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Charles Cianos (Charlie) ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Working Class, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

Hagginwood, Sacramento, CA


Seoul, Korea

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

2020-12-23 start

Tmax Tibero

Asad Ali asadali48
I am a data enthusiast working through ways from the ground up and building strong technical skills which are demanded in the industries today.

@bitnine-oss Pakistan

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


윤진영, Yun Jinyoung sansonyeo
[아마도 잡다한 저장소?!] 즐겨찾는 랭귀지 : C#, Javascript?! | 즐겨찾는 DBMS : MS-SQL?! | 관심 가져볼려고 하는 : 몽고db, GoLang?! | 닥치고 산악애호가?!

Seoul, Republic of Korea

DaeHyun Sung studioego
LibreOffice,GNU,KDE,GNOME, etc, Korean Open Source Contributor,Translator. My Mother tongue is Korean(한국어)My hobby's Learning Languages(English,漢語/汉语,日本語)

Lablup Inc. Seoul[서울,ソウル,首爾,首尔], Korea(Republic of Korea).

Haeun Ko hekoh99
Haeun Ko

Toronto, Canada

Hyung-Gyu Ryoo hgryoo
Open-source software developer interested in DBMS, 3D GIS and Geo-spatial intelligence

@CUBRID Seoul, South Korea

Peter Kim peterkim63

Phnom Voar Software Kep, Cambodia


@CUBRID Seoul/Korea

Song won-ryong swi0110

@CUBRID Seoul, South Korea