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El Memo de Mileto Memo1986
Especialista en análisis espacial, Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y lenguajes de programación en estudios geográficos - ambientales.


Tung N tungttnguyen
PhD Civil Engineering (Washington State University) | MSc Hydrology and Water Quality (Wageningen University)


Berkeley Berrett berkeleyberrett
Undergraduate Civil Engineering Student studying at Brigham Young University.
Scott Sheeder ssheeder
I am a water resources engineer by training. I write computer software for environmental applications. I write software in C#, Python, and occasionally Fortran.
Santosh S. Palmate santoshpalmate

Texas A&M AgriLife Research El Paso, TX

Dimitris Kalogeras dkalog

Institute of Computer and Communication Systems Athens, Greece

Amin Shakya mn5hk

ITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands

This is the SERVIR Science Coordination Office Geospatial IT Team account


Arpita Patel arpita0911patel
DevOps Manager and Enterprise Architect

@AlabamaWaterInstitute @CIROH-UA Tuscaloosa, AL

Josh Ogden J-Ogden99
Pursuing BS Civil Engineering - Water Resources, Brigham Young University. Interests: GIS, Web Dev, Data Science, Hydrologic Modelling, Travel Demand Modelling

@AE2S-OPTX , @BYU-Hydroinformatics Salt Lake Metropolitan Area, Utah, USA

Roja Najafi RojaNajafi
PhD student at the UofSC

Columbia, South Carolina

Amin Aghababaei Aghababaei
PhD student at BYU

United States

Simone H. Kanzawa Simonehk
BSc in Geology. I'm learning to think critically about Science, Technology, and Society.
Nolan Townsend nolantownsend
Water Resources, Climate, and Hydrology
Ricky Rosas RickytheGuy
Research assistant at BYU's Hydroinformatics Lab. Civil Engineer, Computer Science. Python, C++, data science.

Provo, UT

Fernando Aristizabal fernando-aristizabal
Scientist experimenting with remote sensing, machine learning, partial differential equations, flood inundation mapping, and geospatial sciences.

ERT Florida, USA

Tim Cera timcera
Florida Professional Engineer working in water resources. I program to support data analysis and model simulations.
OuyangWenyu OuyangWenyu

Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China

Ph.D. student @ Technion

Tel Aviv

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X