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Amsterdam UMC Netherlands

ambki ambki
Data Steward Bioinformatician Data Scientist Biomedical Sciences Posdoctoral researcher Molecular biologist
Michael de Kok MikedeKokkie
Dedicated bioinformatician at the dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology / Microscopy & Cytometry Core Facility of Amsterdam University Medical Centres.

Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology Amsterdam UMC

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Rudolf J schnetlerr
Research Data Laboratory Lead

Townsville University Hospital and Health Service

Torec Luik TorecLuik
Working on Machine Learning, Software Development, Software Architecture and DevOps at the Core Facility for Cellular Imaging of the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC

Core facility - Cellular Imaging, Amsterdam UMC @NL-BioImaging Amsterdam

AlexZ33 NanJing

Daoud daoud-sie

Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sam Langton langtonhugh
Research software consultant at the Amsterdam University Medical Center.


Maotong SUN smt970913
Ph.D. candidate at the Technical University of Munich.

Technical University of Munich Heilbronn, Germany 74076

Sebastian van der Voort Svdvoort
Assistant professor of federated learning at the medical informatics department of Amsterdam UMC (@AmsterdamUMC)


Hanne Oberman hanneoberman
PhD candidate in Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

@amices @utrechtuniversity Utrecht, The Netherlands

Shannon Dickson shandickson
PhD Candidate Erasmus MC

Erasmus MC Rotterdam

Daniel Anadria danadria
PhD Candidate in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Utrecht University Netherlands

Carlos Vargas carlosvargas9103
Python | Social Impact | Web
Ronald Cornet ronaldcornet

Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam

Jorn Sangers JornSangers

Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam

Rudolf J rudolfjs
🥼Data Laboratory Lead 🔬Research Fellow 📚 HDR @ The University of Queensland
Paul Groot pfcgroot

Amsterdam UMC - locatie AMC Amsterdam

GuYu Zhang zhangguyu
University Student

Medical University student

Jacqueline Isabel Bereska JackieBereska
PhD candidate @AmsterdamUMC --- Researching and Coding for @PHAIR-Consortium

PHAIR-Amsterdam Amsterdam

Mary M Lucas marymlucas
Health AI, wrangling all the things. Doctoral candidate at Drexel University College of Computing & Informatics.

Drexel University Philadelphia, PA