issues Search Results · repo:openknowledgenp/election-nepal language:CSS
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inopenknowledgenp/election-nepal (press backspace or delete to remove)I had added a couple of result datasets under Results categories but while filtering it doesn t show. Others categories
filter work fine, there is S missing, is that causing a problem.
- 2
- Opened on May 22, 2017
- #56
I have scrapped the election result from the election.comission website but it is in json so we may have to convert it
into csv to display on the site.
- 2
- Opened on May 19, 2017
- #55
Does the webhosting support custom ssl?
As a supporter of SSL Everywhere, I would like to recommend using letsencrypt to get the free ssl certificate.
Also @nikeshbalami if we have email ...
- 1
- Opened on May 4, 2017
- #51
The faster we do, better it would be because only limited data sets are pushed till now and can be editable. Later it
can be difficult as data sets increases.
- Province Wies (1,2....7)
- Voters
- Opened on May 4, 2017
- #50
Displaying all datasets at one page kinda looks a mess and would be more difficult once datasets start increasing. How
about displaying it with page no, and displaying only limited numbers of datasets. ...
- Opened on May 4, 2017
- #49
I want to point out to this news post. containing the list of candidates.
I was unable to find the list of candidates from the official source but we should ...
- 8
- Opened on May 3, 2017
- #48
Let s add FAQ page so that we can make users clear about how Portal works, how they can use Data and contribute. Until
now many are confused about how to contribute.
- 2
- Opened on Apr 29, 2017
- #44
Dataset preview is not compatible for big datasets, how about removing Both Recent from sidebar while previewing.
screen shot 2017-04-25 at 8 11 57 pm
- 2
- Opened on Apr 25, 2017
- #42
- [x] Introduce newcomers to parts they can contribute
- [x] Include the guidelines: issues, PR, branches
- [x] Introduce label Help Wanted. It means these issues are specifically open for external ...
- Opened on Apr 25, 2017
- #41
Google Page Speed Insights suggests we can get upto 400KB reduced by optimizing images.
- 4
- Opened on Apr 25, 2017
- #40

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