie haben Ihren Kurs abgeschlossen.", + "courseCelebration.congratulationsHeader": "Glückwunsch!", + "courseCelebration.congratulationsImage": "Vier Personen heben feierlich die Hände", + "courseExit.courseInProgressDescription": "Es sieht so aus, als gäbe es in diesem Kurs weitere Inhalte, die in Zukunft veröffentlicht werden. Achten Sie auf E-Mail-Updates oder sehen Sie in Ihrem Kurs nach, wann diese Inhalte verfügbar sein werden.", + "courseExit.courseInProgressHeader": "Weitere Inhalte folgen in Kürze!", + "courseExit.dashboardLink": "Übersicht", + "courseExit.endOfCourseDescription": "Leider haben Sie derzeit keinen Anspruch auf ein Zertifikat. Sie müssen eine Mindestnote erreichen, um sich für ein Zertifikat zu qualifizieren.", + "courseExit.endOfCourseHeader": "Sie haben das Ende des Kurses erreicht!", + "courseExit.endOfCourseTitle": "Ende des Kurses", + "courseExit.idVerificationSupportLink": "Erfahren Sie mehr über die Identitätsprüfung", + "courseCelebration.linkedinAddToProfileButton": "Zum LinkedIn-Profil hinzufügen", + "courseExit.programs.microBachelors.learnMore": "Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Ihr MicroBachelors-Zeugnis für eine Anrechnung beantragt werden kann.", + "courseExit.programs.microMasters.learnMore": "Erfahren Sie mehr über das Verfahren zur Anwendung von MicroMasters-Zertifikaten auf Master-Abschlüsse.", + "courseExit.programs.microMasters.mastersMessage": "Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, Ihr MicroMasters-Zertifikat für ein Masterprogramm zu verwenden, können Sie noch heute loslegen!", + "learn.sequence.navigation.complete.button": "Beenden Sie den Kurs", + "courseExit.nextButton.endOfCourse": "Weiter (Ende natürlich)", + "courseExit.profileLink": "Profil", + "courseExit.programs.lastCourse": "Sie haben den letzten Kurs in {title} abgeschlossen!", + "courseCelebration.requestCertificateBodyText": "Um auf Ihr Zertifikat zuzugreifen, fordern Sie es unten an.", + "courseCelebration.requestCertificateButton": "Zertifikat anfordern", + "courseExit.searchOurCatalogLink": "Suchen Sie in unserem Katalog", + "courseCelebration.shareMessage": "Teilen Sie Ihren Erfolg in den sozialen Medien oder per E-Mail.", + "courseExit.social.shareCompletionMessage": "Ich habe gerade {title} mit {platform} abgeschlossen!", + "courseExit.upgradeButton": "Upgrade jetzt durchführen", + "courseExit.upgradeLink": "Upgrade jetzt durchführen", + "courseCelebration.verificationPending": "Ihre ID-Überprüfung steht noch aus und Ihr Zertifikat ist verfügbar, sobald es genehmigt wurde.", + "courseExit.verifiedCertificateSupportLink": "Erfahren Sie mehr über verifizierte Zertifikate", + "courseCelebration.verifyIdentityButton": "ID jetzt verifizieren", + "courseCelebration.viewCertificateButton": "Sehen Sie sich mein Zertifikat an", + "courseExit.viewCourseScheduleButton": "Kursplan ansehen", + "courseExit.viewCoursesButton": "Sehen Sie sich meine Kurse an", + "courseExit.viewGradesButton": "Noten ansehen", + "courseExit.programCompletion.dashboardMessage": "Um Ihren Zertifikatsstatus anzuzeigen, sehen Sie im Abschnitt "Programme" Ihres {programLink} nach.", + "courseExit.upgradeFootnote": "Der Zugriff auf diesen Kurs und seine Materialien ist auf Ihrem Dashboard bis {expirationDate} verfügbar. Um diese Zugriffsfrist zu verlängern, {upgradeLink}.", + "learn.course.license.allRightsReserved.text": "Alle Rechte vorbehalten", + "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.preamble": "Von Creative Commons lizenzierte Inhalte mit den folgenden Bedingungen:", "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.by": "Attribution", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.nc": "Noncommercial", + "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.nc": "Nicht-kommerziell", "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.nd": "No Derivatives", "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.sa": "Share Alike", - "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.zero": "No terms", + "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.zero": "Keine Bedingungen", "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.text": "Some Rights Reserved", - "learn.breadcrumb.navigation.course.home": "Course", - "notification.tray.container": "Notification tray", - "notification.open.button": "Show notification tray", - "notification.close.button": "Close notification tray", - "responsive.close.notification": "Back to course", - "notification.tray.title": "Notifications", - "notification.tray.no.message": "You have no new notifications at this time.", - "learn.contentLock.content.locked": "Content Locked", - "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "You must complete the prerequisite: ''{prereqSectionName}'' to access this content.", - "learn.contentLock.goToSection": "Go To Prerequisite Section", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.gradeAvailable": "If you have completed this assignment, your grade is available on the {progressPage}.", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.header": "The due date for this assignment has passed.", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.description": "Because the due date has passed, this assignment is no longer available.", - "learn.hiddenAfterDue.progressPage": "progress page", - "learn.honorCode.content": "Honesty and academic integrity are important to {siteName} and the institutions providing courses and programs on the {siteName} site. By clicking “I agree” below, I confirm that I have read, understand, and will abide by