Adding Input RS to your Leptos project is simple:
Make sure your project is set up with Leptos. Refer to their Getting Started Guide for setup instructions.
to your dependencies:cargo add input-rs --features=lep
Import the
component into your Leptos component and start using it in your app.
Incorporating the Input
component into your Leptos application is easy. Follow these steps:
Import the
component into your Leptos project:use leptos::{prelude::*, *}; use input_rs::leptos::Input; use regex::Regex;
Use the
component within your Leptos application:use leptos::{prelude::*, *}; use input_rs::leptos::Input; use regex::Regex; fn validate_input(value: String) -> bool { !value.trim().is_empty() } #[component] pub fn app() -> impl IntoView { let error_handle = signal(String::default()); let error = error_handle.0.get(); let email_valid_handle = signal(true); let email_valid = email_valid_handle.0.get(); let password_valid_handle = signal(true); let password_valid = password_valid_handle.0.get(); let email_handle = signal(String::default()); let email = email_handle.0.get(); let password_handle = signal(String::default()); let password = password_handle.0.get(); let onsubmit = move |ev: leptos::ev::SubmitEvent| { ev.prevent_default(); let email_ref = email.clone(); let password_ref = password.clone(); let error_handle = error_handle.clone(); // Custom logic for your endpoint goes here }; view! { <div class="form-one-content" role="main" aria-label="Sign In Form"> <div class="text"> <h2>{"Sign In"}</h2> { move || if !error.is_empty() { Some(view! {<div class="error">error</div>}) } else {None} } </div> <form on:submit={onsubmit}> <Input r#type="text" handle={email_handle} name="email" label="Email" placeholder="Email" input_class="form-one-field" field_class="form-one-field" error_class="error-txt" required=true valid_handle={email_valid_handle} validate_function={validate_input} error_message="Enter a valid email address" /> <Input r#type="password" handle={password_handle} name="password" label="Password" placeholder="Password" input_class="form-one-field" field_class="form-one-field" error_class="error-txt" required=true valid_handle={password_valid_handle} validate_function={validate_input} error_message="Password can't be blank!" eye_active="fa fa-eye" eye_disabled="fa fa-eye-slash" /> <div class="form-one-forgot-pass"> <a href="#">{"Forgot Password?"}</a> </div> <button type="submit">{"Sign in"}</button> <div class="sign-up"> {"Not a member?"} <a href="#">{"Sign up now"}</a> </div> </form> </div> } }
Property | Type | Description | Default |
r#type |
&'static str |
The type of the input element (e.g., text , password ). |
"text" |
handle |
(ReadSignal<String>, WriteSignal<String>) |
State handle for managing the value of the input. | "" |
valid_handle |
(ReadSignal<bool>, WriteSignal<bool>) |
State handle for managing the validity state of the input. | "" |
validate_function |
fn(String) -> bool |
Callback function to validate the input value. | "" |
error_message |
&'static str |
Error message displayed when the input is invalid. | "" |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
id |
&'static str |
The ID attribute of the input element. | "" |
aria_label |
&'static str |
The aria-label for screen readers. | "" |
aria_required |
&'static str |
Indicates whether the input is required. | "true" |
aria_invalid |
&'static str |
Indicates whether the input value is invalid. | "true" |
aria_describedby |
&'static str |
Describes the input element's error message for screen readers. | "" |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
class |
&'static str |
The CSS class for the container element of the input. | "" |
input_class |
&'static str |
The CSS class for the inner input element. | "" |
field_class |
&'static str |
The CSS class for the input field. | "" |
label_class |
&'static str |
The CSS class for the label element. | "" |
error_class |
&'static str |
The CSS class for the error message container. | "" |
icon_class |
&'static str |
The CSS class for the icon element (for password visibility toggle). | "" |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
eye_active |
&'static str |
The icon used when the password is visible. | "fa fa-eye" |
eye_disabled |
&'static str |
The icon used when the password is not visible. | "fa fa-eye-slash" |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
placeholder |
&'static str |
The placeholder text displayed in the input element. | "" |
required |
bool |
Specifies whether the input is required or not. | false |
disabled |
bool |
Disables the input when true. | false |
readonly |
bool |
Makes the input read-only when true. | false |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
size |
Option<u32> |
The size of the input element (character width). | None |
maxlength |
Option<usize> |
The maximum number of characters allowed in the input. | None |
pattern |
&'static str |
Regex pattern for input validation. | ".*" |
minlength |
Option<usize> |
The minimum length of the input value. | None |
multiple |
bool |
Whether multiple values are allowed (for file or email inputs). | false |
Property | Type | Description | Default |
onchange |
Callback<String> |
Callback triggered when the input value changes. | No-op |
- The
component can be used for various input types like text, password, etc. - You can bind the component to state hooks for two-way data binding.
- Utilize
to validate user input and display error messages. - The
props allow for password visibility toggling with FontAwesome icons. - Customize the appearance with CSS classes for better integration into your app's design.