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Audio Scheduler VM

Travis CI Codecov CDNJS npm

asm-vm is a light-weight virtual machine that executes a very simple language, that captures some essential concepts for a musical live coding context, such as playing notes and looping patterns. It is intentionally limited to make it fairly easy to learn, yet also intentionally designed to make it possible to express a wide variety of ideas.

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Idea and code by @grrrwaaa, extracted from:

Currently it works with the aswesome Gibberish by @charlieroberts


The current distribution is 13Kb minified and 4.5Kb minified and gzipped.


Via npm: npm i -S ash-vm or with yarn: yarn add ash-vm


import * as AshVM from "ash-vm"


const AshVM = require("ash-vm")


You can use the ash-vm.js file. Here's an example of use with Gibberish:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const vm = AshVM.initGibberish(Gibberish)["@loop", [440, "freq", "@set", "@pluck", 0.5, "@wait"]])


AshVM can be used with different audio libraries:

Web Audio API

You can use the Web Audio API directly, but you have to add your own sounds:

// ES5
const AshVM = require("ash-vm")
// ES6
import * as AshVM from "ash-vm"

const vm = AshVM.initWebAudio(new AudioContext(), { bpm: 120 })
// create your own voices
  "bass": (ctx, when) => {
    const freq = ctx.get("freq")
    const amp = ctx.get("amp")


AshVM is originally developed to use [Gibberish]. It comes with nice sounding instruments:

import * as AshVM from "ash-vm"
import * as Gibberish from "gibberish-dsp"
const vm = AshVM.initGibberish(Gibberish, { bpm: 100 })


initGibberish(Gibberish, options?) → vm

initWebAudio(audioContext, options?) → vm

The initXXX function receives an audio driver and returns a virtual machine:

const Gibberish = require("gibberish-dsp")
const AshVM = require("ash-vm")
const vm = AshVM.initGibberish(Gibberish, { bpm: 100 })

It accepts an optional object with one or more of the following parameters:

  • bpm: the initial tempo. It uses 120 by default.
  • random: a random function. It uses Math.random by default., sync = true) → proc

Run a program. If sync is true, the program will start in the next beat.

const notes = [60, 62, 64, 78, 98, 100]["@loop", ["@pick", notes, "@mtof", "freq", "@set", "@pluck"]])


You can extend the instruction set by adding commands. You can, for example, add more instruments:

const bang = new Gibberish.FMSynth({ cmRatio:5, index:3 }).connect()
  "@bang!": ({ context }) => bang.note(context.get("freq"))
})["@loop", ["@bang!", 1, "@wait"]])


You can extend the instruments by adding instruments. An instrument is a function that receives a Context and trigger a sound:

const synth = Gibberish.Monosynth().connect()

  "synth": (ctx) => {
    synth.freq = ctx.get("freq")

Examples, docs and source code

Language reference


Name Description Example
@+, @add Add two values [1, 2, "@+"]
@-, @sub Subtract two values [2, 1, "@-"]
@*, @mul Multiply two values [2, 4, "@*"]
@/, @div Divide two values [4, 2, "@*"]
@%, @wrap Modulo for positive and negative numbers [4, -2, "@%"]
@mod Standard modulo operation [4, 2, "@mod"]
@neg The negative of a value [4, "@neg"]


Name Description Example
@cond Conditional execution condition, "@cond", executed-if-true, executed-if-false
@> a > b a, b, "@>"
@>= a >= b a, b, "@>="
@< a < b a, b, "@<"
@<= a <= b a, b, "@<="
@== a == b a, b, "@=="
@!= a != b a, b, "@!="
@!, @!not not a a, "@not"
@&, @and a and b a, b, "@and"
@or a or b a, b, "@or"

Start and stop processes

Name Description Example
@fork Fork @fork, [0.5, "@wait", "@kick"]
@spawn Spawn "melody", "@spawn", [0.5, "@wait", "@kick"]
@stop Stop current process @stop
@stop-all Stop all processes @stop-all


Every process has a context, a time and rate.

Name Description Example
@let Assign a value to the local context 10,"repetitions",@let
@set Assign a value to the global context 10,"parts",@set
@get Push the value of a variable into the stack "repetitions",@get

Time and tempo

Name Description Example
@wait Wait an amount of time (in beats) 1,@wait
@sync Wait until next beat @sync
@scale-rate Scale the time rate by a factor 1.5, "@scale-rate"
@set-bpm Set the global tempo in beats per minute 120, "@set-bpm"
@scale-tempo Scale the global tempo by a factor 0.75, "@scale-tempo"

Execution and repetition

Name Description Example
@execute Execute an instruction 10,"dup","@execute"
@dup Duplicate item (so you can use it twice) 10,@dup
@repeat Repeat 4, "@repeat", ["@kick", 0.5, "@wait"]
@forever Repeat forever "@forever", ["@kick", 0.5, "@wait"]

Iteration and lists

Name Description Example
@iter Iterate a pattern [["@iter", [0.3, 1]], "amp", "@set"]
@rotate Rotate a pattern 3, "@rotate", [1, 2, 3, 4]


Name Description Example
@random, @rand Generate a random number between 0 and 1 ["@random", "amp", "@set"]
@srandom, @srand Generate a random number between -1 and 1 ["@srandom", "phase", "@set"]
@randi Generate a random integer between 0 and n [60, "@randi", "midi", "@set"]
@pick Pick a random element from a list ["@pick", [1, 2, 3, 4]]
@chance Probabilistic execution probability, "@chance", executed-if-true, executed-if-false
@shuffle Shuffle a list "@shuffle", [1, 2, 3]

Playing sounds

Name Description Example
@play-note Trigger a note with params { inst: "pluck", amp: 0.5}, "@note-params"
@play Trigger a note "@note"


Name Description Example
@print Print the last value of the stack 10,"@print"
@log Log the name with the last value of the stack "@random", "amp", "@log"

Contribute & development

You need node and npm installed. Yarn recommended.

  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies: yarn or npm install
  3. Run tests: npm test
  4. Make changes
  5. Create a pull request


MIT License