the {link} for the {siteName} Site.", - "learn.honorCode.name": "Honor Code", - "learn.honorCode.cancel": "Cancel", - "learn.honorCode.agree": "I agree", - "learn.lockPaywall.title": "Graded assignments are locked", - "learn.lockPaywall.content": "Upgrade to gain access to locked features like this one and get the most out of your course.", - "learn.lockPaywall.content.pastExpiration": "The upgrade deadline for this course passed. To upgrade, enroll in the next available session. ", - "learn.lockPaywall.courseDetails": "View Course Details", - "learn.lockPaywall.example.alt": "Example Certificate", - "learn.lockPaywall.list.intro": "When you upgrade, you:", - "learn.header.h2.placeholder": "Level 2 headings may be created by course providers in the future.", - "learn.course.load.failure": "There was an error loading this course.", - "learn.loading.honor.codk": "Loading honor code messaging...", - "learn.loading.content.lock": "Loading locked content messaging...", - "learn.loading.learning.sequence": "Loading learning sequence...", - "learn.sequence.no.content": "There is no content here.", - "learn.sequence.navigation.next.button": "Next", - "learn.sequence.navigation.next.up.button": "Next Up: {title}", - "learn.sequence.navigation.previous.button": "Previous", - "learn.course.sequence.navigation.mobile.menu": "{current} of {total}", - "learn.sequence.share.button": "Share this content", - "learn.sequence.share.modal.title": "Title", - "learn.sequence.share.modal.body": "Copy the link below to share this content.", - "learn.sequence.share.quote": "Here's a fun clip from a class I'm taking on @edXonline.\n", - "discussions.sidebar.title": "Discussions", - "discussions.sidebar.open.button": "Show discussions tray", - "learn.redirect.interstitial.message": "Redirecting...", - "learn.loading.error": "Error: {error}", - "learning.celebration.emailBody": "What are you spending your time learning?", - "learning.social.shareEmail": "Share your progress via email.", - "learning.social.shareService": "Share your progress on {service}.", - "general.altText.close": "Close", - "learning.logistration.register": "register", - "learning.logistration.login": "sign in", - "general.signIn.sentenceCase": "Sign in", - "learn.course.tabs.navigation.overflow.menu": "More...", - "learning.offer.screenReaderPrices": "Original price: {originalPrice}, discount price: {discountedPrice}", - "learning.upgradeButton.screenReaderInlinePrices": "Original price: {originalPrice}", - "learning.upgradeButton.buttonText": "Upgrade for {pricing}", - "learning.upgradeNowButton.buttonText": "Upgrade now for {pricing}", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationAccessLoss.progress": "including any progress", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationVerifiedCert.benefits": "benefits of upgrading", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationAccessLoss": "You will lose all access to this course, {includingAnyProgress}, on {date}.", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationVerifiedCert": "Upgrading your course enables you to pursue a verified certificate and unlocks numerous features. Learn more about the {benefitsOfUpgrading}.", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.pastExpiration.content": "The upgrade deadline for this course passed. To upgrade, enroll in the next available session.", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationDays": "{dayCount, number} {dayCount, plural, \n one {day}\n other {days}} left", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationHours": "{hourCount, number} {hourCount, plural,\n one {hour}\n other {hours}} left", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationMinutes": "Less than 1 hour left", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expiration": "Course access will expire {date}", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.pastExpiration.banner": "Upgrade deadline passed on {date}", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.firstTimeLearnerDiscount": "{percentage}% First-Time Learner Discount", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.accessExpiration": "Upgrade your course today", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.accessExpirationUrgent": "Course Access Expiration", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.accessExpirationPast": "Course Access Expiration", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.pursueAverifiedCertificate": "Pursue a verified certificate", - "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.code": "Use code {code} at checkout", - "learning.generic.upsell.verifiedCertBullet.verifiedCert": "verified certificate", - "learning.generic.upsell.verifiedCertBullet": "Earn a {verifiedCertLink} of completion to showcase on your resumé", - "learning.generic.upsell.unlockGradedBullet.gradedAssignments": "graded assignments", - "learning.generic.upsell.unlockGradedBullet": "Unlock your access to all course activities, including {gradedAssignmentsInBoldText}", - "learning.generic.upsell.fullAccessBullet.fullAccess": "Full access", - "learning.generic.upsell.fullAccessBullet": "{fullAccessInBoldText} to course content and materials, even after the course ends", - "learning.generic.upsell.supportMissionBullet.mission": "mission", - "learning.generic.upsell.supportMissionBullet": "Support our {missionInBoldText} at {siteName}", - "masquerade-widget.userName.error.generic": "An error has occurred; please try again.", - "masquerade-widget.userName.input.placeholder": "Username or