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Service JIRA

cintiadr edited this page Oct 23, 2016 · 15 revisions


  • Staging: djoum/XSEDE
  • Production: batouri/XSEDE

Description of the service

Issue tracker.

How to access it

How to restart it

sudo service jira restart

Logs location

sudo su -
su - jira
tail -f /opt/jira/logs/catalina.out
tail -f /opt/jira-data/logs/atlassian*.log

#Backup Jira using the GUI

Create a maintenance outage in and announce the outage in talk.

sudo su -
su - jira
vim /opt/jira/conf/
Jira needs at least this much JVM to successfully run the GUI xml backup.
vim /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml #and look for this line <Context path="" docBase="${catalina.home}/atlassian-jira" reloadable="false" useHttpOnly="true">
change path="" to path="/jira" #this will make sure nobody can access jira and only you can.

After jira starts again, go to and log-in go to Systems in the wrench on the right and log-in once again. Look for backup on the left and click on it. use filename "jira-backup-YYYY-MM-DD" and click backup. you can tail the logs to see how it goes but, the GUI does not give you a status, so you will have to watch it until its done. once its done you will need to change the JVM to the original values and change PATH="" and restart jira.

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