email", - "masquerade-widget.userName.input.label": "Masquerade as this user", - "tours.abandonTour.launchTourCheckpoint.body": "Feeling lost? Launch the tour any time for some quick tips to get the most out of the experience.", - "tours.sequenceNavigationCheckpoint.body": "The top bar within your course allows you to easily jump to different sections and shows you what’s coming up.", - "tours.existingUserTour.launchTourCheckpoint.body": "We’ve recently added a few new features to the course experience. Want some help looking around? Take a tour to learn more.", - "tours.button.dismiss": "Dismiss", - "tours.button.next": "Next", + "learn.breadcrumb.navigation.course.home": "Kurs", + "notification.tray.container": "Benachrichtigungsfach", + "notification.open.button": "Benachrichtigungsleiste anzeigen", + "notification.close.button": "Schließen Sie die Benachrichtigungsleiste", + "responsive.close.notification": "Zurück zum Kurs", + "notification.tray.title": "Benachrichtigungen", + "notification.tray.no.message": "Sie haben derzeit keine neuen Benachrichtigungen.", + "learn.contentLock.content.locked": "Inhalt nicht zugänglich", + "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "Sie müssen die Voraussetzung erfüllen: ''{prereqSectionName}'', um auf diesen Inhalt zugreifen zu können.", + "learn.contentLock.goToSection": "Gehen Sie zum Abschnitt „Voraussetzungen“.", + "learn.hiddenAfterDue.gradeAvailable": "Wenn Sie diese Aufgabe abgeschlossen haben, ist Ihre Note im {progressPage} verfügbar.", + "learn.hiddenAfterDue.header": "Die Einschreibungsfrist zu diesem Kurs ist abgelaufen.", + "learn.hiddenAfterDue.description": "Diese Aufgabe ist nicht mehr verfügbar, da die Frist abgelaufen ist.", + "learn.hiddenAfterDue.progressPage": "Fortschrittsseite", + "learn.honorCode.content": "Ehrlichkeit und akademische Integrität sind wichtig für {siteName} und die Institutionen, die Kurse und Programme auf der {siteName}-Website anbieten. Indem ich unten auf „Ich stimme zu“ klicke, bestätige ich, dass ich die {link} für die {siteName}-Site gelesen und verstanden habe und mich daran halten werde.", + "learn.honorCode.name": "Verhaltenskodex", + "learn.honorCode.cancel": "Löschen", + "learn.honorCode.agree": "Ich stimme zu", + "learn.lockPaywall.title": "Benotete Aufgaben sind gesperrt", + "learn.lockPaywall.content": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade durch, um Zugriff auf gesperrte Funktionen wie diese zu erhalten und Ihren Kurs optimal zu nutzen.", + "learn.lockPaywall.content.pastExpiration": "Die Upgrade-Frist für diesen Kurs ist abgelaufen. Um ein Upgrade durchzuführen, melden Sie sich für die nächste verfügbare Sitzung an.", + "learn.lockPaywall.courseDetails": "Kursdetails anzeigen", + "learn.lockPaywall.example.alt": "Beispielzertifikat", + "learn.lockPaywall.list.intro": "Wenn Sie ein Upgrade durchführen, können Sie:", + "learn.header.h2.placeholder": "Überschriften der Ebene 2 können in Zukunft von Kursanbietern erstellt werden.", + "learn.course.load.failure": "Beim Laden dieses Kurses ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", + "learn.loading.honor.codk": "Ehrencode-Nachrichten werden geladen...", + "learn.loading.content.lock": "Nachrichten zu gesperrten Inhalten werden geladen...", + "learn.loading.learning.sequence": "Lernsequenz wird geladen...", + "learn.sequence.no.content": "Hier gibt es keinen Inhalt.", + "learn.sequence.navigation.next.button": "Weiter", + "learn.sequence.navigation.next.up.button": "Als nächstes: {title}", + "learn.sequence.navigation.previous.button": "Zurück", + "learn.course.sequence.navigation.mobile.menu": "{current} von {total}", + "learn.sequence.share.button": "Teilen Sie diesen Inhalt", + "learn.sequence.share.modal.title": "Titel", + "learn.sequence.share.modal.body": "Kopieren Sie den Link unten, um diesen Inhalt zu teilen.", + "learn.sequence.share.quote": "Hier ist ein lustiger Clip aus einem Kurs, den ich bei @edXonline belege.\n", + "discussions.sidebar.title": "Diskussionen", + "discussions.sidebar.open.button": "Diskussionsablage anzeigen", + "learn.redirect.interstitial.message": "Umleitung...", + "learn.loading.error": "Fehler: {error}", + "learning.celebration.emailBody": "Womit verbringst du deine Zeit mit Lernen?", + "learning.social.shareEmail": "Teilen Sie Ihren Fortschritt per E-Mail.", + "learning.social.shareService": "Teilen Sie Ihren Fortschritt auf {service}.", + "general.altText.close": "Schließen", + "learning.logistration.register": "registrieren", + "learning.logistration.login": "Anmelden", + "general.signIn.sentenceCase": "Anmelden", + "learn.course.tabs.navigation.overflow.menu": "Mehr...", + "learning.offer.screenReaderPrices": "Originalpreis: {originalPrice}, Rabattpreis: {discountedPrice}", + "learning.upgradeButton.screenReaderInlinePrices": "Originalpreis: {originalPrice}", + "learning.upgradeButton.buttonText": "Upgrade für {pricing}", + "learning.upgradeNowButton.buttonText": "Upgrade jetzt für {pricing}", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationAccessLoss.progress": "einschließlich etwaiger Fortschritte", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationVerifiedCert.benefits": "Vorteile des Upgrades", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationAccessLoss": "Am {date} verlieren Sie jeglichen Zugriff auf diesen Kurs, {includingAnyProgress}.", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationVerifiedCert": "Durch das Upgrade Ihres Kurses können Sie ein verifiziertes Zertifikat erwerben und zahlreiche Funktionen freischalten. Mehr unter {benefitsOfUpgrading}.", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.pastExpiration.content": "Die Upgrade-Frist für diesen Kurs ist abgelaufen. Um ein Upgrade durchzuführen, melden Sie sich für die nächste verfügbare Sitzung an.", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationDays": "{dayCount, number} {dayCount, plural, one {Tag} other {Tage}} übrig", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationHours": "{hourCount, number} {hourCount, plural, one {Stunde} other {Stunden}} übrig", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expirationMinutes": "Weniger als 1 Stunde übrig", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.expiration": "Der Kurszugriff läuft am {date} ab", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.pastExpiration.banner": "Upgrade-Frist am {date} abgelaufen", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.firstTimeLearnerDiscount": "{percentage}% Rabatt für Erstlerner", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.accessExpiration": "Führen Sie noch heute ein Upgrade für Ihren Kurs durch", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.accessExpirationUrgent": "Ablauf des Kurszugriffs", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.accessExpirationPast": "Ablauf des Kurszugriffs", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.pursueAverifiedCertificate": "Streben Sie ein verifiziertes Zertifikat an", + "learning.generic.upgradeNotification.code": "Verwenden Sie den Code {code} an der Kasse", + "learning.generic.upsell.verifiedCertBullet.verifiedCert": "verifiziertes Zertifikat", + "learning.generic.upsell.verifiedCertBullet": "Bekommen Sie ein {verifiedCertLink} für den Abschluss, zur Nutzung in Ihrem Lebenslauf", + "learning.generic.upsell.unlockGradedBullet.gradedAssignments": "benotete Aufgaben", + "learning.generic.upsell.unlockGradedBullet": "Entsperren Sie Ihren Zugang zu allen Kursaktivitäten, einschließlich {gradedAssignmentsInBoldText}", + "learning.generic.upsell.fullAccessBullet.fullAccess": "Voller Zugriff", + "learning.generic.upsell.fullAccessBullet": "{fullAccessInBoldText} auf Kursinhalte und -materialien, auch nach Kursende", + "learning.generic.upsell.supportMissionBullet.mission": "Mission", + "learning.generic.upsell.supportMissionBullet": "Unterstützen Sie unser {missionInBoldText} unter {siteName}", + "masquerade-widget.userName.error.generic": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "masquerade-widget.userName.input.placeholder": "Benutzername oder E-Mail-Adresse", + "masquerade-widget.userName.input.label": "Geben Sie vor, dieser Benutzer zu sein", + "tours.abandonTour.launchTourCheckpoint.body": "Wissen Sie nicht weiter? Die jederzeit verfügbare Tour hilft Ihnen mit einfachen Tipps, das Beste aus Ihrem Lernerlebnis zu machen.", + "tours.sequenceNavigationCheckpoint.body": "Die obere Leiste in Ihrem Kurs erlaubt Ihnen, zu verschiedenen Abschnitten zu springen. Sie zeigt Ihnen auch, was auf Sie zukommt.", + "tours.existingUserTour.launchTourCheckpoint.body": "Wir haben kürzlich die Benutzerführung geändert. Brauchen Sie Hilfe, sich wieder zurecht zu finden? Machen Sie eine Tour, um mehr zu erfahren.", + "tours.button.dismiss": "Tour Beenden", + "tours.button.next": "Weiter", "tours.button.okay": "Okay", - "tours.button.beginTour": "Begin tour", - "tours.button.launchTour": "Launch tour", - "tours.newUserModal.body": "Let’s take a quick tour of {siteName} so you can get the most out of your course.", - "tours.newUserModal.title.welcome": "Welcome to your", - "tours.button.skipForNow": "Skip for now", - "tours.datesCheckpoint.body": "Important dates can help you stay on track.", - "tours.datesCheckpoint.title": "Keep on top of key dates", - "tours.outlineCheckpoint.body": "You can explore sections of the course using the outline below.", - "tours.outlineCheckpoint.title": "Take the course!", - "tours.tabNavigationCheckpoint.body": "These tabs can be used to access other course materials, such as your progress, syllabus, etc.", - "tours.tabNavigationCheckpoint.title": "Additional course resources", - "tours.upgradeCheckpoint.body": "Work towards a certificate and gain full access to course materials. Upgrade now!", - "tours.upgradeCheckpoint.title": "Unlock your course", - "tours.weeklyGoalsCheckpoint.body": "Setting a goal makes you more likely to complete your course.", - "tours.weeklyGoalsCheckpoint.title": "Set a course goal", - "tours.newUserModal.title": "{welcome} {siteName} course!", + "tours.button.beginTour": "Rundgang beginnen", + "tours.button.launchTour": "Rundgang starten", + "tours.newUserModal.body": "Kommen Sie mit auf einen kurzen Rundgang durch {siteName}, damit Sie Ihren Kurs optimal nutzen können.", + "tours.newUserModal.title.welcome": "Willkommen bei Ihrem", + "tours.button.skipForNow": "Jetzt Nicht", + "tours.datesCheckpoint.body": "Wichtige Termine können Ihnen helfen, am Ball zu bleiben.", + "tours.datesCheckpoint.title": "Behalten Sie wichtige Termine im Auge", + "tours.outlineCheckpoint.body": "Sie können Abschnitte des Kurses anhand der folgenden Gliederung erkunden.", + "tours.outlineCheckpoint.title": "Machen Sie den Kurs!", + "tours.tabNavigationCheckpoint.body": "Sie können über diese Registerkarten andere Kursinformationen erreichen, wie z. B. Ihren Fortschritt, Ihren Lehrplan, usw.", + "tours.tabNavigationCheckpoint.title": "Zusätzliches Kursmaterial", + "tours.upgradeCheckpoint.body": "Arbeiten Sie auf ein Zertifikat hin und erhalten Sie vollen Zugriff auf Kursmaterialien. Jetzt upgraden!", + "tours.upgradeCheckpoint.title": "Schalten Sie Ihren Kurs frei", + "tours.weeklyGoalsCheckpoint.body": "Wenn Sie sich ein Ziel setzen, ist es wahrscheinlicher, dass Sie Ihren Kurs abschließen.", + "tours.weeklyGoalsCheckpoint.title": "Legen Sie ein Kursziel fest", + "tours.newUserModal.title": "{welcome} im {siteName} Kurs!", "learning.effortEstimation.combinedEstimate": "{minutes} + {activities}", - "learning.effortEstimation.activities": "{activityCount, plural, one {# activity} other {# activities}}", - "learning.effortEstimation.minutesAbbreviated": "{minuteCount, plural, one {# min} other {# min}}", - "learning.effortEstimation.minutesFull": "{minuteCount, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}", - "learning.streakCelebration.congratulations": "Congratulations!", - "learning.streakCelebration.body": "Keep it up, you’re on a roll!", - "learning.streakCelebration.button": "Keep it up", - "learning.streakCelebration.buttonSrOnly": "Close modal and continue", - "learning.streakCelebration.buttonAA759": "Continue with course", - "learning.streakCelebration.header": "day streak", - "learning.streakCelebration.factoidABoldedSection": "are 20x more likely to pass their course", - "learning.streakCelebration.factoidBBoldedSection": "complete 5x as much course content on average", - "learning.streakCelebration.streakDiscountMessage": "You’ve unlocked a {percent}% off discount when you upgrade this course for a limited time only.", - "learning.streakcelebration.factoida": "Users who learn {streak_length} days in a row {bolded_section} than those who don’t.", - "learning.streakcelebration.factoidb": "Users who learn {streak_length} days in a row {bolded_section} vs. those who don’t.", - "learning.streakCelebration.streakCelebrationCouponEndDateMessage": "Ends {date}.", - "learning.loading.failure": "There was an error loading this course.", - "learning.loading": "Loading course page…" + "learning.effortEstimation.activities": "{activityCount, plural, one {# Aktivität} other {# Aktivitäten}}", + "learning.effortEstimation.minutesAbbreviated": "{minuteCount, plural, one {# Mindest} other {# Minuten}}", + "learning.effortEstimation.minutesFull": "{minuteCount, plural, one {# Minute} other {# Protokoll}}", + "learning.streakCelebration.congratulations": "Glückwunsch!", + "learning.streakCelebration.body": "Weiter so, das läuft ja super!", + "learning.streakCelebration.button": "Weiter so", + "learning.streakCelebration.buttonSrOnly": "Dialogbox schließen und fortfahren", + "learning.streakCelebration.buttonAA759": "Weiter im Kurs", + "learning.streakCelebration.header": "-Tagesserie", + "learning.streakCelebration.factoidABoldedSection": "haben eine 20-mal höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, ihren Kurs zu bestehen", + "learning.streakCelebration.factoidBBoldedSection": "absolvieren durchschnittlich 5x so viele Kursinhalte", + "learning.streakCelebration.streakDiscountMessage": "Sie haben einen Rabatt von {percent} % freigeschaltet, wenn Sie diesen Kurs nur für eine begrenzte Zeit upgraden.", + "learning.streakcelebration.factoida": "Benutzer, die {streak_length} Tage hintereinander {bolded_section} lernen, als diejenigen, die dies nicht tun.", + "learning.streakcelebration.factoidb": "Benutzer, die {streak_length} Tage hintereinander {bolded_section} lernen, im Vergleich zu denen, die dies nicht tun.", + "learning.streakCelebration.streakCelebrationCouponEndDateMessage": "Endet {date}.", + "learning.loading.failure": "Beim Laden dieses Kurses ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", + "learning.loading": "Kursseite wird geladen…" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/fa_IR.json b/src/i18n/messages/fa_IR.json index 7716cb96a9..14b39bdb31 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/fa_IR.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/fa_IR.json @@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.status.error": "خطا", "learning.proctoringPanel.status.otherCourseApproved": "در دوره آموزشی دیگری تایید شد", "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expiringSoon": "به‌زودی منقضی می‌شود", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expired": "منقضی‌شده", "learning.proctoringPanel.status": "وضعیت ورودی جاری:", "learning.proctoringPanel.message.notStarted": "شما آزمون ورودی خود را آغاز نموده‌اید.", "learning.proctoringPanel.message.started": "شما امتحان آزمایشی خود را آغاز کرده‌اید.", @@ -103,7 +104,8 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.message.error": "خطایی در طول آزمون آزمایشی شما رخ داده است. لطفاً این آزمون را دوباره امتحان کنید.", "learning.proctoringPanel.message.otherCourseApproved": "آزمون آزمایشی شما در دوره آموزشی دیگری تایید شده است.", "learning.proctoringPanel.detail.otherCourseApproved": "اگر دستگاه شما تغییر کرده است، توصیه می‌کنیم که امتحان داخلی این دوره را تکمیل کنید تا مطمئن شوید که راه‌اندازی شما همچنان با الزامات پیش‌بینی شده تطابق دارد.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "پرونده شخصی آزمایشی شما در دوره آموزشی دیگری تایید شده است. با این حال، وضعیت آزمایشی شما به‌زودی منقضی می‌شود. لطفاً دوباره پرونده را تکمیل کنید تا مطمئن شوید که می‌توانید آزمون‌های حفاظت‌شده را ادامه دهید.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "پرونده شخصی ورود شما تایید شد. اما به‌زودی منقضی می‌شود. لطفاً گام های ورود به سامانه را تکمیل کنید تا مطمئن شوید که می‌توانید آزمون‌های همراه با نظارت را ادامه دهید.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expired": "وضعیت ورود شما منقضی شده‌است. لطفاً برای ادامه شرکت در آزمون‌های حفاظت‌شده، ورود را مجددا تکمیل کنید.", "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfo": "شما باید پیش از شرکت در هر آزمون آزمایشی، فرآیند حفاظت را تکمیل کنید.", "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfoSubmitted": "پرونده شخصی ارسالی شما در حال بررسی است.", "learning.proctoringPanel.generalTime": "بررسی پرونده ورودی ممکن است 2+ روز کاری طول بکشد.", @@ -112,7 +114,8 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonNotOpen": "آزمایش باز می‌شود: {releaseDate}", "learning.proctoringPanel.reviewRequirementsButton": "دستورالعمل‌ها و سامانه مورد نیاز را بررسی کنید", "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "ورودی تاریخ گذشته", - "learning.outline.sequence-due": "سررسید {description} {assignmentDue}", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-set": "{description} due {assignmentDue}", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-not-set": "{description}", "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedBody": "برای تهیه گواهی، باید تأیید هویت را تکمیل کنید. {idVerificationSupportLink}.", "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableBody": "امروز موفقیت خود را در لینکدین یا رزومه خود به نمایش بگذارید. اکنون می‌توانید گواهی خود را بارگیری کنید و هر زمان که بخواهید از پیشخوان و پرونده شخصر خود به آن دسترسی داشته باشید.", "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "نمرات نهایی و همه گواهی‌های کسب‌شده قرار است پس از {endDate} در دسترس باشند.", @@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ "notification.tray.title": "اعلان‌ها", "notification.tray.no.message": "اکنون هیچ اعلان جدیدی ندارید.", "learn.contentLock.content.locked": "محتوا قفل‌‌شده", - "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "برای دسترسی به این محتوا باید پیش‌نیاز \"{prereqSectionName}\" را تکمیل کنید.", + "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "برای دسترسی به این محتوا لازم است پیش‌نیاز \"{prereqSectionName}\" را تکمیل کنید.", "learn.contentLock.goToSection": "به بخش پیش‌نیاز بروید", "learn.hiddenAfterDue.gradeAvailable": "اگر این تکلیف را انجام داده‌اید، نمره شما در {progressPage} است.", "learn.hiddenAfterDue.header": "موعد ارائۀ این تکلیف گذشته است.", @@ -359,6 +362,10 @@ "learn.sequence.navigation.next.up.button": "بعدی: {title}", "learn.sequence.navigation.previous.button": "قبلی", "learn.course.sequence.navigation.mobile.menu": "{current} از {total}", + "learn.sequence.share.button": "Share this content", + "learn.sequence.share.modal.title": "Title", + "learn.sequence.share.modal.body": "Copy the link below to share this content.", + "learn.sequence.share.quote": "Here's a fun clip from a class I'm taking on @edXonline.\n", "discussions.sidebar.title": "گفتگوها", "discussions.sidebar.open.button": "نمایش توالی گفتگو", "learn.redirect.interstitial.message": "انتقال...", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json index 94f6ac5b7d..9d925645d3 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json @@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonNotOpen": "L'onboarding si apre il: {releaseDate}", "learning.proctoringPanel.reviewRequirementsButton": "Esamina istruzioni e requisiti di sistema ", "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "Onboarding scaduto", - "learning.outline.sequence-due": "Scadenza {description} {assignmentDue}", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-set": "{description} due {assignmentDue}", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-not-set": "{description}", "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedBody": "Per generare un certificato, è necessario completare la verifica dell'identità. {idVerificationSupportLink}.", "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableBody": "Mostra i tuoi risultati su LinkedIn o il tuo curriculum oggi. Puoi scaricare ora il tuo certificato e accedervi in qualsiasi momento dalla dashboard e dal profilo.", "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "I voti finali e tutti i certificati ottenuti saranno disponibili dopo {endDate}.", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json index 68f24d694e..b1367c156d 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ "learning.accessExpiration.body": "Perde todo o acesso a este curso, incluindo o seu progresso, em {date}.", "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasExpired": "Este aluno já não tem acesso a este curso. O acesso dele expirou em {date}.", "learning.accessExpiration.upgradeNow": "Atualize agora", - "learning.activeEnterprise.alert": " {changeActiveEnterprise}.", - "learning.activeEnterprise.change.alert": "change enterprise now", + "learning.activeEnterprise.alert": "{changeActiveEnterprise}.", + "learning.activeEnterprise.change.alert": "mudar de empresa agora", "learning.outline.alert.start.short": "O curso começa daqui a {timeRemaining} às {courseStartTime}.", "learning.outline.alert.end.long": "Este curso termina em {timeRemaining} em {courseEndDate}.", "learning.outline.alert.end.calendar": "Não se esqueça de adicionar um lembrete no calendário!", @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.status.error": "Erro", "learning.proctoringPanel.status.otherCourseApproved": "Aprovado Noutro Curso", "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expiringSoon": "Expira em Breve", - "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expired": "Expired", + "learning.proctoringPanel.status.expired": "Expirado", "learning.proctoringPanel.status": "Situação Actual de Admissão:", "learning.proctoringPanel.message.notStarted": "Ainda não começou o seu exame de admissão.", "learning.proctoringPanel.message.started": "Começou o seu exame de admissão.", @@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.message.error": "Ocorreu um erro durante o seu exame de admissão. Por favor, tente de novo a admissão.", "learning.proctoringPanel.message.otherCourseApproved": "O seu exame de admissão foi aprovado noutro curso.", "learning.proctoringPanel.detail.otherCourseApproved": "Se o seu dispositivo tiver mudado, recomendamos que complete o exame de admissão deste curso a fim de garantir que a sua configuração ainda cumpre os requisitos para o exame vigiado.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "Your onboarding profile has been approved. However, your onboarding status is expiring soon. Please complete onboarding again to ensure that you will be able to continue taking proctored exams.", - "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expired": "Your onboarding status has expired. Please complete onboarding again to continue taking proctored exams.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expiringSoon": "O seu perfil de bordo foi aprovado. No entanto, o seu estatuto de bordo expira em breve. Por favor, complete novamente o embarque para se assegurar de que poderá continuar a fazer exames supervisionados.", + "learning.proctoringPanel.message.expired": "O seu estatuto de embarque expirou. Por favor, complete novamente o embarque para continuar a fazer exames de supervisionados.", "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfo": "Deve completar o processo de admissão antes de fazer qualquer exame vigiado. ", "learning.proctoringPanel.generalInfoSubmitted": "O perfil submetido está em revisão.", "learning.proctoringPanel.generalTime": "A revisão do perfil de admissão pode demorar mais de 2 dias úteis.", @@ -113,8 +113,9 @@ "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingPracticeButton": "Ver Exame de Admissão", "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonNotOpen": "Admissão Abre: {releaseDate}", "learning.proctoringPanel.reviewRequirementsButton": "Rever instruções e requisitos do sistema", - "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "Onboarding Past Due", - "learning.outline.sequence-due": "{description} previsto {assignmentDue}", + "learning.proctoringPanel.onboardingButtonPastDue": "Integração vencida", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-set": "{description} previsto {assignmentDue}", + "learning.outline.sequence-due-date-not-set": "{description}", "progress.certificateStatus.unverifiedBody": "A fim de obter um certificado, deve completar a verificação da sua identificação. {idVerificationSupportLink}.", "progress.certificateStatus.downloadableBody": "Mostre hoje o seu sucesso no LinkedIn ou no seu currículo. Pode descarregar agora o seu certificado e aceder ao mesmo em qualquer altura a partir do seu Painel de controlo e Perfil.", "courseCelebration.certificateBody.notAvailable.endDate": "As notas finais e quaisquer certificados obtidos estão programados para estarem disponíveis após {endDate}.", @@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ "progress.creditInformation.verificationFailed": "Falha na verificação", "progress.creditInformation.verificationSubmitted": "Verificação submetida", "progress.ungradedAlert": "Para progredir em domínios não avaliados do curso, veja o seu {outlineLink}.", - "progress.footnotes.droppableAssignments": "The lowest {numDroppable, plural, one{# {assignmentType} score is} other{# {assignmentType} scores are}} dropped.", + "progress.footnotes.droppableAssignments": "A pontuação mais baixa {numDroppable, plural, one{# {assignmentType} pontuação é} other{# {assignmentType} pontuação é}} caída/removida.", "progress.assignmentType": "Tipo de tarefa", "progress.footnotes.backToContent": "Voltar ao índice", "progress.courseGrade.body": "Isto representa a sua nota ponderada em relação à nota necessária para passar neste curso.", @@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ "learning.celebration.emailSubject": "Estou a caminho de completar {title} online com {platform}!", "learning.celebration.forward": "Continuar", "learning.celebration.goalMet": "Atingiu o seu objetivo!", - "learning.celebration.keepItUp": "Keep it up", + "learning.celebration.keepItUp": "Continue assim", "learning.celebration.share": "Tire um momento para festejar e partilhar os seus progressos.", "learning.celebration.social": "Estou a caminho de completar {title} online com {platform}. O que aprendes no tempo que tens?", "learning.celebration.goalCongrats": "Parabéns, atingiu o seu objetivo de aprendizagem de {nTimes} por semana.", @@ -328,14 +329,14 @@ "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.terms.zero": "Nenhum termo", "learn.course.license.creativeCommons.text": "Alguns Direitos Reservados", "learn.breadcrumb.navigation.course.home": "Curso", - "notification.tray.container": "Notification tray", - "notification.open.button": "Show notification tray", - "notification.close.button": "Close notification tray", + "notification.tray.container": "Tabuleiro de notificações", + "notification.open.button": "Mostrar tabuleiro de notificações", + "notification.close.button": "Fechar tabuleiro de notificações", "responsive.close.notification": "Voltar ao curso", "notification.tray.title": "Notificações", "notification.tray.no.message": "Neste momento, não tem novas notificações.", "learn.contentLock.content.locked": "Conteúdo Bloqueado", - "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "You must complete the prerequisite: ''{prereqSectionName}'' to access this content.", + "learn.contentLock.complete.prerequisite": "É necessário completar o pré-requisito: ''{prereqSectionName}'' para aceder a este conteúdo.", "learn.contentLock.goToSection": "Ir para a Secção de Pré-requisitos", "learn.hiddenAfterDue.gradeAvailable": "Se completou esta tarefa, a sua classificação está disponível em {progressPage}.", "learn.hiddenAfterDue.header": "O prazo limite para esta tarefa acabou.", @@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ "learn.lockPaywall.courseDetails": "Ver Detalhes do Curso", "learn.lockPaywall.example.alt": "Certificado de Exemplo", "learn.lockPaywall.list.intro": "Quando actualiza, você:", - "learn.header.h2.placeholder": "Level 2 headings may be created by course providers in the future.", + "learn.header.h2.placeholder": "As rubricas de nível 2 podem ser criadas por fornecedores de cursos no futuro.", "learn.course.load.failure": "Houve um erro ao carregar este curso.", "learn.loading.honor.codk": "Carregando mensagem de código de honra...", "learn.loading.content.lock": "Carregando mensagens com conteúdo bloqueado...", @@ -361,12 +362,12 @@ "learn.sequence.navigation.next.up.button": "Próximo: {title}", "learn.sequence.navigation.previous.button": "Anterior", "learn.course.sequence.navigation.mobile.menu": "{current} de {total}", - "learn.sequence.share.button": "Share this content", - "learn.sequence.share.modal.title": "Title", - "learn.sequence.share.modal.body": "Copy the link below to share this content.", - "learn.sequence.share.quote": "Here's a fun clip from a class I'm taking on @edXonline.\n", + "learn.sequence.share.button": "Partilhar este conteúdo", + "learn.sequence.share.modal.title": "Título", + "learn.sequence.share.modal.body": "Copie o link abaixo para partilhar este conteúdo.", + "learn.sequence.share.quote": "Aqui está um clipe divertido de uma aula que estou a assumir @edXonline.\n", "discussions.sidebar.title": "Debates", - "discussions.sidebar.open.button": "Show discussions tray", + "discussions.sidebar.open.button": "Mostrar tabuleiro de discussão", "learn.redirect.interstitial.message": "A redireccionar...", "learn.loading.error": "Erro: {error}", "learning.celebration.emailBody": "O que aprendes no tempo que tens?", diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json index ab33f66b35..959607e69e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "learning.accessExpiration.deadline": "Upgrade by {date} to get unlimited access to the course as long as it exists on the site.", - "learning.accessExpiration.header": "Audit Access Expires {date}", - "learning.accessExpiration.body": "You lose all access to this course, including your progress, on {date}.", + "learning.accessExpiration.deadline": "Оновіть курс до {date}, щоб отримати необмежений доступ до нього, поки він існує на сайті.", + "learning.accessExpiration.header": "Термін дії аудит доступу до курсу закінчується {date}", + "learning.accessExpiration.body": "Ви втратите весь доступ до цього курсу, включно з вашим прогресом, з {date}.", "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasExpired": "This learner no longer has access to this course. Their access expired on {date}.", - "learning.accessExpiration.upgradeNow": "Upgrade now", + "learning.accessExpiration.upgradeNow": "Оновити зараз", "learning.activeEnterprise.alert": " {changeActiveEnterprise}.", "learning.activeEnterprise.change.alert": "change enterprise now", "learning.outline.alert.start.short": "Course starts {timeRemaining} at {courseStartTime}.", "learning.outline.alert.end.long": "This course is ending {timeRemaining} on {courseEndDate}.", - "learning.outline.alert.end.calendar": "Don’t forget to add a calendar reminder!", + "learning.outline.alert.end.calendar": "Не забудьте додати нагадування в календар!", "instructorToolbar.pageBanner.courseHasNotStarted": "This learner does not yet have access to this course. The course starts on {date}.", "learning.enrollment.alert": "You must be enrolled in the course to see course content.", "learning.staff.enrollment.alert": "You are viewing this course as staff, and are not enrolled.", "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Inline": "Enroll now", "learning.enrollment.enrollNow.Sentence": "Enroll now.", "learning.enrollment.success": "You've successfully enrolled in this course!", - "account-activation.alert.button": "Continue to {siteName}", + "account-activation.alert.button": "Перейти до {siteName}", "account-activation.alert.message": "We sent an email to {boldEmail} with a link to activate your account. Can’t find it? Check your spam folder or\n {sendEmailTag}.", "account-activation.resend.link": "resend the email", "learning.logistration.alert": "To see course content, {signIn} or {register}.", @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "learning.dates.badge.today": "Today", "learning.dates.badge.unreleased": "Not yet released", "learning.dates.badge.verifiedOnly": "Verified only", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.contact": "contact support", - "learning.goals.unsubscribe.description": "You will no longer receive email reminders about your goal for {courseTitle}.", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.contact": "звернутися до служби підтримки", + "learning.goals.unsubscribe.description": "Ви більше не будете отримувати нагадування про вашу мету для {courseTitle}.", "learning.goals.unsubscribe.errorHeader": "Something went wrong", "learning.goals.unsubscribe.goToDashboard": "Go to dashboard", "learning.goals.unsubscribe.header": "You’ve unsubscribed from goal reminders",